6 research outputs found
Zespół zaburzeń czynności stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego u pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona – badanie pilotażowe
Background. The number of patients with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) is increasing in clinical dental practice. Our study aimed to determine whether a correlation between Parkinson’s disease and TMD symptoms can be established.Material and methods. The anamnestic and clinical dysfunctional indices and the correlations related to the quality of life (SF 36, QoL) of Parkinson’s disease patients (PG, n=35) and healthy controls (CG, n=42) were examined in a cross-sectional study. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 24.0 software.Results. The mean value (7.0±7.7) of the PG in the OHIP-14 (Oral Health Impact Profile) questionnaire was significantly higher (p<0.001) than that of the CG (2.0±3.7). The ratio of belonging to the asymptomatic (Ai0) group was higher in the CG (71.4%) than in the PG (45.7%). The number of moderate or severe symptoms (DiII and DiIII) was higher in the PG (37.1%) than in the CG (2.4%). The mean value of QoL of the PG (60.9±20.1) was significantly lower (p<0.001) than that of the CG (75.9±15.3).Conclusions. Results of the study support that patients with Parkinson’s disease have a higher incidence of TMD. Using the SF-36, we were able to quantify lower QoL of the PG.Wprowadzenie. W stomatologicznej praktyce klinicznej coraz częściej widuje się pacjentów z zaburzeniami czynności stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego (ang. temporomandibular joint disorder, TMD). Celem badania było ustalenie, czy istnieje zależność między objawami TMD a chorobą Parkinsona. Materiał i metody. W badaniu przekrojowym wzięto pod uwagę anamnestyczne i kliniczne wskaźniki dysfunkcji oraz korelacje związane z jakością życia (kwestionariusz oceny jakości życia SF-36) u pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona (PG, n=35) i u osób zdrowych (CG, n=42). Analizę statystyczną przeprowadzono przy użyciu oprogramowania SPSS 24.0. Wyniki. Średnia wartość uzyskana na podstawie profilu wpływu zdrowia jamy ustnej (ang. Oral Health Impact Profile, OHIP-14) dla PG (7,0±7,7) była znacznie wyższa (p<0,001) niż wśród CG (2,0±3,7). Wskaźnik przynależności do grupy bezobjawowej (Ai0) okazał się wyższy w przypadku GK (71,4%) w porównaniu do PG (45,7%). Liczba umiarkowanych lub ciężkich objawów (DiII i DiIII) była większa u PG (37,1%) aniżeli u CG (2,4%). Średnia wartość jakości życia dla PG (60,9±20,1) była natomiast istotnie niższa (p<0,001) niż w przypadku CG (75,9±15,3). Wnioski. Wyniki badania potwierdzają, że pacjenci z chorobą Parkinsona częściej cierpią z powodu TMD. Dzięki zastosowaniu SF-36 określono ilościowo niższą jakość życia PG
CRISPR/Cas-mediated plant genome editing: outstanding challenges a decade after implementation
The discovery of the CRISPR/Cas genome-editing system has revolutionized our
understanding of the plant genome. CRISPR/Cas has been used for over a decade to modify plant genomes for the study of specific genes and biosynthetic
pathways as well as to speed up breeding in many plant species, including
both model and non-model crops. Although the CRISPR/Cas system is very efficient for genome editing, many bottlenecks and challenges slow down further
improvement and applications. In this review we discuss the challenges that
can occur during tissue culture, transformation, regeneration, and mutant detection. We also review the opportunities provided by new CRISPR platforms and
specific applications related to gene regulation, abiotic and biotic stress response improvement, and de novo domestication of plants.ISSN:1360-1385ISSN:1878-437
A novel cyclic RGD-containing peptide polymer improves serum-free adhesion of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells to bone implant surfaces
Seeding of bone implants with mesenchymal
stem cells (MSCs) may promote osseointegration and bone
regeneration. However, implant material surfaces, such as
titanium or bovine bone mineral, fail to support rapid and
efficient attachment of MSCs, especially under serum-free
conditions that may be desirable when human applications
or tightly controlled experiments are envisioned. Here we
demonstrate that a branched poly[Lys(Ser
) polymer functionalized with cyclic arginyl-glycyl-aspar-
tate, when immobilized by simple adsorption to tissue
culture plastic, surgical titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V), or Bio-
bovine bone substitute, significantly accelerates
serum-free adhesion and enhances seeding efficiency of
human adipose tissue-derived MSCs. Moreover, when
exposed to serum-containing osteogenic medium, MSCs
survived and differentiated on the peptide-coated scaffolds.
In summary, the presented novel polypeptide conjugate can
be conveniently used for coating various surfaces, and may
find applications whenever quick and efficient seeding of
MSCs is required to various scaffolds in the absence of
Comparability of heavy mineral data – the first interlaboratory round robin test
Heavy minerals are typically rare but important components of siliciclastic sediments and rocks. Their abundance, proportions, and variability carry valuable information on source rocks, climatic, environmental and transport conditions between source to sink, and diagenetic processes. They are important for practical purposes such as prospecting for mineral resources or the correlation and interpretation of geologic reservoirs. Despite the extensive use of heavy mineral analysis in sedimentary petrography and quite diverse methods for quantifying heavy mineral assemblages, there has never been a systematic comparison of results obtained by different methods and/or operators. This study provides the first interlaboratory test of heavy mineral analysis.
Two synthetic heavy mineral samples were prepared with considerably contrasting compositions intended to resemble natural samples. The contributors were requested to provide (i) metadata describing methods, measurement conditions and experience of the operators and (ii) results tables with mineral species and grain counts. One hundred thirty analyses of the two samples were performed by 67 contributors, encompassing both classical microscopic analyses and data obtained by emerging automated techniques based on electron-beam chemical analysis or Raman spectroscopy.
Because relatively low numbers of mineral counts (N) are typical for optical analyses while automated techniques allow for high N, the results vary considerably with respect to the Poisson uncertainty of the counting statistics. Therefore, standard methods used in evaluation of round robin tests are not feasible. In our case the ‘true’ compositions of the test samples are not known. Three methods have been applied to determine possible reference values: (i) the initially measured weight percentages, (ii) calculation of grain percentages using estimates of grain volumes and densities, and (iii) the best-match average calculated from the most reliable analyses following multiple, pragmatic and robust criteria. The range of these three values is taken as best approximation of the ‘true’ composition.
The reported grain percentages were evaluated according to (i) their overall scatter relative to the most likely composition, (ii) the number of identified components that were part of the test samples, (iii) the total amount of mistakenly identified mineral grains that were actually not added to the samples, and (iv) the number of major components, which match the reference values with 95% confidence.
Results indicate that the overall comparability of the analyses is reasonable. However, there are several issues with respect to methods and/or operators. Optical methods yield the poorest results with respect to the scatter of the data. This, however, is not considered inherent to the method as demonstrated by a significant number of optical analyses fulfilling the criteria for the best-match average. Training of the operators is thus considered paramount for optical analyses. Electron-beam methods yield satisfactory results, but problems in the identification of polymorphs and the discrimination of chain silicates are evident. Labs refining their electron-beam results by optical analysis practically tackle this issue. Raman methods yield the best results as indicated by the highest number of major components correctly quantified with 95% confidence and the fact that all laboratories and operators fulfil the criteria for the best-match average. However, a number of problems must be solved before the full potential of the automated high-throughput techniques in heavy mineral analysis can be achieved