103 research outputs found

    Complete response to acupuncture therapy in female patients with refractory interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome

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    Objectives: Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain syndrome (IC/BPS) is a considerable issue in urology and gynecology and unfortunately, the treatment options recommended are not fully efficient. Therefore, in this study we aimed to determine the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in patients with refractory IC/BPS. Material and methods: 12 refractory IC/BPS female patients received ten sessions of acupuncture twice a week. The visual analog score (VAS), interstitial cystitis symptom index (ICSI), interstitial cystitis problem index (ICPI), O’Leary-Saint symptom score (OSS), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9), Pelvic pain and urgency & frequency patient symptom scale tests (PUF) and maximum voided volume (MVV) was completed in 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th months following the treatment. Results: There was a statistically significant decrease in all of the scores evaluated at first month compared with the baseline. While the change in VAS score in 1, 3, 6 and 12th months were found statistically significant, measurements of ICSI, OSS and PUF scores and MVV values in the 6th and 12th months and ICPI and PHQ scores in the 12th month were not found statistically significant compared to the pre-treatment period. Response to treatment for the first three months after acupuncture application was (100%), but this ratio was measured as 33.3% (4/12) in the sixth month and 16.6% in the 12th month (2/12). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that acupuncture appears to be an effective, useful, non-invasive method in IC/BPS patients. It can be used as an appropriate treatment method not only in refractory but also in IC patients since it is rather advantageous compared to other treating agents

    Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Yönetimi

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    Turkish economy between 1923-1938: Economy policies that were applied

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    Osmanlı Devleti'nin son dönemlerinde tarım, sanayi, demiryolu gibi altyapı unsurları, finans ve paranın kontrolü gibi ekonominin temellerini oluşturan birçok kurum yabancıların kontrolüne geçmiştir. I.Dünya Savaşı ve ardında imzalanan Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması'na göre Anadolu topraklarının büyük bölümü işgal edilmiş ve Mustafa Kemal liderliğinde Ulusal Kurtuluş Savaşımız başlamıştır. Ekonomik yokluklar içinde sürdürülen mücadelede ülkenin zaten yetersiz olan tüm kaynakları kullanılmış, bunun yanında ülkenin genç erkek nüfusu cephelerde şehit düşmüştür. Milli Mücadele'nin başarıyla sonuçlandırıp, Cumhuriyetin ilanından sonra, tam bağımsızlık ilkesi çerçevesinde ekonomik bağımsızlığın sağlanması yolunda adımlar atılmaya başlanmıştır. Ekonominin her alanında ülke çapında, dışa bağımlı olmadan yeniden yapılanma çalışmaları sürdürülmüştür. Ayrıca 1929'da bütün dünyayı etkisi altına alan büyük buhran, bir çok ülkenin ekonomik açıdan zorlu bir süreçten geçmesine neden olmuştur. Genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ise Atatürk'ün öngördüğü ve uygulattığı tedbirler ile bu ekonomik buhrandan yara almadan sıyrılmayı başarmıştır. Ayrıca ülke her alanda yatırımlara ve hızlı bir kalkınmaya sahne olmuştur. Atatürk, her zaman planlı bir ekonomik kalkınmayı savunmuştur. Henüz cumhuriyet ilan edilmemişken bir iktisat kongresi toplayarak, kurulmakta olan devletin ekonomi politikalarına ilişkin kararlar alınması, bunun en güzel örneğidir. Cumhuriyetin ilanından sonra da tarımda, sanayide, ulaşımda, bankacılıkta ve dış ticarette pek çok atılım yapılmıştır. Gerektiğinde yurt dışından uzmanlar getirilerek fikirleri alınmış, bu sektörlerin uygulayıcısı olacak kişilere eğitimler verilmiştir. Atatürk döneminde Türk Lirası değerini korumuş, enflasyonsuz bir kalkınma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu ii dönemde Osmanlı'dan kalan borçlar da tamamen ödenmiştir. Tarımı, sanayiyi, ticareti teşviş etmek için kanunlar çıkarılmış, bankalar kurulmuştur. Kısacası ülkeyi kendine yeten, dışa bağımlı olmaktan koruyacak her türlü tedbir alınmış, hızlı bir kalkınma süreci yaşanmıştır. Bu araştırmada, Atatürk dönemi ekonomi politikaları, yukarıda genel hatlarıyla bahsedilen çerçeve içerisinde incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu araştırma ile Atatürk'ün ekonomi politikasının dayandığı temelleri, Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarındaki ekonomik gelişmeleri ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada yöntem olarak literatür taraması esas alınmıştır. Araştırma, günümüz Türkiye ekonomisinin, Atatürk'ün sağlam temeller üzerine inşa ettiği ekonomi politikaları sayesinde kendine yeten, dışa bağımlı olmayan bir temele dayandığını tarihsel süreç içerisinde göstermesi açısından önemlidir.In the last periods of the Ottoman Empire many institutions that provide the basis for economy such as infrastructure components such as agriculture, industry and railway, finance and the control of money were captured by the foreigners. Most of the Anatolian land was occupied according to the Mondros armistice agreement and National Independence War was started under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal. The country's whole sources that were already incompetent were used in the struggle that was carried on with economical shortages. Besides the young male population of the country wore the crowns at the fronts. Steps to provide economical independence in the frame of the complete independence principle started to be taken after the National Struggle had been brought to a successful issue and the Republic had been declared. The studies of reconstruction without being dependent on foreign were carried on nationwide in the all fields of economy. Furthermore the Great Depression that got at the whole world in 1929 led to many countries to pass a challenging process in terms of economy. The Young Turkish Republic succeeded in getting out of this economical depression without being wounded by the precautions that Atatürk foresaw and made to apply. The country also witnessed investments in every field and a fast development. Atatürk always advocated a planned economical development. The best example of this is that before the declaration of the republic he assembled an economics congress and took decisions about the economical policies of the government that was being established. Many advances were made in agriculture, industry, transportation, banking line and foreign trade after the declaration of republic. Experts from abroad were invited when necessary, their ideas were asked and trainings were applied to the people that would be the iv operators of these sectors. In Atatürk's period, Turkish Lira maintained its value and a development without inflation was actualized. The debts remained from the Ottoman Empire were completely paid in this period. Laws were enacted to stimulate agriculture, industry and trade. Banks were opened. Briefly, every kind of precaution that would protect the country to be dependent on foreign and provide the country to be self-sufficient was taken and a fast development process was experienced. Economical policies in Atatürk's period have been tried to study within the frame mentioned broadly above in this research. In this research, to express the basics that Atatürk's economy policy was based on and the economical developments in the first years of the Republic were aimed. Literature searching has been rested as the method in the research. The research is important in terms of presenting in historical process that current Turkish economy has a basis that is self-sufficient and is not dependent on foreign because of economy polices that Atatürk founded on firm basics

    Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Yönetimi

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