14 research outputs found


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    オフロキサシンを術前日600 mg, 手術日当日400 mgを経口投与した後の前立腺組織への移行について検討した.前立腺組織内濃度は平均5.51±1.79μg/g (range 3.62-9.70)で, 同時に採血した血清濃度との比率(前立腺/血清比)は1.06±0.31(range 0.55-1.54)であった.オフロキサシンは前立腺組織に良く移行し, 前立腺炎の起炎菌の最小発育阻止濃度に比べ高い値を示したThe penetration of ofloxacin (OFLX) into prostatic tissue was examined on 11 patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy. OFLX was administered orally in a dose of 200 mg, three times one day before and twice on the day of operation. The blood sample was taken 30 minutes before operation and prostatic tissue specimens were collected during operation. The mean concentration of OFLX in prostatic tissue was 5.51 +/- 1.79 micrograms/g (mean +/- SD) and 5.36 +/- 1.28 micrograms/ml in serum. The mean ratio of these concentrations was 1.06 +/- 0.31 (range 0.55-1.54). These findings indicate that OFLX will be valuable against bacterial prostatitis

    Ultrasonic Echo-Doppler Examination for an Evaluation of Nutcracker Phenomenon.

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    血液型P1抗原と尿路感染症(UTI)との関係を調べた.対象は正常人11例, UTI 26例で, 後者の内訳は上部尿路感染症4例, 下部尿路感染症22例であった.P1抗原の検出方法はLombergの方法に従った.(1)正常人のP1抗原検出率は3/11例であるが, UTI群では14/26例と高値を示し有意であった.(2)過去1年間にUTIを来たした回数では, 2回以上UTIを来たした例にP抗原検出率が高かった.(3)臨床分離菌は, E, coliを認めた7例中2例にP抗原を検出したが, Proteus, Klebsiella, Serratia, Preudomonasを認めた例はいずれも検出しえなかったA clinical study was made on the relationship between the blood type P1 antigen and urinary tract infection (UTI). The blood type P1 antigen could be detected in 3 out of 11 healthy Japanese volunteers (27.2%), and in 54% of the UTI patients as a whole. Classified by the type of infection, it could be detected in 3 out of 4 patients with upper UTI (75%) and in 11 out of 22 patients with lower UTI (50%). These incidences were higher than that of healthy volunteers, the difference being statistically significant. The relationship between the annual frequency of UTI and the positive detection of P1 antigen was examined. The patients who had been exposed to UTI twice or more a year proved to have a higher detection rate (61%), than the other group of patients, the difference being statistically significant. Two of the patients with E. coli detected as a clinical isolate proved to have the P1 antigen


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    1997年5月~1998年2月の間に腎結石40例, 尿管結石40例(男性60例, 女性20例)についてドルニエリソトリプターコンパクトを用いた治療を行った.結石のサイズは5~80mmであった.大多数の症例は無麻酔で行ったが, 3例に硬膜外麻酔を必要とした.また4例に尿管ステント留置後に治療を行った.全ての症例において結石砕石は認められた.1ヵ月後の評価では砕石効果と完全排石率は91%と54%, 又, 3ヵ月後の評価では砕石効果と完全排石率は91%と68%であった.腎盂腎炎や腎周囲血腫, 大量の血尿等の重篤な副作用はみられなかった.ドルニエリソトリプターコンパクトは腎尿管結石の治療において安全で砕石効果が優れていると考えられたBetween May 1997 and February 1998, 40 cases of renal stones and 40 cases of ureteral stones in 60 males and 20 females were treated with the Dornier Lithotripter Compact. The size of the stones ranged from 5 mm to 80 mm. Three patients required epidural anesthesia and 4 patients required a ureteral stent. Fragmentation of the stones was observed in all patients. After 1 month, the efficacy and stone free rates were 91% and 54%, respectively. After 3 months, they were 91% and 68%, respectively. There were no serious side effects such as pyelonephritis, perirenal hematomas, and massive hematuria. In conclusion, the Dornier Lithotripter Compact proved to be a safe and highly effective lithotripter for the treatment of renal and ureteral stones