2,436 research outputs found

    Slowing heavy, ground-state molecules using an alternating gradient decelerator

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    Cold supersonic beams of molecules can be slowed down using a switched sequence of electrostatic field gradients. The energy to be removed is proportional to the mass of the molecules. Here we report deceleration of YbF, which is 7 times heavier than any molecule previously decelerated. We use an alternating gradient structure to decelerate and focus the molecules in their ground state. We show that the decelerator exhibits the axial and transverse stability required to bring these molecules to rest. Our work significantly extends the range of molecules amenable to this powerful method of cooling and trapping.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Ages and Abundances of the M87 Globular Clusters

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    A subset of 150 globular clusters in M87 has been selected on the basis of S/N ratio for abundance and age determinations from the sample of Paper I. Indices measuring the strength of the strongest spectral features were determined for the M87 GCs and from new data for twelve galactic GCs. Combining the new and existing data for the galactic GCs and comparing the (UR)(U-R) colors and the line indices gives qualitative indications for the ages and abundances of the GCs. Quantitative results are obtained by applying the Worthey (1994) models for the integrated light of stellar systems of a single age, calibrated by observations of galactic GCs, to deduce abundances and ages for the objects in our sample. We find that the M87 GCs span a wide range in metallicity, from very metal poor to somewhat above solar metallicity. The mean [Fe/H] of -0.95 dex is higher than that of the galactic GC system, and there is a metal rich tail that reaches to higher [Fe/H] than one finds among the galactic GCs. The mean metallicity of the M87 GC system is about a factor of four lower than that of the M87 stellar halo at a fixed projected radius RR. The metallicity inferred from the X-ray studies is similar to that of the M87 stellar halo, not to that of GCs. We infer the relative abundances of Na, Mg, and Fe in the M87 GCs from the strength of their spectral features. The behavior of these elements between the metal rich and metal poor M87 GCs is similar to that shown by the galactic GCs and by halo stars in the Galaxy. The pattern of chemical evolution in these disparate old stellar systems is indistinguishable. We obtain a median age for the M87 GC system of 13 Gyr, similar to that of the galactic GCs, with a small dispersion about this value.Comment: 56 pages with included postscript figures; added derived M87 GC metallicities to Table 2, a statistical analysis of possible bimodality, an appendix on the metallicity calibration of U-R and the Washington system, and other smaller changes. Accepted for publication in ApJ. (See paper for complete version of the Abstract.

    Conservation laws for multidimensional systems and related linear algebra problems

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    We consider multidimensional systems of PDEs of generalized evolution form with t-derivatives of arbitrary order on the left-hand side and with the right-hand side dependent on lower order t-derivatives and arbitrary space derivatives. For such systems we find an explicit necessary condition for existence of higher conservation laws in terms of the system's symbol. For systems that violate this condition we give an effective upper bound on the order of conservation laws. Using this result, we completely describe conservation laws for viscous transonic equations, for the Brusselator model, and the Belousov-Zhabotinskii system. To achieve this, we solve over an arbitrary field the matrix equations SA=A^tS and SA=-A^tS for a quadratic matrix A and its transpose A^t, which may be of independent interest.Comment: 12 pages; proof of Theorem 1 clarified; misprints correcte

    Phase separation and vortex states in binary mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates in the trapping potentials with displaced centers

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    The system of two simultaneously trapped codensates consisting of 87Rb^{87}Rb atoms in two different hyperfine states is investigated theoretically in the case when the minima of the trapping potentials are displaced with respect to each other. It is shown that the small shift of the minima of the trapping potentials leads to the considerable displacement of the centers of mass of the condensates, in agreement with the experiment. It is also shown that the critical angular velocities of the vortex states of the system drastically depend on the shift and the relative number of particles in the condensates, and there is a possibility to exchange the vortex states between condensates by shifting the centers of the trapping potentials.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Depolarization regions of nonzero volume in bianisotropic homogenized composites

