67 research outputs found

    Implementación de tecnología de membranas para la valorización de los compuestos fenólicos presentes en las aguas residuales de la industria de producción de aceite de oliva

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El sector agroalimentario constituye una de las industrias con mayor relevancia. Durante la producción de aceite de oliva, se generan grandes volúmenes de subproductos, destacando el alperujo, que contiene todos los restos de la aceituna que permanecen una vez que se ha extraído el aceite. Se trata de un subproducto con una elevada carga orgánica, lo que puede suponer un riesgo ambiental si no se gestiona adecuadamente. Por otro lado, el alperujo es rico en compuestos fenólicos, los cuales tienen un elevado interés industrial, debido a sus propiedades antioxidantes. Esto representa una oportunidad excelente para valorizar el alperujo, recuperando compuestos de interés y reduciendo la carga contaminante del residuo. En esta Tesis Doctoral, se ha abordado este reto, en el marco de la Tecnología de Membranas. En primer lugar, se llevó a cabo la optimización de un proceso de extracción sólido-líquido asistida por ultrasonidos, para extraer los compuestos fenólicos presentes en el alperujo. Se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios tanto con mezclas de etanol/agua como con agua pura. Además, se llevó a cabo una caracterización detallada de los metabolitos presentes en los extractos derivados del alperujo, de forma que se determinaron más de 50 compuestos. En las siguientes etapas, se emplearon tanto los extractos obtenidos con etanol/agua 50:50 (v/v) como los acuosos. En cuanto a estos últimos, se trataron mediante ultrafiltración, seleccionando las membranas UP005 y UH030, debido a su adecuada productividad y eficacia en términos de rechazo a la demanda química de oxígeno. Los compuestos fenólicos fueron recuperados con mayor pureza en el permeado de este proceso. A continuación, esta corriente de permeado fue sometida a un proceso de nanofiltración, empleando la membrana NF270 (DuPont), para llevar a cabo la concentración de los compuestos fenólicos previamente purificados. Además, se demostró la viabilidad de esta membrana, NF270, para separar compuestos fenólicos de bajo peso molecular y azúcares, empleando disoluciones modelo con una composición basada en las aguas residuales de la industria oleícola. Los extractos hidroalcohólicos de alperujo también fueron tratados mediante procesos de membrana. Previamente, se llevó a cabo una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura científica relacionada con la ultrafiltración en medio orgánico. A continuación, se evaluó un proceso de ultrafiltración para purificar los extractos de alperujo preparados con etanol/agua 50:50 (v/v), obteniendo resultados satisfactorios en cuanto a la estabilidad de las membranas (empleando las membranas UF010104 y UF010801v3, de la casa comercial SolSep BV, y UP005, de Microdyn Nadir) y la recuperación de compuestos fenólicos en el permeado. Para aumentar la pureza de estos compuestos fenólicos y abordar su fraccionamiento, se estudió un proceso de nanofiltración con disolventes orgánicos, empleando una disolución simulada, cuyo disolvente fue etanol/agua 50:50 (v/v), y con una composición basada en el permeado del proceso de ultrafiltración (con la membrana UP005) en medio orgánico. La membrana NF270 fue la más destacada, debido a su notable densidad de flujo de permeado. Además, esta membrana rechazó adecuadamente los compuestos no deseados, como azúcares y ácidos, lo que facilitó la recuperación satisfactoria de los compuestos fenólicos en el permeado. Considerando los resultados obtenidos, se propuso un proceso integrado basado en la extracción de estos compuestos con etanol/agua 50:50 (v/v), la ultrafiltración de este extracto, con la membrana UP005, para llevar a cabo su purificación, la nanofiltración, con la membrana NF270, de la corriente de permeado obtenida previamente, para aumentar la pureza y fraccionar los compuestos fenólicos y, finalmente, la concentración de la corriente de permeado obtenida durante la nanofiltración, mediante un proceso de ósmosis reversa, empleando la membrana NF90 (DuPont) que rechazó apropiadamente los compuestos fenólicos.[CA] El sector agroalimentari constitueix una de les indústries amb major rellevància. Durant la producció d'oli d'oliva, es generen grans volums de subproductes, entre els quals destaca l'alperujo, que conté totes les restes de l'oliva que romanen una vegada que s'ha extret l'oli. Es tracta d'un subproducte amb una elevada càrrega orgànica, la qual cosa pot suposar un gran risc ambiental. D'altra banda, l'alperujo és ric en compostos fenòlics, els quals tenen un elevat interés industrial, degut a les seues propietats antioxidants. Aquest contingut en compostos bioactius representa una oportunitat excel·lent per a valorar l'alperujo, recuperant compostos d'interés i reduint la càrrega contaminant del residu. En aquesta Tesi Doctoral, s'ha abordat aquest repte, en el marc de la Tecnologia de Membranes. En primer lloc, es va dur a terme l'optimització d'un procés d'extracció sòlid-líquid assistida per ultrasons, per a extraure els compostos fenòlics presents a l'alperujo. Es van obtindre resultats satisfactoris tant amb mescles d'etanol/aigua com amb aigua pura. A més, es va dur a terme una caracterització detallada dels metabòlits presents en els extractes derivats de l'alperujo, de manera que es van determinar més de 50 compostos. En les següents etapes del procés, es van emprar tant els extractes obtinguts amb etanol/aigua 50:50 (v/v) com els extractes aquosos. Quant a aquests últims, es van tractar mitjançant ultrafiltració, estudiant les membranes, seleccionant les membranes UP005 i UH030, a causa de la seua adequada productivitat i eficàcia en termes de rebuig a la demanda química d'oxigen. Els compostos fenòlics van ser recuperats amb major puresa al permeat d'aquest procés. A continuació, el corrent de permeat obtinguda durant l'etapa d'ultrafiltració va ser sotmesa a un procés de nanofiltració, emprant la membrana NF270 (DuPont), per a dur a terme la concentració dels compostos fenòlics prèviament purificats. A més, es va demostrar la viabilitat d'aquesta membrana, NF270, per a separar compostos fenòlics de baix pes molecular i sucres, emprant dissolucions model. Els extractes hidroalcohòlics d'alperujo també van ser tractats mitjançant processos de membrana. Prèviament, es va dur a terme una revisió exhaustiva de la literatura científica relacionada amb la ultrafiltració al mig orgànic. A continuació, es va avaluar un procés d'ultrafiltració per a purificar els extractes d'alperujo preparats amb etanol/aigua 50:50 (v/v), obtenint resultats satisfactoris quant a l'estabilitat de les membranes (emprant les membranes UF010104 i UF010801v3, de la casa comercial SolSep BV, i UP005, de Microdyn Nadir) i la recuperació de compostos fenòlics, els quals es van obtindre en el corrent de permeat. Per augmentar la puresa d'aquests compostos fenòlics i abordar el seu fraccionament, es va estudiar un procés de nanofiltració amb dissolvents orgànics, utilitzant una dissolució simulada, que el seu dissolvent va ser etanol/aigua 50:50 (v/v), i amb una composició basada en el permeat del procés d'ultrafiltració al mig orgànic. D'entre totes les membranes, la membrana NF270 va ser la més destacada, a causa de la seua notable densitat de flux de permeat. A més, aquesta membrana va rebutjar adequadament els compostos no desitjats, com a sucres i àcids, la qual va facilitar la recuperació satisfactòria dels compostos fenòlics en el permeat. Considerant els resultats obtinguts, es va proposar un procés integrat basat en l'extracció d'aquests compostos amb etanol/aigua 50:50 (v/v), la ultrafiltració d'aquest extracte, amb la membrana UP005, per a dur a terme la seua purificació, la nanofiltració, amb la membrana NF270, del corrent de permeat obtinguda prèviament, per augmentar la puresa i fraccionar els compostos fenòlics i, finalment, la concentració del corrent de permeat obtinguda durant la nanofiltració, mitjançant un procés d'osmosi reversa, emprant la membrana NF90 (DuPont) que va rebutjar apropiadament els compostos fenòlics.