187 research outputs found

    Economic and Mathematical Modelling of Supply Chain

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    The article highlighted the main problems of irrational wasting of material resources and money used during the transportation and in other industries. Also it deals with the criteria and ways to optimize flows in supply chains, presents options of software products for the rationalization of supply chains via using mathematical models

    Economic and Mathematical Modelling of Supply Chain

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    The article highlighted the main problems of irrational wasting of material resources and money used during the transportation and in other industries. Also it deals with the criteria and ways to optimize flows in supply chains, presents options of software products for the rationalization of supply chains via using mathematical models

    Воздействие цисплатина на мультипотентные мезенхимные стромальные клетки жировой ткани человека при различном уровне кислорода

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    Objective: To evaluate the damaging effects of cisplatin on MMSCs from adipose tissue in a phase of active proliferation and the state of the monolayer, which was exposed at standard (20%) and reduced to 1% and 5% level of oxygen.Methods: The incubation MMSC with cisplatin was performed on cultures of 2 passage in a state in monolayer and cultures in the active growth phase. Profile surface markers of MMSC determined by flow cytometry. MMSCs viability after incubation with cisplatin was detected by the number of apoptotic and necrotic cells using ANNEXIN V-FITC - PI Kit (Immunotech, France). Standard culture conditions (~ 20% O2) created in a CO2 incubator (Sanyo, Japan), 5% O2 created using multigas incubator (Sanyo, Japan), 1% O2 - using an airtight chamber (Stemcell Technologies, USA).Results: Incubation of monolayer MMSC with cisplatin at a concentration of 10 ug/ml for 72 hours leads to death of half of the cells in culture under 20% O2, 5% O2 and 1% O2. Cisplatin increased the fracture of PI+-cell, and PI+/Ann+-cells under all culture conditions. The short-term exposure with cisplatin (24 and 48 hours) did not cause the damaging effect. Effects of cisplatin on the MMSC in the growth phase for 48 hours led to accumulation of Ann+-cells and PI+/Ann +-cells under all culture conditions. However least damaging effect of cisplatin was observed in culture under hypoxic conditions (1% O2).Conclusion: These data suggest that monolayer MMSCs are dying primarily through necrosis, whereas MMSC in the growth phase in response to cisplatin treatment are dying by apoptosis, regardless the oxygen tension.Цель исследования: оценить повреждающее воздействие цисплатина на ММСК жировой ткани, находящиеся в фазе активной пролиферации и в состоянии монослоя, при стандартном (20%) и сниженном до 1% и 5% уровне кислорода в среде культивирования.Методы: Оценку влияния цисплатина на ММСК проводили на культурах 2 пассажа в состоянии монослоя и в культурах в активной фазе роста. Профиль поверхностных маркеров ММСК определяли с помощью проточной цитофлуориметрии. Жизнеспособность ММСК после инкубации с цисплатином оценивали по количеству апоптотических и некротических клеток с помощью набора ANNEXIN V-FITC – PI (Immunotech, Франция). Стандартные условия культивирования (~20% О2) создавали в СО2-инкубаторе (Sanyo, Япония), 5% О2 создавали используя мультигазовый инкубатор (Sanyo, Япония), 1% О2 – используя герметичную камеру (Stemcell Technologies, США).Результаты: Инкубация ММСК в состоянии монослоя с цисплатином в концентрации 10 мкг/мл в течение 72 часов вызывала гибель практически половины клеток в культуре как при 20% О2, так и при 5% и 1% О2 в среде. Во всех условиях культивирования увеличивалась доля PI+-клеток и PI+/Ann+-клеток. Более кратковременные экспозиции с цисплатином (24 и 48 часов) не оказывали выраженного повреждающего эффекта. Воздействие цисплатина на ММСК в активной фазе роста в течение 48 часов сопровождалось накоплением количества Ann+-клеток и PI+/Ann+-клеток. При этом наименьшее повреждающее воздействие цисплатин оказал на клетки, культивируемые в условиях гипоксии (1% О2).Заключение: Полученные данные свидетельствуют, что ММСК в состоянии монослоя погибают преимущественно путем некроза, тогда как для культур ММСК в фазе роста в ответ на воздействие было характерно накопление клеток, погибающих путем апоптоза, вне зависимости от уровня содержания кислорода в среде

