3,385 research outputs found

    Análisis del artículo 16.2 de la Ley de Competencia Desleal. (Supuesto práctico Mercadona)

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    Treballs Finals del Doble Grau d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses i de Dret, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa i Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017 , Tutor: Silvia Gómez Trinidad(spa) El propósito de este trabajo de fin de grado es el análisis del artículo 16.2 de la Ley de Competencia Desleal que recoge el supuesto situación de dependencia económica de las empresas, con el objetivo de trasladarlo a la práctica con la empresa Mercadona para determinar si explota la situación de dependencia de sus proveedores. A estos efectos, se inicia el estudio estableciendo un marco general con el origen y evolución del Derecho de la Competencia Desleal, la delimitación con el Derecho de Defensa de la Competencia y finalmente la regulación de la competencia desleal en el ámbito español, todo ello desde un punto de vista doctrinal. A continuación, se presenta el artículo 16 para seguidamente centrarse en el supuesto concreto de la explotación de una situación de dependencia. A partir de aquí, se expone el origen, concepto, encuadramiento y finalidad, pero sobretodo el foco del estudio se centra de manera exhaustiva con el amparo de la jurisprudencia en los dos elementos necesarios para que concurra la norma: la situación de dependencia económica y la explotación de ésta. Finalmente, todo lo examinado se aplica a la empresa Mercadona que se enmarca en el mercado de la distribución alimentaria que está caracterizado por una evidente propensión al abuso de la situación de dependencia de sus operadores.(eng) The purpose of this work is the analysis of the article 16.2 of the Unfair Competition Law on the alleged economic dependence of companies. This is done through case study, analysing the case of Mercadona with the aim to determine whether or not the article 1.62. creates higher dependency on suppliers. The study begins presenting the general framework; the origin and evolution of the Unfair Competition Law, its delimitation within Competition Law and its regulation in Spain. This first section done from a doctrinal point of view. In the second section, article 16 is analysed with special regard on the enhancement of a situation of dependency. At this point the origin, concept, framework and purpose of article 16.2 are exposed. Along the study, the subject of this study is supported through jurisprudence, which focuses on the two key aspects of the mentioned article: the situation of economic dependency of suppliers and the progressive exploitation this circumstance. Along this study, all the elements presented above are put in line with the Mercadona case. This provides a better understanding of this situation within a specific market, the food distribution, which characterized for strengthening the situation of economic dependency of the suppliers

    Bail-In: a sustainable mechanism for rescuing banks

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    Until the Great Recession, rescuing banks with taxpayers’ money had been the preferred way to deal with banking crises. The dramatic effects of these practices on the real economy highlighted that bailouts are not a sustainable method to resolve troubled banks going forward. As a result, a new regulatory framework has been proposed, forcing the financial industry to move from “bailout” to “bail-in.” Understanding the implications of such a change is key to ensuring the success of these new banking rules. This article aims to build up a comprehensive and unbiased set of research articles in order to draw conclusions about the current status of the academic literature in the field of capital and loss absorption requirements. A research agenda on the topic is also proposed. The methodological approach undertaken is based on ProKnow-C (Knowledge Development Process-Constructivist). We also contribute to the development of Proknow-C methodology by adding a cross-reference extension to the original framework. The results of our analysis point out that further research has to be undertaken on the subject of loss absorption requirements

    Fuzzy Logic and Its Uses in Finance: A Systematic Review Exploring Its Potential to Deal with Banking Crises

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    The major success of fuzzy logic in the field of remote control opened the door to its application in many other fields, including finance. However, there has not been an updated and comprehensive literature review on the uses of fuzzy logic in the financial field. For that reason, this study attempts to critically examine fuzzy logic as an effective, useful method to be applied to financial research and, particularly, to the management of banking crises. The data sources were Web of Science and Scopus, followed by an assessment of the records according to pre-established criteria and an arrangement of the information in two main axes: financial markets and corporate finance. A major finding of this analysis is that fuzzy logic has not yet been used to address banking crises or as an alternative to ensure the resolvability of banks while minimizing the impact on the real economy. Therefore, we consider this article relevant for supervisory and regulatory bodies, as well as for banks and academic researchers, since it opens the door to several new research axes on banking crisis analyses using artificial intelligence techniques

