174 research outputs found

    The Snapshot Hubble U-Band Cluster Survey (SHUCS) II. Star Cluster Population of NGC 2997

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    We study the star cluster population of NGC 2997, a giant spiral galaxy located at 9.5 Mpc and targeted by the Snapshot Hubble U-band Cluster Survey (SHUCS). Combining our U-band imaging from SHUCS with archival BVI imaging from HST, we select a high confidence sample of clusters in the circumnuclear ring and disk through a combination of automatic detection procedures and visual inspection. The cluster luminosity functions in all four filters can be approximated by power-laws with indices of −1.7-1.7 to −2.3-2.3. Some deviations from pure power-law shape are observed, hinting at the presence of a high-mass truncation in the cluster mass function. However, upon inspection of the cluster mass function, we find it is consistent with a pure power-law of index −2.2±0.2-2.2\pm0.2 despite a slight bend at ∼\sim2.5×1042.5\times10^{4} M⊙_{\odot}. No statistically significant truncation is observed. From the cluster age distributions, we find a low rate of disruption (ζ∼−0.1\zeta\sim-0.1) in both the disk and circumnuclear ring. Finally, we estimate the cluster formation efficiency (Γ\Gamma) over the last 100 Myr in each region, finding 7±27\pm2% for the disk, 12±412\pm4% for the circumnuclear ring, and 10±310\pm3% for the entire UBVI footprint. This study highlights the need for wide-field UBVI coverage of galaxies to study cluster populations in detail, though a small sample of clusters can provide significant insight into the characteristics of the population.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, accepted to the A

    Filamentary Star Formation in NGC 1275

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    We examine the star formation in the outer halo of NGC~1275, the central galaxy in the Perseus cluster (Abell 426), using far ultraviolet and optical images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. We have identified a population of very young, compact star clusters with typical ages of a few Myr. The star clusters are organised on multiple-kiloparsec scales. Many of these star clusters are associated with "streaks" of young stars, the combination of which has a cometary appearance. We perform photometry on the star clusters and diffuse stellar streaks, and fit their spectral energy distributions to obtain ages and masses. These young stellar populations appear to be normal in terms of their masses, luminosities and cluster formation efficiency; <10% of the young stellar mass is located in star clusters. Our data suggest star formation is associated with the evolution of some of the giant gas filaments in NGC~1275 that become gravitationally unstable on reaching and possibly stalling in the outer galaxy. The stellar streaks then could represent stars moving on ballistic orbits in the potential well of the galaxy cluster. We propose a model where star-forming filaments, switched on ~50~Myr ago and are currently feeding the growth of the NGC~1275 stellar halo at a rate of ~2-3 solar masses per year. This type of process may also build stellar halos and form isolated star clusters in the outskirts of youthful galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sizes and Shapes of Young Star Cluster Light Profiles in M83

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    We measure the radii and two-dimensional light profiles of a large sample of young, massive star clusters in M83 using archival HST/WFC3 imaging of seven adjacent fields. We use GALFIT to fit the two-dimensional light profiles of the clusters, from which we find effective (half-light) radii, core radii, and slopes of the power-law (EFF) profile (η\eta). We find lognormal distributions of effective radius and core radius, with medians of ≈\approx2.5 pc and ≈\approx1.3 pc, respectively. Our results provide strong evidence for a characteristic size of young, massive clusters. The average effective radius and core radius increase somewhat with cluster age. Little to no change in effective radius is observed with increasing galactocentric distance, except perhaps for clusters younger than 100 Myr. We find a shallow correlation between effective radius and mass for the full cluster sample, but a stronger correlation is present for clusters 200-300 Myr in age. Finally, the majority of the clusters are best fit by an EFF model with index η≤3.0\eta\leq3.0. There is no strong evidence for change in η\eta with cluster age, mass, or galactocentric distance. Our results suggest that clusters emerge from early evolution with similar radii and are not strongly affected by the tidal field of M83. Mass loss due to stellar evolution and/or GMC interactions appear to dominate cluster expansion in the age range we study.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, accepted by MNRAS. Machine-readable table attached (full version of Table 3). To obtain, download the source file from the "Other formats" link abov

    Suppression of human immunodeficiency virus replication during acute measles.

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    To determine the effect of measles virus coinfection on plasma human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) RNA levels, a prospective study of hospitalized children with measles was conducted between January 1998 and October 2000 in Lusaka, Zambia. Plasma HIV RNA levels were measured during acute measles and 1 month after hospital discharge. The median plasma HIV RNA level in 33 children with measles who were followed longitudinally was 5339 copies/mL at study entry, 60,121 copies/mL at hospital discharge, and 387,148 copies/mL at 1-month follow-up. The median plasma HIV RNA level in children without acute illness was 228,454 copies/mL. Plasma levels of immune activation markers were elevated during the period of reduced plasma HIV RNA. Plasma levels of several potential HIV suppressive factors also were elevated during acute measles. HIV replication is transiently suppressed during acute measles at a time of intense immune activation

    The properties, origin and evolution of stellar clusters in galaxy simulations and observations

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    We investigate the properties and evolution of star particles in two simulations of isolated spiral galaxies, and two galaxies from cosmological simulations. Unlike previous numerical work, where typically each star particle represents one ‘cluster’, for the isolated galaxies we are able to model features we term ‘clusters’ with groups of particles. We compute the spatial distribution of stars with different ages, and cluster mass distributions, comparing our findings with observations including the recent LEGUS survey. We find that spiral structure tends to be present in older (100s Myrs) stars and clusters in the simulations compared to the observations. This likely reflects differences in the numbers of stars or clusters, the strength of spiral arms, and whether the clusters are allowed to evolve. Where we model clusters with multiple particles, we are able to study their evolution. The evolution of simulated clusters tends to follow that of their natal gas clouds. Massive, dense, long-lived clouds host massive clusters, whilst short-lived clouds host smaller clusters which readily disperse. Most clusters appear to disperse fairly quickly, in basic agreement with observational findings. We note that embedded clusters may be less inclined to disperse in simulations in a galactic environment with continuous accretion of gas onto the clouds than isolated clouds and correspondingly, massive young clusters which are no longer associated with gas tend not to occur in the simulations. Caveats of our models include that the cluster densities are lower than realistic clusters, and the simplistic implementation of stellar feedback

    Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project. III. Photometric Catalog and Resulting Constraints on the Progression of Star Formation in the 30 Doradus Region

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    We present and describe the astro-photometric catalog of more than 800,000 sources found in the Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project (HTTP). HTTP is a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Treasury program designed to image the entire 30 Doradus region down to the sub-solar (~0.5 solar masses) mass regime using the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) and the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). We observed 30 Doradus in the near ultraviolet (F275W, F336W), optical (F555W, F658N, F775W), and near infrared (F110W, F160W) wavelengths. The stellar photometry was measured using point-spread function (PSF) fitting across all the bands simultaneously. The relative astrometric accuracy of the catalog is 0.4 mas. The astro-photometric catalog, results from artificial star experiments and the mosaics for all the filters are available for download. Color-magnitude diagrams are presented showing the spatial distributions and ages of stars within 30 Dor as well as in the surrounding fields. HTTP provides the first rich and statistically significant sample of intermediate and low mass pre-main sequence candidates and allows us to trace how star formation has been developing through the region. The depth and high spatial resolution of our analysis highlight the dual role of stellar feedback in quenching and triggering star formation on the giant HII region scale. Our results are consistent with stellar sub-clustering in a partially filled gaseous nebula that is offset towards our side of the Large Magellanic Cloud.Comment: 20 pages, 22 Figures, 3 Tables, Photometric Catalogs and Mosaiced images will be available for download upon publication, accepted for publication on ApJ

    Star cluster formation in the most extreme environments: Insights from the HiPEEC survey