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    In conventional approaches to the homogenization of random particulate composites, the component phase particles are often treated mathematically as vanishingly small, point-like entities. The electromagnetic responses of these component phase particles are provided by depolarization dyadics which derive from the singularity of the corresponding dyadic Green functions. Through neglecting the spatial extent of the depolarization region, important information may be lost, particularly relating to coherent scattering losses. We present an extension to the strong-property-fluctuation theory in which depolarization regions of nonzero volume and ellipsoidal geometry are accommodated. Therein, both the size and spatial distribution of the component phase particles are taken into account. The analysis is developed within the most general linear setting of bianisotropic homogenized composite mediums (HCMs). Numerical studies of the constitutive parameters are presented for representative examples of HCM; both Lorentz-reciprocal and Lorentz-nonreciprocal HCMs are considered. These studies reveal that estimates of the HCM constitutive parameters in relation to volume fraction, particle eccentricity, particle orientation and correlation length are all significantly influenced by the size of the component phase particles

    Semiclassical Strings on AdS_5 x S^5/Z_M and Operators in Orbifold Field Theories

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    We show agreements, at one-loop level of field theory, between energies of semiclassical string states on AdS_5 x S^5/Z_M and anomalous dimensions of operators in N=0,1,2 orbifold field theories originating from N=4 SYM. On field theory side, one-loop anomalous dimension matrices can be regarded as Hamiltonians of spin chains with twisted boundary conditions. These are solvable by Bethe ansatz. On string side, twisted sectors emerge and we obtain some string configurations in twisted sectors. In SU(2) subsectors, we compare anomalous dimensions with string energies and see agreements. We also see agreements between sigma models of both sides in SU(2) and SU(3) subsectors.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, 4 figures; v2 minor corrections, added references; v3 typos corrected, published versio

    On the Resolution of Critical Flow Regions in Inviscid Linear And Nonlinear Instability Calculations

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    Numerical methods for tackling the inviscid instability problem are discussed. Convergence is demon- strated to be a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for accuracy. Inviscid flow physics set requirements regarding grid-point distribution in order for physically accurate results to be obtained. These requirements are relevant to the viscous problem also and are shown to be related to the resolution of the critical layers. In this respect, high-resolution nonlinear calculations based on the inviscid initial-boundary-value problem are presented for a model shear-layer flow, aiming at identification of the regions that require attention in the course of high-Reynolds-number viscous calculations. The results bear a remarkable resemblance with those pertinent to viscous flow, with a cascade of high-shear regions being shed towards the vortex-core centre as time progresses. In parallel, numerical instability related to the finite-time singularity of the nonlinear equations solved globally contaminates and eventually destroys the simulations, irrespective of resolution

    Correlation Entropy of an Interacting Quantum Field and H-theorem for the O(N) Model

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    Following the paradigm of Boltzmann-BBGKY we propose a correlation entropy (of the nth order) for an interacting quantum field, obtained by `slaving' (truncation with causal factorization) of the higher (n+1 th) order correlation functions in the Schwinger-Dyson system of equations. This renders an otherwise closed system effectively open where dissipation arises. The concept of correlation entropy is useful for addressing issues related to thermalization. As a small yet important step in that direction we prove an H-theorem for the correlation entropy of a quantum mechanical O(N) model with a Closed Time Path Two Particle Irreducible Effective Action at the level of Next-to-Leading-Order large N approximation. This model may be regarded as a field theory in 00 space dimensions.Comment: 22 page

    Little-Parks effect and multiquanta vortices in a hybrid superconductor--ferromagnet system

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    Within the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory we investigate the phase diagram of a thin superconducting film with ferromagnetic nanoparticles. We study the oscillatory dependence of the critical temperature on an external magnetic field similar to the Little-Parks effect and formation of multiquantum vortex structures. The structure of a superconducting state is studied both analytically and numerically.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Mat

    Finite-Size Corrections to Anomalous Dimensions in N=4 SYM Theory

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    The scaling dimensions of large operators in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory are dual to energies of semiclassical strings in AdS(5)xS(5). At one loop, the dimensions of large operators can be computed with the help of Bethe ansatz and can be directly compared to the string energies. We study finite-size corrections for Bethe states which should describe quantum corrections to energies of extended semiclassical strings.Comment: 10 page