13 research outputs found

    Phytochemical evaluation of white (Morus alba L.) and black (Morus nigra L.) mulberry fruits, a starting point for the assessment of their beneficial properties

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    Abstract This study evaluated, for the first time, the phenolic content of white ( Morus alba ) and black mulberry ( Morus nigra ) fruits with proven market aptitudes and grown in Spain, one of the main European producers. The antioxidant activity and mineral composition of these promising berry fruits were also assessed. Black mulberry clones showed higher antioxidant activity and amounts of phenolic compounds than white mulberry clones, although a wide intra-species variability was noted, according to principal component analysis. The total anthocyanins varied significantly among clones of M. nigra . These results are keys for the design of future dietary intervention studies examining the role of mulberry fruits in disease risk reduction. They can also be used for the development of mulberry derived-products rich in phenolic compounds

    (Poly)phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of white (Morus alba) and black (Morus nigra) mulberry leaves: Their potential for new products rich in phytochemicals

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    Abstract The (poly)phenolic fingerprint and antioxidant activities of the leaves of white and black mulberry clones grown in Spain, one of the main European producers, were evaluated for the first time in order to examine their phytochemical potential. Data showed that mulberry leaves are rich in caffeoylquinic acids (6.8–8.5 mg/g dw) and flavonols (3.7–9.8 mg/g dw). It was also evidenced that a wide intra-species variability existed according to principal component analysis. These results can be useful for value-added utilisation of this underused vegetal matrix by the food/pharma industries. In addition, owing to their (poly)phenolic composition with proven biological activities, these data can serve as starting point for further nutritional studies with mulberry leaf-derived products

    Gamificación en Iberoamérica. Experiencias desde la comunicación y la educación

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    La presente obra capitular es el resultado de las investigaciones sobre las aplicaciones de la gamificación en contextos múltiples, emergentes provenientes de las comunicaciones presentadas en el Simposio 06 del III Congreso Internacional Comunicación y Pensamiento (Sevilla, España), así como de aquellas presentadas por los miembros del Gamelab UPS, del Proyecto I+D+i Coordinado “Competencias mediáticas de la ciudadanía en medios digitales emergentes (smartphones y tablets): Prácticas innovadoras y estrategias educomunicativas en contextos múltiples” (EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R) (MINECO/FEDER), de la “Red de Educación Mediática” del Programa Estatal de Investigación Científica-Técnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento (EDU2016-81772-REDT), financiados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España. En este sentido se busca construir, desde una mirada dual desde Europa y América Latina el primer libro iberoamericano de gamificación, avalado por el Gamelab de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (Ecuador), el Proyecto I+D+i EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R, la Red Interuniversitaria Euroamericana de Investigación sobre Competencias Mediáticas para la Ciudadanía (Alfamed), el Laboratorio de Estudios en Comunicación (Ladecom) y el Grupo de Investigación Ágora (PAI-HUM-648) de la Universidad de Huelva (España) y el Grupo de Investigación Estructura, Historia y Contenidos de la Comunicación GREHCCO

    Aplicaciones de la radiocirugía al tratamiento de neurinomas y malformaciones arteriovenosas intracraneales

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    La radiocirugía estereotáxica es un procedimiento terapéutico no invasivo para lesiones intracraneales, cuyas aplicaciones van en aumento conforme se perfecciona la técnica. Es el tratamiento de elección para las malformaciones arteriovenosas y los neurinomas del acústico menores de 3 cm, ya que sobrepasadas esas dimensiones la dosis de radiación requerida para su tratamiento es demasiado alta, por lo que las complicaciones superan el beneficio terapéutico obtenido. Con la mejora de las técnicas de planificación se ha conseguido disminuir drásticamente los efectos colaterales de este procedimiento radioterápico. Existen otras muchas aplicaciones de la radiocirugía estereotáxica (meningiomas, metástasis cerebrales, gliomas de alto grado, tumores hipofisarios, neurocirugía funcional) cuyo análisis escapa del objeto de este artículo


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    Phytochemical evaluation of white (Morus alba L.) and black (Morus nigra L.) mulberry fruits, a starting point for the assessment of their beneficial properties

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    This study evaluated, for the first time, the phenolic content of white ( Morus alba) and black mulberry ( Morus nigra) fruits with proven market aptitudes and grown in Spain, one of the main European producers. The antioxidant activity and mineral composition of these promising berry fruits were also assessed. Black mulberry clones showed higher antioxidant activity and amounts of phenolic compounds than white mulberry clones, although a wide intra-species variability was noted, according to principal component analysis. The total anthocyanins varied significantly among clones of M. nigra. These results are keys for the design of future dietary intervention studies examining the role of mulberry fruits in disease risk reduction. They can also be used for the development of mulberry derived-products rich in phenolic compounds

    Irrigation management practices in nectarine fruit quality at harvest and after cold storage

