24 research outputs found

    ABP y tics adaptados a los laboratorios de prácticas de química física: su inserción e implementación

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    El trabajo que se presenta está basado en la experiencia docente llevada a cabo en los grupos de laboratorio de las asignaturas Termodinámica Química y Experimentación en Química Física, de primer y segundo curso de la Licenciatura en Química. El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido demostrar que el hecho de emplear e integrar el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) como estrategia didáctica con las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs), es válido y aplicable a cualquier asignatura universitaria de índole práctica que implique a la Química Física.This work presents the obtained results on the context of two experimental subjects entitled Thermodynamic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry Laboratory. The principal goal is to show that the Problem Based Learning (PBL) technique integrated with the new technologies of virtual-teaching works efficiently as new methodologies of teaching Physical Chemistry at the university

    Steric Tuning of Sulfinamide/Sulfoxides as Chiral Ligands with C1, Pseudo-meso, and Pseudo‑C2 Symmetries: Application in Rhodium(I)-Mediated Arylation

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    A new family of sulfinamide/sulfoxide derivatives was synthesized as chiral bidentate ligands by stereoselective additions of methylsulfinyl carbanions to N-tert-butylsulfinylimines. The new ligands, with C1, pseudo-meso, and pseudo-C2 symmetries, were successfully assayed in Rh-catalyzed additions of arylboronic acids to activated ketones. The sterically dissymmetric C1 ligand (RS,SC,RS)-N-[1-(phenylsulfinyl)-3-methylbut-2-yl] tert-butylsulfinamide turned out to be the optimal one, allowing the 1,4-additions of diverse arylboronic acids, on different α,β-unsaturated cyclic ketones with high chemical yields and enantioselectivities up to >99% ee.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2016-78580-C2-2R

    Chitosan biofilms: Insights for the selective electromembrane extraction of fluoroquinolones from biological samples

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    A selective electromembrane extraction procedure for the extraction of Enrofloxacin, Marbofloxacin and Flumequine, usually employed as antibiotic in veterinarian use, is proposed by using a chitosan biofilm, composed by 60% (w/w) chitosan and 40% (w/w) Aliquat®336, as active biopolymeric support. The interaction mechanism occurring between the target drugs and the biopolymer has been deeply studied using the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules. The obtained results show the interaction between the extracted fluoroquinolones and the biomembrane is stabilized by two hydrogen bonds formed between both the carboxyl and keto groups of the drugs with both the amine and hydroxyl groups of glucosamine in the biopolymer. The energetic results agree with the high extraction efficiency obtained for Marbofloxacin, Enrofloxacin and Flumequine in terms of enrichment factors (83, 82 and 58, respectively) in presence of other fluoroquinolones. Under optimum conditions, the proposed electromembrane extraction method exhibits wide linear ranges of 4.2e200 mg L1 , 5.6e200 mg L1 and 5.1e200 mg L1 , respectively; low limits of detection close to 1.3 mg L1 and appropriate repeatability (relative standard deviation values 4e7%).Fondos Europeos FEDER, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Agencia Estatal de Investigación, de España - PGC2018-096608- B-C22Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España - RED2018-102522-TJunta de Andalucía - 2019/FQM-106Premio Mensual Publicación Científica Destacada de la US. Facultad de Químic

    The Role of the Interactions at the Tungsten Disulphide Surface in the Stability and Enhanced Thermal Properties of Nanofluids with Application in Solar Thermal Energy

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    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMCs) exhibit unique properties that make them of interest for catalysis, sensing or energy storage applications. However, few studies have been performed into nanofluids based on TMCs for heat transfer applications. In this study, nanofluids based on 2D-WS2 are prepared by liquid phase exfoliation to analyze their potential usage in concentrating solar power plants. Periodic-Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were performed to rationalize the success of the exfoliation process. The hydrogen bond interaction between the hydroxyl group from PEG, which acts as a surfactant, and the S atoms of the WS2 surface stabilizes the nanosheets in the fluid. Electron localization function (ELF) analysis is indicative of the stability of the S-H interaction from WS2 with the molecules of surfactant due to the tendency to interact through weak intermolecular forces of van der Waals solids. Moreover, improvements in thermal properties were also found. Isobaric specific heat increased by up to 10% and thermal conductivity improved by up to 37.3%. The high stability of the nanofluids and the thermal improvements were associated with the high surface area of WS2 nanosheets. These results suggest that these nanofluids could be a promising heat transfer fluid in concentrating solar power plants

