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    We analyzed summer vegetables and their pickles for potassium content. The results are as Table 1~3

    食品のカリウム含量(第2報) : 昼食におけるナトリウムおよびカリウムの含量

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    We analyzed packed lunches, restaurant lunches, "Takikomimeshi" and "sushi" around us for sodium and potassium. Results are followings: 1) Salt contents of lunches were about the same as they had been seasoned according to the standard. Therefore, there was no lunch of enormous salt content. Ratios of sodium to potassium were all below 4. 2) Salt contents of "takikomimeshi" and "sushi" were far more than they had been seasoned according to the standard. Some of them were enormous. Ratios of sodium to potassium mere all beyond 6

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察(第5報) : ポテトチップの食塩含量(食塩濃度計による測定法のテスト)

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    試料に適量の水を加えてホモジネートをつくり,ホモジネートの食塩濃度をナトリウム電極による食塩濃度計を用いて測定し,これをもとに食塩含量を算出する方法(この方法を簡易法と略称する。),この簡易法をポテトチップに適用し,はたして正値が得られるか調べた。結果は次のとおりである。1)簡易法によるポテトチップの食塩含量は,試料を灰化して,食塩濃度計を適用したものに比べ,約10%低値であった。2)簡易法によるポテトチップの食塩含量は,塩素イオンの滴定によるものに比べ,約10%低値であった。3)しかしながら,簡易法によるポテトチップの食塩含量の値は再現性を有し,他の方法による値とほぼ平行した。This paper is experiment whether salt content in fried potato chips is determined with accuracy or not by the simple method using salt consulting meter which has the sodium ion electrode (The simple method is as follows. Add a certain amount of water to sample and mix, then make homogeneity. Measure salt concentration in this homogeneity by the salt consulting meter. Then calculate salt content in the semple.) The result is shown next : 1) According to the simple method, the salt content in fried potato chips has been about 10% lower, as compared with the method that sample is ashed previous and the salt content is determined through the salt consulting meter. 2) According to the simple method, the salt content in fried potato chips has been about 10% lower, too, as compared with the method consisting of chlorine ion titration. 3) However, the simple method has good reappearancy value of salt content in fried potato chips and there is a close correlation on the volues between the simple method and other methods

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察 : 第11報 三重県における鈴鹿市庄野小学校区および大山田村東小学校区住民のみそ汁食塩濃度とその減塩意識について

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    日常食生活での減塩指導のより実践的な方法の確立を目的として,三重県における平坦地の市街化地域である鈴鹿市庄野小学校区45世帯および山間部農村である大山田村東小学校区の40世帯,計85世帯の住民で,実際に摂取されているみそ汁の食塩濃度,その1日における摂取杯数および減塩意識について検討した。(1)両地区の各家庭におけるみそ汁の食塩濃度は,最低0.6%より最高2.2%の間にほぼ正規分布をなしており,庄野小学校区では平均値1.19%であり,東小学校区では平均値1.37%であった。(2)1日摂取のみそ汁数は,庄野小学校区では平均1.24杯,東小学校区では1.52杯でであった。2杯以上と答えた人は,庄野小学校区では24%で,東小学校区では39.1%と前者のそれよりも高率であった。また,年齢層別では,両地区ともに年齢が高くなるほど,みそ汁の杯数が多くなる傾向を示した。(3)具を除いたみそ汁1杯量を150mlとして,1杯からの1人1日当たり食塩摂取量を算出した結果は,みそ汁1杯では,庄野小学校区では平均値1.78gで,東小学校区では平均値2.04gであった。この両地区の平均値には有意差がみられた。(4)アンケートによる減塩意識では,うす味にしていると答えた人は,庄野小学校区では46.1%で,東小学校区では31.4%であり,減塩意識は,後者は前者にくらべて低率であった。以上のことから、とくに山間部住民に対しみそ汁の具体的な食塩濃度の数値を示した減塩指導の必要性が考えられる。As a more practical means to direct people to decrease salt intake in their daily meals, 45 families in the flat urban area of Suzuka city\u27s Shono elementary school zone and 40 families in the mountain village area of Ohyamada Higashi elementary school zone were surveyed as to their Misoshiru (miso-soup) intake and their consciousness of less salt. (1) Both zones showed normal distribution patterns of concentration of intake salt ranging from 0.6% to 2.2%. In "Shono", the mean value of intake salt was. 1.19% against 1.37% in "Ohyamada Higashi". (2) The number of cups/day of misoshiru taken in "Shono" averaged 1.24 against 1.52 in "Ohyamada Higashi". Twenty-four% of people in "Shono" was over 2 cups/day, Whereas those in "Ohyamada Higashi" 39.1%. In both zones, the number of cups/day tended to increase with age. (3) The amont of salt per cup of misoshiru in "Shono" was calculated 1.78g against 2.04g in "Ohyamada Higashi", when the volume of a cup was looked upon 150ml. Significant difference was found between. (4) At enquete, those who noticed less salt intake were 46.1% in "Shono" against 31.4% in "Ohyamada Higashi". Thus, the people in the latter evidanced less consciousness. From the above-mentioned results, it was considered that the people of the mountain village area should be advised to decrease their salt intake indicating the concrete data on their misoshiru salt concentration of this studies

    食品のカリウム含量(第3報) : ベビーフードについて

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    ベビーフード中の無機物およびビタミンCについて分析を行ない,次の結果を得た。カリウムはナトリウムに比べて,一般にかなり多量である。また,絶対量もかなり多いので,食塩による普通の味付を行なってもNa/Kは一般に4以下である。Ca/Pは乳製品に比べてかなり小さい。ビタミンCは穀類,魚・獣鳥肉類については皆無かあるいは僅少であった。乳類,野菜類については1~2の高値のものがあった。果汁類のビタミンCは強化されており,したがって高値を示した。開栓後のビタミンCについてはかなりの損失をきたすものがあった。Inorganic materials and vitamin C in baby foods were determined. The results are as follows. Generally, contents of potassium were considerably larger than those of sodium, and observed in fair amounts. So, the ratios of Sadium to potassium might be lower than 4 even if common salt had been used for moderate seasoning. The ratios of calcium to phosphorus were considerably lower than those of dairy products. Little vitamin C was found in cereals, fish, meat or chicken, while it was found in some of dairy products and vegetables in such a high content as 20mg. It was generally enriched in fruits juices. A considerable amount of vitamin C was lost after breaking the sealing in some cases