7 research outputs found

    Co-Existence of blaNDM-1, blaOXA-23, blaOXA-64, blaPER-7 and blaADC-57 in a Clinical Isolate of Acinetobacter baumannii from Alexandria, Egypt

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    The increasing rates of antimicrobial resistance among carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in the Middle East and North Africa are one of the major concerns for healthcare settings. We characterised the first A. baumannii isolate harbouring five β-lactamases identified in Egypt. The isolate Ale25 was obtained from an ICU patient of a hospital from Alexandria. The isolate was phenotypically and genotypically screened for carbapenemase genes. The isolate was resistant to carbapenems, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones and cefiderocol. Whole-Genome Sequencing identified five β-lactamase genes, blaNDM-1, blaOXA-23, blaOXA-64, blaPER-7 and blaADC-57, together with other antibiotic resistance genes, conferring resistance to sulfonamides, macrolides, tetracyclines, rifamycin and chloramphenicol. Virulome analysis showed the presence of genes involved in adhesion and biofilm production, type II and VI secretion systems, exotoxins, etc. Multi-Locus Sequence Typing analysis identified the isolate as Sequence Types 113Pas and 2246Oxf, belonging to International Clone 7. Sequencing experiments revealed the presence of four plasmids of 2.7, 22.3, 70.4 and 240.8 Kb. All the β-lactamase genes were located in the chromosome, except the blaPER-7, gene which was found within the plasmid of 240.8 Kb. This study highlights the threat of the emergence and dissemination of these types of isolates.This research was funded by the MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), grant number PID2020-116495RB-I00; the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE BASQUE GOVERNMENT (Research Groups of the Basque University System 2021), grant number Group IT1578-22, GIC21/18; and the ARAB ACADEMY FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MARITIME TRANSPORT, grant number 2072

    Secuenciación masiva del genoma para el estudio del resistoma y viruloma de aislamientos clínicos de Acinetobacter baumannii procedentes de Alejandría, Egipto

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    231 p.Acinetobacter baumannii multirresistente a los antibióticos es un patógeno que supone una amenaza global, especialmente para los países del Medio Oriente y Norte de África, donde las tasas de resistencia a antibióticos son elevadas. El objetivo de este proyecto de tesis doctoral fue investigar las características genéticas implicadas en la virulencia y resistencia a antibióticos de 36 aislamientos de A. baumannii multirresistentes a los antibióticos aislados en hospitales de Alejandría, Egipto. Para ello se evaluó la susceptibilidad a antibióticos, se realizaron PCR para la detección de ß-lactamasas y se llevó a cabo la secuenciación global del genoma para establecer relaciones clonales entre los aislamientos mediante MLST, para la búsqueda de genes de resistencia, virulencia y elementos genéticos móviles, y para la localización de los genes de resistencia a antibióticos, además de mediante S1-PFGE. También se llevaron a cabo experimentos para observar aspectos fenotípicos de virulencia como la producción de biofilm y la motilidad. Los resultados de este trabajo mostraron altas tasas de resistencia a antibióticos, con genes de resistencia codificados tanto en cromosoma como en plásmidos. Además, los aislamientos pertenecían a siete clones internacionales diferentes, poniendo en evidencia la necesidad de establecer medidas de control de infecciones más estrictas para evitar la diseminación de clones multirresistentes

    Plasmid content of carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates belonging to five International Clones collected from hospitals of Alexandria, Egypt

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    Multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most important nosocomial pathogens worldwide. During the last decades it has become a major threat for healthcare settings due to the high antibiotic resistance rates among these isolates. Many resistance determinants are coded by conjugative or mobilizable plasmids, facilitating their dissemination. The majority of plasmids harbored by Acinetobacter species are less than 20 Kb, however, high molecular weight elements are the most clinically relevant since they usually contain antibiotic resistance genes. The aim of this work was to describe, classify and determine the genetic content of plasmids harbored by carbapem resistant A. baumannii isolates belonging to predominant clonal lineages circulating in hospitals from Alexandria, Egypt. The isolates were subjected to S1-Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis experiments to identify high molecular weight plasmids. To further analyze the plasmid content and the genetic localization of the antibiotic resistance genes, isolates were sequenced by Illumina Miseq and MinION Mk1C and a hybrid assembly was performed using Unicycler v0.5.0. Plasmids were detected with MOBsuite 3.0.3 and Copla.py v.1.0 and mapped using the online software Proksee.ca. Replicase genes were further analyzed through a BLAST against the Acinetobacter Plasmid Typing database. Eleven plasmids ranging in size from 4.9 to 205.6 Kb were characterized and mapped. All isolates contained plasmids, and, in many cases, more than two elements were identified. Antimicrobial resistance genes such as blaOXA-23, blaGES-like, aph(3’)-VI and qacEΔ1 were found in likely conjugative large plasmids; while virulence determinants such as septicolysin or TonB-dependent receptors were identified in plasmids of small size. Some of these resistance determinants were, in turn, located within transposons and class 1 integrons. Among the identified plasmids, the majority encoded proteins belonging to the Rep_3 family, but replicases of the RepPriCT_1 (Aci6) family were also identified. Plasmids are of high interest as antibiotic resistance control tools, since they may be used as genetic markers for antibiotic resistance and virulence, and also as targets for the development of compounds that can inhibit transfer processes

