107 research outputs found

    La función de recursos humanos en tiempo de crisis

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    ¿Cumplen los departamentos de recursos humanos los requisitos que se les deben exigir para armonizar los intereses de empleados y de organización en tiempos de crisis? En este estudio, utilizando una muestra de 270 empresas de la Región de Murcia, se analiza en que medida los directores de recursos humanos están haciendo frente a la crisis a través de la adaptación y transformación de tres de los procesos, diseño de puestos, formación y retribución, que más se relacionan con los objetivos de la flexibilidad laboral. Los resultados indican, en términos generales, que las prácticas de recursos humanos aún se diseñan de forma rígida y poco flexible, esto puede dificultar el desarrollo adecuado del capital humano, así como la aportación de valor necesaria por parte de la función de personal para contribuir a la competitividad de las organizaciones.______________________________________________Are the departments of human resources harmonizing the interests of the company with those of the human resources in crisis times? In this study, using a sample of 270 companies of the Region of Murcia, it is analyzed if human resources managers are facing the crisis across the adjustment and transformation of three of the processes which are more relate to labour flexibility: job design, training and compensation,. The results indicate, in general terms, that human resources practices are still rigid and inflexible, this can impede the suitable development of the human capital, as well as the necessary contribution of human resources to the competitiveness of firms

    Say on pay and executive compensation: a systematic review and suggestions for developing the field

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    ©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Human Resource Management Review. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2019.01.004Say on pay (SOP) is a form of shareholder activism where shareholders express their opinions on executive compensation by casting a vote in the annual general meeting. To date, although a large variety of results, antecedents and outcomes have been mentioned and discussed, knowledge about SOP is still limited. This study, through a systematic literature review of 44 articles on SOP published between 2010 and 2018 in finance and management journals, aims to explore our understanding of SOP effectiveness by analyzing its conceptualization, theoretical foundations, methodological issues, antecedents and derived outcomes. After identifying some common patterns in SOP effectiveness that reflect a specific governance contextualization, we provide a guide to develop future research in the field, highlighting key implications for human resource management academics and practitioners

    Retribución de directivos, gobierno corporativo y resultados de la empresa

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    Retribución de directivos, gobierno corporativo y resultados de la empresaUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    High-performance work systems in family firms: a mixed gamble approach

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    Research on the use of high-performance work systems (HPWSs) in family firms has yielded mixed evidence. This study aims to bridge this gap by using the socioemotional wealth (SEW) approach and the behavioral agency model (BAM) to explain why certain family firms have a greater incentive to use HPWS. We argue that the decision of family firms to implement HPWS is part of a mixed-gamble scenario of balancing risks with financial and family wealth prospects. Our results from 453 Spanish medium-sized and private family firms confirm that the importance of preserving SEW has a positive effect on the adoption of HPWS and that this influence is particularly pronounced in high-risk firms whose management is mainly controlled by family members and by the second generation. These findings contribute to the literature by explaining how using HPWS by family firms is significantly contingent on business risk

    Socioemotional wealth and human resource policies: effects on family firm performance

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    Purpose: This study analyses whether human resource management (HRM), through the use of four sets of high-performance work policies (HPWPs) (i.e., selection, training, motivation, and opportunity policies), mediates the relationship between socioemotional wealth (SEW)?defined as a unique set of nonfinancial family goals?and firm financial performance when family firms face a high-risk context. Design/methodology/approach: Hypotheses were statistically tested using a structural equation modelling methodology with a cross-sectional sample of 196 mediumsized and private family firms in a high-risk context in Spain. Findings: The results indicate that the relationship between SEW and financial performance in family firms is fully mediated by the use of HPWPs, especially by training and motivation HR policies. The importance given to preserving SEW influences the use of four sets of HPWPs when family firms show clear evidence of being confronted by a financial decline (i.e., a high-risk context). However, to improve their financial results to avoid the firm's failure and thus the loss of their SEW, only those HR policies that focus on training and motivation made a significant and positive contribution to the firm financial performance. Originality: This study contributes to the literature on family firms and HRM by adopting an alternative theoretical framework to understand how the importance of nonfinancial family goals may affect employee structures and management policies, thereby improving financial performance in family firms

    The influence of family involvement and generational stage on learning-by-exporting among family firms

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    ©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Review of Managerial Science (RMS). To access the final edited and published work seehttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-019-00350-7This paper analyses the link between export activity and product innovation in family firms. Following the learning-by-exporting (LBE) hypothesis and considering that family firms are not homogeneous entities, we explore differences among family firms regarding the influence of export activity on product innovation based on the degree of family involvement in management and on the generational implication. Based on a sample of 797 family firms operating in 20 different manufacturing industries over the period 2007-2014, empirical findings indicate that there are significant differences between family firms in terms of the conversion process of the benefits of exporting into product innovation. The family involvement in management fosters the LBE effect on product innovation through an inverted U-shaped pattern, reaching a peak when there are 2.97 family members involved in the management of the company. Contrary to expectations, results also show a positive influence of first-generation family firms on the LBE effect on product innovatio

    Linkages between high-performance work practices and family-centered goals: implications for financial performance in family firms.

