31 research outputs found

    Aplicación racional de los nuevos criterios de la European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) 2020 para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad celíaca

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    Coeliac disease is a systemic immune-mediated disorder triggered by the ingestion of gluten, which is given in genetically predisposed subjects. It manifests with a wide variety of clinical symptoms, specific serological markers, HLA-DQ2/DQ8 haplotype, and enteropathy. The criteria followed for this have usually been those established by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) since 1969. These criteria have advanced from the need of several intestinal biopsies to, thanks to the development of serological tests of high sensitivity and specificity, considering the enteropathy as one more element in this diagnosis and makes it possible to perform a diagnosis without the need of an intestinal biopsy in certain circumstances. The updated review of the 2012 criteria in 2019 provides new evidence on some aspects, such as the role of HLA, the diagnosis of asymptomatic patients, and the effectiveness of the serological markers. These aspects are reviewed in detail, with the aim of facilitating the rational application of the new 2020 criteria at all care levels. In this sense, Paediatric Primary Care is fundamental in the search for active cases and to perform a first serological study, being recommended that the diagnosis is always establishedby a Paediatric GastroenterologistLa enfermedad celíaca es un proceso sistémico de carácter inmunológico, desen-cadenado por el consumo de gluten, que se da en sujetos genéticamente predispuestos. Se expresa con una gran variedad de síntomas clínicos, marcadores serológicos específicos, hap-lotipo HLA-DQ2/DQ8 y enteropatía. El tratamiento consiste en eliminar de por vida el gluten de la dieta, por lo que es fundamental un diagnóstico adecuado. Los criterios seguidos para ello han sido habitualmente los establecidos por la European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) desde 1969. Estos criterios han ido evolucionando desde la necesidad de varias biopsias intestinales para el diagnóstico a, gracias al desarrollo de pruebas serológicas de alta sensibilidad y especificidad, considerar la enteropatía como un elemento más en este diagnóstico y posibilitar en determinadas circunstancias realizarlo sin necesidad de biopsia intestinal. La revisión actualizada en 2019 de los criterios 2012 aporta nueva evidencia sobre algunos aspectos, como el papel del HLA, el diagnóstico de los pacientes asintomáticos y la eficacia de los marcadores serológicos. Estos aspectos se revisan en detalle,con el objetivo de facilitar la aplicación de los nuevos criterios 2020 de una forma racional en todos los niveles asistenciales. En este sentido el pediatra de Atención Primaria es fundamental para la búsqueda activa de casos y realizar un primer estudio serológico, recomendándose que el diagnóstico sea siempre establecido por un pediatra gastroenterólog

    Substituição do grão de milho por precursores gliconeogênicos no desempenho produtivo de ovinos em adaptação

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    In order to evaluate the partial substitution of corn grain by the addition of calcium propionate and propylene glycol in diets for sheep adapting in growth performance, 32 female sheep were fed, a Dorper x Katahdin cross, with an initial live weight of 24.53 kg. , during a period of 15 days where a randomized complete block design was used. The treatments consisted of administering the combination of calcium propionate and propylene glycol (Glutec®) (0.1% inclusion), which according to the consumption of the animals was supplied: T1: control diet, without addition of calcium propionate and propylene glycol, T2 : experimental diet, added with calcium propionate and propylene glycol. The dry matter intake of the animals was recorded and they were weighed on days 1 and 15 to assess growth performance performance. Where it was observed that the inclusion of calcium propionate and propylene glycol did not present significant statistical differences in the productive parameters (Average daily gain, dry matter intake, feed conversion and gain:feed) (P>0.05). However, when performing the profitability analysis, a difference was found in the percentage benefit, where T1 (57.49%) > T2 (50.51%). It is concluded that the partial substitution of the corn grain by calcium propionate and propylene glycol does not modify the productive parameters (P>0.05), however, it is important to consider the percentage differences in the profitability of the treatments.Con el objetivo de evaluar la sustitución parcial del grano de maíz por la adición de propionato de calcio y propilenglicol en dietas para ovinos en adaptación en comportamiento productivo, se alimentaron 32 hembras ovinas, cruza Dorper x Katahdin, con un peso vivo inicial de 24,53 kg , durante un periodo de 15 días donde se desarrolló un diseño de bloques completos al azar. Los tratamientos consistieron en administrar la combinación de propionato de calcio y propilenglicol (Glutec ®) (inclusión de 0.1%), que de acuerdo con el consumo de los animales se suministró: T1: dieta control, sin adición propionato de calcio y propilenglicol, T2: dieta experimental, adicionada con propionato de calcio y propilenglicol. Se registró el consumo diario de alimento de los animales y se pesaron los días 1 y 15 para evaluar el comportamiento productivo. Donde se observó que la inclusión del propinato de calcio y el propilenglicol, no presentaron diferencias estadísticas significativas en los parámetros productivos (Ganancia diaria de peso, consumo de materia seca, conversión y eficiencia alimenticia) (P>0.05). Sin embargo, al realizar el análisis de rentabilidad se encontró diferencia en el beneficio porcentual, donde T1 (57.49%) > T2 (50.51%). Se concluye, que la sustitución parcial del grano de maíz por propionato de calcio y propilenglicol no modifica los parámetros productivos (P>0.05), sin embargo, es importante considerar las diferencias porcentuales en la rentabilidad de los tratamientos.Com o objetivo de avaliar a substituição parcial do grão de milho pela adição de propionato de cálcio e propilenoglicol em dietas para ovinos em adaptação ao comportamento produtivo, foram alimentadas 32 ovelhas, cruzadas Dorper x Katahdin, com peso vivo inicial de 24,53 kg. , durante um período de 15 dias onde foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos ao acaso. Os tratamentos consistiram em administrar a combinação de propionato de cálcio e propilenoglicol (Glutec®) (0,1% de inclusão), que de acordo com o consumo dos animais foi fornecida: T1: dieta controle, sem adição de propionato de cálcio e propilenoglicol, T2: dieta experimental, adicionada de propionato de cálcio e propilenoglicol. O consumo diário de ração dos animais foi registrado e eles foram pesados nos dias 1 e 15 para avaliar o desempenho produtivo. Onde foi observado que a inclusão de propionato de cálcio e propilenoglicol não apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos parâmetros produtivos (Ganho de peso diário, consumo de matéria seca, conversão alimentar e eficiência) (P>0,05). Porém, ao realizar a análise de rentabilidade, foi encontrada uma diferença no benefício percentual, onde T1 (57,49%) > T2 (50,51%). Conclui-se que a substituição parcial do grão de milho por propionato de cálcio e propilenoglicol não altera os parâmetros produtivos (P>0,05), porém, é importante considerar as diferenças percentuais na rentabilidade dos tratamentos

