1,186 research outputs found

    Minimizing movement scheme for intrinsic aggregation on compact Riemannian manifolds

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    Recently solutions to the aggregation equation on compact Riemannian Manifolds have been studied with different techniques. This work demonstrates the small time existence of measure-valued solutions for suitably regular intrinsic potentials. The main tool is the use of the minimizing movement scheme which together with the optimality conditions yield a finite speed of propagation. The main technical difficulty is non-differentiability of the potential in the cut locus which is resolved via the propagation properties of geodesic interpolations of the minimizing movement scheme and passes to the limit as the time step goes to zero

    Evolución de la inversión vs. evolución de la selección portuaria provincial

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    Las mejoras introducidas en el sector del transporte han propiciado que una misma mercancía pueda ser transportada eficientemente desde diferentes puertos y, consecuentemente, han venido acompañadas de un incremento de la inversión en infraestructura. Sin embargo, la selección portuaria llevada a cabo desde las provincias españolas para canalizar sus flujos de contenedores permanece estable, lo que sugiere que no ha respondido a las estrategias competitivas desarrolladas por los gestores de los principales puertos peninsulares, cuyo resultado parece estar relacionado con su respectiva ubicación

    El mercado de la carne de bovino en México, 1970-2011

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    La proteína animal es básica en la dieta de los mexicanos y las fuentes principales son carne de ave, bovina y porcina. En 2011 se consumieron 60 kg/persona de carne; 16.5 kg/persona fue bovino. Para estable- cer y cuantifi car el efecto sobre el mercado mexicano de carne de bovino de sus prin- cipales variables determinantes, se diseñó un modelo econométrico de ecuaciones simultáneas, estimado a través de mínimos cuadrados en dos etapas con información secundaria para el periodo 1970-2011. Se consideró un contexto de economía abierta para el mercado bovino, de costos de pro- ducción crecientes y de pérdida de partici- pación en el mercado nacional. Resultó una oferta inelástica a los cambios del precio al productor y una demanda elástica al precio al consumidor, y el precio de importación de carne y granos inciden sobre la oferta, demanda y el saldo de comercio exterior

    SWE bridge: software interface for plug & work instrument integration into marine observation platforms

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    The integration of sensor systems into marine observation platforms such as gliders, cabled observatories and smart buoys requires a great deal of effort due to the diversity of architectures present in the marine acquisition systems. In the past years important steps have been taken in order to improve both standardization and interoperability, i.e. the Open Geospatial Consortium’s Sensor Web Enablement. This set of standards and protocols provide a well -defined framework to achieve standardized data chains. However a significant gap is still present in the lower -end of the data chain, between the sensor systems and the acquisition platforms. In this work a standard s -based architecture to bridge this gap is proposed in order to achieve plug & work, standardized and interoperable acquisition systems.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    La Música Procesional en la red y en la calle: entre la información y la dinámica publicitaria

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    The Sustainable Management of Metals: An Analysis of Global Research

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    The objective of this study was to analyze research trends in the field of sustainable management of metals on a global level between 1993 and 2017. To do so, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on a total of 6967 articles. The results revealed the growing interest in this research field, particularly over the last five year-period during which 63% of all articles were published. The three journals in which most articles had been published were the Journal of Cleaner Production, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, and Chemsuschem. The countries that published the most articles were China, the United States, India, Germany, and the United Kingdom. A sizeable network of collaboration has been established between countries for the joint publication of studies. The main lines of research have been focused on metal decontamination in water and soil, waste management oriented towards reuse and recycling, and the innovation of processes for cleaner and more efficient production. The results revealed the need for comprehensive studies that integrate different disciplines within the same analytical framework, and to promote research that contributes to the different dimensions of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social)

    Considerations on the physical and mechanical properties of lime-stabilized rammed earth walls and their evaluation by ultrasonic pulse velocity testing

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    This study examines the influence of moulding moisture content on the compressive strength, dry density and porosity of a rammed earth wall, using ultrasound as a complementary technique. Non-parametric and multivariate statistical techniques were applied to analyse the behaviour of variables with a sufficiently large population. The statistical analysis demonstrated that excessive or insufficient moulding moisture content directly determines the physical-mechanical properties of such walls. Ultrasound was confirmed as a valid technique for assessing the quality of a wall, since its response, albeit with certain limitations, was consistent with physical-mechanical properties

    Uso de algoritmos genéticos para resolver el modelo determinista y estocástico para el diseño de una red de recogida de residuos

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    Unos de los problemas que aparecen en la gestión de las cadenas de suministro inversas es el de las decisiones relativas a la localización de plantas de tratamiento, centros de recogida y de transferencia. En esta comunicación se presentan un modelo determinista MIP y el modelo estocástico derivado para ayudar a la decisión relativa a la localización de una planta de tratamiento y los centros de transferencias necesarios para reducir los costes totales de funcionamiento de un sistema de recogida de residuos. Estos modelos se intentan resolver de forma exacta con CPLEX 10.0 y dada la dificultad se plantea un enfoque distinto utilizando algoritmos genéticos y programación lineal continua