139 research outputs found

    Sampling and Social Networks: Relational Measures in Large Populations

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    European emission legislation

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    Cílem bakalářské práce bylo pojednat o výfukových emisích a jejich škodlivosti, stručně shrnout problematiku emisních norem, a hlavně shrnout dosavadní dění kolem aféry „Dieselgate“, jakožto velmi medializované a propírané kauzy. V práci jsem se snažil tuto problematiku objektivně posoudit. Přínos práce by měl být takový, že tato aféra ještě dosud nebyla zpracována na akademické úrovni.The aim of this bachelor thesis was to write about exhaust emissions and their influence on environment, briefly sum issue of emission standards up and mainly sum existing facts about the “Dieselgate” affair up. I wanted to objectively evaluate this issue in my bachelor thesis. Asset of this thesis was mend to be in fact that this affair has not been academically covered yet.

    Diagnostic imaging methods, the use of Flat panel for Mobile X-Ray systems

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na diagnostické zobrazovací metody v lékařské technice. V práci jsou popsány principy zobrazovacích metod a základní konstrukční prvky lékařských přístrojů. V této bakalářské práci jsou dále uvedeny obrazové artefakty u hlavních zobrazovacích metod. Práce se zabývá praktickým porovnáním odlišných způsobů detekce rentgenového záření u mobilních rentgenových přístrojů. Důraz je kladen na mobilní rentgenové přístroje s přímou digitalizací, které využívají k detekci rentgenového záření plochý detektor.The bachelor thesis is focused on diagnostic imaging methods. The thesis describes the principles of diagnostic imaging methods and basic structural elements of medical devices. Furthermore, imaging artifacts within main imaging methods are introduced. The thesis deals with practical comparing of different methods of X-ray detection at mobile X-ray systems. The emphasis is put on direct digital radiography mobile X-ray systems using Flat panel for X-ray detection

    Customer Satisfaction Analysis and Proposals for its Improvement

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    Bakalářská práse se soustředí na zjištění analýzy spokojenosti zákazníků v oblasti služeb. Konkrétně se pak jedná o služby spojené s mytím vozidel. Tato práce je zpracována ve firmě Auto-Profi a rovněž zahrnuje návrh na zvýšení spokojenosti zákazníků.This thesis focuses on the findings of analysis of customer satisfaction in services. Specifically it is about services related to washing cars. This work is processed in the company Auto-Profi and also inludes a proposal to increase customer satisfaction.

    Testing Stand for Fuel Injection Units

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na konstrukční řešení zkušebního stanoviště pro sdružené vstřikovací jednotky použité v motorech Iveco Trakker. Pomocí vhodných úprav však může sloužit pro testování široké škály sdružených vstřikovacích jednotek. Simulace výpočtového modelu byla provedena v programu GT Suite. Pevnostní analýza napjatosti byla proveden v softwaru Ansys Workbench 18.1.Master’s thesis is focused on construction of testing stand for unit injector system mounted in Iveco Trakker engines. Testing stand can be with appropriate changes used for testing wide variates of unit injector systems. Simulation of computational model was computed in GT Suite software. Stress strength analysis was computed in Ansys Workbench 18.1 software.

    Encounters with Unjust Authority

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    On Measuring a Norm: Should the Punishment Fit the Crime?

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    Global and mitosis-specific interobserver variation in mitotic count scoring and implications for malignant melanoma staging

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    AIMS Staging is the gold standard for predicting malignant melanoma outcome but changes in its criteria over time indicate ongoing evolution. One notable recent change from the 8 edition of the AJCC staging manual was removal of mitotic count. We explore the extent that this feature is limited by interobserver error in order to find ways to improve its fitness for use should it be revisited in future staging versions. METHODS AND RESULTS In a cohort of 476 patients with melanoma ≤ 1.0 mm, a mitotic count of 0 vs 1 was significant for metastasis-free survival, but not melanoma-specific or overall survival. In 10 melanomas that were 0.9 to 1.0 mm thick, the mitotic count intra-class correlation coefficient for histopathologists was 0.58 (moderate agreement). Uniquely, we also assessed agreement for specific putative mitotic figures, identifying precise reasons why specific mitotic figures qualified for scoring or elimination. A kappa score was 0.54 (moderate agreement). We also gathered data on other staging features. Breslow thickness had an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.41 (moderate agreement) and there was a systematic difference between histopathologists across cases (p = 0.04). Every case had a range that crossed the AJCC8 0.8 mm pT1a/pT1b staging boundary. Ulceration was only identified in 2 out the 10 cases. For ulceration, kappa agreement score was 0.31 (fair). CONCLUSION This study supports the removal of mitotic count from staging but shows that its scoring is substantially affected by interobserver variation, suggesting that more prescriptive guidelines might have a beneficial impact on its prognostic value

    Selection of Oncogenic Mutant Clones in Normal Human Skin Varies with Body Site

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    Skin cancer risk varies substantially across the body, yet how this relates to the mutations found in normal skin is unknown. Here we mapped mutant clones in skin from high- and low-risk sites. The density of mutations varied by location. The prevalence of NOTCH1 and FAT1 mutations in forearm, trunk, and leg skin was similar to that in keratinocyte cancers. Most mutations were caused by ultraviolet light, but mutational signature analysis suggested differences in DNA-repair processes between sites. Eleven mutant genes were under positive selection, with TP53 preferentially selected in the head and FAT1 in the leg. Fine-scale mapping revealed 10% of clones had copy-number alterations. Analysis of hair follicles showed mutations in the upper follicle resembled adjacent skin, but the lower follicle was sparsely mutated. Normal skin is a dense patchwork of mutant clones arising from competitive selection that varies by location. / Significance: Mapping mutant clones across the body reveals normal skin is a dense patchwork of mutant cells. The variation in cancer risk between sites substantially exceeds that in mutant clone density. More generally, mutant genes cannot be assigned as cancer drivers until their prevalence in normal tissue is known