5 research outputs found

    River restoration in the urban landscape as a turning point in culture and hydropolitics: Narrations and case studies for the challenges of the 21 st century

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    Celem artykułu jest interdyscyplinarna i międzydziedzinowa analiza idei przywracania cieków wodnych miejskim krajobrazom. Powołujemy się na publikacje z zakresu: studiów miejskich, ekohydrologii, humanistyki ekologicznej. Pierwszą część artykułu poświęcamy na zdefiniowanie problematyki, a także dokonujemy analizy narracji projektów artystycz -nych z ostatnich lat, dotyczących zagadnienia niebieskiej infrastruktury w miastach. Na-stępnie przyglądamy się studiom przypadków, które ukazują dobre rozwiązania w obsza-rach miejskich z wykorzystaniem tzw. „koncepcji miejskiej rzeki”. Te przykłady służą nam do zdefiniowania korzyści dla miast, szczególnie tych związanych z walką na polu zmian klimatycznych. Celem naszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie możliwych rozwiązań dla miejskiego krajobrazu, w tym potencjalnego wzbogacenia kultury i tożsamości miast.The purpose of this article is an interdisciplinary and cross-domain analysis of the idea of restoration of watercourses in urban landscapes. We refer to publications from the field of urban studies, ecohydrology and ecological humanities. In the first part of the article, we define the problem range and analyse the narrations of the artistic projects of the recent period dealing with blue infrastructure in cities. Next, we review case studies illustrating good practice in urban spaces involving the so-called urban-river concept. These examples will allow us to identify benefits to be found for cities, especially in the field of the fight on climate change. The article aims to outline possible solutions for the urban landscape, including opportunities to enrich the urban culture and identity

    River restoration in the urban landscape as a turning point in culture and hydropolitics: Narrations and case studies for the challenges of the 21 st century

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    Celem artykułu jest interdyscyplinarna i międzydziedzinowa analiza idei przywracania cieków wodnych miejskim krajobrazom. Powołujemy się na publikacje z zakresu: studiów miejskich, ekohydrologii, humanistyki ekologicznej. Pierwszą część artykułu poświęcamy na zdefiniowanie problematyki, a także dokonujemy analizy narracji projektów artystycz -nych z ostatnich lat, dotyczących zagadnienia niebieskiej infrastruktury w miastach. Na-stępnie przyglądamy się studiom przypadków, które ukazują dobre rozwiązania w obsza-rach miejskich z wykorzystaniem tzw. „koncepcji miejskiej rzeki”. Te przykłady służą nam do zdefiniowania korzyści dla miast, szczególnie tych związanych z walką na polu zmian klimatycznych. Celem naszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie możliwych rozwiązań dla miejskiego krajobrazu, w tym potencjalnego wzbogacenia kultury i tożsamości miast.The purpose of this article is an interdisciplinary and cross-domain analysis of the idea of restoration of watercourses in urban landscapes. We refer to publications from the field of urban studies, ecohydrology and ecological humanities. In the first part of the article, we define the problem range and analyse the narrations of the artistic projects of the recent period dealing with blue infrastructure in cities. Next, we review case studies illustrating good practice in urban spaces involving the so-called urban-river concept. These examples will allow us to identify benefits to be found for cities, especially in the field of the fight on climate change. The article aims to outline possible solutions for the urban landscape, including opportunities to enrich the urban culture and identity

    Elements of Michel Foucault’s Hermeneutics of the Subject in the Post-War Correspondence of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz and Jerzy Lisowski

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    The article analyses the phenomena occurring in epistolary, namely the exchange of letters. The newly published correspondence of Jerzy Lisowski with Anna and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, during a very specific period, when, just after the war, the imposed socialist-realist regime was taking shape, will serve as an example. However, the practices connected with disciplining public order in Poland are not the subject of the article, but people with completely different aesthetic desires. Politics in this correspondence gives way to the plan of, for example, fascination with Romance studies and the achievements of Western culture, which not only united the authors of the epistolary dialogue, but also significantly shaped it for the rest of their lives. This is particularly important if one looks at the professions of both participants in the correspondence. The author of the article takes as a paradigm elements of Michel Foucault’s claims from the collection of lectures entitled Hermeneutics of the Subject from the College de France from the turn of 1981/1982. The correspondence is analysed in terms of claims related to the practices of the self, the exchange of letters between friends in the age of antiquity, and parrhesia. References to fragments of an elementary work on epistolography, namely Theory of a Letter [Teoria listu] by Stefania Skwarczyńska, are also an important element. One of the inspirations for writing the article was also New Theory of a Letter [Nowa teoria listu] by Anita Całek, who also proposes to look at the correspondence through the prism of the theorems of Foucault and Skwarczyńska. The aim of the article was to present not only the essential features of a letter in the context of the formation of interpersonal relations, but also the maturation of personality and to understand to what extent letters may become a testimony of rich autobiographical narratives

    Is a Mutation of “Banopticon” into “Careopticon” Possible? On the Potential Opportunities to Counteract Precarisation and Exclusion of Migrants and Refugees

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    The main focus of this article is an attempt to answer the title research question: is it possible to mutate a banopticon into a careopticon? The article offers an interdisciplinary look at selected narratives, from three categories: film, television theatre and prose. All three works deal in their own way with migration, which takes on different faces. The article distinguishes the main characters into migrants and refugees, while pointing out their common features. The struggles of the newcomers with the difficult reality in a foreign land are described. The author deliberately translated and quoted fragments of a novella by Abdulrazak Gurnah, hitherto unknown and not translated into Polish, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2021 for showing the effects of colonialism and for depicting the fate of refugees with human compassion. The analysis of works selected for the purpose of the article is to serve, in particular, critical reflection on contemporary problems that are discussed on the pages of literature in the humanities, social sciences, and economics. In the article the notion of “exclusion” is extensively illustrated, which is contrasted with some proposals of systemic solutions related to the notion of “care”. The author is of the opinion that contemporary humanities, especially literary studies, should enter interdisciplinary fields, where at the intersection a field for critical reflection on reality is created in order to define the problems of civilisation and attempt to solve them effectively

    Zooming in on community (in)security. Photography in service to surveillance culture on examples from the 19th and 20th centuries

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    This article focuses on the development of photography and the constantly improving practices of surveillance culture. Photography is shown as a tool used by public agencies to ensure community security in all its variations. The discussion starts with Bruno Latour’s ideas about the impact of technology on society and culture. The construction of the camera is presented as an innovation in the advancement of the 19th-century police methods of investigation and a reference is made to a publication by visual culture researcher Jonathan Finn. The paper also explores the surveillance culture practices adopted by the Security Department of communist Poland. It studies How to Look Natural in Photos, a book that adopts the perspective of observers and voyeurs to depict the life of a community in photographs. The article refers to works by Michel Foucault and Dorota Sajewska and try to define what the album How to Look Natural in Photos is about and what material it actually presents