5 research outputs found

    NÀr taket rasade in : Analys av utvÀrderingar och reell erfarenhetsÄterföring efter takrasen 2009/2010

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    Syftet med denna rapport har varit att analysera den reella Ă„terkopplingen och utvĂ€rderingar som gjorts vid takras vintern 2009/2010. Metoden Ă€r en kvalitativansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer samt analys av utvĂ€rderingar och insatsrapporter gjorda under vintern 2009/2010. Genom intervjuer pĂ„ den sociotekniska individnivĂ„n söks svaren kring hur individen upplevt erfarenhetsĂ„terföringen, tillsyn, och egenkontroll vid takras inom den kommunala verksamheten. Insatsrapporter, arbetsmaterial och andra genomförda utvĂ€rderingar har Ă€ven legat till grund för analysen. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningar som vĂ€glett i arbetet har varit: Hur togs erfarenheter frĂ„n takrasen tillvara i samhĂ€llet? Hur uppfattar individen som varit aktörer vid hĂ€ndelsen att erfarenheten hanterats?  Urvalet Ă€r ett bekvĂ€mlighetsurval samt ett snöbollsurval. AvgrĂ€nsningen sker tidsmĂ€ssigt till vintern 2009/2010 och geografiskt inom tre mellansvenska kommuner dĂ€r tak rasat in pĂ„ kommunala byggnader. Gemensamt för respondenterna Ă€r att de alla arbetat mĂ„nga Ă„r inom sina yrkesomrĂ„den, de Ă€r vĂ€l insatta i lagstiftning, befogenheter och ansvarsomrĂ„den. Sammanfattningsvis ser respondenterna att Ă„terkopplingen till de högre hierarkierna i det sociotekniska systemet fallerar. De anser inte att deras erfarenheter genomsyrar den nya lagstiftningen kring byggnation eller i de förordningar som finns kring detta. Det Ă€r intressant att just Ă„terkopplingen syns vara den svagaste lĂ€nken inom det hierarkiskt kopplade systemet. FörutsĂ€ttningarna finns dĂ€r för god Ă„terkoppling, dels genom insatsrapporter som internt fungerar som underlag för förbĂ€ttringar, dels genom den nationella bas IDA (Indikationer Data och Analys) pĂ„ MSB (Myndigheten för SamhĂ€llsskydd och Beredskap) som ska ge ett underlag för fler aktörer inom det sociotekniska systemet att ta del av och genomföra förĂ€ndringar och förbĂ€ttringar. En viss efterslĂ€pning i den nationella basen kan förstĂ„s dĂ„ alla insatsrapporter Ă„terrapporteras till MSB. Återkopplingen inom lagstiftningen och dess efterslĂ€pning kan bero pĂ„ att det ska tas hĂ€nsyn till mĂ„nga olika intressen. Respondenterna kritiserar den egenkontroll som fortgĂ„r inom byggsektorn, de ser samstĂ€mmigt egenkontrollen som orsak till de tak som rasade. Respondenterna menar Ă€ven att den tillsynskontroll som kommunerna har Ă€r urvattnad dĂ„ protokoll delges frĂ„n byggherren, fel kan vara inbyggda utan att de syns via protokoll eller vid efterkontroll och slutbesiktning. Den nya lagstiftningen (SFS 2010:900) innebĂ€r inga förĂ€ndringar vad gĂ€ller egenkontrollen. Tillit och tilltro till den enskilde Ă€r fortsatt stor - dĂ€r den enskilde byggherren ser andras sĂ€kerhet och vĂ€lmĂ„ende som en del av sitt eget handlande.   Nyckelord: rapport, naturkatastrof, kommun, vinter, 2009/2010.This reports aim has been analyzed the real feedback and evaluations of collapsed roofs at the winter 2009/2010. The method has been through semistructured interviews on socio-technical individual level has answers been sought about how the individual experienced the feedback, control, and self-control around collapsed roofs. Incident-reports and other completed evaluations have also been the basis for providing answers to my questions: How was real experience about caved roofs transfered back into the community; How did individuals who were participants at the event interpered their experience been handled? The sample is a convenience sample and a snowball sample. The respondents participating in the interview comes from the three municipalities located in ”mellan-Sverige” where the roof collapsed. Common to the respondents is that they all have worked many years in their professions, they are well versed in the laws, powers and responsibilities. To sum up the epitone of the response is that they see that feedback to the higher hierarchies of the socio-technical system fails. They do not believe that their experience permeates the new legislation surrounding the building or in the regulations that exist around this. It is interesting that the feedback seems to be the weakest link in the hierarchical interconnected system. The prerequisites are there for good feedback and through incident-reports, which serves as a basis for improvement at a locla level and within the work-group, and by the national base IDA (Indications Data and Analysis) to MSB (Federal Office for Civil Contingencies) to provide a basis for more players in the socio-technical system to share and implement changes and improvements. A lag in the national base can be understood as all incident reports reported back to the MSB. The feedback within the the socio-technical system may also taken other interests into account. Respondents criticize the self-monitoring is continuing in the construction industry, they see consistently self-control as the cause of the roof collapsed. Respondents also believe that regulatory control by municipalities is watered down when the protocol communicated by the client, errors can be built without being seen by protocol or by visual after controls. The new legislation (SFS 2010:900) does not change in terms of self-control. Trust and confidence in the individual remains high - where the individual client sees others' safety and wellbeing as part of their own actions.   Keywords: report, natural disaster, county, winter 2009/2010

