221 research outputs found

    « Artialisation » : ce qu’Alain Roger doit à un hapax de Montaigne

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    Alain Roger s’inspire d’un hapax de Montaigne pour construire le concept d’artialisation (les choses naturelles ne nous paraissent belles que parce que nous les voyons au travers du prisme des œuvres d’art). Montaigne donne à « artialiser » un sens différent : certains poètes « artialisent » l’amour en l’idéalisant. Il faut au contraire « naturaliser » la poésie, parler sans fioritures de l’amour physique, et suivre Lucrèce plutôt que Ficin. La notion de nature reste cependant ambiguë chez Montaigne.Alain Roger was the first to elaborate the concept of “artialisation” (the process by which natural things are seen as beautiful because we see them as artworks), a concept he borrowed from Montaigne who uses the word only once in his Essais. In Montaigne, however, the concept has an altogether different meaning: some poets, Montaigne argues, artialisent (in the original French) love in idealizing it. One should therefore naturalize poetry, speak straightforwardly of physical love and follow Lucretius, not Ficino. The notion of nature in Montaigne yet remains ambiguous

    Accelerated Growth Rate Induced by Neonatal High-Protein Milk Formula Is Not Supported by Increased Tissue Protein Synthesis in Low-Birth-Weight Piglets

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    Low-birth-weight neonates are routinely fed a high-protein formula to promote catch-up growth and antibiotics are usually associated to prevent infection. Yet the effects of such practices on tissue protein metabolism are unknown. Baby pigs were fed from age 2 to 7 or 28 d with high protein formula with or without amoxicillin supplementation, in parallel with normal protein formula, to determine tissue protein metabolism modifications. Feeding high protein formula increased growth rate between 2 and 28 days of age when antibiotic was administered early in the first week of life. This could be explained by the occurrence of diarrhea when piglets were fed the high protein formula alone. Higher growth rate was associated with higher feed conversion and reduced protein synthesis rate in the small intestine, muscle and carcass, whereas proteolytic enzyme activities measured in these tissues were unchanged. In conclusion, accelerated growth rate caused by high protein formula and antibiotics was not supported by increased protein synthesis in muscle and carcass

    Growth, body composition and hormonal status of growing pigs exhibiting a normal or small weight at birth and exposed to a neonatal diet enriched in proteins

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    Small birth weight and excess of early protein intake are suspected to enhance later obesity risk. The present study was undertaken to determine the impact of neonatal diets differing in protein content on growth, body composition and hormonal status of 70-d-old pigs born with normal weight (NW) or small weight (SW). At 7d of age, male and female suckled piglets were assigned to the NW (approximately 1·4kg at birth) or SW (approximately 0·99kg at birth) groups. They were fed milk replacers formulated to provide an adequate protein (AP) or a high protein (HP) supply for 3 weeks. From weaning to 70d of age, all animals received ad libitum the same standard diet. Growth rates were higher (P<0·05) in HP piglets than in AP piglets during formula feeding and remained higher (P<0·05) only in HP male pigs thereafter. No difference in feed consumption was detected between groups during the periods examined. Carcass lipid content and the relative weight of perirenal adipose tissue did not differ between the AP and HP pigs. Whereas plasma leptin concentration was higher (P<0·05) in HP pigs than in AP pigs with a marked difference in SW pigs, plasma insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I concentration and expression of IGF system genes were not affected by the diets. In summary, a HP intake during the suckling period induced an increase in growth rate that persisted only in male pigs during the post-weaning period. This response was not associated with any difference in adiposity parameters in this perio

    The protein level of isoenergetic formulae does not modulate postprandial insulin secretion in piglets and has no consequences on later glucose tolerance

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    Early postnatal nutrition is involved in metabolic programming, an excess of protein being suspected to enhance early growth and the propensity to later develop insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that excessive protein intake during the suckling period would overstimulate the endocrine pancreas in the short term and alter durably its maturation, contributing to the later disruption of glucose homeostasis. Normal-birth-weight and low-birth-weight piglets were fed isoenergetic formulae providing an adequate-protein (AP, equivalent to sow milk) or a high-protein (HP, +48%) supply between 7 and 28d of age and were fed a standard diet until 70d of age. During the formula-feeding period, the HP formula did not modify postprandial insulin secretion but transiently increased fasting insulin and the homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR, P<0·05). Fasting insulin and HOMA-IR were restored to AP piglets' values 1month after weaning. The structure of the endocrine pancreas was not affected by the protein content of the formula. The weight at birth had no major effect on the studied parameters. We concluded that a high-protein supply during the suckling period does not interfere with insulin secretion and endocrine pancreas maturation in the short term. It has no consequences either on glucose tolerance 1month after weaning. The present study demonstrated that up-regulation of postprandial insulin secretion is not involved in higher growth observed in piglets fed a HP formul

    Relation aliment-santé: effets de l'orge sur la physiologie digestive et l'état sanitaire du porcelet

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    Conduite d'Elevage Fiche CE-6National audienc

    Utilisation de la digestibilité iléale des acides aminés pour estimer leur disponibilité : concepts et définitions

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    cd-romNational audienc

    La Méthode de Symétrie chez Francis Wolff

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    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: "Il y a des jardins à la française et il y a des jardins à l’anglaise. Les jardins à la française sont marqués par l’ordre, la symétrie, l’équilibre des plans et des volumes, la régularité des chemins qui obéissent à une pensée maîtrisée et qui présentent esthétiquement cette maîtrise. Les jardins à l’anglaise sont marqués par la dissymétrie, le déséquilibre des plans et des volumes, l’irrégularité de chemins tortueux dont on ne sait où ils mènent ; c’est un désordre étudié, et qui doit dissimuler l’artifice supérieur dont il est le produit, selon le principe « l’art cache l’art ». Il y a des livres qui ressemblent à des jardins à l’anglaise, avec leurs parcours sinueux, leurs caprices, leurs raisonnements esquissés mais inaboutis, leur désordre étudié, la dissimulation de la rhétorique subtile qui les commande en sous-œuvre. Et puis il y a des livres qui ressemblent à des jardins à la française, marqués par l’ordre, la symétrie, l’équilibre, la régularité, la cohérence et je dirais la probité de la pensée. Les chemins sont nets, et, même lorsqu’ils font de complexes et savants détours, on sait d’où l’on vient et on sait où l’on va.

    Le possible dans l'Être et le Néant

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    Sève Bernard. Le possible dans l'Être et le Néant. In: Raison présente, n°117, 1er trimestre 1996. Sartre. pp. 87-106

    Ce qu’il advient de la musique quand Tannhäuser devient un peintre

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    Les opéras sont, comme toutes les pièces musicales à l’exception des seules œuvres de musique purement instrumentale, des synthèses de l’hétérogène. Dans un opéra se combinent en effet différents systèmes de signification hétérogènes : le texte (le livret), la musique vocale et instrumentale, la logique de l’action dramatique, et enfin l’ensemble complexe et lui-même « synthétique » formé de la mise en scène, avec ses choix de gestes et de déplacements dans l’espace, des décors, des costumes,..