    Особенности обучения трехмерному компьютерному моделированию и визуализации будущих учителей информатики

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    The cognitive, developing, illustrative potential of three-dimensional computer graphics actualizes the training of future teachers in its technologies. The future teacher of computer science should be able to develop three-dimensional models and animations of the studied objects (phenomena and processes) in computer science, physics, mathematics and other academic disciplines, create copyright electronic educational resources with three-dimensional illustrations, apply augmented reality and 3D printing in professional activities.The article describes the features of teaching three-dimensional computer modeling and visualization of future informatics teachers, identified on the basis of an analysis of the training system for students studying in specialty 1–02 05 02 Physics and Informatics at the Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University.The main directions for improving the learning process of three-dimensional computer graphics of future informatics teachers are indicated. Questions on three-dimensional computer modeling and visualization will pass through the content line through the content of six academic disciplines («Computer graphics and multimedia», «Computational methods and computer modeling», «Programming Technologies and Algorithmization Methods», «Information Technologies in Education», «Methods teaching informatics» and «Architecture and software of computer systems»). This will ensure consistency in the introduction and study of concepts, the choice of forms and methods of teaching, the development of teaching and methodical support. For the implementation of interdisciplinarity, it is proposed to carry out practice-oriented interdisciplinary educational projects in the framework of the study of academic disciplines in three subject areas «Computer Science», «Physics» and «Mathematics». The development of a methodical system of interdisciplinary education will ensure the formation of readiness to teach three-dimensional graphics at the stage of general secondary education and to realize its didactic possibilities in organizing educational and research activities of students.Когнитивный, развивающий, иллюстративный потенциал трехмерной компьютерной графики актуализуют обучение будущих педагогов ее технологиям. Будущий учитель информатики должен уметь разрабатывать трехмерные модели, анимации изучаемых объектов (явлений и процессов) по информатике, физике, математике и другим учебным дисциплинам, создавать электронные образовательные ресурсы с трехмерными иллюстрациями, применять дополненную реальность и 3D-печать в профессиональной деятельности.В статье рассмотрены особенности обучения трехмерному компьютерному моделированию и визуализации будущих учителей информатики, выявленные на основе анализа системы подготовки студентов, обучающихся по специальности 1–02 05 02 «Физика и информатика» в Белорусском государственном педагогическом университете имени Максима Танка. Обозначены основные направления совершенствования процесса обучения трехмерной компьютерной графике будущих учителей информатики. В условиях быстрой смены средств и технологий трехмерной компьютерной графики возрастает значимость фундаментальности подготовки педагогических кадров. Предлагается усилить математическую составляющую учебной дисциплины «Компьютерная графика и мультимедиа». Вопросы по трехмерному компьютерному моделированию и визуализации пройдут сквозной содержательной линией через содержание шести учебных дисциплин («Компьютерная графика и мультимедиа», «Вычислительные методы и компьютерное моделирование», «Технологии программирования и методы алгоритмизации», «Основы информационных технологии в образовании», «Методика преподавания информатики», «Архитектура и программное обеспечение вычислительных систем»). Тем самым будет обеспечена системность в введении и изучении понятий, выборе форм и методов обучения, разработке учебно-методического обеспечения. Для реализации междисциплинарности предлагается выполнять практико-ориентированные междисциплинарные учебные проекты в рамках изучения учебных дисциплин трех предметных областей «Информатика», «Физика» и «Математика». Разработка методической системы междисциплинарного обучения позволит обеспечить формирование готовности преподавать трехмерную графику на ступени общего среднего образования и реализовывать ее дидактические возможности при организации учебной и учебно-исследовательской деятельности учащихся