    Organizational Lessons Learned : Natural Hazards Affecting Critical Infrastructure

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    This thesis focuses on an issue often presented as a solution – albeit a debated one ­– namely learning, specifically lessons learned from natural hazard events. Empirically, this thesis examines flooding and avalanches in a Swedish context, centering on systematic feedback mechanisms and learning from extreme events. Opportunities to and constraints affecting learning and knowledge sharing are discussed. The thesis comprises four papers, collectively contributing a description of aspects of learning and feedback in a case study setting of the Swedish Transport Administration (STA) [Trafikverket], and providing an understanding of the present level of knowledge and awareness of climate change related natural hazards, as well as how knowledge sharing may give incentives and understanding for change. The notion of social learning is that individuals, groups, and organizations (and ultimately society) can learn from one another in a context, i.e. fostering mutual change. The goal of learning and using feedback is to create an opportunity to address changes in a thoughtful and explicit manner. At the same time, there is an implicit idea that learning occurs automatically somehow, which is problematized on the basis of the cases in the articles. An interdisciplinary approach was adopted to obtain understanding of lessons learned related to natural hazards affecting critical infrastructure in Sweden. Interdiciplinarity refers to the use of theories from different research fields to achieve synergies in the search for explanations and useful understanding. The different objectives and aims of each paper have increased understanding of mechanisms related to aspects of feedback, learning and knowledge sharing after natural hazard impacts. Each paper also provides examples of opportunities and constraints to feedback mechanisms and learning in a collective context.Denna avhandling fokuserar pĂ„ ett problem som ofta presenterats som en lösning, nĂ€mligen lĂ€rande. Mer specifikt fokuserar avhandlingen pĂ„ lĂ€rande frĂ„n naturolyckor och Ă„terkopplingsmekanismer inom och mellan organisationer Empiriskt undersöker denna avhandling översvĂ€mningar och laviner i ett svenskt sammanhang. Fokus Ă€r pĂ„ att öka förstĂ„else av hur lĂ€rdomar relaterade till naturolyckor pĂ„verkar kritisk infrastruktur i Sverige: hur dessa fenomen förstĂ„s, och hur kunskapsĂ„terföring av erfarenheter anvĂ€nds i det som kallas ”lessons learned”. MĂ„let med att lĂ€ra och anvĂ€nda feedback Ă€r att skapa möjlighet att möta negativa förĂ€ndringar som extrema vĂ€derhĂ€ndelser pĂ„ ett genomtĂ€nkt och explicit sĂ€tt. Samtidigt finns det en implicit tanke att inlĂ€rning sker med viss automatik, vilket problematiseras, baserat pĂ„ fallen i artiklarna. Möjligheter och utmaningar för lĂ€rande och kunskapsöverföring i kontexten extrema vĂ€derhĂ€ndelser i Sverige problematiseras. Fyra artiklar bidrar med en beskrivning av aspekter av lĂ€rande och Ă„terkoppling i Trafikverket, och dess entreprenörer. Avhandlingen ger en uppfattning om kunskapsnivĂ„ och förstĂ„else för klimatrelaterade naturolyckor, samt hur Ă„terhĂ€mtningsförmĂ„ga (resiliens) kan byggas utifrĂ„n kunskapsöverföring och lĂ€rande.The Sendai Framework for Action (2015) and the agreement in Paris in 2015 (COP, 2015) were historic manifestations that society has to work with both mitigation and adaptation to achieve a reduction of the adverse effects of climate change. One way to achieve adaptation is through the integration of present coping strategies. A first step is to study the existing processes and routines that support short-term coping. This thesis targets different aspects of knowledge sharing and learning as a strategy for building adaptive and coping capacity. The Swedish Transport Administration provides cases of extreme events for the studies. Paper I deals with the possibility to apply industrial accident investigation methods to an extreme weather event and get useful insights into underlying root causes. Paper II displays the intra- and interrelated patterns that exist in public-private partnerships (PPP) in Sweden. Paper II describes parallel systems with infrequent overlaps regarding lessons learned. Paper III discusses collective learning approaches, in which obstacles and opportunities are identified. Furthermore, incentives to bounce forward in the aftermath are discussed from a collective learning approach. Paper IV reviews the concept of organizational memory building as a means for change

    Managing knowledge sharing of extreme weather induced impacts on land transport infrastructure : Case study of the Swedish Transport Administration