[EN] The agri-food sector is one of the industries with higher international relevance. During olive oil production, large volumes of by-products are generated. Among them, the wet olive pomace stands out. It contains all the olive components remaining after the olive oil extraction. This by-product has a high organic load, which may represent an environmental risk if it is not properly disposed. On the other side, the wet olive pomace is rich in phenolic compounds, which have high industrial interest due to their antioxidant properties. This content in bioactive compounds represents an excellent opportunity to valorize the wet olive pomace, recovering compounds of interest and reducing the contaminant load of the residue. In this Doctoral Thesis, this challenge has been addressed, in the framework of Membrane Technology. First, an ultrasound-assisted solid-liquid extraction was optimized to extract the phenolic compounds from wet olive pomace. Satisfactory results were obtained, both with mixtures of ethanol/water and with pure water. Furthermore, a detailed characterization of the metabolites present in the extracts derived from wet olive pomace was conducted. More than 50 compounds were determined. During the following stages, both the extracts obtained with ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v) and the aqueous extracts were considered. The aqueous extracts were treated by ultrafiltration, selecting the UP005 and UH030 membranes, due to their suitable productivity and efficacy, in terms of the rejection of the chemical oxygen demand. The phenolic compounds were recovered at a higher purity in the permeate. Afterwards, the ultrafiltration permeate was treated by nanofiltration, employing the NF270 membrane (DuPont), in order to concentrate the previously purified phenolic compounds. Moreover, the feasibility of the NF270 membrane to separate low-molecular-weight phenolic compounds from sugars was demonstrated. To that end, simulated solutions, with a composition based on olive mill wastewaters, were employed. The hydroalcoholic extracts of wet olive pomace were also treated by membrane processes. Previously, an exhaustive review of the scientific literature related to organic-solvent ultrafiltration was addressed. Later, it was evaluated an ultrafiltration process to purify the wet olive pomace extracts prepared with ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v). Satisfactory results were obtained, regarding the membranes stability (UF010104 and UF010801v3, from the manufacturer SolSep BV, and UP005, from Microdyn Nadir) and the recovery of phenolic compounds. These molecules were obtained in the permeate stream. To increase the purity of the phenolic compounds and address their fractionation, an organic-solvent nanofiltration process was studied. A simulated solution, whose solvent was ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v), was employed. The composition of this solution was based on the UP005 permeate obtained in organic media. Among all the evaluated membranes, the NF270 membrane stood out due to the high permeate flux. Furthermore, this membrane properly rejected the unwanted compounds, such as sugars and acids. This allowed the satisfactory recovery of phenolic compounds in the permeate stream, after their purification and fractionation. Considering these results, an integrated process was proposed. It was based on the extraction of the compounds of interest with ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v), and a further ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis process. The ultrafiltration of the extract was performed with the UP005 membrane to conduct its purification. Then, the UP005 permeate was nanofiltered, employing the NF270 membrane to enhance the purity of the phenolic compounds and fractionate them. Finally, the NF270 permeate was concentrated by means of a reverse osmosis process, employing the NF90 membrane (DuPont), which suitably rejected the phenolic compounds.Sánchez Arévalo, CM. (2023). Implementación de tecnología de membranas para la valorización de los compuestos fenólicos presentes en las aguas residuales de la industria de producción de aceite de oliva [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198859Compendi

