211 research outputs found

    Chronique bibliographique polonaise : 2003-2007

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    La langue des dépositions dans les comptes rendus judiciaires médiévaux. Étude d’après les sources polonaises

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    Cette étude tente d’analyser les déclarations de témoins rapportées par les notices judiciaires médiévales comme un ensemble structurel permettant de voir de manière particulièrement claire les motivations des personnes confrontées à l’appareil judiciaire. On identifie certains comportements linguistiques propres aux participants au procès. On s’intéresse également, dans une moindre mesure, au contexte social d’un conflit judiciaire.The paper analyzes the language used in medieval court records and focuses on a role of witnesses’ testimonies. The attention is particularly drawn to the typical linguistic behaviors of the persons involved in a judicial proceedings. To a certain degree also the social factors affecting the reactions of the opponents at law are taken into consideration

    Loss of TSC complex enhances gluconeogenesis via upregulation of Dlk1-Dio3 locus miRNAs

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    Loss of the tumor suppressor tuberous sclerosis complex 1 (Tsc1) in the liver promotes gluconeogenesis and glucose intolerance. We asked whether this could be attributed to aberrant expression of small RNAs. We performed small-RNA sequencing on liver of Tsc1-knockout mice, and found that miRNAs of the delta-like homolog 1 (Dlk1)-deiodinase iodothyronine type III (Dio3) locus are up-regulated in an mTORC1-dependent manner. Sustained mTORC1 signaling during development prevented CpG methylation and silencing of the Dlk1-Dio3 locus, thereby increasing miRNA transcription. Deletion of miRNAs encoded by the Dlk1-Dio3 locus reduced gluconeogenesis, glucose intolerance, and fasting blood glucose levels. Thus, miRNAs contribute to the metabolic effects observed upon loss of TSC1 and hyperactivation of mTORC1 in the liver. Furthermore, we show that miRNA is a downstream effector of hyperactive mTORC1 signaling

    Artemisia absinthium L.-Importance in the history of medicine, the latest advances in phytochemistry and therapeutical, cosmetological and culinary uses

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    Artemisia absinthium—wormwood (Asteraceae)—is a very important species in the history of medicine, formerly described in medieval Europe as “the most important master against all exhaustions”. It is a species known as a medicinal plant in Europe and also in West Asia and North America. The raw material obtained from this species is Absinthii herba and Artemisiae absinthii aetheroleum. The main substances responsible for the biological activity of the herb are: the essential oil, bitter sesquiterpenoid lactones, flavonoids, other bitterness-imparting compounds, azulenes, phenolic acids, tannins and lignans. In the official European medicine, the species is used in both allopathy and homeopathy. In the traditional Asian and European medicine, it has been used as an effective agent in gastrointestinal ailments and also in the treatment of helminthiasis, anaemia, insomnia, bladder diseases, difficult-to-heal wounds, and fever. Today, numerous other directions of biological activity of the components of this species have been demonstrated and confirmed by scientific research, such as antiprotozoal, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-ulcer, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, cytotoxic, analgesic, neuroprotective, anti-depressant, procognitive, neurotrophic, and cell membrane stabilizing and antioxidant activities. A. absinthium is also making a successful career as a cosmetic plant. In addition, the importance of this species as a spice plant and valuable additive in the alcohol industry (famous absinthe and vermouth-type wines) has not decreased. The species has also become an object of biotechnological research

