4,972 research outputs found

    Analisa Indikator Rawat Inap Periode Tahun 2017-2018 Di Rumah Sakit Sinar Husni Medan

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    Indikator rawat inap merupakan gambaran yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemanfaaatan, mutu, efisiensi pelayanan rawat inap dan efesiensi penggunaan tempat tidur di rumah sakit. BOR merupakan prosentase pemakaian tempat tidur periode tertentu. ALOS merupakan rata-rata lama rawat seorang pasien. TOI merupakan lamanya dimana tempat tidur tidak ditempati dari telah diisi ke saat terisi berikutnya. BTO menunjukkan frekuensi pemakaian tempat tidur pada suatu periode. NDR adalah angka kematian 48 jam setelah pasien dirawat. GDR menunjukkan angka kematian umum. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisa indikator rawat inap periode tahun 2017-2018. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskripsi dengan metode wawancara dan observasi. Tempat penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Sinar Husni Medan dikarenakan peneliti ingin mengetahui indikator rawat inap rumah sakit tipe C. Waktu penelitian dilakukan bulan Maret-April 2019. Populasi dan sampel yang digunakan adalah data rekapitulasi rawat inap periode tahun 2017-2018. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapat perhitungan BOR tahun 2017 yaitu 78,86% dan BOR 2018 yaitu 82,87%, ALOS 2017 yaitu 2,90 hari dan ALOS 2018 yaitu 3,02 hari, TOI 2017 yaitu 0,78 hari dan TOI 2018 yaitu 0,65 hari, BTO 2018 adalah 98,62 kali/tahun dan BTO 2018 adalah 96,01 kali/tahun, NDR 2017 yaitu 1,38‰ dan NDR 2018 yaitu 2,02‰, GDR 2017 adalah 5,91 ‰ dan GDR 2018 adalah 9,30 ‰. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah nilai ALOS tidak ideal karena banyak pasien dirujuk, PAPS dan penyingkatan waktu lama rawat. TOI dan BTO tidak ideal dikarenakan jumlah pasien yang banyak. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah menambah jumlah tempat tidur untuk menampung banyaknya pasien dan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan

    Sintesis Hidroksiapatit dari Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) Cangkang Telur Ayam melalui Proses Sol Gel dengan Variasi PH dan Waktu Aging

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    Hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO 4)6(OH)2 is a compound of calcium phospate which is a bioactive, biocompatible and bioresourable. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) can be used as a bone implant,adsorbents and catalysts. Hydroxyapatite synthesis can be performed by using raw materials which is rich in calcium such as egg shell. Calcium in the form of Calcium Carbonate(CaCO3) on the chicken egg shell in this study changed to be precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) through the process of carbonation. PCC from chicken egg shells used as a source of calcium in the synthesis of HAp with a sol gel method. In the synthesis of HAp, the varied of this method is pH (9; 10; and 11) and the aging time (24 hours; 48 hours; 72 hours). The analysis result of HAp synthesis with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) showed that the apatite compound has been formed with the absorption of PO4 3- ion at the wave number 1,025. .The highest transmittance obtained on the sample at the pH 9 aging time 24 hours; pH 9 aging time 48 hours and pH 9 aging time 72 hours. Based on X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis, the best HAp obtained in pH 9 aging time 72 hours with monoclinic crystal structure, with particle size was 53.89 nm. The result of SEMEDX analysis showed the morphological form agglomerate. The mole ratio of Ca and P hydroxyapatite from PCC of egg shell was 1.52 and 2.755 m 2/g surface area

    Engineering students and the application of mathematical knowledge : how to explain the difficulties experienced?

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    The article presents the results of two focus groups and a questionnaire implemented with engineering students from the University of Minho, in order to assess opinions and perspectives concerning the main learning difficulties in mathematics-based disciplines. The results obtained show that students generally see the relevance of mathematics to engineering courses. Mathematics is considered as an essential discipline in course selection and a vital part of their career as engineers. The importance of the instructor is recognized when learning mathematical concepts. Students would like their courses to address mathematical concepts that are more in line with their future professions. The 73 undergraduate students who completed the questionnaire manifested a high self-efficacy and a high perception that the learning of mathematical concepts and the development of mathematical skills are essential for progression in their future career.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Dietary supplements’ endorsements. A content analysis of claims and appeals on Spanish radio

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    The aims of this study are to analyze the presence of endorsers in DS advertising on Spanish radio and the health-related product information of endorsements on full service Spanish radio. To this end, the content analysis of all radio spots broadcast throughout the year 2017 is conducted, deriving a corpus of 165 different radio spots belonging to the product category of dietary supplements, broadcast a total of 10,566 times. According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, endorsers are a peripheral cue and increase advertising persuasion. The main results show that the most prevalent type of endorser in DS radio spots is the anonymous spokesperson, followed by celebrities, and that endorsers use explicit claims more frequently than implicit claims. Additionally, experts and celebrities use rational appeals more frequently while emotional appeals predominate in endorsements by typical consumers. Thus, rational appeals are prevalent in endorsements voiced by the most credible endorsers: experts and celebrities. That is, the higher the social recognition and credibility of the endorser, the greater the weight of direct, explicit and rational arguments in the message, while less attention is given to emotional appeals.The aims of this study are to analyze the presence of endorsers in DS advertising on Spanish radio and the health-related product information of endorsements on full service Spanish radio. To this end, the content analysis of all radio spots broadcast throughout the year 2017 is conducted, deriving a corpus of 165 different radio spots belonging to the product category of dietary supplements, broadcast a total of 10,566 times. According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, endorsers are a peripheral cue and increase advertising persuasion. The main results show that the most prevalent type of endorser in DS radio spots is the anonymous spokesperson, followed by celebrities, and that endorsers use explicit claims more frequently than implicit claims. Additionally, experts and celebrities use rational appeals more frequently while emotional appeals predominate in endorsements by typical consumers. Thus, rational appeals are prevalent in endorsements voiced by the most credible endorsers: experts and celebrities. That is, the higher the social recognition and credibility of the endorser, the greater the weight of direct, explicit and rational arguments in the message, while less attention is given to emotional appeals
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