82 research outputs found

    Development of Cottage Cheese Technology Using Whey Broth of Linder Flowers

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    The article presents research results of determining the rational amount of whey broth of linden flowers that favored the increase of the goat cottage cheese quality after adding to cheese seeds.It was established, that under the influence of the rational amount of 10-20 % of broth, introduced to cheese seeds of development batches (D 1, D 2) of the products at its setting (instead of the same amount of eliminated cheese whey), there took place the increase of the protein content by 0,3, 0,5 % and moisture by 0,6, 1,7 %, comparing with the control.The use of the rational amount of broth in development batches favored the increase of the product output of 100 kg of skimmed milk by 0,6, 0,8 %, respectively, comparing with the control.Whey broth of linden flowers also stimulated the development of the healthy microflora, which amount in development batches of the product (D1- D2) was higher in 2,5 and 2,8 times, comparing with an analogous result in the control.It maximally bring commodity parameters of development batches of cottage cheese to requirements of the product, manufactured of cow milk, and increases the number of consumers of goat milk products

    The main aspects of training of students of the robotic direction

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    The article deals with the main issues of development of robotic training, the difference between the different stages of education in robotic training. The main aspects of training students of robotic direction are revealedВ статье раскрываются основные вопросы развития робототехнической подготовки, отличие различных ступеней образования в робототехнической подготовке. Раскрыты основные аспекты подготовки студентов робототехнического направлени


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    The sensitivity and stability of the response of the PD-sensors based on membranes MF-4SC in K-, H-, Lys-forms in solutions of the reconstituted milk were investigated. A multisensory systems with PD sensors and ion-selective electrodes for the recognition of reconstituted milk containing powdered milk from 0.40 to 8.46 mas. % is developed. The sensitivity of PD-sensors to cations of lysine in the test solutions containing 0.40 wt. % of powdered milk and 1.0·10-3-1.0·10-1 M of LysHCl was 29 mV/рС for membranes in the К-type. The sensitivity of PD-sensors to cations of thiamine in the test solutions containing from 0.40-3.40 wt. % of powdered milk and 1.0·10-4-1.0·10-1 M of ThiaminCl was from 18 to 12 mV/рС for membranes in the К-type. This sensitivity is sufficient for the quantitative determination of cations of lysine and of thiamine in solutions of reconstituted milk. The limit of detection of cations of lysine and thiamine in reconstituted milk was 4.0·10-6 М and 2.9·10-6 М respectively. The relative error of measurement was not more 10 %.Keywords: PD-sensor, Donnan potential, multisensory systems, reconstituted milk, lysine, thiamine(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.4.008O. V. Bobreshova, A. V. Parshina, E.A. Ryzhkova, T. S. Titova Voronezh State University, Voronezh, RussiaFederationИсследованы чувствительность и стабильность откликов сенсоров, аналитическим сигналом которых является потенциал Доннана на границе ионообменная мембрана/раствор электролита (ПД-сенсоров), на основе мембран МФ-4СК в калиевой, водородной и лизиновой формах в растворах восстановленного молока. Разработана мультисенсорная система с ПД-сенсорами и ионоселективными электродами для распознавания образов восстановленного молока с массовой долей сухого от 0.40 до 8.46 %. ПД-сенсоры на основе мембран МФ-4СК в калиевой форме использованы для количественного определения катионов лизина и тиамина в восстановленном молоке с концентрацией сухого молока 0.40 % мас. и 0.40-3.40 % мас. соответственно. Предел обнаружения катионов лизина и тиамина в восстановленном молоке составил 4.0·10-6 М и 2.9·10-6 М соответственно. Относительная погрешность определения не превышала 10 %.Ключевые слова: потенциометрия, ПД-сенсор, мультисенсорные системы, перфторированные мембраны, восстановленное молоко, лизин, тиаминDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.4.00

    Efficacy of olocizumab in treatment of COVID-19 patients

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    Background. Production of pro-inflammatory cytokines including interleukin 6 (IL-6) is activated in COVID-19. Using olokizumab which inhibits IL-6 production in treatment of COVID-19 is pathogenetically justified.The aim. To study in real clinical practice the efficacy and safety of using the IL-6inhibitor (olokizumab) in treatment of patients with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia.Materials and methods. The first group included 41 hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia having complex therapy including olokizumab. The control group consisted of 66 patients with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia who did not have therapy with IL-6 inhibitor. We analyzed clinical (volume of lung involvement, respiratory failure degree, body mass index) and laboratory data (levels of T-troponin, lactate, procalcitonin, natriuretic peptide, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, D-dimer, ferritin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, glomerular filtration rate).Results. The groups did not differ in gender, age, body mass index of patients, volume of lung tissue injury, and duration of hospitalization (p > 0.05). Respiratory failure of 2–3rd degree was more common in patients of the first group (χ2 = 6.3; p = 0.010). The initial levels of C-reactive protein (50.9 [34.2; 76.2] and 32.2 [9.9; 69.1] mg/L respectively; p = 0.009) and fibrinogen (6.0 [5.3; 6.7] and 5.2 [4.3; 6.2] g/l respectively; p = 0.005) in patients having therapy including olokizumab were significantly higher than in the control group. The levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, fibrinogen and ferritin, D-dimer, detected upon admission of patients to the hospital, didn’t have statistically significant differences. At discharge, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in patients receiving olokizumab was statistically significantly lower (9.0 [5.5; 14.5] and 13.0 [7.0; 27.0] mm/h; p = 0.018).Conclusions. Using olokizumab in the treatment patient with COVID-19 pneumonia has demonstrated a positive effect on clinical and laboratory parameters (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, fibrinogen level) in patients with pronounced inflammatory changes and respiratory impairment