    Zamki i pałace Śląska : dziedzictwo - tożsamość - arystokracja

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    Prezentowana książka jest wynikiem obrad konferencyjnych, które miały miejsce w dniach 19-20 marca 2012 roku. Konferencja naukowa „Zamki i pałace Śląska”, której organizatorami byli: Muzeum Zamkowe w Pszczynie, Zakład Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach oraz działające w tymże Zakładzie Studenckie Koło Naukowe Historyków Sztuki,Paweł Ziegler - Wprowadzenie ; Marta Ostrowska-Bies - Nie tylko Paulinum : historia współpracy architekta Karla Grossera i jego zleceniodawcy, Oscara Caro ; Wioletta Wrona-Gaj - Arystokrata a siedziba rodowa. Wpływ zainteresowań i pozycji przedstawicieli rodu Hochbergów i Schaffgotschów na kształtowanie architektury rezydencjonalnej ; Hanna Górska - Dwory i pałace o drewnianej konstrukcji szkieletowej na Śląsku ; Aneta Borowik - Forma architektoniczna Pałacu Młodzieży im. prof. Aleksandra Kamińskiego w Katowicach oraz materiały źródłowe do konkursu z 1948 roku ; Magdalena Marzec - Formy neorenesansu francuskiego w nieistniejącym już Małym Wersalu w Świerklańcu ; Maria Pallado - O stylu neomauretańskim na przykładzie sali mauretańskiej pałacu w Krowiarkach ; Justyna Dziembała, Sabina Rotowska - Pałac Goldsteinów wczoraj i dziś. Historia i prace konserwatorskie obiektu ; Daria Rzepiela - Przeszłość w przyszłości – teoretyczne rozważania projektowe dotyczące Pałacu w Dobrej ; Agata Stronciwilk, Miłosz Markiewicz - Mit – manipulacja : tożsamość. Portrety historyzujące z Pałacu w Pławniowicach i Domu Kawalera w Świerklańcu ; Helena Jadwiszczok-Molencka - Medialny obraz powojennych losów fundacji Tiele-Wincklerów w Miechowicach.Agnieszka Uziębł

    Vibrational Spectra of a Mechanosensitive Channel

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    We report the simulated vibrational spectra of a mechanosensitive membrane channel in different gating states. Our results show that while linear absorption is insensitive to structural differences, linear dichroism and sum-frequency generation spectroscopies are sensitive to the orientation of the transmembrane helices, which is changing during the opening process. Linear dichroism cannot distinguish an intermediate structure from the closed structure, but sum-frequency generation can. In addition, we find that two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy can be used to distinguish all three investigated gating states of the mechanosensitive membrane channel.

    Bidirectional propagation of signals and nutrients in fungal networks via specialized hyphae

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    Intercellular distribution of nutrients and coordination of responses to internal and external cues via endogenous signaling molecules are hallmarks of multicellular organisms. Vegetative mycelia of multicellular fungi are syncytial networks of interconnected hyphae resulting from hyphal tip growth, branching, and fusion. Such mycelia can reach considerable dimensions and, thus, different parts can be exposed to quite different environmental conditions. Our knowledge about the mechanisms by which fungal mycelia can adjust nutrient gradients or coordinate their defense response to fungivores is scarce, in part due to limitations in technologies currently available for examining different parts of a mycelium over longer time periods at the microscopic level. Here, we combined a tailor-made microfluidic platform with time-lapse fluorescence microscopy to visualize the dynamic response of the vegetative mycelium of a basidiomycete to two different stimuli. The microfluidic platform allows simultaneous monitoring at both the colony and single-hypha level. We followed the dynamics of the distribution of a locally administered nutrient analog and the defense response to spatially confined predation by a fungivorous nematode. Although both responses of the mycelium were constrained locally, we observed long-distance propagation for both the nutrient analog and defense response in a subset of hyphae. This propagation along hyphae occurred in both acropetal and basipetal directions and, intriguingly, the direction was found to alternate every 3 hr in an individual hypha. These results suggest that multicellular fungi have, as of yet, undescribed mechanisms to coordinate the distribution of nutrients and their behavioral response upon attack by fungivores

    Benchmark of Schemes for Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    In multiscale molecular dynamics simulations the accuracy of detailed models is combined with the efficiency of a reduced representation. For several applications - namely those of sampling enhancement - it is desirable to combine fine-grained (FG) and coarse-grained (CG) approaches into a single hybrid approach with an adjustable mixing parameter. We present a benchmark of three algorithms that use a mixing of the two representation layers using a Lagrangian formalism. The three algorithms use three different approaches for keeping the particles at the FG level of representation together: 1) addition of forces, 2) mass scaling, and 3) temperature scaling. The benchmark is applied to liquid hexadecane and includes an evaluation of the average configurational entropy of the FG and CG subsystems. The temperature-scaling scheme achieved a 3-fold sampling speedup with little deviation of FG properties. The addition-of-forces scheme kept FG properties the best but provided little sampling speedup. The mass-scaling scheme yielded a 5-fold speedup but deviated the most from FG properties