    Anàlisi de l'estabilitat del litoral de Barcelona: Platges Olímpiques

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    La disminució de les aportacions sòlides fluvials, la proliferació d'espigons i ports esportius que actuen com a barrera al sediment provocant una distribució asimètrica del sediment en el litoral, així com l'erosió que experimenten les platges davant els temporals ha generat un retrocés en les platges de litoral barceloní. Tot això ha motivat la necessitat de dur a terme una anàlisi de l'estat actual de les platges i de la seva problemàtica. Per tal de fer un anàlisi rigorós s'ha caracteritzat la dinàmica litoral imperant en la zona a partir de les accions hidrodinàmiques actuants (representades en termes d'alçada d'ona, període i direcció), l'anàlisi de la propagació de l'onatge des de mar obert fins a l'emplaçament de les platges Olímpiques de Barcelona i la circulació induïda per l'onatge en ruptura. En base aquest anàlisi s'extreuen una sèrie de possibles alternatives d'actuació que derivin en una solució que permetrà la consolidació de les platges, a fi que la façana marítima de Barcelona gaudeixi de platges més amples i estables, i pugui satisfer d'aquesta manera la demanda social i turística existent

    Intergenerational contact and solidarity, inside and outside the family: patterns in Spain

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    Translation into English of the original Spanish manuscript of this paper was funded by the Department of Sociology (University of Granada).Analysis of intergenerational contact and solidarity patterns has generally focused on the family. However, the unprecedented co-existence of a high number of different generations raises the challenge to delve into how such patterns may develop inside and outside the family. To understand better intrafamilial and extrafamilial intergenerational contact and solidarity in Spain, three national surveys were initially studied using cross-tabulation tables and measures of association. Then, factor analysis and logistic regression of most recent data focused on explanatory variables behind two dimensions of intergenerational solidarity. Regarding intergenerational co-residence, the results point to a highly relevant difference between intrafamilial and extrafamilial habits. As regards regular, but non-residential, contact between the generations, two gaps have been identified. The first gap appears between family practices and non-family practices, with a significant and progressive reduction of the latter being detected. According to the second gap, while intergenerational contact drops outside the family, levels of intragenerational contact are comparable in both settings. In this context, patterns of associational and functional intergenerational solidarity towards older relatives and non-relatives have been identified, with age, distance, civil status and especially gender being the key explanatory variables. The paper argues that there is good reason to pay combined attention to both intrafamilial and extrafamilial forms of intergenerational contact and solidarity, something that has been done very little to date.Department of Sociology (University of Granada

    Plan de negocios para una empresa prestadora del servicio de plataforma web a usuarios no expertos y/o no poseedores de sistemas informáticos para procesamiento de pedidos a domicilio

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    En Colombia el comercio electrónico se encuentra en pleno desarrollo, el gobierno a través de la ley 527 de 1999 define las relaciones de índole comercial que parten de la utilización de datos o algún medio similar como comercio electrónico, sin embargo no se cuenta con una normatividad clara que regule las transacciones de negocios por internet ya que estas se encuentran regidas por las leyes de comercio ordinario, lo cual no crea las condiciones más favorables para que las transacciones electrónicas alcancen el desarrollo de países como Brasil, Chile y Argentina. Sin embargo el comercio electrónico se sigue desarrollando y el gobierno nacional ve en esto una oportunidad para la industria en miras al tratado de libre comercio TLC con Estado Unidos, país en el cual las transacciones vía web han tenido un gran desarrollo, reduciendo considerablemente los costos de transacción y beneficiando tanto al productor como al consumidor al encontrar una oferta de productos mucho más amplia que en el mercado ordinario

    Vitamin B12 as a carrier for targeted platinum delivery: in vitro cytotoxicity and mechanistic studies