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    Extreme weather events and effects of climate change are threats to the transport sector’s functionality and safety. Risk management in this context implies a necessity to focus on the connection between near-term experiences and coping strategies on one hand, and long-term adaptation analyses on the other. How learning from past events and subsequent knowledge sharing can be adopted is a question that needs to be explored, discussed and tested. A systematic approach to lessons learned calls for measures of investigation, reporting, planning, implementation and evaluation. A qualitative case study approach was used in this thesis. In the first paper the practices of accident investigation in operation and maintenance were inventoried within the Swedish Transport Administration (STA). Three accident investigation methods were applied and tested on a cloudburst event, causing flooding in a railway tunnel in Sweden. In the second paper, semi-structured interviews, documents, and archival records were used as means for penetrating deeper into the attitudes and understanding of lessons learned concerning extreme weather events within a procured public-private partnership. The results of the two studies showed weak signals of feedback on lessons learned. Partly, these weak signals could be traced back to weak steering signals. Various obstacles impeded learning curves from lessons learned. The obstacles were of both hard and soft values, e.g. resources in time and equipment, systematic investigation methods, incentives for lessons learned, education and knowledge, values, norms and attitudes towards how and why identified problems should be solved. Successful knowledge sharing requires that close attention is paid to such obstacles and that an adaptive approach is adopted.Den pĂ„gĂ„ende och framtida klimatförĂ€ndringen sĂ€tter press pĂ„ aktörer att möta risker som associeras med klimatförĂ€ndring. Syftet med denna avhandling Ă€r att bidra med kunskap om lĂ€rande och kunskapsöverföring inom offentlig förvaltning av landtransportinfrastruktur. Eftersom lĂ€rande och kunskapsöverföring Ă€r grundlĂ€ggande för planering och beslutsfattande om strategier och Ă„tgĂ€rder som frĂ€mjar ett robust transportsystem. MĂ„let för detta arbete Ă€r att belysa lĂ€rande och kunskapsöverföring inom och mellan olika organisationer i det svenska samhĂ€llet. Det socio-tekniska systemperspektivet - som anvĂ€nds som analysram i bĂ„da studierna ger en djupare förstĂ„else för bakomliggande faktorer. En kvalitativ ansats, som omfattar intervjuer, deltagande observationer och dokumentanalys, har anvĂ€nds i detta licentiatarbete. I den första studien belyses möjligheten att anvĂ€nda sig av industriella utredningsmetoder pĂ„ naturolyckor i en svensk kontext av en översvĂ€mning i en jĂ€rnvĂ€gstunnel. De industriella utredningsmetoderna visade sig vara anvĂ€ndbara för utredning av konsekvenser efter skyfall, med olika metodologiska fördelar och nackdelar. Den andra studien utforskar hur Trafikverkets verksamhetsomrĂ„de UnderhĂ„ll arbetar med lĂ€rande kopplat till vĂ€derextremer; hur de fĂ„ngar upp erfarenheter och kunskap som finns hos kontrakterade entreprenörer, samt hur entreprenörerna uppfattar att lĂ€rande och erfarenhetsĂ„terföring sker. Resultatet frĂ„n bĂ„da studierna visar pĂ„ bĂ„de svaga styrsignaler och svaga Ă„terkopplingssignaler, vilket medför svaga lĂ€randekurvor. Olika hinder sĂ„gs ligga bakom med svaga styr- och Ă„terkopplingssignaler bl.a. resurser i tid och processer, systematik i utredning av naturolyckor, incitament att lĂ€ra av varandra, utbildning och kunskap, vĂ€rderingar normer och attityder till hur och varför identifierade problem ska lösas. Ett adaptivt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt innebĂ€r att man behöver ta hĂ€nsyn till dessa hinder pĂ„ ett systematiskt sĂ€tt.The agreement in Paris in 2015 was an historic manifestation that society has to work with both mitigation and adaptation to achieve a reduction of the adverse effects of climate change. One way to achieve adaptation is through the integration of present coping strategies. A first step is to study the existing processes and routines that support short-term coping. This licentiate thesis targets different aspects of learning as a strategy for coping and building adaptive capacity. Road infrastructure and maintenance in relation to extreme weather are used as the physical context and the Swedish Transport Administration as a case to study. Paper I shows the possibility to apply industrial accident investigation methods to an extreme weather event and get useful insights into underlying root causes. Paper II shows the intra- and interrelated patterns that exist in public-private partnerships (PPP) in Sweden. The paper describes a parallel of systems with infrequent overlaps regarding lessons learned.  In both papers the socio-technical perspective approach was used to highlight aspects of learning from and investigating damage due to extreme weather at different tiers in society. The socio-technical perspective provides an understanding of how decisions and legislation that affect our actions and behavior today may have been taken in different time and space settings. This thesis contributes to concept and theory building regarding the socio-technical system approach.Paper 2 ingick i licentiatuppsatsen som manuskript, nu publicerat.</p