678 research outputs found

    More evidence for hidden spiral and bar features in bright early-type dwarf galaxies

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    Following the discovery of spiral structure in IC3328 (Jerjen et al.~2000), we present further evidence that a sizable fraction of bright early-type dwarfs in the Virgo cluster are genuine disk galaxies, or are hosting a disk component. Among a sample of 23 nucleated dwarf ellipticals and dS0s observed with the Very Large Telescope in BB and RR, we found another four systems exhibiting non-axisymmetric structures, such as a bar and/or spiral arms, indicative of a disk (IC0783, IC3349, NGC4431, IC3468). Particularly remarkable are the two-armed spiral pattern in IC0783 and the bar and trailing arms in NGC4431. For both galaxies the disk nature has recently been confirmed by a rotation velocity measurement (Simien & Prugniel 2002). Our photometric search is based on a Fourier decomposition method and a specific version of unsharp masking. Some ``early-type'' dwarfs in the Virgo cluster seem to be former late-type galaxies which were transformed to early-type morphology, e.g. by ``harassment'', during their infall to the cluster, while maintaining part of their disk structure.Comment: A&A accepte

    Relativistic Magnetic Monopole Flux Constraints from RICE

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    We report an upper limit on the flux of relativistic monopoles based on the non-observation of in-ice showers by the Radio Ice Cherenkov Experiment (RICE) at the South Pole. We obtain a 95% C.L. limit of order 10^{-18}/(cm^2-s-sr) for intermediate mass monopoles of 10^7<gamma<10^{12} at the anticipated energy E=10^{16} GeV. This bound is over an order of magnitude stronger than all previously published experimental limits for this range of boost parameters gamma, and exceeds two orders of magnitude improvement over most of the range. We review the physics of radio detection, describe a Monte Carlo simulation including continuous and stochastic energy losses, and compare to previous experimental limits.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. Minor revisions, including expanded discussion of monopole energy uncertaint

    The Ellipticity of the Disks of Spiral Galaxies

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    The disks of spiral galaxies are generally elliptical rather than circular. The distribution of ellipticities can be fit with a log-normal distribution. For a sample of 12,764 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 1 (SDSS DR1), the distribution of apparent axis ratios in the i band is best fit by a log-normal distribution of intrinsic ellipticities with ln epsilon = -1.85 +/- 0.89. For a sample of nearly face-on spiral galaxies, analyzed by Andersen and Bershady using both photometric and spectroscopic data, the best fitting distribution of ellipticities has ln epsilon = -2.29 +/- 1.04. Given the small size of the Andersen-Bershady sample, the two distribution are not necessarily inconsistent. If the ellipticity of the potential were equal to that of the light distribution of the SDSS DR1 galaxies, it would produce 1.0 magnitudes of scatter in the Tully-Fisher relation, greater than is observed. The Andersen-Bershady results, however, are consistent with a scatter as small as 0.25 magnitudes in the Tully-Fisher relation.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures; ApJ, accepte

    An entirely analytical cosmological model

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    The purpose of the present study is to show that in a particular cosmological model, with an affine equation of state, one can obtain, besides the background given by the scale factor, Hubble and deceleration parameters, a representation in terms of scalar fields and, more important, explicit mathematical expressions for the density contrast and the power spectrum. Although the model so obtained is not realistic, it reproduces features observed in some previous numerical studies and, therefore, it may be useful in the testing of numerical codes and as a pedagogical tool.Comment: 4 pages (revtex4), 4 figure

    Cosmological perturbations on local systems

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    We study the effect of cosmological expansion on orbits--galactic, planetary, or atomic--subject to an inverse-square force law. We obtain the laws of motion for gravitational or electrical interactions from general relativity--in particular, we find the gravitational field of a mass distribution in an expanding universe by applying perturbation theory to the Robertson-Walker metric. Cosmological expansion induces an (a¨/a)r\ddot a/a) \vec r force where a(t)a(t) is the cosmological scale factor. In a locally Newtonian framework, we show that the (a¨/a)r(\ddot a/a) \vec r term represents the effect of a continuous distribution of cosmological material in Hubble flow, and that the total force on an object, due to the cosmological material plus the matter perturbation, can be represented as the negative gradient of a gravitational potential whose source is the material actually present. We also consider the effect on local dynamics of the cosmological constant. We calculate the perihelion precession of elliptical orbits due to the cosmological constant induced force, and work out a generalized virial relation applicable to gravitationally bound clusters.Comment: 10 page

    Extreme internal charging currents in medium Earth orbit: Analysis of SURF plate currents on Giove-A