    Base de datos de abejas ibéricas

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    Las abejas son un grupo extremadamente diverso con más de 1000 especies descritas en la península ibérica. Además, son excelentes polinizadores y aportan numerosos servicios ecosistémicos fundamentales para la mayoría de ecosistemas terrestres. Debido a los diversos cambios ambientales inducidos por el ser humano, existen evidencias del declive de algunas de sus poblaciones para ciertas especies. Sin embargo, conocemos muy poco del estado de conservación de la mayoría de especies y de muchas de ellas ignoramos cuál es su distribución en la península ibérica. En este trabajo presentamos un esfuerzo colaborativo para crear una base de datos de ocurrencias de abejas que abarca la península ibérica e islas Baleares que permitirá resolver cuestiones como la distribución de las diferentes especies, preferencia de hábitat, fenología o tendencias históricas. En su versión actual, esta base de datos contiene un total de 87 684 registros de 923 especies recolectados entre 1830 y 2022, de los cuales un 87% presentan información georreferenciada. Para cada registro se incluye información relativa a la localidad de muestreo (89%), identificador y colector de la especie (64%), fecha de captura (54%) y planta donde se recolectó (20%). Creemos que esta base de datos es el punto de partida para conocer y conservar mejor la biodiversidad de abejas en la península ibérica e Islas Baleares. Se puede acceder a estos datos a través del siguiente enlace permanente: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6354502ABSTRACT: Bees are a diverse group with more than 1000 species known from the Iberian Peninsula. They have increasingly received special attention due to their important role as pollinators and providers of ecosystem services. In addition, various rapid human-induced environmental changes are leading to the decline of some of its populations. However, we know very little about the conservation status of most species and for many species, we hardly know their true distributions across the Iberian Peninsula. Here, we present a collaborative effort to collate and curate a database of Iberian bee occurrences to answer questions about their distribution, habitat preference, phenology, or historical trends. In total we have accumulated 87 684 records from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands of 923 different species with 87% of georeferenced records collected between 1830 and 2022. In addition, each record has associated information such as the sampling location (89%), collector and person who identified the species (64%), date of the capture (54%) and plant species where the bees were captured (20%). We believe that this database is the starting point to better understand and conserve bee biodiversity in the Iberian Peninsula. It can be accessed at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6354502Esta base de datos se ha realizado con la ayuda de los proyectos EUCLIPO (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028360/EUCLIPO) y SAFEGUARD (ref. 101003476 H2020 -SFS-2019-2).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contenido en nitratos de aguas de consumo público españolas

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    Objetivo: Analizar el contenido en nitratos de aguas de consumo público de una muestra de ciudades españolas. Material y métodos: Se determinaron los nitratos por cromatografía iónica en aguas de consumo público recogidas entre enero y abril de 2012 en 108 municipios españoles de más de 50.000 habitantes, donde viven 21.290.707 personas. El número total de muestras analizadas fue de 324. Resultados: La concentración mediana de nitratos es 3,47 mg/l (rango: 0,38-66,76; rango intercuartílico: 4,51). El agua del 94% de los municipios estudiados contiene menos de 15 mg/l. Solo en tres municipios la concentración es de más de 25 mg/l y en uno es superior a 50 mg/l. Conclusiones: El nivel de nitratos de la mayoría de las aguas de consumo público que abastecen los municipios donde habita casi la mitad de la población española tiene niveles inferiores a 15 mg/l

