18 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Asam Oleat Dan Minyak Atsiri Daun Cengkeh (Syzygium Aromaticum L.) Sebagai Permeation Enhancer Terhadap Karakter Fisik Dan Pelepasan Ketoprofen Dari Matriks Patch Transdermal

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    Ketoprofen adalah obat antiinflamasi non-steroid yang dapat menimbulkan iritasi pada saluran gastrointestinal, sehingga diperlukan jalur pemberian alternatif yaitu dengan patch transdermal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi asam oleat dengan minyak atsiri daun cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum L.) sebagai permeation enhancer terhadap karakter fisik dan pelepasan ketoprofen dari matriks patch. Delapan formula yang diperoleh dari software Design Expert versi 7 menggunakan simplex lattice design dibuat dengan perbandingan asam oleat:minyak atsiri daun cengkeh sebesar 0,25:0,75; 1:0; 0,5:0,5; 0:1; 0:1; 1:0; 0,5:0,5 dan 0,75:0,25. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi pengujian karakter fisik (bobot, ketebalan, susut pengeringan, ketahanan lipatan) dan efisiensi disolusi. Data yang dihasilkan dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan ANOVA two-way dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Formula optimal ditentukan oleh software Design Expert versi 7. Penentuan profil dan fluks dianalisis menggunakan Solver. Uji karakter fisik matriks patch memberikan hasil yang tidak berbeda secara signifikan antara kedelapan formula, sedangkan uji efisiensi disolusi memberikan hasil yang berbeda signifikan dengan nilai probalilitas sebesar (< 0,05). Formula optimal yang diperoleh yaitu komposisi asam oleat:minyak atsiri daun cengkeh sebesar 0,379:0,621 dengan nilai efisiensi disolusi sebesar 27,90% selama 300 menit. Berdasarkan nilai R2 dari masing-masing formula, mekanisme pelepasan ketoprofen dari matriks patch mengikuti kinetika Korsmeyer Peppas dengan fluks berkisar antara 0,42 mg/jam.cm2 hingga 0,60 mg/jam.cm2 dan mengikuti difusi non-Fickian, yakni laju difusi dan erosi polimer berjalan seimbang

    Stabilitas PH Antosianin terhadap Profil Fingerprint Umbi Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea BatatasL.)

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    Umbi ubi jalar ungu diketahui memiliki kandungan antosianin yang cukup tinggi, yakni sekitar 110-210 mg per 100 gram umbi. Kandungan antosianin tersebut menyebabkan umbi ubi jalar ungu memiliki beberapa efek farmakologi seperti antioksidan, antiinflamasi, dan hepatoprotektif. Antosianin merupakan senyawa flavonoid yang tidak stabil. Stabilitas antosianin sangat dipengaruhi oleh pH larutannya. Antosianin lebih stabil pada pH asam dari pada dalam suasana basa ataupun netral. Stabilitas antosianin yang rendah ini dapat menyebabkan perbedaan pada suatu ekstrak dan berujung pada perbedaan aktivitas yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi stabil dilakukannya kromatografi fingerprint pada ubi jalar ungu. Sampel serbuk umbi ubi jalar ungu diekstraksi menggunakan larutan metanol yang memiliki pH bervariasi (1, 3, 5, dan 7). Ekstrak dianalisis menggunakan metode KLT-Spektrofotodensitometri dengan fase diam berupa silika gel 60 F 254 dan fase gerak n-butanol : asam asetat glacial : air (4:1:2 v/v) dalam penelitian ini. Data yang didapatkan kemudian diolah menggunakan analisis fungsi kosinus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sampel yang diekstraksi dengan metanol pH 1 merupakan pH stabil dilakukannya analisis kromatografi fingerprint, karena ekstrak pada pH 1 mempunyai warna antosianin yang stabil, yakni warna merah. Pada fingerprint ekstrak pH 1 juga memiliki tambahan puncak pada Rf 0,23 yang diduga merupakan antosianin dalam bentuk kation flavilium yang stabil di pH sangat asam

    Coat Polymorphism in Eurasian Lynx: Adaptation to Environment or Phylogeographic Legacy?

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    We studied the relationship between the variability and contemporary distribution of pelage phenotypes in one of most widely distributed felid species and an array of environmental and demographic conditions. We collected 672 photographic georeferenced records of the Eurasian lynx throughout Eurasia. We assigned each lynx coat to one of five phenotypes. Then we fitted the coat patterns to different environmental and anthropogenic variables, as well as the effective geographic distances from inferred glacial refugia. A majority of lynx were either of the large spotted (41.5%) or unspotted (uniform, 36.2%) phenotype. The remaining patterns (rosettes, small spots and pseudo-rosettes) were represented in 11.0%, 7.4%, and 3.9% of samples, respectively. Although various environmental variables greatly affected lynx distribution and habitat suitability, it was the effect of least-cost distances from locations of the inferred refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum that explained the distribution of lynx coat patterns the best. Whereas the occurrence of lynx phenotypes with large spots was explained by the proximity to refugia located in the Caucasus/Middle East, the uniform phenotype was associated with refugia in the Far East and Central Asia. Despite the widely accepted hypothesis of adaptive functionality of coat patterns in mammals and exceptionally high phenotypic polymorphism in Eurasian lynx, we did not find well-defined signs of habitat matching in the coat pattern of this species. Instead, we showed how the global patterns of morphological variability in this large mammal and its environmental adaptations may have been shaped by past climatic change.publishedVersio

    Coat Polymorphism in Eurasian Lynx: Adaptation to Environment or Phylogeographic Legacy?

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    We studied the relationship between the variability and contemporary distribution of pelage phenotypes in one of most widely distributed felid species and an array of environmental and demographic conditions. We collected 672 photographic georeferenced records of the Eurasian lynx throughout Eurasia. We assigned each lynx coat to one of five phenotypes. Then we fitted the coat patterns to different environmental and anthropogenic variables, as well as the effective geographic distances from inferred glacial refugia. A majority of lynx were either of the large spotted (41.5%) or unspotted (uniform, 36.2%) phenotype. The remaining patterns (rosettes, small spots and pseudo-rosettes) were represented in 11.0%, 7.4%, and 3.9% of samples, respectively. Although various environmental variables greatly affected lynx distribution and habitat suitability, it was the effect of least-cost distances from locations of the inferred refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum that explained the distribution of lynx coat patterns the best. Whereas the occurrence of lynx phenotypes with large spots was explained by the proximity to refugia located in the Caucasus/Middle East, the uniform phenotype was associated with refugia in the Far East and Central Asia. Despite the widely accepted hypothesis of adaptive functionality of coat patterns in mammals and exceptionally high phenotypic polymorphism in Eurasian lynx, we did not find well-defined signs of habitat matching in the coat pattern of this species. Instead, we showed how the global patterns of morphological variability in this large mammal and its environmental adaptations may have been shaped by past climatic change