346 research outputs found

    Attentional bias towards pain-related information diminishes the efficacy of distraction

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    Distraction is a strategy that is commonly used to cope with pain. Results concerning the efficacy of distraction from both experimental and clinical studies are variable, however, and indicate that its efficacy may depend on particular circumstances. Several models propose that distraction may be less effective for people who display a large attentional bias towards pain-related information. This hypothesis was tested in an experimental context with 53 pain-free volunteers. First, attentional bias towards cues signalling the occurrence of pain (electrocutaneous stimuli) and towards words describing the sensory experience of this painful stimulus was independently assessed by means of 2 behavioural paradigms (respectively, spatial cueing task and dot-probe task). This was followed by a subsequent distraction task during which the efficacy of distraction, by directing attention away from the electrocutaneous stimuli, was tested. In addition, state-trait anxiety, catastrophic thinking, and initial pain intensity were measured. Results indicated that people who display a large attentional bias towards predictive cues of pain or who initially experience the pain as more painful benefit less from distraction on a subsequent test. No effects were found between attentional bias towards pain words, state-trait anxiety, catastrophic thinking, and the efficacy of distraction. Current findings suggest that distraction should not be used as a 'one size fits all' method to control pain, but only under more specific conditions

    A jigsaw puzzle framework for homogenization of high porosity foams

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    An approach to homogenization of high porosity metallic foams is explored. The emphasis is on the \Alporas{} foam and its representation by means of two-dimensional wire-frame models. The guaranteed upper and lower bounds on the effective properties are derived by the first-order homogenization with the uniform and minimal kinematic boundary conditions at heart. This is combined with the method of Wang tilings to generate sufficiently large material samples along with their finite element discretization. The obtained results are compared to experimental and numerical data available in literature and the suitability of the two-dimensional setting itself is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Cognitive biases in pain: current challenges, future directions and treatment opportunities

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    Cognitive biases are a core component of contemporary cognitive-affective models that try to explain pain experience, distress and disability in children and adults experiencing pain. The idea that children and adults with pain show cognitive biases for pain-related information, i.e. they selectively attend to pain-related information at the cost of other information (attentional bias), interpret ambiguous stimuli as pain-related (interpretation bias) or have biased memories for painful events (memory bias), has been particularly influential in this context. Notwithstanding the considerable progress made in the understanding of cognitive biases related to pain and threat, a number of questions remains unanswered and future challenges linger. A first challenge is to further delineate the characteristics of cognitive biases, including their content specificity and dynamics. A second challenge relates to the understanding of how cognitive biases interrelate with each other and possibly reinforce one another. A third challenge relates to the translation of findings on cognitive biases for pain into clear strategies and recommendations to optimize and evaluate pain treatment programs. Presenters in this symposium will address each of the above-mentioned lingering challenges by both critically reviewing the available evidence on cognitive biases in children and/ or adults experiencing pain and presenting novel research using innovative study set-ups and unique methods for assessing and modifying cognitive biases in children and adults experiencing pain

    Webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella (Hummel) sex pheromone transfer from monitoring lures to textiles: Poster

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    The use of synthesized sex pheromone lures for the purpose of monitoring populations of webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella (Hummel) in museum storage environments is typical in many museums. Questions about whether the pheromone incorporated in the dispensing lures could possibly transfer over to textiles that are in close proximity to the lures have been posed by museum conservators. Although some textiles may be naturally attractive to clothes moths, the concerns are that the textiles themselves may become even more attractive to insects due to exposure to the pheromone and that this could ultimately cause further damage to the collections. The focus of this study was to determine the degree to which textiles that have been exposed to pheromone lures absorb the pheromone and become attractive themselves. Based on the results of this study, the textiles observed here have little to no additional attraction to insect pests after focused exposure to synthetic pheromone lures over a two-week period.The use of synthesized sex pheromone lures for the purpose of monitoring populations of webbing clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella (Hummel) in museum storage environments is typical in many museums. Questions about whether the pheromone incorporated in the dispensing lures could possibly transfer over to textiles that are in close proximity to the lures have been posed by museum conservators. Although some textiles may be naturally attractive to clothes moths, the concerns are that the textiles themselves may become even more attractive to insects due to exposure to the pheromone and that this could ultimately cause further damage to the collections. The focus of this study was to determine the degree to which textiles that have been exposed to pheromone lures absorb the pheromone and become attractive themselves. Based on the results of this study, the textiles observed here have little to no additional attraction to insect pests after focused exposure to synthetic pheromone lures over a two-week period