321 research outputs found

    The morphological analysis of vasculature in thyroid tumours: immunoexpression of CD34 antigen.

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    Angiogenesis represents an important process manifested in tumour growth and in development of metastases. Using immunohistochemistry, the authors evaluated number of vessels in various nodular lesions of the thyroid (54 cases). Expression of CD34 antigen and microvessel density were evaluated in sections of archival paraffin blocks originating from the Department of Pathological Anatomy, University Medical School and the Lower Silesia Centre of Oncology in WrocĹaw, Poland. Microvessel density was assessed in ten different fields per section in "hot spots". Expression of CD34 was quantified using computerised image analysis and, then, mean micrvessel count (MVC) and microvessel area (MVA) were calculated. In thyroid tissue with benign lesions, the MVC (31.7) was higher than in neoplastic lesions (22.3), although no differences in MVA were observed. This observation points to differences in the size of newly formed vessels in individual nodular lesions of the thyroid


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    Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd wybranych zagadnień analitycznych powiązanych z problematyką nieważności uchwał organizacji międzynarodowych. Kluczowa wydaje się w kontekście prowadzonych rozważań odpowiedź na pytanie, co się dzieje, gdy uchwała zostaje podjęta z naruszeniem postanowień statutu organizacji dotyczących kompetencji do podejmowania aktów prawnych. Warto dodać, że bez zastrzeżeń akceptuje się możliwość ponoszenia odpowiedzialności przez organizacje międzynarodowe za swoje akty sprzeczne z prawem międzynarodowym. W związku z tym także akty ultra vires, jeżeli są sprzeczne z prawem międzynarodowym i można przypisać je organizacji, mogą stanowić podstawę odpowiedzialności.The results of the analyses presented in this paper allow formulation of the following conclusions: of the key importance seems to be the answer to the question of what happens when a resolution is taken in violation of the provisions of the constitution of an organisation regarding the competence of making laws. It is worth noting that the possibility of bearing responsibility by international organisations for their acts contrary to international law is accepted without reservation. Therefore, the ultra vires acts, if contrary to international law, may be attributed to the organisation, and may subsequently give rise to liability

    The expression of selected immunocytochemical diagnostic markers in the case of chondrosarcoma with a mesenchymal component

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    The case of 52-year-old man is presented, who had suffered from pains in his right brachial region and in whom, upon admission to the Lower Silesia Centre of Oncology, a tumour of 20 cm in diameter and restricted mobility was disclosed in the right brachial region and proximal 1/3 of his right arm. Radiograms of his right humerus disclosed non-uniform restructuring of the osseous tissue, dominated by osteosclerosis in the upper half of his right humerus, while in the surrounding dift tissues of the proximal portion non-uniform shades were seen of calcified appearance. The patient was qualified to surgical biopsy and histopathological examination of the sample disclosed Chondrosarcoma G II. Following amputation of the right upper extremity together with the scapula, the tumour was subjected to histopathological and immunocytochemical examination in the Department of Pathomorphology, Lower Silesia Centre of Oncology. In numerous samples of the tumour dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma was diagnosed with a dominating component of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), which was confirmed by detecting a high expression of alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) within the spindle-shaped cell component of the chondrosarcoma. Spindle-shaped elements in dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma (DChSa) may represent patterns of fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma or the malignant fibrohistiocytoma (MFH) type and they are present as if in the form of restricted fields with no reciprocal infiltrates. Moreover, due to the worse prognosis in the case of the MFH component in dedifferentiated chondrosarcoman as compared to that in classical chondrosarcoma, common evaluation of the material was made by a surgeon, radiologist and histopathologist, accompanied by a minimum panel of immunocytochemical tests (ACT, Vimentyna, Desmina, S-100). This enabled a final diagnosis for all tumour components to be established and prognosis to be made regarding the further fate of the patient

    Outcomes after a Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Treatment Program for a Patient with a Right Pontine Stroke: A Case Report

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    Background/Purpose: A stroke occurs as a result of decreased blood flow to the brain and can cause serious limitations in mobility, balance, coordination, and strength resulting in functional limitations. The purpose of this case study is to examine the effects of a comprehensive acute inpatient rehabilitation program focusing on gait, balance, lower extremity strengthening, neuromuscular control, bed mobility, coordination, and stair training on a 67-year-old male after a right pontine stroke with a medical history that includes a right stroke eight years ago. Case Description: The subject was a 67-year-old male with a diagnosis of right pontine stroke. The subject presented with left lower extremity hemiparesis, left facial droop, weakness in bilateral gluteus medius muscles, left-side neglect, impaired sensation in the left lower extremity and a speech disorder. The subject’s weakness lead to functional limitations including: limitations in balance, mobility, gait, LE strength, and coordination. Outcomes: Upon completion of fifteen physical therapy sessions on the acute rehabilitation unit, the subject was able to return home without a caregiver at a modified independent level for all transfers, gait, and ascending and descending stairs. Discussion: The subjects improved function is indicative of improved balance, coordination, strength and gait. Future research should focus on determining best practices for subjects with multiple strokes

    W stronę dialogu – o modelach, wymiarach i strategiach komunikacyjnych

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    This article focuses on the potential conditions which are conducive to harmonious communication and the factors hampering desirable contact. It is presented in the context of selected models of communication, the dimensions of the communication process and communication strategies. Communication is interpreted here as comprehensive and omnipresent content (information, emotions etc.). It can be associated with the following characteristics: interactivity, orientation to the other party, entering into a dialogue, intentionality etc. An attempt at identifying conditions conductive to the desirable contact will be presented in the context of the selected models, the dimensions of the communication process and communication strategies.Przedmiotem opisu jest ukazanie potencjalnych uwarunkowań sprzyjających harmonijnemu porozumiewaniu się oraz czynników utrudniających fortunną komunikację. Próba ta została przedstawiona w kontekście wybranych modeli komunikacji, wymiarów procesu komunikowania oraz strategii komunikacyjnych. Komunikacji rozumianej jako całościowy i wszechobecny przekaz treści (informacji, emocji itp.) można przypisać następujące cechy: interakcyjność, nastawienie na drugą stronę, dialogowość, intencjonalność itp

    Expression of FAS/APO 1/CD 95 in thyroid tumors.

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    Using immunohistochemistry, Fas/Apo-1 protein expression was investigated in thyroid cancers of 67 patients. Thyroid biopsies from twenty eight patients with benign thyroid diseases were also examined. The patients with thyroid cancer manifested a variable histology of the cancer, including 14 patients with follicular carcinoma, 48 with papillary carcinoma, 5 patients with medullary carcinoma. The benign thyroid disease involved nodular goitre in 11 patients and follicular adenoma in other 17 patients. The study aimed at examining immunohistochemical expression of Fas protein in order to determine whether the level of its expression correlated with histological diagnosis. In individual patients Fas expression was more prevalent in thyroid carcinomas as compared to benign tumors (p=0.001). A marked increase in Fas expression was found in papillary carcinoma, as compared to follicular and medullary carcinomas (p=0.02). In conclusion, Fas was significantly more frequently overexpressed in thyroid cancer, indicating its role in thyroid tumorigenesis