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    Раскрываются понятия неформального и спонтанного обучения, обосновывается их взаимосвязь с непрерывным образованием, обозначены возможности электронных образовательных ресурсов для каждого вида обученияThe article reveals the concepts of informal and spontaneous learning, justifies their relationship with continuing education, and also reveals the possibilities of electronic educational resources for each type of educatio


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    The problem of digital transformation of the system of higher engineering and pedagogical education is considered. The conceptual apparatus and practical techniques focused on this transformation are discussed. It is shown how the use of a designer based on the Robotologia V8 controller allows you to build intersubject communications for the formation of professional competencies.Рассматривается проблема цифровой трансформации системы высшего инженерно-педагогического образования. Обсуждаются понятийный аппарат и практические методики, ориентированные на данную трансформацию. Показано, как использование конструктора на базе контроллера Robotologia V8 позволяет выстраивать межпредметные связи для формирования профессиональных компетенций

    Development of technical and design skills of schoolchildren

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    Paper issues the possibility of using the project method for development of technical and design skills of junior schoolchildrenРассматривается применение метода проектов для развития технико-конструкторских умений младших школьнико

    Синдром Айме–Грипп у российского пациента с вновь выявленной мутацией в гене MAF

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    Aymé–Gripp syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant syndrome caused by mutations in the MAF gene and is characterized by a pronounced phenotypic polymorphism. The core of clinical signs consists of congenital cataracts, sensorineural hearing loss, specific dysmorphic facial features and intellectual disabilities. With varying frequency, patients have: radioulnar synostosis, Arnold–Chiari malformation, aseptic pericarditis, dental anomaly and osteoarthritis. The article presents the clinical and genetic characteristics of the first Russian patient with Aymé–Gripp syndrome caused by a newly identified mutation s.173C>A (p.Thr58Asn NM_005360.4) in a heterozygous state in the MAF gene. The influence of the lo  calization and type of amino acid substitutions in the protein product of the gene on the severity and specificity of the clinical manifestations of the syndrome is discussed. Синдром Айме–Грипп – редкое аутосомно-доминантное заболевание, обусловленное мутациями в гене MAF, которое характеризуется выраженным фенотипическим полиморфизмом. Ядро клинических признаков состоит из врожденной катаракты, нейросенсорной тугоухости, специфических дизморфических черт строения лица и интеллектуального дефицита. С различной частотой у пациентов отмечаются радиоульнарный синостоз, аномалия Арнольда– Киари, асептический перикардит, аномалия зубов и остеоартриты. Представлены клинико-генетические характеристики первой российской пациентки с синдромом Айме–Грипп, обусловленным вновь выявленной мутацией с.173С>А (p.Thr58Asn NM_005360.4) в гетерозиготном состоянии в гене MAF. Обсуждается влияние локализации и типа аминокислотных замен в белковом продукте гена на тяжесть и специфику клинических проявлений синдрома.

    The role of parents in shaping the eating behavior of primary school children

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    The article presents an analysis of the actual nutrition of children studying in the primary grades of a secondary general education school, as well as their parents. Parents play an important role in shaping the child's eating behavior, as they show and instill their eating habits for children by their example. It was found that the diet of schoolchildren in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky largely does not correspond to the functional characteristics of a growing organism and has deviations from the recommended amounts of consumption of basic nutrients. Not all parents know about balanced nutrition and how to adhere to it, and especially how important it is in the formation of a healthy child's body. The data obtained indicate that parents are not sufficiently informed about the principles of healthy nutrition for children, with which it is necessary to work and draw the attention of adults to this problem.В статье представлен анализ фактического питания детей, обучающихся в начальных классах средней общеобразовательной школы, а также их родителей. Родители играют большую роль в формировании пищевого поведения ребенка, так как они своим примером показывают и закладывают свои пищевые привычки детям. Было установлено, что режим питания школьников г. Каменска-Уральского во многом не соответствует функциональным особенностям растущего организма. Не все родители знают о сбалансированном питании и как его придерживаться, а особенно как оно важно в формировании здорового организма ребенка. Полученные данные свидетельствуют, что родители недостаточно информированы о принципах здорового питания детей, с чем необходимо работать и привлекать внимание взрослых к данной проблем

    Diagnostics of Central and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction in Patients with Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy

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    This chapter is devoted to monitoring of central and autonomic nervous system (ANS) in patients with verified sepsis to recognize the specific functional and anatomic changes in the brain and its important autonomic centers which is named sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE). Fluctuation of conscience level from agitation to delirium and coma, muscle tone, and severity of pain syndrome is evaluated with different scales (SOFA, SAPS II, RASS, CAM-ICU, FOUR, PBSS, BPS, MRC, MAS, CNS). Multimodal neuromonitoring includes EEG, EPs, ENMG, cerebral oxymetry, saturation in the bulb of the jugular vein, TCD, and neuroimaging (MRI, PET). Dysfunction of autonomic brainstem structures is detected with variational cardiointervalometry, pupillometry, thermometry (peripheral and central), photoplethysmography assessment of perfusion index, quantitative assessment of muscle strength on the MRC scale and MAS, and diagnostics of the severity of the PSH syndrome. Monitoring data help clinicians to make decisions on SAE patient management tactics