19 research outputs found

    Kajian Perubahan Curah Hujan, Suhu dan Tipe Iklim pada Zone Ekosistem di Pulau Lombok

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    Dampak Perubahan iklim dapat dirasakan secara global. Pulau Lombok merupakan salah satu pulau kecil yang mempunyai tingkat kerentanan terhadap Perubahan iklim lebih besar dibandingkan pulau-pulau besar. Perubahan iklim dapat menyebabkan terganggunya ekosistem yang ada sehingga perlu adanya strategi mitigasi dan adaptasi terhadap Perubahan iklim. Data dan informasi Perubahan iklim merupakan data dasar yang penting untuk merumuskan strategi mitigasi dan adaptasi terhadap Perubahan iklim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan data dan informasi Perubahan curah hujan, suhu dan tipe iklim serta menelusuri dampaknya terhadap ekosistem hutan di Pulau Lombok. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis Perubahan iklim (besaran, Perubahan, distribusi spasial dan kecenderungan), dan analisis dampak Perubahan iklim terhadap ekosistem hutan melalui analisis kesenjangan antara data terkini dan data histori. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Pulau Lombok telah terjadi Perubahan iklim yang ditandai oleh Perubahan kecenderungan curah hujan, suhu dan tipe iklim. Dampak Perubahan iklim pada ekosistem hutan antara lain rusaknya ekosistem hutan mangrove, hilangnya jenis-jenis endemik, penurunan tutupan lahan, serta berkurangnya kualitas dan kuantitas mata air

    Multidimensional Scaling Approach to Evaluate the Level of Community Forestry Sustainability in Babak Watershed, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara

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    Community forestry in Babak watershed is one of the efforts to reduce critical land area. The aim of this research was to evaluate the level of community forestry sustainability in both of community forest (HKm) and private forest in Babak watershed. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) was used to analyse the level of community forest sustainability based on the five dimensions of ecology, economy, social, institutional, and technology as well as 29 attributes. Leverage analysis was used to know the sensitive attributes of sustainability, while Monte Carlo analysis and goodness of fit was used to find the accuracy of MDS analysis. The result shows that HKm was in moderate sustainability level (sustainability index 54.08%) and private forest was in less sustainability level (sustainability index 48.53%). Furthermore, the ecology and technology in HKm were classified as less sustainable, while the institution and technology in private forest were considered less sustainable. There were 11 sensitive attributes of HKm and 19 sensitive attributes of private forest. The priorities of attribute improvement in HKm include land recovering (the dimension of ecology) and cooperative development (the dimension of technology). In private forest, the priorities of attribute improvement include leadership capacity building (the institutional dimension) and also the use of silviculture intensive and soil conservation (the dimension of technology)

    Evaluating agroforestry patterns to increase land productivity of Falcataria moluccana private forests in Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara

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    Developing agroforestry systems in private forests is expected to increase productivity. This study aims to determine the appropriate agroforestry design for Falcataria moluccana-based private forests in Central Lombok Regency. Three intercrop species were tested: small taro (Colocasia esculenta), ginger (Zingiber officinale), and vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews). This study was established using a completely randomized design. The three planting combinations were examined in three replications for a total of nine test plots: F. moluccana+vanilla+small taro (FmVT), F. moluccana+vanilla+ginger (FmVG), and F. moluccana+vanilla+ginger+small taro (FmVGT). Each test plot was 10 x 10 m and was located at 3 x 3 m spacing under a 3-year-old F. moluccana stand. The measured variables were crop survival rates, plant yields, and microclimatic data. The correlation between the variables was examined using the Pearson Product Moment, Duncan's advanced multiple range test (DMRT), and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The market price was used to determine the crop's economic value. The best agroforestry design was based on the economic value of crop production and the land equivalent ratio. The results indicated that the combination of F. moluccana, vanilla, ginger, and small taro, which generated an additional income of IDR 11,851,250 ha-1 a year, should be widely promoted and adopted

    Analisis Keuntungan Usaha Tani Agroforestry Kemiri, Coklat, Kopi Dan Pisang Di Hutan Kemasyarakatan Sesaot, Lombok Barat (Benefits Analysis of Agroforestry Farming Patterned Candlenuts, Cacao, Coffee and Banana in Sesaot Community Forest, West Lombok)

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    Agroforestry farming at community forest (HKm) practice provides ecological, economic and social benefits. The aimed of this study was to find the economical benefits from agroforestry with chestnut (Aleurites mollucana (L) Willd), cacao (Theobroma cacao), coffee (Coffea, sp.) and banana (Musa, sp.) pattern in HKm Sesaot. The partial economic analysis was used. Interviews were conducted on 30 HKm's Sesaot farmers which selected purposively by grouping on three land strata (strata I: 0.25-0.45 ha, strata III: >0.45-1 ha).The data collected were farm cost and revenue from the land. The results show that agroforestry farming in HKm Sesaot provides economical benefits. Chestnut suitable to be developed in all strata, cacao in strata I and II, coffee not suitable to be developed in strata I, while banana should not be developed in all strata

    Evaluasi Pengelolaan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKM) pada Hutan Produksi dan Hutan Lindung di Pulau Lombok