    Morpho-functional features of young athletes

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    Objective: to study the morphological and functional features of young athletes. Materials and methods: The study involved 102 young athletes aged 12 to 17. The control (0) group included 28 schoolchildren who were not involved in professional sport. The study group (1) included 35 children from a youth sport swimming school. The study group (2) included 47 young field hockey players. The study group (3) included 20 young athletes from the Republican Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Fencing Reserve of the Republic of Tatarstan. The examination of the children involved: anamnestic data, a survey, a general clinical examination, a blood pressure measurement, dynamometry, anthropometry (measurement of weight and height with body mass index calculation), body composition analysis with a TANITA analyzer. All the young athletes were examined by specialists: a cardiologist, a neurologist, a surgeon, an orthopedist, an ophthalmologist, an otorhinolaryngologist and a dentist. The laboratory and instrumental tests included: a clinical blood test, a general urine test, a resting ECG and a cardiac stress test, an echocardiogram, a respiratory function test, an ultrasound abdominal cavity and pelvic organs test. Results: the young athletes demonstrated higher physical development parameters than the average values in the control group. The percentage of the body fat in the boys and girls in the control group is significantly higher than that in the young athletes. At the same time, the muscle mass in boys not involved in sports is lower than the that in the groups of athletes. Findings: The study, the screening and the retrospective analysis revealed significant differences in the characteristics of the studied groups of children and adolescents, as well as the presence of individual conditions associated with sports

    Management accounting of agricultural production: improving planning and standardization of costs in the management information system

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    The problems of organizing effective management accounting of agricultural production through the widespread use of economic methods, both production management and accounting and management methods and the development of their information functions, are very relevant and necessary. Management accounting in modern times is a universal integrated mechanism for the accounting and management activities of an agricultural organization. The management accounting information system should be oriented towards solving complex issues and making managerial decisions quickly. The purpose of the study is the rationale for rationing, planning and management accounting of costs, their control and analysis of production results in the agricultural management information system. The subject of the study is management accounting, while principles are formulated and new methods for rationing labor, material and biological costs of agricultural production are proposed. A unified nomenclature of cost items has been developed for planning, managerial accounting, analysis and control, both for individual production, accounting and planning objects, as well as for self-supporting units (responsibility centers) and the organization as a whole. For the organization of rationing, planning and management accounting of production costs, the sequence of implementation of special procedures is defined, a unified nomenclature of cost items is developed based on the basic conditions of requirements, which include classification attributes, degree of cost participation in the creation of new products, cost control by hierarchical levels of management. It is concluded that by comparing the actual and planned costs for the production of a particular object of planning and accounting, it is possible to analyze their cause and effect deviations, deviations of the actual marginal income and operating profit of the production of these products from their normative values ​​by changing each specific cost item

    Adiabatic entanglement transport in Rydberg aggregates

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    We consider the interplay between excitonic and atomic motion in a regular, flexible chain of Rydberg atoms, extending our recent results on entanglement transport in Rydberg chains [W\"uster et al., Phys.Rev.Lett 105 053004 (2010)]. In such a Rydberg chain, similar to molecular aggregates, an electronic excitation is delocalised due to long range dipole-dipole interactions among the atoms. The transport of an exciton that is initially trapped by a chain dislocation is strongly coupled to nuclear dynamics, forming a localised pulse of combined excitation and displacement. This pulse transfers entanglement between dislocated atoms adiabatically along the chain. Details about the interaction and the preparation of the initial state are discussed. We also present evidence that the quantum dynamics of this complex many-body problem can be accurately described by selected quantum-classical methods, which greatly simplify investigations of excitation transport in flexible chains

    Carnitine exchange in the assessment of tissue energetics and physical performance of young athletes