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    It is attractive to use vitamin B12 as a carrier for targeted delivery of cytotoxic agents such as platinum complexes owing to the high demand for vitamin B12 by fast proliferating cells. The basic {B12-CN-PtII} conjugates are recognized by intracellular enzymes and converted to coenzyme B12 in an enzymatic adenosylation assay. The reductive adenosylation of {B12-CN-PtII} conjugates leads to the release of the PtII complexes; thus, {B12-CN-PtII} conjugates can be considered as prodrugs. It is important not only to elucidate the activity of the cisplatin-B12 conjugates, but also to understand the mode of action on a molecular level. Chemical reduction of {B12-CN-PtII} conjugates with cobaltocene yielded cob(II)alamin and induced release of the corresponding PtII species. Kurnakov tests and coordination of 2′-deoxyguanosine or GMP to the released PtII complexes allowed isolation and characterization of PtII complexes as released during enzymatic adenosylation. The biological activity of these PtII complexes was evaluated. Since the cleaved PtII complexes show cytotoxicity, the {B12-CN-PtII} conjugates can be used for specific targeting of cancer cells and therapeutic drug delivery. Preliminary in vitro cytotoxicity studies indicated lower activity (IC50 between 8 and 88μM) than found for pure cisplatin. Since active transport and receptor-mediated uptake limits the intracellular {B12-CN-PtII} concentration, comparison with pure cisplatin is of limited use. We could show that the PtII complexes cleaved from B12 exerted a cytotoxicity comparable to that of cisplatin itself. Cytotoxicity studies in vitamin B12 free media showed a dependence on the addition of transcobalamin II for B12-Pt(II) conjugate

    Assessing preferential flow through an unsaturated waste rock pile using spectral analysis

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    Waste rock piles are an outcome of open pit and underground mining operations. Unprocessed low‐grade rock is disposed of in piles from several meters high to 100 m+ high. Waste rock piles may still contain sufficient concentrations of metals to be a potential source of pollution. The evaluation of the potential risk involves properly characterizing flow through these piles under unsaturated conditions. The main flow characteristic of the piles is the presence of a large range of grain and pore sizes. Based on data from an instrumented rock pile located in Saskatchewan Canada, unsaturated flow through the pile is modeled as a linear system after separating a fast and a slow component. Water reaching the base of the pile is monitored by 16 contiguous zero‐tension lysimeters. The fast component, flowing through macropores, is assumed to be released instantaneously, while the slow component is simulated using a linear‐reservoir model that assumes the presence of an interconnected porous matrix. An empirical transfer function (TF) is computed as the ratio of the spectra of signals between the output (basal outflow) and the input (rainfall time series). Determination of a parametric transfer function model provides information on the characteristic time of water storage in the matrix and on the fraction of the water within each subsection of the experimental pile that is channeled through the macropores. An analysis of the output signal at different support scales is performed, indicating the nonlinearity of the macropore fraction scaling processe

    Neutron-induced Fission Cross Section of240,242Pu

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    A sensitivity analysis for the new generation of fast reactors [Salvatores (2008)] has shown the importance of improved cross section data for several actinides. Among them, the240,242Pu(n,f) cross sections require an accuracy improvement to 1-3% and 3-5%, respectively, from the current level of 6% and 20%. At the Van de Graaff facility of the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (JRC-IRMM) the fission cross section of the two isotopes was measured relative to two secondary standard reactions,237Np(n,f) and238U(n,f), using a twin Frisch-grid ionization chamber. The secondary standard reactions were benchmarked through measurements against the primary standard reaction235U(n,f) in the same geometry. Sample masses were determined by means of low-geometry alpha counting or/and a 2p Frisch-grid ionization chamber, with an uncertainty lower than 2%. The neutron flux and the impact of scattering from material between source and target was examined, the largest effect having been found in cross section ratio measurements between a fissile and a fertile isotope. Our240,242Pu(n,f) cross sections are in agreement with previous experimental results and slightly lower than present evaluations. In case of the242Pu(n,f) reaction no evidence for a resonance at En=1.1 MeV was found.Postprint (published version

    Acoustics in water: synergies with marine biology

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    This paper presents some of the bioacoustics related analysis that was performed on the ANTARES data, focussing on the year 2014. The data was processed for sperm whale, dolphin and shipping presence and grouped by hour of the day. It seemed that dolphins were more socially active during the day and foraging during the night. Sperm whales were mostly foraging during the day, but they may have been moving to other areas during the night. The most intense shipping noise came from a ferry that passed the platform twice a day. Although beaked whales were expected to be present in the area, so far their biosonar signal has not been conclusively found.Postprint (published version