433 research outputs found

    Ketepatan dan Kecepatan Pembidikan Pisir Penjera pada Latihan Bidik Kering Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic

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    Lesan Tembak Bidik Kering dibuat untuk mendukung tugas pokok TNI AD dalam rangka membantu prajurit pada bidang menembak untuk mendapatkan prajurit yang handal, dimana setiap prajurit harus mahir menembak.Perencanaan dan pembuatan alat dibangun dengan meggunakan alat perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perangkat keras yang digunakan yaitu motor DC, mikrokontroler ATMega16, driver ULN2003, bluetooth, joystick, limit switch dan mekanik. Sedangkan perangkat lunak yang digunakan yaitu Software Code Vision AVR sebagai alat pengendali. Dalam pembuatan alat yang dimaksud supaya dapat berfungsi dengan baik, maka diperlukan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang karakteristik dan cara kerja komponen-komponen yang digunakan. Hal ini perlu dikuasa sebaik-baiknya untuk menghindari kesalan penggunaan komponen yang mengakibatkan kegagalan dalam pembuatan alat.Pada perencanaan hardware akan meliputi seluruh perihal yang digunakan pada sistem. Pada perencanaan software merupakan piranti lunak meliputi flowchart dan software secara umum. Perangkat tersebut saling terintegrasi sehingga dalam kerjanya akan maksimum sesuai apa yang diharapkan.Software ini diharapkan mampu memenuhi tugas pokok TNI AD khususnya keahlian menembak agar lebih efektif, akurat dan tepat dalam melaksanakan latihan menembak di satuan TNI AD

    Pengaruh Endapan Pasir Bono Terhadap Kualitas Gambut Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Karet Muda Di Kebun Meranti Rapp Riau

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    Study to evaluate the effect of the Bono Sand Sediment to peatlands qualities and growth ofthe PB260 young rubber plants (age 1 years) had been carried out in Meranti Estate RAPPKampar Estuary Pangkalan Kerinci District of Riau in December 2013. Research useddescriptive method with measuring water table depth in selected plots whose enrich withBono Sand Sediment and soil profil to take the soil samples. Also girth measurements ofplanting young rubber trees planted in 2012. The soil samples were analyzed at theLaboratory of BPTP North Sumatra. The results showed that Bono Sand Sediment were siltfraction, coused a good effect to growing young rubber plant with seedling just the same withgrowing plant rubber with oculation age 1 year. To peatland proferties teh Bono SandSediment increas the pH and exchengable bases, but decrease the total nitrogene, availablephosphaet, and total phosphate

    Perancangan Uji Sirip Roket Bagian Aileron dengan Menggunakan Kontrol Pid

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    Roket merupakan sebuah peluru kendali atau suatu kendaraan terbang yang mendapatkan dorongan melalui reaksi roket secara cepat dengan bahan fluida dari keluaran mesin roket. Sistem Kendali Sirip Roket berbasis Mikrokontroller ATmega8 berguna untuk mengendalikan sirip roket khususnya bagian aileron. Dimana dibutuhkan komponen – komponen pendukung berupa Sensor Accelerometer, Sensor Gyrscope, ATmega8 dan Motor Servo. Alat pengendali sirip roket ini dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan sirip roket bagian aileron pada saat posisi roket tidak stabil atau terjadi gerakan naik turun pada saat setelah diluncurkan, sehingga dapat menghasilkan penerbangan yang maksimal dalam mencapai sasaran.Perancangan yang digunakan adalah jenis pengendalian dengan kontrol PID. PID (Proportional Integral Derivative controller) merupakan kontroller untuk menentukan presisi suatu sistem instrumentasi dengan karakteristik adanya umpan Balik pada sistem tesebut. Pengontrol PID adalah pengontrol konvensional yang banyak dipakai dalam dunia industri. Karakteristik pengontrol PID sangat dipengaruhi oleh kontribusi besar dari ketiga parameter P, I dan D. Pemilihan konstanta Kp, Ki dan Kd akan mengakibatkan penonjolan sifat dari masing-masing elemen. Dalam perancangan sebuah sistem kendali menggunakan kontroller PID pada motor servo yang diharapkan mampu menggerakkan sirip naik dan sirip turun pada roket sehingga mampu menjaga kestabilan roket saat diluncurkan. Prosentase error pada proyek akhir ini adalah 0,5 %

    Optimasi Deteksi Radio Frequency Identificasion (Rfid) Menggunakan Metode Complex Valued Naural Network (Cvnn)

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    Fungsi alat ini adalah menerima sinyal dari sebuah cip berupa sistem informasi yang secara real time dari pemancar dan pengirim sinyal serta memprosesnya pada sebuah PC atau laptop untuk mendapatkan data dan nilai. Dengan adanya sistem seperti ini, maka prajurit yang melaksanakan samapta B (shuttle run) dapat melihat secara langsung hasil nilai yang di perolehnya.. Selain itu Tim personil penilai samapta tidak kesulitan untuk mengarahkan para peserta samapta, karena sudah terdaftar dengan menggunakan data pribadi di dalam PC atau Laptop. Sehingga proses pelaksanaan samapta dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan.Peengolaan database dan pengiriman sinyal menggunakan metode comflex valued neural network dengan tujuan, agar sistem kerja dan pengolahan data sesuai dengan akurasi waktu tanpa apa ada selisih ataupun eror

    Childhood and the politics of scale: Descaling children's geographies?

