52 research outputs found

    Protein aggregation profile of the bacterial cytosol

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    Background: protein misfolding is usually deleterious for the cell, either as a consequence of the loss of protein function or the buildup of insoluble and toxic aggregates. The aggregation behavior of a given polypeptide is strongly influenced by the intrinsic properties encoded in its sequence. This has allowed the development of effective computational methods to predict protein aggregation propensity. Methodology/Principal Findings: here, we use the AGGRESCAN algorithm to approximate the aggregation profile of an experimental cytosolic Escherichia coli proteome. The analysis indicates that the aggregation propensity of bacterial proteins is associated with their length, conformation, location, function, and abundance. The data are consistent with the predictions of other algorithms on different theoretical proteomes. Conclusions/Significance: overall, the study suggests that the avoidance of protein aggregation in functional environments acts as a strong evolutionary constraint on polypeptide sequences in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

    Amyloid fibril formation by bovine cytochrome c

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    Ajuts: S.V. is supported by a "Ramón y Cajal" project awarded by the MCYT and co-financed by the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.Bovine heart cytochrome c is an all-α globular protein containing a covalently bound heme group. Prolonged incubation at 75°C in mild alkaline solution damages the prosthetic group and results in permanent unfolding of the polypeptide chain. Under this conditions, cytochrome c aggregates into fibrillar structures. Characterization by transmission electron microscopy and thioflavin-T binding assays shows that these species posses the characteristics of fibrils associated with the family of amyloid diseases. Our findings indicate that destabilization of the native fold of this highly α-helical protein can lead to its polymerization into β-sheet rich structures and suggest that this process does not depend on the population of partially folded monomeric states with extensive β-sheet structure

    Resposta cel·lular a un mal plegament de proteïnes

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    Una de les principals línies de recerca del grup és l'estudi del mal plegament i l'agregació de proteïnes relacionades amb la malaltia. Estudien aquest fenomen des d'un punt de vista biofísic, per conèixer les propietats de les proteïnes que estan involucrades en aquest esdeveniment, i també utilitzant models vius, per entendre la seva relació amb les malalties i les funcions cel·lulars.El mal plegamiento y la agregación de proteínas están asociados a numerosas enfermedades degenerativas como la diabetes-tipo-II o el Alzheimer. En investigaciones anteriores se había encontrado un umbral a partir del cual una célula empezaba a acumular activamente una proteína en agregados. Los datos obtenidos en esta nueva investigación confirman que la formación de estos agregados conlleva un alto coste energético para la célula, pero que puede protegerla contra los efectos perjudiciales asociados a las proteínas mal plegadas.Protein misfolding and aggregation is associated with numerous degenerative human disorders such as type-II-diabetes or Alzheimer's disease. In previous research we identifieda threshold abovewhich a cell began to actively accumulate protein aggregates. The data obtained in this new research confirms that the formation of these aggregates is an energetically expensive process for the cell, but it can protect it against the harmful effects associated with misfolded proteins

    Computational analysis of candidate prion-like proteins in bacteria and their role

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    Prion proteins were initially associated with diseases such as Creutzfeldt Jakob and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. However, deeper research revealed them as versatile tools, exploited by the cells to execute fascinating functions, acting as epigenetic elements or building membrane free compartments in eukaryotes. One of the most intriguing properties of prion proteins is their ability to propagate a conformational assembly, even across species. In this context, it has been observed that bacterial amyloids can trigger the formation of protein aggregates by interacting with host proteins. As our life is closely linked to bacteria, either through a parasitic or symbiotic relationship, prion-like proteins produced by bacterial cells might play a role in this association. Bioinformatics is helping us to understand the factors that determine conformational conversion and infectivity in prion-like proteins. We have used PrionScan to detect prion domains in 839 different bacteria proteomes, detecting 2200 putative prions in these organisms. We studied this set of proteins in order to try to understand their functional role and structural properties. Our results suggest that these bacterial polypeptides are associated to peripheral rearrangement, macromolecular assembly, cell adaptability, and invasion. Overall, these data could reveal new threats and therapeutic targets associated to infectious diseases

    Prediction of "hot spots" of aggregation in disease-linked polypeptides

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    BACKGROUND: The polypeptides involved in amyloidogenesis may be globular proteins with a defined 3D-structure or natively unfolded proteins. The first class includes polypeptides such as β2-microglobulin, lysozyme, transthyretin or the prion protein, whereas β-amyloid peptide, amylin or α-synuclein all belong to the second class. Recent studies suggest that specific regions in the proteins act as "hot spots" driving aggregation. This should be especially relevant for natively unfolded proteins or unfolded states of globular proteins as they lack significant secondary and tertiary structure and specific intra-chain interactions that can mask these aggregation-prone regions. Prediction of such sequence stretches is important since they are potential therapeutic targets. RESULTS: In this study we exploited the experimental data obtained in an in vivo system using β-amyloid peptide as a model to derive the individual aggregation propensities of natural amino acids. These data are used to generate aggregation profiles for different disease-related polypeptides. The approach detects the presence of "hot spots" which have been already validated experimentally in the literature and provides insights into the effect of disease-linked mutations in these polypeptides. CONCLUSION: The proposed method might become a useful tool for the future development of sequence-targeted anti-aggregation pharmaceuticals

