3,915 research outputs found

    Electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires

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    The physical mechanisms responsible for the electrical orientation and electrical rotation of metal nanowires suspended in an electrolyte as a function of frequency of the applied ac electric field are examined theoretically and experimentally. The alignment of a nanowire in an ac field with a fixed direction is called electro-orientation. The induced constant rotation of a nanowire in a rotating electric field is called electrorotation. In both situations, the applied electric field interacts with the induced charge in the electrical double layer at the metal-electrolyte interface, causing rotation due to the torque on the induced dipole, and also from induced-charge electro-osmotic flow around the particle. First, we describe the dipole theory that describes electro-orientation and electrorotation of perfectly polarizable metal rods. Second, based on a slender approximation, an analytical theory that describes induced-charge electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires is provided. Finally, experimental measurements of the electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires are presented and compared with theory, providing a comprehensive study of the relative importance between induced-dipole rotation and induced-charge electro-osmotic rotation

    Pedagogy role in business training

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    Las organizaciones empresariales han cambiado desde inicios del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Este cambio es continuo y los nuevos escenarios invitan a una participación más activa de la pedagogía en el entorno empresarial. Ahora no es suficiente con competir para obtener un mayor beneficio, también es necesario innovar bajo el paraguas de la sostenibilidad y tener presente la realidad social en la que se encuentra la empresa. Las personas ocupan un papel aun más protagonista en las organizaciones empresariales de sociedades avanzadas. La pedagogía no debe ni puede permanecer al margen. La formación, la capacitación, la cualificación, la capacidad de innovación y la vinculación de la persona con la organización son las claves para el desarrollo, crecimiento y supervivencia de las organizaciones empresariales. La formación debe colaborar desde una perspectiva pedagógica. No debe limitar su actuación a ámbitos externos de la empresa (antes de la incorporación de la persona, o cuando la persona no está en el mercado laboral). Debe actuar desde dentro de las organizaciones empresariales.Business organizations have changed since the early twentieth century to the present. This change is continuous, and the new scenarios, invite more active participation of pedagogy in the business environment. Now not only have to compete to get the most benefit, it is also necessary to innovate, under the umbrella of sustainability and keep in mind the social reality in which it is located. People play an even more starring role in corporate organizations of advanced societies. Pedagogy should not, or can stand aside. Training skills, innovation capacity and qualification, linking the person to the organization, are the keys to the development, growth, and survival of business organizations. The training should work from a pedagogical perspective. It should not limit its activities to areas outside of the company; before the incorporation of the person, or when the person is not in the labour market, must act from within the business organization

    Two color multichannel heterodyne interferometer set up for high spatial resolution electron density profile measurements in TJ-II

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    Proceedings of: 18th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, New Jersey (USA), 16-20 May 2010.Expanded-beam multichannel heterodyne interferometer has been installed on the TJ-II stellarator. Careful design of the optical system has allowed complete control on the evolution of both Gaussian beams along the interferometer, as well as the evaluation and optimization of the spatial resolution to be expected in the measurements. Five CO2 (measurement) channels and three Nd:YAG (vibration compensation) channels have been used to illuminate the plasma with a probe beam of 100 mm size. An optimum interpolation method has been applied to recover both interferometric phasefronts prior to mechanical vibration subtraction. The first results of the installed diagnostic are presented in this paper.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Grant No. ENE2006-13559FTN . The authors would also like to acknowledge the help of Ernesto Garcia Ares and Jose Ramon Lopez Fernandez for setting up the signal conditioning systems