    Green management of wet olive pomace by means of ultrafiltration of an aqueous extract of phenolic compounds

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    [EN] Wet olive pomace is a major by-product generated by olive mills. To contribute to the circular economy of the olive industry, the recovery of interesting compounds from wet olive pomace was assessed. To that end, a previously optimized solid-liquid extraction, only employing water as the extractant, was first applied to the wet olive pomace. Afterwards, an ultrafiltration process to treat the obtained extract was developed. Several membranes (UP005, UH030, UH050, and UP150, from Microdyn Nadir) were studied, in a wide range of cross-flow velocities (1.5¿3.5 m/s) and transmembrane pressures (0.75¿5.5 bar). By a thorough characterization of the ultrafiltration streams by LC-ESI-QToF-MS, it was possible to describe the evolution of the rejection of 29 phenolic compounds. Some adsorption processes were also observed in the ultrafiltration process. The UP005 and UH030 membranes displayed satisfactory values of permeate flux and rejection. Both membranes efficiently retained a high fraction of the total solids, chemical oxygen demand, and color. On the contrary, the phenolic compounds were obtained in the ultrafiltration permeate, which constitutes a source of antioxidant molecules with applications in cosmetics, pharmacy, and nutraceutics.This work was supported by the research project CIAICO/2021/333, funded by the Regional Government of Valencia (Generalitat Valenciana) . The predoctoral grant PRE2018-08524 was funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF Investing in your future.Sánchez-Arévalo, CM.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2023). Green management of wet olive pomace by means of ultrafiltration of an aqueous extract of phenolic compounds. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2023.1033853

    Exploring the extraction of the bioactive content from the two-phase olive mill waste and further purification by ultrafiltration

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    [EN] The two-phase olive mill waste is enormously produced in the Mediterranean area. This major waste is significantly rich in bioactive compounds that are highly valued by industry, such as phenolic and triterpenic compounds. Here, a thorough study of the most suitable solvent, extraction time and temperature for the largevolume, solid-liquid extraction of bioactive compounds has been made, in order to achieve maximum concentrations of the target compounds. Ultrasound effect has been considered. A deep characterization of the extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-qToF-MS) has contributed to evaluate the effect of the operational parameters on the extraction performance. Forty-four compounds have been found and classified in their corresponding chemical families. At the optimum experimental conditions (EtOH 50% (v/v), 40 degrees C, ultrasound-assisted), more than 6.8 mg/g of bioactive content was recovered, and it was later purified by means of ultrafiltration. The membrane UP005 retained a significant percentage of the organic matter, whereas most of the bioactive compounds were recovered in the permeate. This contributed not only to revalorize this waste, but also to reduce its organic load and phytotoxicity, thus protecting the ecosystem of the final disposal zone of the residue.Funding Grant CTM2017-88645-R, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe. Additionally, the grant PRE2018-08524 was funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF Investing in your future. Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politècnica de València.Sánchez-Arévalo, CM.; Iborra Clar, A.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2022). Exploring the extraction of the bioactive content from the two-phase olive mill waste and further purification by ultrafiltration. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 165:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2022.11374211216

    Progress in the pattern of intra-industrial trade between the European Union and Latin America: The cases of Brazil and Mexico

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    This study examines changes in the pattern of intra-industrial trade (exchange of different varieties of the same good) between the European Union (EU) and the countries of Latin America (LA) over the last two decades, paying special attention to the cases of Brazil and Mexico. It focuses on the extent to which these trade relations are changing from a traditional profile based on complementarity (inter-industrial) and on static advantages (provision of resources) to a more modern, competitive profile – as a result of growing intra-industrial specialisation based on dynamic factors (economies of scale, product differentiation, etc.). The study’s starting premise is that the changes affecting the pattern of trade are related with the foreign direct investment (FDI) flows for which multinational companies are responsible. The relevance of the subject of this study resides in the economic changes occurring worldwide which are shifting the centre of gravity of the world economy and causing continuous transformation of global chains of production. In this regard, the study seeks to provide insights into how these changes translate to the pattern of trade between the EU and LA, in a context characterised by the superimposition of the processes of globalisation, regional integration and relocation of production. On the theoretical level, the research benefits to a large extent from contributions by the New Theories of International Trade which converge in the explanation of the phenomenon of intra-industrial trade vis-à-vis traditional (inter-industrial) trade. Additionally, aspects of Neo-Technological Theories such as the Product Life-Cycle Theory are considered, as well as other contributions in FDI’s explanatory framework including the OLI paradigm or the Export Platform Theory that aim at the construction of a framework integrating FDI and trade theories. The study is organised into the following seven sections: 1) Review of the theoretical framework; 2) Changes on the world economic stage; 3) Overview of FDI and trade between the EU and LA; 4) A comparative analysis of trade barriers and FDI; 5) Analysis of general and sectorial rules in the field of intraindustrial trade between the EU and LA: The cases of Brazil and Mexico; 6) Analysis of the FDI of Brazil and Mexico with their main European Union partners; 7) Integration of both dimensions in the input-output framework. The statistical information on which the study is based stems from various sources. For the analysis of trade, the data basically come from the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the United Nations (UN-Comtrade) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Datacomex). For the study of the FDI, this publication relies on data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Union), and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