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    Objective: to develop prognostic criteria for assessing the physical performance of children engaged in different sports, using the features of carnitine metabolism. Materials and methods: 94 young athletes and 37 students as a control group were included to the study. Indicators such as free and bound carnitine, maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) (as an indicator of physical performance), and the body composition were studied. Results: statistical analysis of the data indicated that the average amount of total carnitine in the group of children engaged in field hockey was lower (45.9±1.6 µmol/l) comparing with the group of representatives of cyclic sports (52.6±1.1 µmol/l) and with the group of control (46.3±1.0 µmol/l). The study of the level of MOC in the abovementioned groups revealed statistically significant differences. Thus, among the field hockey players the average level of absolute MOC was 2.2±0.1 lpm, swimmers – 3.8±0.2 lpm, in the control group – 2.7±0.1 lpm. The study showed significant positive correlation between the level of absolute MOC with total and free carnitine. The data obtained may indicate a greater aerobic performance in athletes with a higher content of free carnitine. Conclusions: thus, after studying the state of carnitine metabolism and maximum oxygen consumption, it becomes possible to predict the state of physical performance of children, which determines the measures to prevent health problems during intense physical activity


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    Lean production and management in the system of consumer cooperation remains one of the most difficult problems both in general in all areas of production and in milk processing. A modern solution to this problem, increasing the efficiency of production, improving its quality and reducing cost is the basis of principles and tools that are reflected in the lean manufacturing system. Lean management is possible on the basis of optimal cost accounting and management of dairy production, by reducing losses on waiting, overproduction, transportation, unnecessary processing steps, unnecessary movements, production with broken technology, defective packaging, unnecessary stocks - by regulating business processes and mobilizing internal reserves in the activities of processing enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. The subject of the study is managerial activity in the lean production and processing of milk in enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. The aim of the study is the introduction of advanced and necessary methods of accounting and management of milk production in the enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. In accordance with this goal, the main task was determined: to develop recommendations for improving the accounting and management methods to reduce all kinds of costs and increase the productivity of dairy production. Performance management is an important financial and economic indicator of production in the system of consumer cooperation. This paper analyzes various aspects of lean manufacturing, accounting, control and management, taking into account the technological features and business processes of the consumer cooperation system. It is concluded that for the efficiency of the accounting process in the lean management system of a milk processing enterprise, it is necessary to build a system of accounting and control support, which will allow for detailed accounting of production costs for all objects of accounting and control.Бережливое производство и управление в системе потребительской кооперации, остается одной из самых сложных проблем, как в целом по всем направлениям производства, так и по переработке молока. Современное решение данной проблемы, повышение эффективности производства продукции, улучшение ее качества и снижения себестоимости лежит в основе принципов и инструментов, которые нашли отражение в системе бережливого производства. Бережливое управление становится возможным на основе оптимального учета затрат и управления производством молочной продукции, путем снижения потерь на ожидание, перепроизводство, транспортировки, лишних стадий обработки, ненужных перемещений, выпуска с нарушенной технологией, дефектной упаковки, лишних запасов -  путем регулирования хозяйственных процессов и мобилизации внутренних резервов в деятельности перерабатывающих предприятий системы потребительской кооперации. Предметом исследования является управленческая деятельность при бережливом производстве и переработке молока в предприятиях системы потребкооперации.  Целью исследования является внедрение прогрессивных и необходимых методов учета и управления деятельностью по производству молока в предприятиях системе потребительской кооперации. В соответствии с указанной целью была определена основная задача: выработать рекомендации по совершенствованию учетно-управленческой методики на уменьшение всевозможных издержек и увеличение производительности производства молочной продукции. Эффективность управления деятельности является важным финансово-экономическим показателем производства продукции в системе потребительской кооперации. В настоящей работе проанализированы различные аспекты бережливого производства, учета, контроля и управления с учетом технологических особенностей и бизнес процессов системы потребительской кооперации. Сделан вывод о том, что для эффективности учетного процесса в системе бережливого управления молокоперерабатывающим предприятием, необходимо построение системы учетно-контрольного обеспечения, которая позволит вести детальный учет затрат на производство по всем объектам учета и контроля