1,318 research outputs found

    Estudio de la relación entre el bienestar personal y la adaptación de conducta en el marco de la escuela salugénica

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    Se ha estudiado la relación entre el bienestar y la adaptación en una muestra de 245 estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria. Utilizamos la escala de bienestar psicológico (EBP) y el inventario de adaptación de conducta (IAC). Los resultados revelan diferencias significativas en bienestar psicológico en función del nivel de adaptación, pero no en función del género ni de la edad. Se ha obtenido una alta correlación entre el bienestar psicológico y la adaptación global, personal, familiar, escolar y social. También se ha comprobado que el bienestar psicológico puede ser explicado a partir de la adaptación escolar y la adaptación social. Dentro del marco de la escuela salugénica, se concluye la necesidad de mejorar la adaptación de los escolares en los ámbitos anteriores, de cara a mejorar el bienestar personal y avanzar en el proceso de inclusión académica.S'ha estudiat la relació entre el benestar i l'adaptació en una mostra de 245 estudiants d'ensenyament secundari. Utilitzem l'escala de benestar psicològic (EBP) i l'inventari d'adaptació de conducta (IAC). Els resultats revelen diferències significatives en benestar psicològic en funció del nivell d'adaptació, però no en funció del gènere ni de l'edat. S'ha obtingut una alta correlació entre el benestar psicològic i l'adaptació global, personal, familiar, escolar i social. També s'ha comprovat que el benestar psicològic pot ser explicat a partir de l'adaptació escolar i l'adaptació social. Dins el marc de l'escola salugènica, es conclou la necessitat de millorar l'adaptació dels escolars en els àmbits anteriors, de cara a millorar el benestar personal i avançar en el procés d'inclusió escolar.We have studied the relationship between welfare and adaptation in a sample of 245 secondary school. We used the Psychological Well-being Scale (BCS) and the Adaptive Behavior Inventory (IAC). The results reveal significant differences in psychological wellbeing based on the level of adaptation, but not by gender or age. There have been a high correlation between psychological well-being and global adaptation, personal, family, school and social. Also the psychological well-being can be explained from the school adjustment and social adaptation. Within the framework of the school salugénica concluded the need to improve the adaptation of schoolchildren in the above areas in order to improve staff welfare and advance the process of school inclusion

    FamTV : an architecture for presence-aware personalized television

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    Since the advent of the digital era, the traditional TV scenario has rapidly evolved towards an ecosystem comprised of a myriad of services, applications, channels, and contents. As a direct consequence, the amount of available information and configuration options targeted at today's end consumers have become unmanageable. Thus, personalization and usability emerge as indispensable elements to improve our content-overloaded digital homes. With these requirements in mind, we present a way to combine content adaptation paradigms together with presence detection in order to allow a seamless and personalized entertainment experience when watching TV.This work has been partially supported by the Community of Madrid (CAM), Spain under the contract number S2009/TIC-1650.Publicad

    Improving privacy in identity management systems for health care scenarios

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    Privacy is a very complex and subjective concept with different meaning to different people. The meaning depends on the context. Moreover, privacy is close to the user information and thus, present in any ubiquitous computing scenario. In the context of identity management (IdM), privacy is gaining more importance since IdM systems deal with services that requires sharing attributes belonging to users’ identity with different entities across domains. Consequently, privacy is a fundamental aspect to be addressed by IdM to protect the exchange of user attributes between services and identity providers across different networks and security domains in pervasive computing. However, problems such as the effective revocation consent, have not been fully addressed. Furthermore, privacy depends heavily on users and applications requiring some degree of flexibility. This paper analyzes the main current identity models, as well as the privacy support presented by the identity management frameworks. After the main limitations are identified, we propose a delegation protocol for the SAML standard in order to enhance the revocation consent within healthcare scenarios.Proyecto CCG10-UC3M/TIC-4992 de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    SuSSo: seamless and ubiquitous single sign-on for cloud service continuity across devices

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    The great variety of consumer electronic devices with support of wireless communications combined with the emerging Cloud Computing paradigm is paving the way to real anytime/anywhere computing. In this context, many services, such as music or video streaming, are delivered to the clients using Cloud-based providers. However, service continuity when moving across different terminals is still a major challenge. This paper proposes SuSSo, a novel middleware architecture that allows sessions initiated from one device to be seamlessly transferred to a second one, as might be desirable in the enjoyment of long running media.Publicad

    A metric-based approach to assess risk for "on cloud" federated identity management

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    The cloud computing paradigm is set to become the next explosive revolution on the Internet, but its adoption is still hindered by security problems. One of the fundamental issues is the need for better access control and identity management systems. In this context, Federated Identity Management (FIM) is identified by researchers and experts as an important security enabler, since it will play a vital role in allowing the global scalability that is required for the successful implantation of cloud technologies. However, current FIM frameworks are limited by the complexity of the underlying trust models that need to be put in place before inter-domain cooperation. Thus, the establishment of dynamic federations between the different cloud actors is still a major research challenge that remains unsolved. Here we show that risk evaluation must be considered as a key enabler in evidencebased trust management to foster collaboration between cloud providers that belong to unknown administrative domains in a secure manner. In this paper, we analyze the Federated Identity Management process and propose a taxonomy that helps in the classification of the involved risks in order to mitigate vulnerabilities and threats when decisions about collaboration are made. Moreover, a set of new metrics is defined to allow a novel form of risk quantification in these environments. Other contributions of the paper include the definition of a generic hierarchical risk aggregation system, and a descriptive use-case where the risk computation framework is applied to enhance cloud-based service provisioning.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the project CONSEQUENCE (TEC2010-20572-C02-01).Publicad

