9 research outputs found


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    Objective: Peculiarities and age dynamics of hemispheric asymmetry investigation in children and adolescents with hypertension. Methods: 196 children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years (15.0±1.4), including 98 patients with arterial hypertension (AH) (15.1±1.5) and 98 healthy children of the control group (14.9±1.3). The number of boys in the comparison group and the main group of patients with AH was 60 (61.2%) and 59 (60.2%), girls — 37 (37.8%) and 39 (39.8%), respectively. Results: The majority of children and adolescents with hypertension sensorimotor asymmetry differed by low intensity, indicating a decline in the dominance of the left hemisphere. Accumulation of ambi- and left lateral features traced mainly in motor (53.6%) and auditory (60.2%) system, while asymmetry in the visual analyzer did not differ from the control group. Differences in the degree of hemispheric asymmetry increases in the ontogeny compared to control group. Conclusion: Identification of specificity hemispheric interaction in patients with hypertension (low asymmetry and its weak performance in ontogeny) can be considered not only as a pathological consequence of hypertension, but also as a compensatory mechanism for the redistribution of loads to the right hemisphere in terms of the functional deficit of the left hemisphere. It can be assumed that the rear parts of the brain may play a significant role in the processes of adaptation and compensation of occurring disorders in hypertension. Цель исследования: исследовать возрастную динамику и особенности межполушарной асимметрии у детей и подростков с эссенциальной артериальной гипертензией. Методы: проведено обследование 196 детей и подростков в возрасте от 10 до 17 лет, в т.ч. 98 пациентов с эссенциальной артериальной гипертензией (ЭАГ) (средний возраст 15,1±1,5 года) и 98 здоровых детей группы сравнения (средний возраст 14,9±1,3 года). Число мальчиков в группе сравнения и в основной группе пациентов с ЭАГ составило 60 (61,2%) и 59 (60,2%), девочек — 37 (37,8%) и 39 (39,8%), соответственно. Результаты: у 82,7% детей и подростков с ЭАГ сенсомоторная асимметрия отличалась низкой степенью выраженности по сравнению с группой сравнения, что указывало на снижение доминирования (по исследуемым характеристикам) левого полушария. Накопление амби- и леволатеральных черт пациентов с ЭАГ прослеживалось преимущественно в моторной (53,6%) и слуховой (60,2%) системе, в то время как асимметрия в зрительном анализаторе не отличалась от показателей группы сравнения. В процессе онтогенеза расхождение в степени выраженности межполушарной асимметрии по сравнению с контролем нарастало: если в младшей возрастной группе такие изменения только намечались (p 0,1), то в старших группах они приобретали отчетливый характер (p 0,001). Выводы: выявленная специфика межполушарного взаимодействия у больных с ЭАГ (низкий уровень асимметрии и слабая динамика в онтогенезе) может свидетельствовать не только о патологическом влиянии артериальной гипертензии, но и о компенсаторном механизме перераспределения нагрузок на правое полушарие в условиях функционального дефицита левого полушария. Можно предположить, что задние отделы мозга играют важную роль в процессах адаптации и компенсации нарушений, возникающих при ЭАГ.

    Interaction of languages as a sociolinguistic problem

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    The article is devoted to the problem of the interaction of languages, which is considered in the aspect of diachronic and synchronous sociolinguistics, including microsociolinguistics. Creole and Pidgin languages are analyzed and a description of the types of speech hybridization in modern communication is provided.Статья посвящена проблеме взаимодействия языков, которая рассматривается в аспекте диахронической и синхронической социолингвистики, включая микросоциолингвистику. Анализируются креольские языки и языки-пиджины и дается описание видов гибридизации речи в современной коммуникации

    Specialized language data base incorporating the texts of the regional Belarusian newspapers

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    Main principles of creation of the full-text database incorporating the texts of regional Belarusian mass-media being elaborated as an experimental basis within the framework of the research project «Functioning of the Belarusian language in bilingual regional mass media» are described. The choice of the bilingual regional newspapers texts as the authentic language material is justified and the annotation system is explained.У статті описано головні засади створення повнотекстової бази даних, що містить тексти регіональних білоруських ЗМІ і була розроблена як експериментальна основа в межах дослідницького проекту «Функціонування білоруської мови в двомовних регіональних засобах масової інформації». Обґрунтовується вибір двомовних регіональних газет як джерел автентичного мовного матеріалу і висвітлюється система анотування

    Palivizumab: Four seasons in Russia

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    In 2010, the Russian Federation (RF) registered palivizumab - innovative drug, based on monoclonal antibodies for passive immunization of seasonal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children of disease severe progress risk group, which include primarily premature infants, children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease. Currently, palivizumab is included in the list of recommended medicines and medical care standards of different countries, including Russia. In the review the results of Russian research on the progress of RSV infection, its epidemiology and immunization experience gained over the 2010-2014 period are summarized in relation to the foreign data. During the four epidemic seasons palivizumab immunization covered more than 3,200 children of severe RSV infection risk group with a progressive annual increase in the number of patients who received the drug. Geography of palivizumab immunization is also greatly expanded in our country during this time. If during the first two seasons measures of immunization were taken mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at the present time, thirty one territorial entities of the Russian Federation have the experience in the drug application. Analysis of the results of RSV infection immunization (made in several regions) confirms the high clinical efficacy and palivizumab safety already demonstrated in international studies. In addition, the analysis presents the potential to improve the efficiency of the integrated RSV infection immunization programs, realizing in the establishment of high-risk child group register, adequate counseling for parents, as well as the development of the routing of patients and coordination of interaction between different health institutions during the immunization. © 2014, Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved

    Palivizumab: Four seasons in Russia

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    In 2010, the Russian Federation (RF) registered palivizumab - innovative drug, based on monoclonal antibodies for passive immunization of seasonal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children of disease severe progress risk group, which include primarily premature infants, children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease. Currently, palivizumab is included in the list of recommended medicines and medical care standards of different countries, including Russia. In the review the results of Russian research on the progress of RSV infection, its epidemiology and immunization experience gained over the 2010-2014 period are summarized in relation to the foreign data. During the four epidemic seasons palivizumab immunization covered more than 3,200 children of severe RSV infection risk group with a progressive annual increase in the number of patients who received the drug. Geography of palivizumab immunization is also greatly expanded in our country during this time. If during the first two seasons measures of immunization were taken mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at the present time, thirty one territorial entities of the Russian Federation have the experience in the drug application. Analysis of the results of RSV infection immunization (made in several regions) confirms the high clinical efficacy and palivizumab safety already demonstrated in international studies. In addition, the analysis presents the potential to improve the efficiency of the integrated RSV infection immunization programs, realizing in the establishment of high-risk child group register, adequate counseling for parents, as well as the development of the routing of patients and coordination of interaction between different health institutions during the immunization. © 2014, Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved