1,843 research outputs found

    Study of Histamine Forming Bacteria in Commercial fish samples of Kalyan city

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    Histamine food poisoning is found to be associated with consumption of scombroid fish containing unusually high levels of histamine. Fish belonging to non-scombroid group may also cause histamine poisoning. In this study, histamine forming bacteria in the commercial fish samples of local markets of Kalyan region were investigated. Among 54 isolates 24 were found to be prominent histamine producers. A simple and rapid colorimetric method for the quantification of histamine in fish was used. Histamine level in fresh mackerel samples was found to be around 20 mg/100 g, which was much above the defect action level (5 mg/100 g) given by FDA indicating potential risk for histamine poisoning. The study suggest that practice of more hygienic and sanitary conditions during handling and processing of fish are required to minimize the contamination of such histamine producing bacteri

    The common and uncommon cestodal infestation encountered in routine histopathological practice from a semi-urban population in south India and their public health importance.

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    Parasites are encountered uncommonly in routine histopathologic practice. Among them, cestodes form a major bulk. Cysticercosis heads the list forming the bulk of cases followed by Hydatidosis and Sparganosis. Microscopic identification of inflammation with surrounding reactions along with other morphological features forms the mainstay of diagnosis of parasitic diseases on histopathology. Identification of the parasites on histopathological examination would reduce the cost-diagnosis ratio avoiding expensive serological investigation

    Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Anggota Ksp Tani Makmur Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    This research aimed to analyze cassava farming income received by members, the cooperative economic benefits received by members, revenue structure of farm household of KSP Tani Makmur members, and the level of welfare of members of KSP Tani Makmur. This research was conducted in KSP Tani Makmur, Natar Sub-district South Lampung District, in which total members were 32 cassava farmers. The data analysis was analysis of income, cooperative economic benefit analysis, analysis of household income, and analysis of the level of well-being according to BPS 2007. The result showed that the income of cassava farmers was on high level category with the highest contribution from cassava on farming. Based on average income per capita, the income of farmers was already above the poverty line. The economic advantages of indirect cooperative which was received by members still relatively low. While the direct economic advantage in form of fertilizers loans becoming an active member motivation in cooperative. The revenue structure of cassava farmer obtained from various sources. Those were cassava, yard, livestock, farm workers, trader, head of villagers, and cooperative. The level of farmers' welfare based on BPS method in 2007, we got the result that all the farmer members fit into the category of being wellfare

    Photoionization modelling based on HST images of Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae – I. SMC N 2 and SMC N 5

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    We construct fully self-consistent, detailed photoionization models for two planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), namely SMC N 2 and SMC N 5, to fit optical and UV spectrophotometric observations as well as HST Faint Object Camera (FOC) narrow-band images taken in the light of Hβ. The derived density structure shows that both PNe have a central cavity surrounded by a shell of decreasing density described by a parabolic curve. For both nebulae, our models fail to reproduce the HST images taken in the light of the [O III] λ 5007 line, in the sense that the observed [O III] λ 5007 surface brightness decreases more slowly outside the peak emission than predicted. An effective temperature of Teff = 111 500 K, a stellar surface gravity of log g = 5.45 and a luminosity of L* = 8430 Lʘ are derived for the central star of SMC N2; similarly Teff = 137 500 K, log g = 6.0 and L* = 5850 Lʘ are derived for SMC N 5. SMC N 2 is optically thin and has a total nebular mass (H plus He) of 0.180 Mʘ, while SMC N 5 is optically thick and has an ionized gas mass of 0.194 Mʘ. Using the H-burning SMC metal abundance (Z = 0.004) evolutionary tracks calculated by Vassiliadis & Wood, core masses of 0.674 Mʘ and 0.649Mʘ are derived for SMC N 2 and SMC N 5, respectively. Similarly, from the He-burning evolutionary tracks of Vassiliadis & Wood for progenitor stars of mean LMC heavy-element abundance (Z = 0.008), we find Mc = 0.695 and 0.675 Mʘ for SMC N 2 and SMC N 5, respectively. We find that Hβ images are needed if one is to derive accurate stellar luminosities directly from photoionization modelling. However, in the absence of an Hβ image, photoionization models based on [O III] images (and nebular line intensities) yield accurate values of Teff and log g, which in turn allow reliable stellar masses and luminosities to be derived from a comparison with theoretical evolutionary tracks. We show that the correct nebular ionized mass can be deduced from the nebular Hβ flux, provided the mean nebular density given by the C III] λ 1909/λ 1907 ratio is also known

    Comments on worldsheet theories dual to free large N gauge theories

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    We continue to investigate properties of the worldsheet conformal field theories (CFTs) which are conjectured to be dual to free large N gauge theories, using the mapping of Feynman diagrams to the worldsheet suggested in hep-th/0504229. The modular invariance of these CFTs is shown to be built into the formalism. We show that correlation functions in these CFTs which are localized on subspaces of the moduli space may be interpreted as delta-function distributions, and that this can be consistent with a local worldsheet description given some constraints on the operator product expansion coefficients. We illustrate these features by a detailed analysis of a specific four-point function diagram. To reliably compute this correlator we use a novel perturbation scheme which involves an expansion in the large dimension of some operators.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figures, JHEP format. v2: added reference

    On the Corrections to Dashen's Theorem

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    The electromagnetic corrections to the masses of the pseudoscalar mesons π\pi and KK are considered. We calculate in chiral perturbation theory the contributions which arise from resonances within a photon loop at order O(e2mq)O(e^2 m_q). Within this approach we find rather moderate deviations to Dashen's theorem.Comment: 14 pages, sligthly enlarged version; a numerical error is corrected and the embedding of the figures is improved. The complete paper, including figures, is also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/ , or via www at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/cgi-bin/preprints/; to be published in Phys.Rev.

    a narrative review

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    Through development, a child?s varied movement contexts provide different opportunities or affordances for action that are fundamental to promoting motor competence. Although home is the primary environment for infants, as children age, school and sport environments gain importance. Studies focusing on affordances for motor behavior in children have mainly addressed the home microsystem, providing an incomplete picture of affordances across different settings, particularly later in development. Here, we undertook a narrative literature review of various affordances for children?s motor development. This review revealed that prior studies of school and sports contexts have not specifically focused on those environmental properties that promote or hinder motor learning opportunities, meaning that future research should assess these relationships through manipulations of environmental features in these different microsystems.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    The Effective Particle-Hole Interaction and the Optical Response of Simple Metal Clusters

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    Following Sham and Rice [L. J. Sham, T. M. Rice, Phys. Rev. 144 (1966) 708] the correlated motion of particle-hole pairs is studied, starting from the general two-particle Greens function. In this way we derive a matrix equation for eigenvalues and wave functions, respectively, of the general type of collective excitation of a N-particle system. The interplay between excitons and plasmons is fully described by this new set of equations. As a by-product we obtain - at least a-posteriori - a justification for the use of the TDLDA for simple-metal clusters.Comment: RevTeX, 15 pages, 5 figures in uufiles format, 1 figure avaible from [email protected]

    Geochemistry of reduced inorganic sulfur, reactive iron, and organic carbon in fluvial and marine surface sediment in the Laizhou Bay region, China

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    Understanding the geochemical cycling of sulfur in sediments is important because it can have implications for both modern environments (e.g., deterioration of water quality) and interpretation of the ancient past (e.g., sediment C/S ratios can be used as indicators of palaeodepositional environment). This study investigates the geochemical characteristics of sulfur, iron, and organic carbon in fluvial and coastal surface sediments of the Laizhou Bay region, China. A total of 63 sediment samples were taken across the whole Laizhou Bay marine region and the 14 major tidal rivers draining into it. Acid volatile sulfur, chromium (II)-reducible sulfur and elemental sulfur, total organic carbon, and total nitrogen were present in higher concentrations in the fluvial sediment than in the marine sediment of Laizhou Bay. The composition of reduced inorganic sulfur in surface sediments was dominated by acid volatile sulfur and chromium (II)-reducible sulfur. In fluvial sediments, sulfate reduction and formation of reduced inorganic sulfur were controlled by TOC and reactive iron synchronously. High C/S ratios in the marine sediments indicate that the diagenetic processes in Laizhou Bay have been affected by rapid deposition of sediment from the Yellow River in recent decades
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