    An identity aware wimax personalization for pervasive computing services

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    Mobile Internet access is becoming more and more pervasive in the new 4G scenarios, where WiMAX is to play a crucial role. WiMax has advantages when considering both energy consumption and bandwidth, when compared with HSDPA and LTE. However, we have found some limitations in IEEE 802.16 security support, which may limit authentication and authorization mechanisms for ubiquitous service development. In this article we analyze weaknesses and vulnerabilities we have found in WiMAX security. WiMax, with the adequate identity management support, could be invaluable for developing new pervasive computing services. We propose the introduction of identity management in WiMAX, as a pervious step to the definition of identity aware WiMax personalization of pervasive computing servicesProyecto CCG10-UC3M/TIC-4992 de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Geophotopedia: Geography and photography in the 2.0 context

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    Geophotopediaes un repositorio fotográfico con contenido geográfico creado dentro de la biblioteca de los departamentos de Geografía de la Universidad de Sevilla en 2012. El propósito de este repositorio es ofrecer imágenes selectas y de alta calidad asociadas a conceptos geográficos, ganando de esta forma mayor solidez, permite a los usuarios realizar búsquedas basadas en contenido y/o localización. El proyecto usa las TICs para difundir el conocimiento geográfico a través de una sociedad globalizada, modificando ligeramente las formas de entendimiento geográfico tanto en su evolución como disciplina como en su didáctica. Geophotopedia se asienta en la escuela de pensamiento de la Ciencia Abierta, que busca tan la flexibilidad y rigurosidad del conocimiento, como su disponibilidad para cualquiera; por tanto, se engloba en la corriente de la cultura libre. Por este motivo el repositorio utiliza la plataforma gratuita flickr.com y sus fotografías están protegidas bajo Licencia Creative Commons.Geophotopediais a photograph repository with Geographic content created within the Library of the Departments of Geography at Universidad de Sevilla in 2012. The aim is to offer selected and high quality pictures that are labelled with concepts so that the information gains strength: classifying all sort of geographic phenomena as well as helping users to search based on content and/or location. The project uses ICTs to spread geographical knowledge across the globalized society modifying slightly the ways of understanding Geography in its didactics. Geophotopedia underpins in the ‘Open Science’ School of thought, which seeks for a combination of flexible and at the same time rigorous, accessible to everyone knowledge; therefore embedded in the free culture stream. For this reason, the repository uses the free platform flickr.com and all its photographs are protected under Creative Commons licenses

    The Iconographic Method Applied in the Design of Products with Cultural Demostration in the Creation of the Tourist Destination

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    The popular festivity known as Corpus Cristi is a clear manifestation of culture in Ecuador. It is considered a crosscultural expression of the cosmovision and iconographic symbolism of religious fusion making an evident imaginary connotation of the population. Where evident, catholics are of a vernacular world and end up being a praise in honor of the favors received from the Body of Christ and the indigenous roots of spirituality. It represents gratitude for the successful harvests obtained in the year by the Pachamama and Taita Inti. The present study aims to provide furnishings with designs of this festival, the park 13 de abril in Pujilí, which is also commonly known by locals as the Danzante Park. The methodology used was an analysis of the artistic projects developed by Panofsky where the work is reinterpreted from a designer perspective. This method is used to propose a method of extracting the iconographic and iconological elements of cultural demonstrations resulting in the innovation of the canton. Taking advantage of the values and cultural heritage of the nation and showcasing its aesthetics, a greater flow of visitors to the area is ensured as well as the dynamics of the local economy

    Pyridine-driven assembly of Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes with 2-furoic acid. The role of water in a structural transformation

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    Understanding the factors governing the self-assembly of organic ligands with metal ions is essential to engineering target molecular arrangements with the desired properties. Indeed, small modifications of the synthetic conditions lead to the obtention of different complexes, varying from discrete monomers to coordination polymers (CPs). Based on the potential coordinating ability of 2-furoic acid (2-FA), we prepared five Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes to study the behavior of the furane O atom and the competitiveness of the M-O bond formation in methanol (MeOH). Reactions between M(OAc)2·2H2O (M = Zn(II), Cd(II)), 2-FA, and two p-substituted pyridine ligands (isonicotinamide (Isn) and 4-acetylpyridine (4-Acpy)) in MeOH yielded the two dimers [Zn(μ-2-FA)(2-FA)(Isn)2]2 (1) and [Cd(μ-2-FA)(2-FA)(Isn)2]2 (2), the dimeric paddle-wheel [Zn(μ-2-FA)2(4-Acpy)]2 (3), and the monomer [Cd(2-FA)2(4-Acpy)2(OH2)] (4). Their crystal structures have been studied, observing diverse coordination numbers between five and seven and diverse coordination modes of the carboxylate groups. Interestingly, the recrystallization of 4 in acetonitrile (ACN) resulted in a dissolution-recrystallization structural transformation (DRST), leading to an intricate coordination polymer (CP) with the formula {[Cd(μ-2-FA)(2-FA)(OH2)2]n[Cd(μ-2-FA)(2-FA)(4-Acpy)(OH2)]n} (5) exhibiting coordination of the furane O atom. Within this collection of arrangements, 2-FA displayed a great diversity of coordination modes that were combined and interchanged in the DRST process. Their photophysical properties in solution have been analyzed and their quantum yields calculated. Likewise, further insight into the DRST process was obtained from fluorescence measurements. From these results, a pathway for the structural transformation highlighting the crucial role of solvents has been proposed