220 research outputs found

    Microwave energy supplied by a prototype oven prevents the spread of Fusarium wilt during the propagation of melon plantlets by seed

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    The re-use of propagation trays in nursery greenhouses is one of the main ways in which fusarium wilt is spread in melon crops (Cucumis melo). The causal agent of the disease is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis. This paper reports that exposing these seed trays to the energy produced by a prototype microwave oven during the commercial production of melon plantlets can prevent the spread of this pathogen with only a very small increase in production costs

    Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements on 94,95,96Mo at n_TOF and GELINA

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    This work was supported by the EUFRAT open-access project of the JRC Geel and received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 847594 (ARIEL).Capture and total cross section measurements for 94'95'96 MO have been performed at the neutron time -of-flight facilities, n_TOF at CERN and GELINA at JRC-Geel. The measurements were performed using isotopically enriched samples with an enrichment above 95% for each of the (94'95'96)M0 isotopes. The capture measurements were performed at n_TOF using C6D6 detectors and a new sTED detector. The transmission measurements were performed at a 10 m station of GELINA using a Li-6 glass neutron detector. Preliminary results of these measurements are presented.EUFRAT open-access project of the JRC GeelEuratom 84759

    Experimental data on SOA formation from mixtures of anthropogenic and biogenic organic compounds

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    AbstractSecondary organic aerosols (SOA) constitute a significant fraction of the atmospheric particulate matter. Theses particles are formed as a consequence of the oxidation reaction of certain organic gases that leads to the formation of low-volatility compounds. As for other pollutants, air quality models allow the simulation of particle levels and thus models constitute a powerful tool in air quality management. Nevertheless, the accepted use of models must be based on the validation of its capacity to reproduce observed concentrations. Air monitoring sites provide measured information of a large variety of ambient pollutants. Unfortunately, measurements on SOA are not normally available, as current monitoring networks do not include instrumentation to distinguish primary from secondary sources of organic carbonaceous aerosol. This paper presents a set of photooxidation experiments performed in the European Photorreactor (EUPHORE) smog chamber (CEAM, Spain) under different experimental conditions to investigate SOA formation. The use of chambers allows the isolation of atmospheric chemistry and aerosol formation processes. Thus, although these measurements were obtained at initial precursor concentrations higher than those in atmospheric conditions, they constitute a valuable set of information for SOA model evaluation purposes

    P9 23. Seudoaneurisma aórtico con infeción de prótesis en aorta ascendente. ¿Es necesario retirar siempre la prótesis? ¿Cuánto tiempo con tratamiento antibiótico?

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    IntroducciónEl seudoaneurisma aórtico con infección de prótesis en aorta ascendente (PIPAA) tras cirugía cardíaca es una entidad infrecuente (0,9-2%) pero grave (mortalidad intrahospitalaria > 40%). El tratamiento más extendido es la cirugía con recambio protésico y terapia antibiótica adecuada a antibiograma; pero el recambio protésico en ocasiones es técnicamente inviable e incluso puede aumentar la mortalidad perioperatoria. Existen casos en los que se ha preservado la prótesis infectada con éxito terapéutico, realizándose limpieza/reparación quirúrgica local apoyada con omentoplastia. No existe consenso en la duración de la terapia médica, y el tratamiento «supresor a largo plazo» en ocasiones se complica por efectos adversos de los antibióticos.ObjetivosAportar dos nuevos casos y evaluar el tratamiento realizado tras un seguimiento a largo plazo.MétodoAnálisis descriptivo de aspectos microbiológicos, farmacológicos y resultados de la terapia realizada, en dos casos de PIPAA de pacientes intervenidos por disección de aorta (prótesis de dacrón en posición supracoronariana) y por insuficiencia y anuloectasia aórtica (tubo valvulado). Se realiza tratamiento quirúrgico conservador de la prótesis aórtica (limpieza quirúrgica, reparación del seudoaneurisma y omentoplastia), asociándose terapia antibiótica prolongada ajustada a antibiograma.ConclusiónAmbos casos presentan, tras más de 1 año de seguimiento, según criterios clínicos, microbiológicos y pruebas de imagen, ausencia de signos de recidiva infecciosa, resultando la terapia adecuada. Aun sin poder establecer tiempo óptimo de tratamiento, serían razonables 6 semanas de tratamiento endovenoso seguidas de 24 semanas de terapia supresora, a ser posible oral, y valorar su retirada siempre que no existan signos de recidiva

    Pretratamiento con hialuronidasa mejora la tinción de colágeno en notocorda de esturión