    DataSheet_1_Plasmid content of carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates belonging to five International Clones collected from hospitals of Alexandria, Egypt.pdf

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    Multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most important nosocomial pathogens worldwide. During the last decades it has become a major threat for healthcare settings due to the high antibiotic resistance rates among these isolates. Many resistance determinants are coded by conjugative or mobilizable plasmids, facilitating their dissemination. The majority of plasmids harbored by Acinetobacter species are less than 20 Kb, however, high molecular weight elements are the most clinically relevant since they usually contain antibiotic resistance genes. The aim of this work was to describe, classify and determine the genetic content of plasmids harbored by carbapem resistant A. baumannii isolates belonging to predominant clonal lineages circulating in hospitals from Alexandria, Egypt. The isolates were subjected to S1-Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis experiments to identify high molecular weight plasmids. To further analyze the plasmid content and the genetic localization of the antibiotic resistance genes, isolates were sequenced by Illumina Miseq and MinION Mk1C and a hybrid assembly was performed using Unicycler v0.5.0. Plasmids were detected with MOBsuite 3.0.3 and Copla.py v.1.0 and mapped using the online software Proksee.ca. Replicase genes were further analyzed through a BLAST against the Acinetobacter Plasmid Typing database. Eleven plasmids ranging in size from 4.9 to 205.6 Kb were characterized and mapped. All isolates contained plasmids, and, in many cases, more than two elements were identified. Antimicrobial resistance genes such as blaOXA-23, blaGES-like, aph(3’)-VI and qacEΔ1 were found in likely conjugative large plasmids; while virulence determinants such as septicolysin or TonB-dependent receptors were identified in plasmids of small size. Some of these resistance determinants were, in turn, located within transposons and class 1 integrons. Among the identified plasmids, the majority encoded proteins belonging to the Rep_3 family, but replicases of the RepPriCT_1 (Aci6) family were also identified. Plasmids are of high interest as antibiotic resistance control tools, since they may be used as genetic markers for antibiotic resistance and virulence, and also as targets for the development of compounds that can inhibit transfer processes.</p

    Molecular characterization of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates from Alexandria, Egypt

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    Carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii is a major global concern, especially in countries of the Middle East and North Africa, where the antibiotic resistance rates are on the rise. The aim of this study was to study the genomic characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of thirty-six multidrug resistant A. baumannii clinical isolates obtained in hospitals from Alexandria, Egypt. Antibiotic resistance rates were estimated by determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations. Carbapenemase genes, other antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors were then screened by the use of Whole Genome Sequencing. Isolates were also subjected to Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) using the Pasteur Scheme and to core genome MLST to study their clonal relatedness. In addition, plasmid analysis was performed by the use of a commercial kit and S1- Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis, and Hybridization experiments with DIG-labeled DNA probes for blaNDM-1, blaPER-7 and blaGES-like were performed to locate these genes. The majority of isolates were resistant to β-lactams (including carbapenems), fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and trimethoprim; and some showed resistance to cefiderocol and minocycline. We identified 8 different blaOXA-51-like variants including blaOXA-51, blaOXA-64, blaOXA-65, blaOXA-66, blaOXA-68, blaOXA-91, blaOXA-94 and blaOXA-336; blaOXA-23, blaNDM-1, blaPER-7, blaGES-like and blaADC-like and other antibiotic resistance genes, some of these genes were within transposons or class 1 integrons. Multiple virulence factors responsible for adherence, biofilm production, type II and type VI secretion systems, exotoxins, exoenzymes, immune modulation and iron uptake were observed and 34 out of 36 isolates showed motility. Thirty-five out of 36 isolates clustered with International Clones 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9; and 9 STs were identified including ST570, ST2, ST600, ST15, ST113, ST613, ST85, ST158, ST164. Plasmids ranging in size from 1.7 to 70 kb were found; blaNDM-1 and blaPER-7 genes were located in the chromosome and blaGES-like genes were simultaneously located in the chromosome and in a plasmid of 70kb. In conclusion, this study revealed a wide spectrum of antibiotic resistance genes and a variety of lineages among A. baumannii isolated in hospitals from Alexandria, and highlights the importance of investigating the molecular epidemiology to control the spread of multi-drug resistant isolates.This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) [Grant PID2020-116495RB-I00]; the Department of Education, Basque Government (Research Groups of the Basque University System 2021 [Group IT1578-22, GIC21/18]; and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport [Grant Number 2072]

