1,127 research outputs found

    Valoración historico-estética de la restauración de la pintura mural de las iglesias, Santa Bárbara en Bogotá y San Juan Bautista en Sutatausa.

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    La importancia de recuperar una obra de arte es la manera de recuperar parte de la historia, pero a su vez su acercamiento estético es la manera de rescatar y lograr permitir una mayor proximidad a lo que pudo ser la obra, acercándose a su originalidad. Por tanto, esta investigación permite un acercamiento al proceso de intervención de la pintura mural de dos iglesias de la época colonial, con el objetivo de estudiar la metodología empleada en dicha restauración y la manera en que su apreciación estética permita resaltar su narrativa original, sin alteraciones ni suposiciones. Las iglesias estudiadas son Santa Bárbara, en Bogotá y San Juan Bautista en el municipio de Sutatausa. Esta investigación busca dar cuenta de la importancia de aplicar criterios claros que permitan ofrecerle a la obra tanto estabilidad física, como estabilidad estética, donde se pretende dar cuenta de la necesidad de recuperar la lectura original a partir de procesos adecuados de restauración, logrando realzar de esta manera su valor estético. Palabras clave: Teorías de restauración, Intervención, Pintura mural, apreciación estética, narrativa original.Requerimientos de sistema: Adobe Acrobat ReaderThe importance of restoring an artwork relies on the fact that it helps recovering a part of history. Similarly, approaching the artwork’s aesthetic implies a proximity to its originality. Therefore, this research project allows the analysis of colonial churches' wall painting with the aim of developing a deep study of the method used for its restoration and the way in which its aesthetic appreciation highlights the original narrative avoiding possible alterations or assumptions. The churches studied are "Santa Barbara" in Bogota and "San Juan Bautista" located in Sutatausa. This research seeks to account for the importance of applying clear criteria in order to provide the artwork with both physical and aesthetic stability to assure the necessity of recovering the work's authenticity by means of accurate restoration processes that remark its value. Key words: Restoration theories, intervention, wall painting, aesthetic appreciation, original narrative.Magíster en Estética e Historia del Art

    Trend analysis of CO2 and CH4 recorded at a semi-natural site in the northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula

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    CO2 and CH4 were recorded from October 2010 to February 2016 with a Picarro G1301 analyser at the centre of the upper plateau of the Iberian Peninsula. Large CO2 values were observed during the vegetation growing season, and were reinforced by the stable boundary layer during the night. Annual CH4 evolution may be explained by ecosystem activity and by the dispersion linked with the evolution of the boundary layer. Their trends were studied using an equation that considers one polynomial and one harmonic part. The polynomial part revealed an increasing trend from 0.8 to 2.3 ppm year 1 for CO2 and from 0.004 to 0.011 ppm year 1 for CH4. The harmonic part considered four harmonics whose amplitudes were noticeable for the first and second harmonics for CO2 and for the first harmonic for CH4. Long-term evolution was similar with alternative equations. Finally, seasonal study indicated summer minima for both gases, which may be explained by the lack of vegetation in this season. Harmonic analysis showed two maxima for CO2, one in spring linked with vegetation growth, which decreased with time, and another in autumn related with the onset of plant activity after the summer, which increased with time. CH4 presented only one maximum in winter and a short time with steady concentration in spring where the evolution of the boundary layer may play a noticeable role. The harmonic equation, which takes into account all the observations, revealed opposite behaviour between CO2, whose minima decreased, and CH4, whose maxima increased.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and ERDF funds (projects CGL2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P)

    Features of the annual evolution of CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere of a Mediterranean climate site studied using a nonparametric and a harmonic function

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    Concentrations of CO2 and CH4 measured over 3 years at a rural site in the Spanish northern plateau were investigated together with vegetation and meteorological variables. Two procedures were implemented to study the annual evolution. Kernel estimation provided a detailed time description, and the harmonic model may be fitted easily. The site was characterised by grass from autumn to spring. However, vigorous growth was observed during the latter season due to the biological cycle of plants under favourable meteorological conditions. A CO2 peak was observed a fortnight before the time of maximum NDVI, and was attributed to the prevalence of respiration over photosynthesis. A pronounced trough was apparent in summer and was explained by the death of vegetation and active dispersion in a highly developed boundary layer. CH4 evolution was characterised by a deficit period from May to October, indicating that meteorological evolution played a key role. The harmonic model showed that annual and half-annual cycles evidenced a similar contribution for CO2, whereas said weight for the half-annual cycle was considerably smaller for CH4.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and ERDF funds (grant numbers CGL2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P

    Influence of wind speed on CO2 and CH4 concentrations at a rural site

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    Producción CientíficaMeteorological variables have a noticeable impact on pollutant concentrations. Among these variables, wind speed is typically measured, although research into how pollutants respond to it can be improved. This study considers nine years of hourly CO2 and CH4 measurements at a rural site, where wind speed values were calculated by the METEX model. Nine wind speed intervals are proposed where concentrations, distribution functions, and daily as well as annual cycles are calculated. Contrasts between local and transported concentrations are around 5 and 0.03 ppm for CO2 and CH4, respectively. Seven skewed distributions are applied, and five efficiency criteria are considered to test the goodness of fit, with the modified Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency proving to be the most sensitive statistic. The Gumbel distribution is seen to be the most suitable for CO2, whereas the Weibull distribution is chosen for CH4, with the exponential function being the worst. Finally, daily and annual cycles are analysed, where a gradual decrease in amplitude is observed, particularly for the daily cycle. Parametric and nonparametric procedures are used to fit both cycles. The latter gave the best fits, with the agreement being higher for the daily cycle, where evolution is smoother than for the annual cycle.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (Projects CGL-2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P)Junta de Castilla y León - (Project VA027G19