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    We present the Hubble imaging Probe of Extreme Environments and Clusters (HiPEEC) survey. We fit HST NUV to NIR broadband and Hα\alpha fluxes, to derive star cluster ages, masses, extinctions and determine the star formation rate (SFR) of 6 merging galaxies. These systems are excellent laboratories to trace cluster formation under extreme gas physical conditions, rare in the local universe, but typical for star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon. We detect clusters with ages of 1-500 Myr and masses that exceed 10710^7 M⊙_\odot. The recent cluster formation history and their distribution within the host galaxies suggest that systems like NGC34, NGC1614, NGC4194 are close to their final coalescing phase, while NGC3256, NGC3690, NGC6052 are at an earlier/intermediate stage. A Bayesian analysis of the cluster mass function in the age interval 1-100 Myr provides strong evidence in 4 of the 6 galaxies that an exponentially truncated power law better describes the observed mass distributions. For two galaxies, the fits are inconclusive due to low number statistics. We determine power-law slopes β∼−1.5\beta \sim-1.5 to −2.0-2.0, and truncation masses, Mc_c, between 10610^6 and a few times 10710^7 M⊙_\odot, among the highest values reported in the literature. Advanced mergers have higher Mc_c than early/intermediate merger stage galaxies, suggesting rapid changes in the dense gas conditions during the merger. We compare the total stellar mass in clusters to the SFR of the galaxy, finding that these systems are among the most efficient environments to form star clusters in the local universe.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; data and catalogues will be released at this URL http://dx.doi.org/10.17909/t9-cn0b-ht8

    Revealing a Ring-like Cluster Complex in a Tidal Tail of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 2146

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    We report the discovery of a ring-like cluster complex in the starburst galaxy NGC 2146. The Ruby Ring, so named due to its appearance, shows a clear ring-like distribution of star clusters around a central object. It is located in one of the tidal streams which surround the galaxy. NGC 2146 is part of the Snapshot Hubble U-band Cluster Survey (SHUCS). The WFC3/F336W data has added critical information to the available archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging set of NGC 2146, allowing us to determine ages, masses, and extinctions of the clusters in the Ruby Ring. These properties have then been used to investigate the formation of this extraordinary system. We find evidence of a spatial and temporal correlation between the central cluster and the clusters in the ring. The latter are about 4 Myr younger than the central cluster, which has an age of 7 Myr. This result is supported by the H alpha emission which is strongly coincident with the ring, and weaker at the position of the central cluster. From the derived total H alpha luminosity of the system we constrain the star formation rate density to be quite high, e.g. ~ 0.47 Msun/yr/kpc^2. The Ruby Ring is the product of an intense and localised burst of star formation, similar to the extended cluster complexes observed in M51 and the Antennae, but more impressive because is quite isolated. The central cluster contains only 5 % of the total stellar mass in the clusters that are determined within the complex. The ring-like morphology, the age spread, and the mass ratio support a triggering formation scenario for this complex. We discuss the formation of the Ruby Ring in a "collect & collapse" framework. The predictions made by this model agree quite well with the estimated bubble radius and expansion velocity produced by the feedback from the central cluster, making the Ruby Ring an interesting case of triggered star formation.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in MNRA


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    A critical review of the literature revealed no experiments on uranyl ion transfer from an aqueous to a tributyl phosphate phase which positively measured the kinetics of the chemical reaction at the interphase. Drawing isorhythmic lines on a three component diagram gives a complex correlation for the compaction of three sizes of glass beads. Neither the use of thoria sols nor high feed solution concentrations of thorium nitrate gave any significant increase in mean particle diameters over those obtained from nitrate solutions of lower concentrations in flame denitration. A hydraulic film resistance has been detected in the anion exchange of uranyl sulfate into Dowex 2lK, and chloride elution was found to give a higher apparent uranium diffusion coefficient than nitrate elution. The rate of dissolution of mixed thorium-uranium oxides was determined as a function of the per cent of mixed oxides dissolved. Mixing in tanks packed with boron glass Raschig rings is being continued. The SRE hydraulic dejacketer has been operated successfully with prototype fuel rods. Excessive foaming was encountered when sheared stainless-clad UO/sub 2/ was suddenly contacted with boiling 13 M nitric acid. While attempting to shear a prototype Yankee subassembly with Kanigan brazed diffusion bonded joints, a five tube aggregate was formed at one of the two ferrule locations sheared. Of the 91 protective coatings exposed to ionizing radiation from the HRE, 25 of the coatings outside of the shield and 10 coatings inside the shield exhibited satisfactory resistance. HETS values in the acid Thorex flowsheet are reported. Waste calcination of simulated Purex waste in a 7-in.-diameter vessel gave rates slightly higher than predicted by the radial deposition model because of loss of feed due to excess foaming. (For preceding period see CF-60-6-11.) (auth
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