    Revealing the role of Pb 2+ in the stability of organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite CH 3 NH 3 Pb 1− x Cd x I 3: an experimental and theoretical study

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    This paper presents the synthesis of organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite CH3NH3Pb1−xCdxI3. The effect of incorporating Cd2+ or Pb2+ on the stability of the perovskite structure was analysed from a theoretical and experimental viewpoint. The XRD results showed that the tetragonal perovskite structure was formed for x values of up to 0.5, which seems to indicate that the presence of a considerable amount of Pb2+ is necessary to stabilise the structure. In turn, UV-Vis spectroscopy showed how the presence of Cd2+ led to a reduction in the optical band gap of the perovskite structure of up to 9% for CH3NH3Pb0.5Cd0.5I3 with regard to the MAPbI3 structure. Moreover, periodic-DFT calculations were performed to understand the effect of the increased concentration of Cd on the structural and electronic properties of MAPbI3 perovskites. The analysis of both the ELF and the non-covalent interaction (NCI) index show the important role played by the Pb2+ ions in stabilizing this kind of hybrid perovskite structures. Finally, the DOS analysis confirmed the experimental results obtained using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The theoretical band gap values decreased as the concentration of Cd increased.Junta de Andalucía (P09- FQM-04938)Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA

    Interacciones por puente de hidrógeno y reacciones de transferencia protónica de la betacarbolina, 9H-Pirido (3,4-B)indol, y de sus derivados n-metilados con 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol en medios apróticos

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    Los resultados de nuestro estudio ponen claramente de manifiesto la compleja fotofísica del anillo de betacarbolina. Por una parte, la presencia de un átomo de nitrógeno piridínico y otro pirrólico con diferentes propiedades dadoras/aceptoras de puente de hidrógeno, proporciona al anillo de betacarbolina diferentes pautas de reactividad frente a aceptores/ dadores protónicos. Por otra parte, las diferentes estructuras electrónicas de estos dos centros conjugados permiten que se establezcan entre ellos procesos ICT. Ambas propiedades se ven drásticamente intensificadas tras la excitación por la luz. La estrategia seguida, consistente en bloquear por metilación los átomos de nitrógeno pirrólico y piridínico del anillo de betacarbolina, nos ha permitido controlar y modular las propiedades dadoras/aceptoras de puente de hidrógeno y los procesos ICT que determinan la reactividad de dicho anillo. Estos derivados metilados nos han proporcionado, además, los modelos adecuados para estudiar individualmente las propiedades espectrales y fotofísicas de las diferentes formas prototrópicas de la betacarbolina. Del estudio individualizado de cada uno de estos derivados se han extraido los resultados y conclusiones que han servido de base para interpretar el comportamiento de la propia BC


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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe presenta una experiencia docente llevada a cabo en los grupos de laboratorio de las asignaturas de Termodinámica Química y Experimentación en Química Física, de primer y segundo curso de la Licenciatura en Química de la Universidad de Sevilla. Se pretende demostrar que el hecho de emplear e integrar el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) como estrategia didáctica, con las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), es válido y aplicable a cualquier asignatura universitaria de índole práctica que implique a la Química Física.AndalucíaES

    ABP en laboratorios de Química Física Macromolecular

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    Archivo pdf destacando los criterios a seguir empleando la metodología ABP, los test de ideas previas, y proyectos a desarrollar en las sesiones prácticas.Se muestran el material docente elaborado y empleado en las prácticas de la asignatura Química Física Macromolecular del curso 2011/2012, empleando la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP)Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Docente PI1_12_01