    Ile-Phe Dipeptide Self-Assembly: Clues to Amyloid Formation

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    AbstractPeptidic self-assembled nanostructures are said to have a wide range of applications in nanotechnology, yet the mechanistic details of hierarchical self-assembly are still poorly understood. The Phe-Phe recognition motif of the Alzheimer’s Aβ peptide is the smallest peptide able to assemble into higher-order structures. Here, we show that the Ile-Phe dipeptide analog is also able to self-associate in aqueous solution as a transparent, thermoreversible gel formed by a network of fibrillar nanostructures that exhibit strong birefringence upon Congo red binding. Besides, a second dipeptide Val-Phe, differing only in a methyl group from the former, is unable to self-assemble. The detailed analysis of the differential polymeric behavior of these closely related molecules provides insight into the forces triggering the first steps in self-assembly processes such as amyloid formation

    Using bacterial inclusion bodies to screen for amyloid aggregation inhibitors

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    Background: The amyloid-β peptide (Aβ42) is the main component of the inter-neuronal amyloid plaques characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The mechanism by which Aβ42 and other amyloid peptides assemble into insoluble neurotoxic deposits is still not completely understood and multiple factors have been reported to trigger their formation. In particular, the presence of endogenous metal ions has been linked to the pathogenesis of AD and other neurodegenerative disorders. Results: Here we describe a rapid and high-throughput screening method to identify molecules able to modulate amyloid aggregation. The approach exploits the inclusion bodies (IBs) formed by Aβ42 when expressed in bacteria. We have shown previously that these aggregates retain amyloid structural and functional properties. In the present work, we demonstrate that their in vitro refolding is selectively sensitive to the presence of aggregation-promoting metal ions, allowing the detection of inhibitors of metal-promoted amyloid aggregation with potential therapeutic interest. Conclusions: Because IBs can be produced at high levels and easily purified, the method overcomes one of the main limitations in screens to detect amyloid modulators: the use of expensive and usually highly insoluble synthetic peptides

    Cells alter their tRNA abundance to selectively regulate protein synthesis during stress conditions

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    Decoding the information in mRNA during protein synthesis relies on tRNA adaptors, the abundance of which can affect the decoding rate and translation efficiency. To determine whether cells alter tRNA abundance to selectively regulate protein expression, we quantified changes in the abundance of individual tRNAs at different time points in response to diverse stress conditions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that the tRNA pool was dynamic and rearranged in a manner that facilitated selective translation of stress-related transcripts. Through genomic analysis of multiple data sets, stochastic simulations, and experiments with designed sequences of proteins with identical amino acids but altered codon usage, we showed that changes in tRNA abundance affected protein expression independently of factors such as mRNA abundance. We suggest that cells alter their tRNA abundance to selectively affect the translation rates of specific transcripts to increase the amounts of required proteins under diverse stress conditions

    Benzbromarone, Quercetin, and Folic Acid Inhibit Amylin Aggregation

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    Human Amylin, or islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), is a small hormone secreted by pancreatic-cells that forms aggregates under insulin deficiency metabolic conditions, and it constitutes a pathological hallmark of type II diabetes mellitus. In type II diabetes patients, amylin is abnormally increased, self-assembled into amyloid aggregates, and ultimately contributes to the apoptotic death of -cells by mechanisms that are not completely understood. We have screened a library of approved drugs in order to identify inhibitors of amylin aggregation that could be used as tools to investigate the role of amylin aggregation in type II diabetes or as therapeutics in order to reduce -cell damage. Interestingly, three of the compounds analyzed-benzbromarone, quercetin, and folic acid-are able to slow down amylin fiber formation according to Thioflavin T binding, turbidimetry, and Transmission Electron Microscopy assays. In addition to the in vitro assays, we have tested the effect of these compounds in an amyloid toxicity cell culture model and we have found that one of them, quercetin, has the ability to partly protect cultured pancreatic insulinoma cells from the cytotoxic effect of amylin. Our data suggests that quercetin can contribute to reduce oxidative damage in pancreatic insulinoma cells by modulating the aggregation propensity of amylin

    Is membrane homeostasis the missing link between inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases?

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    Systemic inflammation and infections are associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Unfortunately, the molecular bases of this link are still largely undiscovered. We, therefore, review how inflammatory processes can imbalance membrane homeostasis and theorize how this may have an effect on the aggregation behavior of the proteins implicated in such diseases. Specifically, we describe the processes that generate such imbalances at the molecular level, and try to understand how they affect protein folding and localization. Overall, current knowledge suggests that microglia pro-inflammatory mediators can generate membrane damage, which may have an impact in terms of triggering or accelerating disease manifestation