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    Purpose: This study explores what impact high-performance work practices (from the ability-motivation-opportunity framework) might have on financial performance among family firms and examines the mediating role played by family-centered goals. Design: The empirical approach is based on data collected from a sample of 339 Spanish small and medium-sized family enterprises operating in the industry and service sectors. To test our hypotheses, we apply a path analysis modeling tool to estimate both indirect and direct effects in mediator models. Findings: Our results indicate that the ability-motivation-opportunity framework has a significant impact on financial performance through the lens of family-centered goals. In addition, family businesses keen concern to preserve family wealth influences the effectiveness of high-performance work practices, making firms more socioemotionally oriented at the expense of economic impact. Originality: By examining the mediating effect of family-centered goals, this paper advances and extends socioemotional wealth theory in the context of human resource management by considering the relationships between human resource practices and firm performance as a mixed gamble approach. Research implications: This paper underscores the importance of integrating family aspirations into strategic human resource management design, emphasizing the significance of socioemotional wealth preservation. Practical implications: The findings offer practical insights for family managers, family owners, and human resource practitioners, suggesting the need to align human resource practices with family goals and to strategically balance socioemotional and financial wealth considerations. Family owners in key management positions must skillfully manage human resource strategies to harmonize family and firm goals

    Abandonando la Gestión Familiar - Análisis de los Efectos sobre las Exportaciones

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    Finding the internationalization triggers of family-managed firms is not easy because family-managed firms are regarded as being very different to begin with (e.g. Bloom et al., 2011).In investigating the role of family management, we apply a Spanish sample of 805 family-managed firms to investigate the impact of abandoning such management on export propensity. Through a Logit model, we find that such abandon is associated with a fall in export propensity, findings we relate back to managerial theories of the firm. This finding is related to specific features of family managed firms that favour export activity such as a greater flexibility and altruism. The conclusions of this work have a number of relevant implications.  Encontrar los factores desencadenantes de la internacionalización de las empre-sas familiares no es fácil porque, para empezar, las empresas familiares se consideran muy diferentes (por ejemplo, Bloom et al., 2011). Al investigar el papel de la gestión familiar, aplicamos una muestra española de 805 empresas gestionadas por familias para investigar el impacto del abandono de la gestión familiar en la propensión a exportar. Aplicando modelos logit y tobit, encontramos que el abandono de la gestión familiar está asociado con una caída en la actividad exportadora (tanto en la propensión exportadora como en la intensidad expor-tadora), hallazgos que relacionamos con las teorías gerenciales de la empresa. Este hallazgo está relacionado con características específicas de las empresas familiares que favorecen la actividad exportadora como una mayor flexibilidad y altruismo. Las conclusiones de este trabajo tienen una serie de implicaciones relevantes

    La relación entre la estrategia empresarial y la estrategia retributiva y su efecto en los resultados de la empresa

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    Este trabajo analiza, sobre la base del marco teórico que proporciona el modelo contingente, si los resultados de la empresa están afectados por la existencia de adecuación o coherencia entre la orientación estratégica de la organización y el diseño de sus estrategias retributivas. Para ello, en primer lugar, se profundiza en el análisis de la estrategia retributiva, identificando las diferentes dimensiones o prácticas de retribución que tienen efecto en la competitividad de la empresa. La combinación de las diferentes prácticas retributivas da lugar a la identificación de diferentes modelos globales de compensación que responden a una línea de actuación coherente a la hora de recompensar a sus empleados. En segundo lugar, se revisa la literatura empírica que relaciona la retribución con los resultados organizacionales, haciendo especial hincapié en los trabajos que estudian los vínculos entre estrategia empresarial y estrategia retributiva y las implicaciones que tienen esas relaciones en los resultados de la organización. Se puede concluir que, de acuerdo con la teoría, se han encontrado claras evidencias de que los resultados de la empresa son una función positiva del grado de adecuación o coherencia entre estrategia empresarial y retributiva. Si bien, considerando, por una parte, que los hallazgos de estos estudios están sujetos a ciertas limitaciones metodológicas y, por otra, que los escasos trabajos que se han realizado en el ámbito español no han hallado una relación consistente entre estrategias retributivas y estrategias empresariales, en tercer lugar, se hace necesario plantear un modelo teórico a partir del cual se establecen varias hipótesis de investigación para su contrastación empírica en las empresas españolas

    Influence of family-centered goals on dividend policy in family firms: A socioemotional wealth approach

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    Socioemotional wealth (SEW) preservation is likely to be a key determinant for family firms to shape their dividend policy. This paper analyzes how family-centered goals captured by SEW influence on dividend policy in private family firms, exploring as well the moderating role on these relationships of family involvement in management, generational stage, and firm hazard. Results indicate a negative association between SEW preservation and both the likelihood of giving dividends and the amount of dividend paid. This negative relationship is stronger when the CEO is a family member, in early generational stages and when the firm faces greater performance hazard. The amount of dividend paid is also lower when there are family members in other top management positions beyond the CEO. Thus, the evidence provided suggests that the existing heterogeneity regarding dividend policy in the context of privately held family firms is strongly driven by differences in SEW priorities