78 research outputs found

    Development of the it sector in Russia: drivers and stimulation methods

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    The development of the digital economy is directly linked to advances in the information technology sector. The information technology sector refers to a set of high-tech computer services. The article shows the place of this sector in the provision of high-tech services according to international and Russian statistical methodology. It has been substantiated that the information technology sector has a significant cumulative development effect. The IT sector refers to a set of high-tech computer services. The drivers of the information technology sector development have been identified and the government’s methods of stimulating it have been analysed. Particular attention has been paid to global external shocks to the industry, namely sanctions and the COVID-19 pandemic. The short term specifics of the information technology sector drivers have been highlighted. The role of the state as a facilitator of methods to stimulate industry development has been shown

    The use of WebQuests in foreign language training of students of nonlinguistic specialties

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    The purpose of this study is to establish the advantages of using WebQuests in foreign language training of students of non-linguistic specialtie


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    The article is devoted to the development of marketing activities in the institutions of further training. The paper points out the role of marketing activities in terms of reforming the education system. The issues of development of further training moves to implementation of the marketing instruments in institution management. The authors suppose the choice of marketing activities as a development strategy allows responding efficiently the changes occurred at the labour market, and therefore the market of educational services. The publication describes specific procedure of marketing service to transfer to the new strategy. The departments responsible for marketing in institutions of further training are to develop the programmes of institution promotion and promotion of its services at the market. The departments are to focus on communication, informing the prospective consumers and making the image of additional professional education institutions. The publication points out the tasks on ensuring the marketing philosophy in each process, activity and a client in further training institution. They are keeping clients, customers satisfaction and their loyalty, developing the clients motivation to system applying of educational services.Статья посвящена вопросам развития маркетинговой деятельности в учреждениях дополнительного профессионального образования. Отмечается роль маркетинговой деятельности в условиях реформирования системы образования. Решение вопросов развития дополнительного профессионального образования переходит в плоскость внедрения рычагов маркетинга в управление образовательным учреждением. Выбор маркетинговой деятельности как стратегии развития позволит своевременно и качественно реагировать на изменения рынка труда, а соответственно, и рынка образовательных услуг. Описаны конкретные шаги работы службы маркетинга для перехода к новой стратегии. Подразделениям, отвечающим за маркетинговую деятельность в учреждениях ДПО, необходимо разрабатывать программы продвижения образовательного учреждения и его услуг на рынке и сосредоточивать усилия в области коммуникаций, главной целью которых должны быть повышение информированности потенциальных потребителей и формирование имиджа учреждений дополнительного профессионального образования. В статье обозначены задачи по обеспечению формирования философии маркетинга на каждый процесс, вид деятельности и клиента в учреждении дополнительного профессионального образования. Это удержание клиентов, повышение удовлетворенности потребителей и их лояльности, выработка у клиентов мотивации к системному пользованию образовательными услугами

    The use of modern ICT to provide students' self-realization in russian higher school

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    This article examines the psychological and educational role of information-communication technologies (ICT) in teaching students in Russian higher school. It establishes resources of these technologies in the possibility to stimulate the manifestation of various forms of students’ selfrealization in the educational process. The authors reveal a subjective-significant conditions of successful self-realization in university learnin

    Socio-cultural dominants of higher school innovation mission

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    The article deals with the value backgrounds to ensure the innovative potential of the Russian higher school. Based on the methodology of socio-cultural determination, the authors propose to apply largescale civilizational dimension for understanding the higher school's innovative missio

    Axiological dimension of the higher school innovative potential

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    The article deals with the value backgrounds to ensure the innovative potential of the higher school. Based on the methodology of socio-cultural determination, the authors propose to apply large-scale axiological dimension for understanding the higher school's innovative mission. This dimension encompasses a number of central ideas in the history of the development of higher school within the bosom of major socio-cultural domains, such as: social-focused, theology-focused, anthropocentric, profession-focused, scientific-focused, ideology-focused and market-focuse

    Influence of human peripheral blood samples preprocessing on the quality of Hi-C libraries

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    The genome-wide variant of the chromatin conformation capture technique (Hi-C) is a powerful tool for revealing patterns of genome spatial organization, as well as for understanding the effects of their disturbance on disease development. In addition, Hi-C can be used to detect chromosomal rearrangements, including balanced translocations and inversions. The use of the Hi-C method for the detection of chromosomal rearrangements is becoming more widespread. Modern high-throughput methods of genome analysis can effectively reveal point mutations and unbalanced chromosomal rearrangements. However, their sensitivity for determining translocations and inversions remains rather low. The storage of whole blood samples can affect the amount and integrity of genomic DNA, and it can distort the results of subsequent analyses if the storage was not under proper conditions. The Hi-C method is extremely demanding on the input material. The necessary condition for successfully applying Hi-C and obtaining high-quality data is the preservation of the spatial chromatin organization within the nucleus. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal storage conditions of blood samples for subsequent Hi-C analysis. We selected 10 different conditions for blood storage and sample processing. For each condition, we prepared and sequenced Hi-C libraries. The quality of the obtained data was compared. As a result of the work, we formulated the requirements for the storage and processing of samples to obtain high-quality Hi-C data. We have established the minimum volume of blood sufficient for conducting Hi-C analysis. In addition, we have identified the most suitable methods for isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and their long-term storage. The main requirement we have formulated is not to freeze whole blood

    Development of technical and design skills of schoolchildren

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    Paper issues the possibility of using the project method for development of technical and design skills of junior schoolchildrenРассматривается применение метода проектов для развития технико-конструкторских умений младших школьнико

    Assessment of the provision of children in preschool educational institutions in Yekaterinburg with calcium and vitamin D

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    The aim of the study – to assess the provision of children in preschool educational institutions with vitamin D and calciumЦель исследования – оценить обеспеченность детей в дошкольных образовательных учреждениях витамином D и кальцием

    Features of nutrition and physical activity in the conditions of distance learning UGMU

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    The article highlights the results of studying the actual nutrition of full-time medical university students in the conditions of a distance form of the educational processВ статье освещены результаты изучения фактического питания и физической активности студентов медицинского университета очной формы обучения в условиях дистанционной формы проведения образовательного процесс