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    Objective: The current study aimed to design a histological method to determine the presence and organization of the collagen network in sturgeon notochord. Methods: Serial sections of sturgeon notochord (Acipenser naccarii) were used and assigned to two different experimental groups: Hyaluronidase pre-treatment (HP) in an alcohol acid solution (1% HCl in 70% alcohol solution) for 15 min and hyaluronidase solution in a 2 µg/ ml concentration (pre-heated at 37º C), and control (CTR) group, without pre-treatment. Then, the ECM was assessed by two histochemical methods: Picrosirius Red (PR) staining for 30 min with Sirius red (0.1% of Sirius red in saturated aqueous picric acid), for collagen bundle staining, and Alcian Blue (AB) staining for glycosaminoglycans detection. Results: Samples analyzed in this study showed positive histochemical reaction for collagen fibers in both experimental groups. Referring to PR staining, the CTR group presented a larger and homogeneous reaction was observed in the entire samples, whereas HP group presented a more definite and intense pattern of collagen network. Also, this more intense signal in HP group matched with an increase of birefringence in polarized microscopy images of PR. However, HP group showed a lower intense and more heterogeneous signal when was compared with CTR group in AB staining. Conclusion: Using a simple histological example, our study illustrates the capability of a hyaluronidase pre-treatment to enhance picrosirius red staining in sturgeon notochord trough light and polarized microscopy.Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene por objetivo diseñar un método histológico para determinar la presencia y organización de la red de colágeno en la notocorda del esturión. Métodos: Secciones seriada de la notocorda de esturión (Acipenser naccarii) fueron utilizadas y se asignaron a dos grupos experimentales diferentes: pretratamiento de hialuronidasa (HP) en una solución de alcohol ácido (HCl al 1% en solución de alcohol al 70%) durante 15 minutos y posteriormente a una solución de hialuronidasa en una concentración de 2 μg / ml (precalentada a 37º C) y grupo de control (CTR), sin tratamiento previo. Luego, la ECM se evaluó mediante dos métodos histoquímicos: tinción Picrosirius Red (PR) durante 30 minutos con rojo Sirio (0,1% de rojo Sirio en una solución saturada de ácido pícrico), para la tinción de colágeno; y tinción con Alcian Blue (AB) para detección de glicosaminoglicanos. Resultados: Las muestras analizadas en este estudio mostraron una reacción histoquímica positiva para las fibras de colágeno en ambos grupos experimentales. Con respecto a la tinción PR, el grupo CTR presentó una reacción mayor y más homogénea en toda la superficie de las muestras, mientras que el grupo HP presentó un patrón red de colágeno más definido e intenso. Además, esta señal más intensa en el grupo HP coincidió con un aumento de la birrefringencia en las imágenes de microscopía polarizada de PR. Sin embargo, el grupo HP mostró una señal menos intensa y más heterogénea cuando se comparó con el grupo CTR en la tinción AB. Conclusión: Utilizando un ejemplo histológico simple, nuestro estudio ilustra la capacidad de un pretratamiento de hialuronidasa para mejorar la tinción de picrosirius en la notocorda del esturión a través de la luz y la microscopía polarizada

    Quality of education and university workspaces

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    La sociedad actual avanza a pasos agigantados, circunstancia que exige de nuestro modelo educativo un cambio paralelo a dichos avances. La educación es uno de los motores de cambio y como tal debe dar respuesta a las exigencias que se le planteen. Es mucha la bibliografía que podemos encontrar acerca de la calidad educativa, pero muy poca de ésta se centra en la evaluación de la calidad de los espacios educativos como tales. Desde este estudio se pretende analizar los puntos de vista y exigencias de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Granada respecto a dichos espacios educativos.Today's society is moving forward at a rapid pace, a fact that requires that our educational model change in parallel with such developments. Education is one of the drivers of change and as such must respond to the demands made on it. There is ample literature about the quality of education, but very little of it focuses on assessing the quality of educational spaces as such. The aim of this study is to examine the views and needs of students at the Faculty of Education at the University of Granada with respect to such educational spaces.Departamento de Psicología Socia

    Kinetic energy bounds for particles confined in spherically-symmetric traps with non-standard dimensions

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    The kinetic energy of non-relativistic single-particle systems with arbitrary D-dimensional central potentials is found to be bounded from below by means of the orbital hyperangular quantum number, the dimensionality and some radial and logarithmic expectation values of the form langrkrang and langrk (ln r)mrang. Beyond the intrinsic physico-mathematical interest of this problem, we want to contribute to the current development of the theory of independent particles confined in spherically symmetric traps with non-standard dimensions. The latter has been motivated by the recent experimental achievements of the evaporative cooling of dilute (i.e. almost non-interacting) fermions in magnetic traps.We are very grateful for partial support from Junta de Andalucía (under the grants FQM-0207 and FQM-481), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (under the project FIS2005-00973), and the European Research Network NeCCA (under the project INTAS-03-51-6637). RGF acknowledges the support of Junta de Andalucía under the program of Retorno de Investigadores a Centros de Investigación Andaluces, and PSM the support of Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia under the program FPU