    Estudio de la contaminación atmosférica en el interior de un copistería

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    [ES] Estudio de la contaminación atmosférica en el interior de un copisterí

    Boundaries of air mass trajectory clustering: key points and applications

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    Calculating air mass trajectories is common in atmospheric analyses. However, if explainable results are to be achieved, several procedures are needed to process the vast amount of information handled. Clustering methods are statistical tools usually considered for such a purpose. Although they are based on rigorous algorithms, certain questions still remain when these methods are applied. The current review is organised in sections according to the sequence followed by such procedures. First, the types of clustering methods are described, with their core being the distance used. One key point is the stopping rule, which determines the final number of clusters. A simple classification based on this number is then suggested. Finally, the graphical presentation of the results is examined and the main drawbacks are commented on. A range of applications and results are considered to illustrate each section, and certain caveats and recommendations are also presented.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain and ERDF funds (grant numbers CGL2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P

    Trend analysis and outlier distribution of CO2 and CH4: A case study at a rural site in northern Spain

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    Producción CientíficaCO2 and CH4 outliers may have a noticeable impact on the trend of both gases. Nine years of measurements since 2010 recorded at a rural site in northern Spain were used to investigate these outliers. Their influence on the trend was presented and two limits were established. No more than 23.5% of outliers should be excluded from the measurement series in order to obtain representative trends, which were 2.349 ± 0.012 ppm year−1 for CO2 and 0.00879 ± 0.00004 ppm year−1 for CH4. Two types of outliers were distinguished. Those above the trend line and the rest below the trend line. Outliers were described by skewed distributions where the Weibull distribution figures prominently in most cases. A qualitative procedure was presented to exclude the worst fits, although five statistics were considered to select the best fit. In this case, the modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency is prominent. Finally, three symmetrical distributions were added to fit the observations when outliers are excluded, with the Gaussian and beta distributions providing the best fits. As a result, certain skewed functions, such as the lognormal distribution, whose use is frequent for air pollutants, could be questioned in certain applications.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y fondos FEDER, (project numbers CGL-2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P

    La coordinación de materias de economía en el Grado de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados

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    El objetivo del proyecto es conocer la existencia de posibles solapamientos de contenidos en las asignaturas de economía que imparte el departamento de Economía e Historia Económica en el Grado de Marketing y evaluar el grado de satisfacción del alumno con la metodología utilizada. Para ello, se ha realizado una encuesta de elaboración propia a los alumnos matriculados entre los cursos académicos 2004-2005 y 2008-2009. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten descartar un excesivo solapamiento de contenidos, tan solo el 10,6% de la muestra manifestó dicha opción. En cuanto a la metodología docente un 60% considera que se debería combinar las clases magistrales del profesor, con la preparación y posterior exposición de contenidos por parte de los alumnos. En cuanto a la motivación del alumnado a partir del trabajo de los profesores, la respuesta supera una media de 3 en la escala de Likert, lo cual implica que no hay una clara desmotivación, aunque es susceptible de mejora al no encontrarse una media de 4The goal of this research is to ascertain the existence of overlaps in the contents of Economics subjects given by the Economics and Economic History Department of the degree in Marketing, and to evaluate the satisfaction level of the students with the methodology applied in the different subjects. To this end, our own survey of the students enrolled between the academic years 2004/2005 and 2008/ 2009 has been conducted. The results enable the existence of an excessive overlap of contents to be ruled out since only 10.6% of the sample suggests that this be the case. As far as teaching methodology is concerned, more than 60% of the sample considers that traditional lectures should be combined with the preparation and later presentation of subjects by the students. With respect to student motivation from the work of teachers, the response exceeds an average of 3 on the Likert scale, which implies that, although no clear discouragement is present in relation to the subjects given by the Department, there is room for improvement in this are

    Analysis of ozone concentrations between 2002–2020 in urban air in northern Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper analyses surface ozone measurements at five stations in an urban area (Valladolid) in the upper Spanish plateau over the period 2002–2020. Temporal evolutions, the relationship between ozone and other pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, and the assessment of the ozone concentration trend during the study period were analysed. Daily evolution of ozone at all the stations showed mean maximum concentrations in the afternoon, 15:00 GMT, with values ranging between 73.8 and 80.9 µg m−3, evidencing the influence of photochemical processes favoured by solar radiation in ozone formation. The lowest levels were recorded at night and in the early morning, 7:00 GMT, and were between 23.4 and 32.3 µg m−3, related with the reduction by NO reactions and deposition processes. A broad spring–summer peak between May and July was seen, with the highest values in the latter, with a mean value of up to 73.8 µg m−3. The variation in the monthly mean ozone concentrations of the different percentiles was analysed using a harmonic model. The empirical equation described the experimental values satisfactorily, with a confidence level of 95% and coefficients of determination above 80%, confirming the major decreasing trend in the ozone peak values over the study period.Junta de Castilla y León (Project VA027G19