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    Relativistic electrons can penetrate spacecraft shielding and can damage satellite components. Spacecraft in medium Earth orbit pass through the heart of the outer radiation belt and may be exposed to large fluxes of relativistic electrons, particularly during extreme space weather events. In this study we perform an extreme value analysis of the daily average internal charging currents at three different shielding depths in medium Earth orbit as a function of L∗ and along the orbit path. We use data from the SURF instrument on board the European Space Agency's Giove-A spacecraft from December 2005 to January 2016. The top, middle, and bottom plates of this instrument respond to electrons with energies >500 keV, >700 keV, and >1.1 MeV, respectively. The 1 in 10 year daily average top plate current decreases with increasing L∗ ranging from 1.0 pA cm−2 at L∗=4.75 to 0.03 pA cm−2 at L∗=7.0. The 1 in 100 year daily average top plate current is a factor of 1.2 to 1.8 larger than the corresponding 1 in 10 year current. The 1 in 10 year daily average middle and bottom plate currents also decrease with increasing L∗ ranging from 0.4 pA cm−2 at L∗=4.75 to 0.01 pA cm−2 at L∗=7.0. The 1 in 100 year daily average middle and bottom plate currents are a factor of 1.2 to 2.7 larger than the corresponding 1 in 10 year currents. Averaged along the orbit path the 1 in 10 year daily average top, middle, and bottom plate currents are 0.22, 0.094, and 0.094 pA cm−2, respectively

    The Size and Shape of Voids in Three-Dimensional Galaxy Surveys

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    The sizes and shapes of voids in a galaxy survey depend not only on the physics of structure formation, but also on the sampling density of the survey and on the algorithm used to define voids. Using an N-body simulation with a CDM power spectrum, we study the properties of voids in samples with different number densities of galaxies, both in redshift space and in real space. When voids are defined as regions totally empty of galaxies, their characteristic volume is strongly dependent on sampling density; when they are defined as regions whose density is 0.2 times the mean galaxy density, the dependence is less strong. We compare two void-finding algorithms, one in which voids are nonoverlapping spheres, and one, based on the algorithm of Aikio and Mahonen, which does not predefine the shape of a void. Regardless of the algorithm chosen, the characteristic void size is larger in redshift space than in real space, and is larger for low sampling densities than for high sampling densities. We define an elongation statistic Q which measures the tendency of voids to be stretched or squashed along the line of sight. Using this statistic, we find that at sufficiently high sampling densities (comparable to the number densities of galaxies brighter than L_*), large voids tend to be slightly elongated along the line of sight in redshift space.Comment: LaTex, 21 pages (including 7 figures), ApJ, submitte

    Dynamics of F/D networks: the role of bound states

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    We study, via numerical experiments, the role of bound states in the evolution of cosmic superstring networks, being composed by p F-strings, q D-strings and (p,q) bound states. We find robust evidence for scaling of all three components of the network, independently of initial conditions. The novelty of our numerical approach consists of having control over the initial abundance of bound states. This indeed allows us to identify the effect of bound states on the evolution of the network. Our studies also clearly show the existence of an additional energy loss mechanism, resulting to a lower overall string network energy, and thus scaling of the network. This new mechanism consists of the formation of bound states with an increasing length.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    A Bogomol`nyi equation for intersecting domain walls

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    We argue that the Wess-Zumino model with quartic superpotential admits static solutions in which three domain walls intersect at a junction. We derive an energy bound for such junctions and show that configurations saturating it preserve 1/4 supersymmetry.Comment: 4 pages revtex. No figures. Revised version to appear in Physical Review Letters includes discussion of the supersymmetry algebr

    'The show must go on': Event dramaturgy as consolidation of community

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    Event dramaturgy and cultural performance have not been examined in the literature from a strategic standpoint of fostering the social value of events. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the case of the Water Carnival, a celebratory event in a rural community of Southwest Texas, demonstrating the essence of this event as a symbolic social space, wherein event participants instantiate a shared and valued sense of community. A hermeneutical approach was employed, interpreting the event and its symbolisms as a text, combined with findings from ethnographic fieldwork, including participant observation, in-depth interviews and analysis of archival documents. The study examines the ways that dramaturgy in the Water Carnival helps frame the ongoing public discourse for community improvement and enhances social capital. The implications of the study for social leverage of events are discussed. It is suggested that a foundation for strategic social planning is the understanding of events as symbolic social spaces and their embeddedness in community development, which can be accomplished when events are pertinent to public discourse, address community issues, represent an inclusive range of stakeholders, and promote cooperation