    Genomic Surveillance Uncovers a 10-Year Persistence of an OXA-24/40 <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i> Clone in a Tertiary Hospital in Northern Spain

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    Infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii are a global threat causing a high number of fatal infections. This microorganism can also easily acquire antibiotic resistance determinants, making the treatment of infections a big challenge, and has the ability to persist in the hospital environment under a wide range of conditions. The objective of this work was to study the molecular epidemiology and genetic characteristics of two blaOXA24/40 Acinetobacter baumannii outbreaks (2009 and 2020-21) at a tertiary hospital in Northern Spain. Thirty-six isolates were investigated and genotypically screened by Whole Genome Sequencing to analyse the resistome and virulome. Isolates were resistant to carbapenems, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones. Multi-Locus Sequence Typing analysis identified that Outbreak 1 was mainly produced by isolates belonging to ST3Pas/ST106Oxf (IC3) containing blaOXA24/40, blaOXA71 and blaADC119. Outbreak 2 isolates were exclusively ST2Pas/ST801Oxf (IC2) blaOXA24/40, blaOXA66 and blaADC30, the same genotype seen in two isolates from 2009. Virulome analysis showed that IC2 isolates contained genes for capsular polysaccharide KL32 and lipooligosacharide OCL5. A 8.9 Kb plasmid encoding the blaOXA24/40 gene was common in all isolates. The persistance over time of a virulent IC2 clone highlights the need of active surveillance to control its spread

    DataSheet_1_Molecular characterization of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates from Alexandria, Egypt.docx

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    Carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii is a major global concern, especially in countries of the Middle East and North Africa, where the antibiotic resistance rates are on the rise. The aim of this study was to study the genomic characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of thirty-six multidrug resistant A. baumannii clinical isolates obtained in hospitals from Alexandria, Egypt. Antibiotic resistance rates were estimated by determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations. Carbapenemase genes, other antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors were then screened by the use of Whole Genome Sequencing. Isolates were also subjected to Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) using the Pasteur Scheme and to core genome MLST to study their clonal relatedness. In addition, plasmid analysis was performed by the use of a commercial kit and S1- Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis, and Hybridization experiments with DIG-labeled DNA probes for blaNDM-1, blaPER-7 and blaGES-like were performed to locate these genes. The majority of isolates were resistant to β-lactams (including carbapenems), fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and trimethoprim; and some showed resistance to cefiderocol and minocycline. We identified 8 different blaOXA-51-like variants including blaOXA-51, blaOXA-64, blaOXA-65, blaOXA-66, blaOXA-68, blaOXA-91, blaOXA-94 and blaOXA-336; blaOXA-23, blaNDM-1, blaPER-7, blaGES-like and blaADC-like and other antibiotic resistance genes, some of these genes were within transposons or class 1 integrons. Multiple virulence factors responsible for adherence, biofilm production, type II and type VI secretion systems, exotoxins, exoenzymes, immune modulation and iron uptake were observed and 34 out of 36 isolates showed motility. Thirty-five out of 36 isolates clustered with International Clones 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9; and 9 STs were identified including ST570, ST2, ST600, ST15, ST113, ST613, ST85, ST158, ST164. Plasmids ranging in size from 1.7 to 70 kb were found; blaNDM-1 and blaPER-7 genes were located in the chromosome and blaGES-like genes were simultaneously located in the chromosome and in a plasmid of 70kb. In conclusion, this study revealed a wide spectrum of antibiotic resistance genes and a variety of lineages among A. baumannii isolated in hospitals from Alexandria, and highlights the importance of investigating the molecular epidemiology to control the spread of multi-drug resistant isolates.</p