    Feasibility of several commercial membranes to recover valuable phenolic compounds from extracts of wet olive pomace through organic-solvent nanofiltration

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    [EN] Organic-solvent nanofiltration (OSN) has been applied to purify and fractionate the phenolic compounds present in wet olive pomace, which is the main by-product of olive mills. Nine commercial OSN membranes have been tested: DuraMem (R) 150, DuraMem (R) 300, DuraMem (R) 500, PuraMem (R) 600 (Evonik), NFS, NFX (Synder), oNF-1 and oNF-2 (Borsig) and NF270 (FilmTec). Their stability in ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v) and their effectiveness to treat a model solution of a solvent-based extract of wet olive pomace have been studied. To that end, a METcell cross-flow system (Evonik) has been utilized. DuraMem (R) 500, NFX and NF270 membranes displayed satisfactory values of permeate flux (10-100 L center dot h(-1)center dot m(-2)) compared to the other tested membranes. Measurements of the contact angle of the membranes after their conditioning and after the nanofiltration process allowed the comprehension of the interaction between the ethanol/water 50:50 (v/v) solution and the membrane. The solvent contact angle was also examined. AFM was employed to understand the modification of membrane morphology. To characterize the samples, liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (and/or refractive index detector) was employed. The selected membranes exhibited low rejection values for the aimed phenolic compounds (less than 10 % for hydroxytyrosol) and high rejection (50-100 %) of the undesired compounds, such as sugars and organic acids. Therefore, the purification of the target phenolic compounds was accomplished.The authors would like to thank Laura Teruel Biosca for her technical support. Additionally, Electron Microscopy Service of the Polytechnic University of Valencia is gratefully acknowledged for help with AFM characterization. Funding. The grant CTM2017-88645-R was funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe. Additionally, the grant PRE2018-08524 was funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF Investing in your future.Sánchez-Arévalo, CM.; Croes, T.; Van Der Bruggen, B.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2023). Feasibility of several commercial membranes to recover valuable phenolic compounds from extracts of wet olive pomace through organic-solvent nanofiltration. Separation and Purification Technology. 305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2022.12239630

    Effect of the operating conditions on a nanofiltration process to separate low-molecular-weight phenolic compounds from the sugars present in olive mill wastewaters

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    [EN] The efficiency of nanofiltration to purify the tyrosol present in the olive mill wastewaters (OMWWs) has been studied. The similar molecular weight of tyrosol and the sucrose existing in this kind of by-products restricts the discrimination between both molecules through a membrane process, but the interest of phenolic compounds to be applied in cosmetics and pharmacology greatly motivates its recovery at the highest purity possible. Thus, two different simulated OMWWs composed of tyrosol and mixtures of tyrosol and sucrose, respectively, were nanofiltered using the NF270 membrane. Three transmembrane pressures (TMPs) and three cross-flow velocities were tested. The optimum results were obtained at 0.5 m.s(-1) and 15 bar. The rejections of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) were above 78 %, whereas phenolic compounds were barely retained. This indicates that the sugar was accurately separated from tyrosol, which was recovered in the permeate stream at a high purity.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the project CTM201788645-R, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the PRE2018-085245 pre-doctoral grant.Sánchez-Arévalo, CM.; Jimeno-Jiménez, Á.; Carbonell Alcaina, C.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2021). Effect of the operating conditions on a nanofiltration process to separate low-molecular-weight phenolic compounds from the sugars present in olive mill wastewaters. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 148:428-436. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2020.10.00242843614