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    This is the post-print version of the final published paper that is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2008 SAGE Publications.The past decade has witnessed a resurgence of interest in the geographies of children's lives, and particularly in engaging the voices and activities of young people in geographical research. Much of this growing body of scholarship is characterized by a very parochial locus of interest — the neighbourhood, playground, shopping mall or journey to school. In this paper I explore some of the roots of children's geographies' preoccupation with the micro-scale and argue that it limits the relevance of research, both politically and to other areas of geography. In order to widen the scope of children's geographies, some scholars have engaged with developments in the theorization of scale. I present these arguments but also point to their limitations. As an alternative, I propose that the notion of a flat ontology might help overcome some difficulties around scalar thinking, and provide a useful means of conceptualizing sociospatiality in material and non-hierarchical terms. Bringing together flat ontology and work in children's geographies on embodied subjectivity, I argue that it is important to examine the nature and limits of children's spaces of perception and action. While these spaces are not simply `local', they seldom afford children opportunities to comment on, or intervene in, the events, processes and decisions that shape their own lives. The implications for the substance and method of children's geographies and for geographical work on scale are considered

    Oh Comrade, What Times those Were! History, Capital Punishment and the Urban Square.

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    From the perspective of traditional Western histories of the urban realm, public squares have been seen to represent a privileged site of urban containment expressive of a community's highest values of individual freedom, social inclusion and cultural refinement. But such views can be misleading. For what is omitted from the scope of these conventional historical visions and their ideal and conforming subjects of public spatial discourse, is an entire array of other and darker narratives that equally speak of personal choice, collective participation and cultural value. Capital punishment reflects such an example, a practice that once comprised an integral part of the political, social and cultural landscape of a Western city's squares and streets. Drawing from Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish and its implications on how we might begin to re-read the history of the urban square, the following seeks to explore those practices and modes of rationality that underpinned the once public spectacle of executions and torture as a vital condition of urban life. In particular, this discussion will question the assumptions of an historical tradition that continues to reduce our understanding of the city and its open spaces of public appearance and action to an idealistic and illusory reality of the urban realm and its narrow framing of collective conduct, necessity and significance

    Gender differences in conversation topics, 1922–1990

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    Gender differences in conversation topics were first systematically studied in 1922 by Henry Moore, who theorized that the gender differences in topic choice he observed in a field observation study would persist over time, as they were manifestations of men's and women's “original natures.” In this paper, I report a 1990 replication of Moore's study, in which similar but smaller gender differences in topic choice are found. In order to explore further the apparent trend toward smaller gender differences, reports of quantitative observation studies conducted between 1922 and 1990 are examined. Other explanations besides change over time—such as variations in conversation setting and audience, target populations, and researcher's intentions—may account for the decline in gender differences in topic choice. Social influences are seen more clearly in the discourse about gender differences in conversation than in gender differences in conversation topics themselves.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45599/1/11199_2004_Article_BF00289744.pd

    Disruption of a GATA4/Ankrd1 Signaling Axis in Cardiomyocytes Leads to Sarcomere Disarray: Implications for Anthracycline Cardiomyopathy

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    Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) is an effective anti-cancer drug, but its clinical usage is limited by a dose-dependent cardiotoxicity characterized by widespread sarcomere disarray and loss of myofilaments. Cardiac ankyrin repeat protein (CARP, ANKRD1) is a transcriptional regulatory protein that is extremely susceptible to doxorubicin; however, the mechanism(s) of doxorubicin-induced CARP depletion and its specific role in cardiomyocytes have not been completely defined. We report that doxorubicin treatment in cardiomyocytes resulted in inhibition of CARP transcription, depletion of CARP protein levels, inhibition of myofilament gene transcription, and marked sarcomere disarray. Knockdown of CARP with small interfering RNA (siRNA) similarly inhibited myofilament gene transcription and disrupted cardiomyocyte sarcomere structure. Adenoviral overexpression of CARP, however, was unable to rescue the doxorubicin-induced sarcomere disarray phenotype. Doxorubicin also induced depletion of the cardiac transcription factor GATA4 in cardiomyocytes. CARP expression is regulated in part by GATA4, prompting us to examine the relationship between GATA4 and CARP in cardiomyocytes. We show in co-transfection experiments that GATA4 operates upstream of CARP by activating the proximal CARP promoter. GATA4-siRNA knockdown in cardiomyocytes inhibited CARP expression and myofilament gene transcription, and induced extensive sarcomere disarray. Adenoviral overexpression of GATA4 (AdV-GATA4) in cardiomyocytes prior to doxorubicin exposure maintained GATA4 levels, modestly restored CARP levels, and attenuated sarcomere disarray. Interestingly, siRNA-mediated depletion of CARP completely abolished the Adv-GATA4 rescue of the doxorubicin-induced sarcomere phenotype. These data demonstrate co-dependent roles for GATA4 and CARP in regulating sarcomere gene expression and maintaining sarcomeric organization in cardiomyocytes in culture. The data further suggests that concurrent depletion of GATA4 and CARP in cardiomyocytes by doxorubicin contributes in large part to myofibrillar disarray and the overall pathophysiology of anthracycline cardiomyopathy
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