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    Traditionally, Spanish schools of civil engineering provide their students a class on “Technical English” in order to develop their language skills. However, this class does not cover all the skills that the student would need in the labor market and mainly focuses in the reading and writing skills, and in a lower degree in the speaking and listening ones. This paper proposes a series of innovative and informal training activities, such as cine-forum on technical civil engineering topics and role playing on real professional situations, that allow Spanish civil engineering students to develop English skills, that can rarely be worked in the classroom (i.e. speaking, negotiating and conversing), which encourage debate, participation, and foster their self-confidence to speak about technical-English topics in public. Although the students’ level of English is much lower than expected, they all agree on the importance of technical English for their future career. The results also show the students’ lack in skills that are difficult to train in regular classes (speaking and talking). Consequently, this situation would require to provide complementary activities like the ones suggested in this project in order to develop these skills and increase the students’ demand for engineering classes taught in English

    Risk factors for thrombotic microangiopathy in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell recipients receiving GVHD prophylaxis with tacrolimus plus MTX or sirolimus

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    Post-transplant complications.-- et al.Transplantation-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) is a feared complication of allogeneic hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) owing to its high mortality rate. The use of calcineurin inhibitors or sirolimus (SIR) for GVHD prophylaxis has been suggested as a potential risk factor. However, the impact of tacrolimus (TAC) and SIR combinations on the increased risk of TA-TMA is currently not well defined. We retrospectively analyzed the incidence of TA-TMA in 102 allogeneic HSCT recipients who consecutively received TAC plus SIR (TAC/SIR) (n=68) or plus MTX (TAC/MTX)±ATG (n=34) for GVHD prophylaxis. No significant differences were observed in the incidence of TA-TMA between patients receiving TAC/SIR vs TAC/MTX±ATG (7.4% vs 8.8%, P=0.8). Only grade III-IV acute GVHD, previous HSCT and serum levels of TAC >25 ng/mL were associated with a greater risk of TA-TMA. Patients developing TA-TMA have significantly poorer survival (P<0.001); however, TA-TMA ceased to be an independent prognostic factor when it was included in a multivariate model. In conclusion, the combination of TAC/SIR does not appear to pose a higher risk of TA-TMA. By contrast, we identified three different risk groups for developing TA-TMA.Peer Reviewe

    Characterization of the platelet phenotype caused by a germline RUNX1 Variant in a CRISPR/Cas9-generated murine model

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    RUNX1-related disorder (RUNX1-RD) is caused by germline variants affecting the RUNX1 gene. This rare, heterogeneous disorder has no specific clinical or laboratory phenotype, making genetic diagnosis necessary. Although international recommendations have been established to classify the pathogenicity of variants, identifying the causative alteration remains a challenge in RUNX1-RD. Murine models may be useful not only for definitively settling the controversy about the pathogenicity of certain RUNX1 variants, but also for elucidating the mechanisms of molecular pathogenesis. Therefore, we developed a knock-in murine model, using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, carrying the RUNX1 p.Leu43Ser variant (mimicking human p.Leu56Ser) to study its pathogenic potential and mechanisms of platelet dysfunction. A total number of 75 mice were generated; 25 per genotype (RUNX1WT/WT, RUNX1WT/L43S, and RUNX1L43S/L43S). Platelet phenotype was assessed by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. On average, RUNX1L43S/L43S and RUNX1WT/L43S mice had a significantly longer tail-bleeding time than RUNX1WT/WT mice, indicating the variant's involvement in hemostasis. However, only homozygous mice displayed mild thrombocytopenia. RUNX1L43S/L43S and RUNX1WT/L43S displayed impaired agonist-induced spreading and α-granule release, with no differences in δ-granule secretion. Levels of integrin αIIbβ3 activation, fibrinogen binding, and aggregation were significantly lower in platelets from RUNX1L43S/L43S and RUNX1WT/L43S using phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and high thrombin doses. Lower levels of PKC phosphorylation in RUNX1L43S/L43S and RUNX1WT/L43S suggested that the PKC-signaling pathway was impaired. Overall, we demonstrated the deleterious effect of the RUNX1 p.Leu56Ser variant in mice via the impairment of integrin αIIbβ3 activation, aggregation, α-granule secretion, and platelet spreading, mimicking the phenotype associated with RUNX1 variants in the clinical setting.This work was partially supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Feder (PI17/01311, PI17/01966, and CB15/00055), Fundación Séneca (19873/GERM/15), Gerencia Regional de Salud (GRS 2061A/19 and 1647/A/17), Fundación Mutua Madrileña (FMM, AP172142019), and Sociedad Española de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SETH-FETH; Premio López Borrasca 2019 and Ayuda a Grupos de Trabajo en Patología Hemorrágica 2019). The authors' research on IPDs is conducted in accordance with the aims of the Functional and Molecular Characterization of Patients with Inherited Platelet Disorders Project, which is supported by the Hemorrhagic Diathesis Working Group of the Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. A.M.-Q., C.F.-I., and L.H.-C. were supported by predoctoral grants from the Junta de Castilla y León, Spain. E.V. was supported by the predoctoral grant from the University of Salamanca, Spain. IG-T and RB were supported by "Contratos postdoctorales Programa II) from the University of Salamanca, Spain