    Amino-functionalized zirconium and cerium MOFs: Catalysts for visible light induced aerobic oxidation of benzylic alcohols and microwaves assisted N-Alkylation of amines

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    Herein we report that mixed zirconium-cerium-MOFs with amino-functionalized linkers (2-amino-1,4-benzenedicarboxylate, BDC-NH, and 4-aminonaphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate, NDC-NH) act as effective non-noble-metal-based heterogeneous catalysts, for both the aerobic photooxidation of benzylic alcohols and for the direct microwaves activation N-alkylation of amines with alcohols. The catalytic performance has been studied considering two different approaches: the effect of NH functionalized linkers and the effect of hosting Ce species on Zr-MOFs. Zr- and ZrCe-MOFs resulted efficient visible-light-driven photocatalysts with high stability and considerable recyclability in the photocatalytic selective oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes using molecular oxygen as oxidant. These materials are also effective catalysts for the microwaves-assisted N-alkylation of amines with alcohols yielding selectively the imine (ZrCe-MOF) or the corresponding secondary amine (Ce-MOFs).Authors acknowledge to MINECO of SpainMAT2017-82288-C2-2-P project for financial support. A.V.G. thanks Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional for FPU17/03463. M.P.S thanks to MINECO of Spain for RTI2018-096328-B-I00 projec

    Phaseolus vulgaris is nodulated by the symbiovar viciae of several genospecies of Rhizobium laguerreae complex in a Spanish region where Lens culinaris is the traditionally cultivated legume

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    24 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tabla. -- The definitive version is available at http://www.elsevier.comThis work was supported by JCyL (Junta de Castilla y León, Spanish Regional Government) and MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spanish Central Government).Peer reviewe

    BINOL-Containing Chiral Porous Polymers as Platforms for Enantiorecognition

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    The enantioselective discrimination of racemic compounds can be achieved through the design and preparation of a new family of chiral conjugated BINOL-porous polymers (CBPPs) from enantiopure (R)- or (S)-BINOL derivatives and 1,3,5-tris(4-phenylboronic acid)benzene or 1,3,5-tris(4-ethynylphenyl)benzene, 1,3,5-triethynyl-2,4,6-trifluorobenzene, and tetra(4-ethynylphenyl)methane as comonomers following Suzuki-Miyaura and Sonogashira-Hagihara carbon-carbon coupling approaches. The obtained CBPPs show high thermal stability, a good specific surface area, and a robust framework and can be applied successfully in the fluorescence recognition of enantiomers of terpenes (limonene and α-pinene) and 1-phenylethylamine. Fluorescence titration of CBPPs-OH in acetonitrile shows that all Sonogashira hosts exhibit a preference for the (R)-enantiomer over the (S)-enantiomer of 1-phenylethylamine, the selectivity being much higher than that of the corresponding BINOL-based soluble system used as a reference. However, the Suzuki host reveals a preference toward (S)-phenylethylamine. Regarding the sensing of terpenes, only Sonogashira hosts show enantiodifferentiation with an almost total preference for the (S)-enantiomer of limonene and α-pinene. Based on the computational simulations and the experimental data, with 1-phenylethylamine as the analyte, chiral recognition is due to the distinctive binding affinities resulting from N···H-O hydrogen bonds and the π-πinteraction between the host and the guest. However, for limonene, the geometry of the adsorption complex is mostly governed by the interaction between the hydroxyl group of the BINOL unit and the C═C bond of the iso-propenyl fragment. The synthetic strategy used to prepare CBPPs opens many possibilities to place chiral centers such as BINOL in porous polymers for different chiral applications such as enantiomer recognition.Authors acknowledge Grants PID2020-112590GB-C22 and PID2020-112590GB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. A.V.G. thanks Ministerio de Universidades for FPU17/03463

    Nitrogen-rich cobalt (II) MOFs as efficient bifunctional catalysts for single or tandem oxidation and CO2conversion reactions

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    The development of efficient catalysts that include the advantages of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts is a challenge that can be achieved with metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) since they can incorporate different functionalities in their structure that make them promising catalysts for different processes. Herein, two new isoreticular nitrogen-rich naphthalene cobalt-MOFs, Co-NDTz and Co-NDPhTz, were successfully prepared under solvothermal conditions from the corresponding linkers (H2NDTz=2,6-naphthaleneditetrazole and H2NDPhTz=2,6-bis(4-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)phenyl)naphthalene). These Co-tetrazole-based MOFs combine Lewis acid and redox functionalities and good CO2 adsorption and after being thermally activated resulted to be excellent efficient catalysts for the epoxidation of alkenes and CO2 cycloaddition to epoxides yielding cyclic carbonates, reaching turnover numbers up to 2500. Furthermore, these two reactions take place following a highly desired one-pot tandem process and a cyclic carbonate was obtained from styrene and CO2 under solvent-free conditions. In addition, the heterogeneous catalysts are easily recycled without noticeable loss of catalytic activity and without important structural deterioration.Authors acknowledge to Grants PID2020-112590GB-C22 and PID2020-112590GB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. A.V.G. thanks for FPU17/03463