22,567 research outputs found

    Testing the Modern Merger Hypothesis via the Assembly of Massive Blue Elliptical Galaxies in the Local Universe

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    The modern merger hypothesis offers a method of forming a new elliptical galaxy through merging two equal-mass, gas-rich disk galaxies fuelling a nuclear starburst followed by efficient quenching and dynamical stabilization. A key prediction of this scenario is a central concentration of young stars during the brief phase of morphological transformation from highly-disturbed remnant to new elliptical galaxy. To test this aspect of the merger hypothesis, we use integral field spectroscopy to track the stellar Balmer absorption and 4000\AA\ break strength indices as a function of galactic radius for 12 massive (M∗≥1010M⊙{\rm M_{*}}\ge10^{10}{\rm M_{\odot}}), nearby (z≤0.03{\rm z}\le0.03), visually-selected plausible new ellipticals with blue-cloud optical colours and varying degrees of morphological peculiarities. We find that these index values and their radial dependence correlate with specific morphological features such that the most disturbed galaxies have the smallest 4000\AA\ break strengths and the largest Balmer absorption values. Overall, two-thirds of our sample are inconsistent with the predictions of the modern merger hypothesis. Of these eight, half exhibit signatures consistent with recent minor merger interactions. The other half have star formation histories similar to local, quiescent early-type galaxies. Of the remaining four galaxies, three have the strong morphological disturbances and star-forming optical colours consistent with being remnants of recent, gas-rich major mergers, but exhibit a weak, central burst consistent with forming ∼5%\sim5\% of their stars. The final galaxy possesses spectroscopic signatures of a strong, centrally-concentrated starburst and quiescent core optical colours indicative of recent quenching (i.e., a post-starburst signature) as prescribed by the modern merger hypothesis.Comment: 25 pages, 37 figures, accepted to MNRA

    On the Key-Uncertainty of Quantum Ciphers and the Computational Security of One-way Quantum Transmission

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    We consider the scenario where Alice wants to send a secret (classical) nn-bit message to Bob using a classical key, and where only one-way transmission from Alice to Bob is possible. In this case, quantum communication cannot help to obtain perfect secrecy with key length smaller then nn. We study the question of whether there might still be fundamental differences between the case where quantum as opposed to classical communication is used. In this direction, we show that there exist ciphers with perfect security producing quantum ciphertext where, even if an adversary knows the plaintext and applies an optimal measurement on the ciphertext, his Shannon uncertainty about the key used is almost maximal. This is in contrast to the classical case where the adversary always learns nn bits of information on the key in a known plaintext attack. We also show that there is a limit to how different the classical and quantum cases can be: the most probable key, given matching plain- and ciphertexts, has the same probability in both the quantum and the classical cases. We suggest an application of our results in the case where only a short secret key is available and the message is much longer.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. This is a revised version of an earlier version that appeared in the proc. of Eucrocrypt'04:LNCS3027, 200

    Submillimeter H2O masers in water-fountain nebulae

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    We report the first detection of submillimeter water maser emission toward water-fountain nebulae, which are post-AGB stars that exhibit high-velocity water masers. Using APEX we found emission in the ortho-H2O (10_29-9_36) transition at 321.226 GHz toward three sources: IRAS 15445-5449, IRAS 18043-2116 and IRAS 18286-0959. Similarly to the 22 GHz masers, the submillimeter water masers are expanding with a velocity larger than that of the OH masers, suggesting that these masers also originate in fast bipolar outflows. In IRAS 18043-2116 and IRAS 18286-0959, which figure among the sources with the fastest water masers, the velocity range of the 321 GHz masers coincides with that of the 22 GHz masers, indicating that they likely coexist. Towards IRAS 15445-5449 the submillimeter masers appear in a different velocity range, indicating that they are tracing different regions. The intensity of the submillimeter masers is comparable to that of the 22 GHz masers, implying that the kinetic temperature of the region where the masers originate should be Tk > 1000 K. We propose that the passage of two shocks through the same gas can create the conditions necessary to explain the presence of strong high-velocity 321 GHz masers coexisting with the 22 GHz masers in the same region.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Further properties of causal relationship: causal structure stability, new criteria for isocausality and counterexamples