    Avances en el patrón de comercio Intra-industrial entre la Unión Europea y América Latina: Los casos de Brasil y México

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    Este estudio aborda el análisis de las relaciones comerciales y productivas entre la Unión Europea y América Latina, junto a un examen detallado de las relaciones de Brasil y México con sus principales socios europeos (Alemania, España, Francia, Italia, Reino Unido, Países Bajos). El objetivo central gira en torno a los cambios ocurridos en el patrón de comercio intra-industrial entre la UE y los países de América Latina y el Caribe en las dos últimas décadas. En este sentido, incorpora una novedosa dimensión Norte-Sur al estudio de este fenómeno. El estudio manifiesta la prevalencia de un bajo perfil de inserción intra-industrial entre ambas regiones, aunque también permite identificar diversos matices sectoriales, que revelan la existencia de avances en la presencia de este tipo de intercambios. A nivel general, se aprecia una evolución creciente del comercio intra-industrial entre ambas regiones, aunque con un cambio de tendencia desde la reciente crisis global. La mayoría de los intercambios presentan una alta orientación al consumo intermedio, lo que refleja el alto grado de extensión alcanzado en el marco de las cadenas globales de valor. A ello se añade, desde una perspectiva dinámica, la intensificación de este tipo de destino en el conjunto de los flujos internacionales; confirmando el avance en el grado de interpenetración comercial y productiva de las economías analizadas. Se observa una correspondencia entre la inversión extranjera directa y el comercio intra-industrial, lo que resulta coherente con la idea de que las empresas multinacionales influyen positivamente en la creación de comercio intra-industrial. Aunque los avances observados a nivel agregado en el grado de inserción intra-industrial de Brasil y México con la Unión Europea son todavía bastante moderados, no lo son tanto en ciertos sectores (material de transporte, equipos y material eléctrico, productos químicos...) que protagonizan una parte significativa de sus intercambios bilaterales.EU-LAC Foundatio

    Performance of students in a semi-virtual environment during the learning of the subject Experimentation in Chemical Engineering II. Comparison with the face-to-face scenario

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    [EN] During the academic year 2020-2021, face-to-face teaching had to be adapted to the virtual environment to meet with the requirements of the health recommendations derived from the COVID-19 pandemic. After the returning to the face-to-face mode, it is now possible to evaluate the impact of the semi-virtual teaching on the learning outcomes within laboratory practice sessions. A comparative between the students performance in a semi-virtual and a presential teaching environment has been conducted. This has been specifically applied to the laboratory subject Experimentation in Chemical Engineering II, which is teached in the Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Degree. This degree is taught in the Superior Technical School of Industrial Engineers (ETSII) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).[ES] Durante el curso 2020-2021, la docencia presencial tuvo que adaptarse al ámbito virtual para cumplir con las recomendaciones sanitarias derivadas de la pandemia de COVID-19. Tras volver a la modalidad presencial, es posible evaluar el impacto de la semipresencialidad sobre los resultados de aprendizaje derivados de las sesiones de laboratorio. Se ha llevado a cabo una comparación del rendimiento del alumnado observado en ambos entornos, para el caso particular de la asignatura de laboratorio Experimentación en Ingeniería Química II, que se imparte en el Grado de Ingeniería Química, en la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).Sánchez Arévalo, C.; Luján Facundo, MJ.; Rodríguez López, AD.; Ferrer Polonio, E.; Martí Calatayud, MC. (2022). Rendimiento del alumnado en un entorno semi-virtual durante el aprendizaje de la asignatura Experimentación en Ingeniería Química II. Comparación con el escenario presencial. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1017-1027. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.158721017102