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    This work aimed to ascertain the effects of diff; erent irrigation management practices on yield, fruit quality (nutritional and sensorial) and storage performance of early-maturing nectarine fruits during three consecutive growing seasons (2016/2017–2018/2019) under Mediterranean conditions. Three irrigation treatments were studied: two based on maintaining non-limiting soil water conditions (100 % crop evapotranspiration, ETc) with one (T-Single) or two (T-Double) lines of emitters; and one based on volumetric soil water content (VSWC) threshold values (T-Auto). Despite the greater wetted surface in the T-Double treatment, a mild plant water deficit was observed during the post-harvest period, which did not significantly affect the yield and nectarine fruit quality. The T-Auto irrigation based on VSWC, which received 43 % less water than the T-Single treatment, caused a moderate water deficit, without yield penalty in any of the growing seasons studied and an increase in the water use efficiency of 34 % respect to the T-Single treatment. Furthermore, nectarine fruits from the T-Auto treatment had higher TSS levels (°Brix) at harvest. There were no significant differences in the physico-chemical quality among treatments after 10 days of cold storage (0 °C) plus 5 days of shelf-life (15 °C), showing fruits from the T-Single treatment the highest weight loss values. The use of precise agronomic criteria with soil water sensors is an avant-garde alternative for irrigation scheduling compared to the conventional ETc-based irrigation that improved water use efficiency and contributed to the sustainability of agriculture. The T-Double treatment has not provided any advantage in terms of production and quality compared to the T-Single treatment.This research was supported by Spanish National Plan-FEDER (AGL2013-49047-C02-2R, AGL2016-77282-C03-1R and PID2019-106226RB-C2-1) and Seneca Foundation of Region of Murcia (19903/GERM/15) projects. Conesa M.R. acknowledges the postdoctoral financial support received from the Spanish Juan de la Cierva program (FJCI -2017 -32045

    Situación de la mujer científica en el Área de Alimentos del CSIC

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    El CSIC ha sido pionero en fomentar la investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos lo que se ha plasmado en la creación, desde los años cincuenta, de seis institutos monográficos y dos departamentos, dentro de institutos mayoritariamente de otras áreas. No obstante, el personal científico adscrito es solo el 8,3% del total del organismo, 176 investiga-dores en las tres escalas de los que un 39,8% son mujeres. Los porcentajes de mujeres en las tres escalas científicas son de 28% en el caso de Profe-soras de Investigación (PI), 30% de Investigadoras Científicas (IC) y 47% de Científicas Titulares(CT); la cifra de PI, aunque alejada del 50%, es el valor más alto, de las distintas áreas del CSIC, El sentir general es que las mujeres del área, no se han sentido discriminadas en función del sexo en el acceso a la carrera científica, al igual que en la promoción interna. En las dos primeras escalas científicas las diferencias aún destacables se atribuyen en general, a la menor presencia de la mujer en la carrera universitaria y puestos de trabajo. Dadas las cifras actuales de mujeres CT y de becarias /contratadas es previsible que el desequilibrio actual en las categorías mas altas se atenúe en el futuro. No se detecta discriminación para las mujeres en los cargos de gestión de los centros; sin embargo, es notoria en cuanto al desempeño de tareas de gestión.Peer reviewe

    Microwave Treatment vs. Conventional Pasteurization: The Effect on Phytochemical and Microbiological Quality for Citrus–Maqui Beverages

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    This study uncovered the impacts of microwave (MW) treatments compared to conventional pasteurization (TP) on the quality of functional citrus–maqui beverages, with added sucrose or stevia. The influence of these thermal treatments on the microbiological burden and phytochemical composition was determined by processing under two MW power levels (600 W and 800 W) and TP at 85 °C for 15 s for 60 days at room temperature (20 °C). The results indicated that, beyond the microbiological quality achieved in the juices treated by both MW and TP technology, there were no differences among the treatments regarding the stability of vitamin C, anthocyanin, and flavanone concentrations. However, anthocyanins were more stable in those beverages with sucrose added, rendering a better red color. Besides, all treatments ensured microbiological stability throughout the entire storage time. In conclusion, MW treatment could be considered as an alternative to TP, which ensures microbial safety, protecting functional compounds associated with health effects

    The persistent breach between evidence and practice in the prevention of surgical site infection. Qualitative study.

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    Despite the dissemination of guidelines for surgical site infection (SSI) prevention, a gap between the theoretical measures and their compliance persists. Accurate estimates of the implementation of preventative measures is crucial before planning dissemination strategies. A web-based survey was distributed to members of 11 Associations of operative nurses and surgeons. Questions aimed to determine their awareness of evidence, personal beliefs and actual use of the main preventative measures. Of 1105 responders, 50.5% receive no feed-back of their SSI rate. Responders show a moderate rate of awareness of the recommendations about not removing hair, hair clipping, skin antisepsis with alcoholic solutions, and normothermia. Antibiotic prophylaxis is given for more than 24 h by 18.8% of respondents. Screening for S. aureus is performed by 27.6%. Hair removal by shaving is used by 16.6% of responders. The most common antiseptic solutions are alcoholic chlorhexidine (57.2%) and aqueous povidone (23.3%). 62.8% of surgeons allow the solution to air dry before applying surgical drapes. Adhesive drapes in the surgical field are used routinely in 33.4% of cases. Perioperative normothermia, glucose control and hyperoxia are used in 84.3%, 65.9% and 23.3% of cases. Antimicrobial sutures and negative pressure therapy are used by 20.2% and 43.5% of teams, respectively. Prior to closing the incision, 83.9% replace surgical instruments always or selectively. Wound irrigation before closing is used in 78.1% of cases, mostly with saline. Check-lists, standardized orders, surveillance, feed-back and educational programs were rated most highly by respondents as a means to improve compliance with preventative guidelines, but few of these strategies were in place at their institutions. Gaps in the translation of evidence into practice remain in the prevention of SSI among different surgical specialities. Several areas for improvement have been identified, as some core prevention measures are not in common use