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    Recently ({\em Class. Quant. Grav.} {\bf 20} 625-664) the concept of {\em causal mapping} between spacetimes --essentially equivalent in this context to the {\em chronological map} one in abstract chronological spaces--, and the related notion of {\em causal structure}, have been introduced as new tools to study causality in Lorentzian geometry. In the present paper, these tools are further developed in several directions such as: (i) causal mappings --and, thus, abstract chronological ones-- do not preserve two levels of the standard hierarchy of causality conditions (however, they preserve the remaining levels as shown in the above reference), (ii) even though global hyperbolicity is a stable property (in the set of all time-oriented Lorentzian metrics on a fixed manifold), the causal structure of a globally hyperbolic spacetime can be unstable against perturbations; in fact, we show that the causal structures of Minkowski and Einstein static spacetimes remain stable, whereas that of de Sitter becomes unstable, (iii) general criteria allow us to discriminate different causal structures in some general spacetimes (e.g. globally hyperbolic, stationary standard); in particular, there are infinitely many different globally hyperbolic causal structures (and thus, different conformal ones) on R2\R^2, (iv) plane waves with the same number of positive eigenvalues in the frequency matrix share the same causal structure and, thus, they have equal causal extensions and causal boundaries.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, final version (the paper title has been changed). To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Probing phase coexistence and stabilization of the spin-ordered ferrimagnetic state by Calcium addition in the YBa_{1-x}Ca_{x}Co_{2}O_{5.5} layered cobaltites using neutron diffraction

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    In this article we study the effects of a partial substitution of Ba with the smaller cation Ca in the layered cobaltites YBaCo_2O_{5+\delta} for \delta \approx 0.5. Neutron thermodiffractograms are reported for the compounds YBa_{0.95}Ca_{0.05}Co_2O_{5.5} (x_{Ca}=0.05) and YBa_{0.90}Ca_{0.10}Co_2O_{5.5} (x_{Ca}=0.10) in the temperature range 20 K \leq T \leq 300 K, as well as high resolution neutron diffraction experiments at selected temperatures for the samples x_{Ca}=0.05, x_{Ca}=0.10 and the parent compound x_{Ca}=0. We have found the magnetic properties to be strongly affected by the cationic substitution. Although the "122" perovskite structure seems unaffected by Ca addition, the magnetic arrangements of Co ions are drastically modified: the antiferromagnetic (AFM) long-range order is destroyed, and a ferrimagnetic phase with spin state order is stabilized below T \sim 290 K. For the sample with x_{Ca}=0.05 a fraction of AFM phase coexists with the ferrimagnetic one below T \sim 190 K, whereas for x_{Ca}=0.10 the AFM order is completely lost. The systematic refinement of the whole series has allowed for a better understanding of the observed low-temperature diffraction patterns of the parent compound, YBaCo_2O_{5.5}, which had not yet been clarified. A two-phase scenario is proposed for the x_{Ca}=0 compound which is compatible with the phase coexistence observed in the x_{Ca}=0.05 sample

    Characterising epithelial tissues using persistent entropy

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    In this paper, we apply persistent entropy, a novel topological statistic, for characterization of images of epithelial tissues. We have found out that persistent entropy is able to summarize topological and geometric information encoded by \alpha-complexes and persistent homology. After using some statistical tests, we can guarantee the existence of significant differences in the studied tissues.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Dark matter from the scalar sector of 3-3-1 models without exotic electric charges

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    We show that three SU(2) singlet neutral scalars (two CP-even and one CP-odd) in the spectrum of models based on the gauge symmetry SU(3)_c X SU(3)_L X U(1)_X, which do not contain exotic electric charges, are realistic candidates for thermally generated self-interacting dark matter in the Universe, a type of dark matter that has been recently proposed in order to overcome some difficulties of collisionless cold dark matter models at the galactic scale. These candidates arise without introducing a new mass scale in the model and/or without the need for a discrete symmetry to stabilize them, but at the expense of tuning several combinations of parameters of the scalar potential.Comment: RevTeX, 11 pages. v2: typos corrected, one reference added. v3: clarifications added, four more references added. To appear in Europhys. Let

    Weak distinction and the optimal definition of causal continuity

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    Causal continuity is usually defined by imposing the conditions (i) distinction and (ii) reflectivity. It is proved here that a new causality property which stays between weak distinction and causality, called feeble distinction, can actually replace distinction in the definition of causal continuity. An intermediate proof shows that feeble distinction and future (past) reflectivity implies past (resp. future) distinction. Some new characterizations of weak distinction and reflectivity are given.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. v2: improved and expanded version. v3: a few misprints have been corrected and a reference has been update

    Frenkel Excitons in Random Systems With Correlated Gaussian Disorder

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    Optical absorption spectra of Frenkel excitons in random one-dimensional systems are presented. Two models of inhomogeneous broadening, arising from a Gaussian distribution of on-site energies, are considered. In one case the on-site energies are uncorrelated variables whereas in the second model the on-site energies are pairwise correlated (dimers). We observe a red shift and a broadening of the absorption line on increasing the width of the Gaussian distribution. In the two cases we find that the shift is the same, within our numerical accuracy, whereas the broadening is larger when dimers are introduced. The increase of the width of the Gaussian distribution leads to larger differences between uncorrelated and correlated disordered models. We suggest that this higher broadening is due to stronger scattering effects from dimers.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 3 ps figures. To appear in Physical Review
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