    Analysis of the Health Prevention study program in the Medicine career

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    Introducción: el continuo perfeccionamiento en el sector salud, sustentado en un nuevo modelo económico, traza dentro de sus objetivos: el fortalecimiento de las estrategias de formación, capacitación e investigación. Como resultado de este proceso hubo un perfeccionamiento en la carrera de Medicina y, con ello, en la asignatura.Objetivo: evaluar el programa de la asignatura Prevención en Salud, a partir de lo regulado en el reglamento vigente para el trabajo docente-metodológico.Métodos: se realizó un análisis crítico, valorativo y reflexivo, que conllevó a una revisión exhaustiva del contenido, del basamento legal que norma el trabajo docente-metodológico para la enseñanza superior, así como artículos originales y de revisión relacionados con la temática. También se analizaron las orientaciones metodológicas para los cursos académicos 2017-2018, 2018-2019 y 2019-2020, y el tipo de profesional que demanda la sociedad.  Resultados: se redujeron 16 horas en el tema III y se incrementaron al tema II, de manera que permitiera al estudiante trabajar no solo lo relacionado con familia y comunicación, sino también profundizar en la identificación de los problemas de salud de las familias, e integrar el conocimiento de algunos de los programas priorizados abordados en el tema I, así como en los contenidos de las asignaturas precedentes.Conclusiones: las deficiencias detectadas en el programa de la asignatura Prevención en Salud, como resultado del análisis crítico, valorativo y reflexivo, encontraron respuestas en las propuestas de cambio que realizaron los autores.Introduction: the continuous improvement in the health sector, supported by a new economic model, outlines within its objectives: the strengthening of education, training and research strategies. As a result of this process, there was an improvement in the Medicine degree and, with it, in the subject.Objective: evaluate the program of the Health Prevention subject, based on what is regulated in the current regulations for teaching-methodological work.Methods: a critical, evaluative and reflective analysis was carried out, which led to an exhaustive review of the content, the legal basis that regulates the teaching-methodological work for higher education, as well as original and review articles related to the topic. The methodological guidelines for the 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years were also analyzed, and the type of professional that society demands.Results: 16 hours were reduced in topic III and increased to topic II, in a way that allowed the student to work not only on what is related to family and communication, but also to deepen the identification of family health problems, and integrate knowledge of some of the prioritized programs addressed in topic I, as well as the contents of the preceding subjects.Conclusions: the deficiencies detected in the program of the subject Prevention in Health, as a result of the critical, evaluative and reflective analysis, found answers in the proposals for change made by the authors

    Collaborative tasks vs. individual work in the context of a course in Experimentation in Chemical Engineering

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    [EN] The development of collaborative tasks is a common practice in laboratory sessions that include a significant content of handwork activities. Group activities entail important advantages for the students, like an improvement in their communicative and teamwork skills and a high interaction between students. However, when a high percentage of the final course mark is allocated in the evaluation of group assignments, there is a risk of underrating students that exhibit a constant dedication during the course. In this study, an evaluation component which is individual and periodic has been included under the framework of a course of Experimentation in Chemical Engineering. The weight assigned to the collaborative and individual tasks on the final course mark has been analyzed and the number of students that are underrated by the weight given to collaborative assignments has been calculated.[ES] La realización de tareas grupales es común en asignaturas de laboratorio y con un contenido de prácticas muy elevado. Las actividades por grupos conllevan ventajas importantes para el alumnado, tales como la mejora de sus habilidades comunicativas, de trabajo en equipo y la elevada interacción entre compañeros. No obstante, cuando la evaluación de trabajos grupales constituye un porcentaje elevado de la nota de la asignatura, la probabilidad de perjudicar a alumnos con una dedicación más constante a lo largo del curso es elevada. En este trabajo, se incluye un componente de evaluación continua individual en sesiones de trabajo grupal en el marco de una asignatura de Experimentación en Ingeniería Química. Se analiza el peso que tienen las componentes de trabajo colaborativo e individual sobre la nota final de la asignatura y se calcula el número de alumnos cuya nota se ve perjudicada por la ponderación del trabajo grupal.Ferrer Polonio, E.; Martí Calatayud, MC.; Rodríguez López, AD.; Sánchez Arévalo, C.; Luján Facundo, MJ. (2022). Trabajo colaborativo vs. esfuerzo individual en el contexto de una asignatura de Experimentación en Ingeniería Química. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 91-101. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.158139110