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pelaksanaan HKm dalam menjaga kelestarian hutan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar hutan produksi dan hutan lindung. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada HKmdi Pulau Lombok, yaitu HKmUnit Sambelia yang mewakili HKmpada hutan produksi serta HKmSesaot dan HKm Darussadiqien yang mewakili HKm pada hutan lindung. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei lahan dan wawancara terhadap pemilik lahan HKm serta tokoh utama masyarakat. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif serta teknik skoring untuk menilai kondisi HKm baik secara teknis, ekonomis maupun kelembagaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pengelolaan HKm di hutan produksi berada pada kondisi sedang (nilai skor 47,36) dengan faktor pembatas aspek teknis berupa kondisi biofisik dan kondisi tanaman, faktor pembatas aspek ekonomis dan kelembagaan berupa potensi ekonomi HKm dan sistem pengelolaan kelembagaan; (2) pengelolaan HKm di hutan lindung berada pada kondisi sedang (nilai skor HKm Sesaot 53,17 dan HKm Darussadiqien 45,77) dengan faktor pembatas aspek teknis penerapan teknik usaha tani dan konservasi, faktor pembatas aspek ekonomis dan kelembagaan berupa dampak ekonomi HKmdan sistem pengelolaan kelembagaan

    Land Use Improvement as the Drought Mitigation to Manage Climate Change in the Dodokan Watershed, Lombok, Indonesia

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    The Dodokan watershed is one of the priority watersheds on Lombok Island, which is a mainstay for providing water for the community but has a high vulnerability to drought. This condition causes disruption to the fulfillment of water needs, so it needs to be anticipated early with mitigation actions. Understanding the trend of drought is needed as a basis for developing mitigation measures, especially related to land use in the watershed. This study aims to analyze the hydro-meteorological drought trend that occurred from 2009 to 2020 and to find out the role of land use improvement in mitigating drought, which is predicted in the next 10 years. The Thornthwaite–Mather method was used for drought analysis, and its predictions for the next 10 years were determined by using trend analysis. Land use simulation using a spatial analysis was carried out as an effort to prepare for drought mitigation actions. The results show that the drought in the Dodokan Watershed has increased in the period between 2009–2020 and is predicted to continue to increase. Land use improvement by restoring the forest is a more appropriate mitigation method to overcome the drought than rearranging the agricultural land on slopes above 25. The simulation results have succeeded in increasing the water surplus and reducing the water deficit in 2030 so that it can be used for drought mitigation in the Dodokan watershed. © 2022 by the authors

    Land Use Improvement as the Drought Mitigation to Manage Climate Change in the Dodokan Watershed, Lombok, Indonesia

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    The Dodokan watershed is one of the priority watersheds on Lombok Island, which is a mainstay for providing water for the community but has a high vulnerability to drought. This condition causes disruption to the fulfillment of water needs, so it needs to be anticipated early with mitigation actions. Understanding the trend of drought is needed as a basis for developing mitigation measures, especially related to land use in the watershed. This study aims to analyze the hydro-meteorological drought trend that occurred from 2009 to 2020 and to find out the role of land use improvement in mitigating drought, which is predicted in the next 10 years. The Thornthwaite–Mather method was used for drought analysis, and its predictions for the next 10 years were determined by using trend analysis. Land use simulation using a spatial analysis was carried out as an effort to prepare for drought mitigation actions. The results show that the drought in the Dodokan Watershed has increased in the period between 2009–2020 and is predicted to continue to increase. Land use improvement by restoring the forest is a more appropriate mitigation method to overcome the drought than rearranging the agricultural land on slopes above 25%. The simulation results have succeeded in increasing the water surplus and reducing the water deficit in 2030 so that it can be used for drought mitigation in the Dodokan watershed

    Kuantifikasi Jasa Hutan Lindung sebagai Pengatur Tata Air di Daerah Aliran Sunga) (DAS) Palu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang potensi dan nilai ekonomi jasa hutan lindung khususnya sebagai pengatur tata air. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di DAS Palu yang mempunyai hutan lindung seluas 86.294 ha atau 25,4 % dari luas total DAS Palu (BAPLAN Kehutanan, 2002). Dalam analisis data untuk mengetahui hasil air sebagai dampak ada atau tidaknya hutan lindung terhadap jasa yang dlberikan digunakan pendekatan bllangan kurva (curve number]. Sedangkan untuk kuantifikas: jasa lingkungan yang dlberikan hutan lindung dilakukan dua pendekatan yaitu nilai manfaat dan dampak. Kedua pendekatan ini menggunakan beberapa metode perhitungan antara lain travel cost, biaya pengganti, harga pasar, dan kontingensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa jasa hutan lindung DAS Palu sebagai pengatur tata air yaitu jasa pengatur tata air untuk pertanian, Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM), jasa air untuk konsumsi rumah tangga, jasa air untuk perikanan, dan jasa proteksi terhadap banjir. Hasil kuantitikasi jasa hutan lindung tersebut dalam satu tahun adalah Rp116.526.335.765,- atau setara dengan Rp 1.350.294,-/hektar/tahun. Banyaknya manfaat yang diberikan hutan lindung sebagai pengatur tata air menunjukkan bahwa terdapat banyak stakeholder yang terhebat. Partisipasi aktif dan persamaan persepsi antar stakeholder, adanya dukungan kelembagaan termasuk didalamnya lembaga, aturan, dan mekanisme pembiayaan/lnsentlf sangat diperlukan untuk menuju pengelolaan hutan lindung yang lestari