85 research outputs found

    Composition of pigment complex in leaves of soybean plants, inoculated by Bradyrhizobium japonicum, subject to metal nanocarboxylates and various-levels of water supply

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    A distinctive feature of legumes is the ability to combine two most important processes: photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. However, the course of those processes, and therefore seed potential of those crops depend on a number of biotic and abiotic factors, the commonest being drought. Therefore, interest in physical-biochemical resistance of the plant organism to abiotic stress factors is increasing, as well as search for optimum ways to increase its adaptability. Success of adaptation of a plant’s organism to unfavourable environmental factors is known to largely depend on optimal functioning of assimilative apparatus. Some indicators of the condition of the apparatus are the content and ratio of photosynthesis pigments. Therefore, we aimed at determining the reaction of the pigment complex of Glycine max (L.) Merr. plants, grown against the background of optimal and insufficient watering, to inoculation of seeds with rhizobia bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum, cultivated using nanocarboxylates of chromium, cobalt, iron, copper and germanium. Research has shown that utilization of germanium nanocarboxylate as a component of inoculative suspension led to the highest content of chlorophylls in leaves of soybean of the studied variants in the blossoming phase during optimal watering, as well as significant increase in the content of carotenoids compared with the control plants regardless of the level of watering. At the same time, this element caused no significant effect on the chlorophyll content in plants grown in drought. It was confirmed that among soybean plants that were in stress conditions (blossoming phase) for two weeks, the highest content of chlorophylls was in leaves of plants grown from seeds inoculated with rhizobial suspension with addition of chromium and copper nanocarboxylates, which caused 25.3% and 22.8% increase in chlorophyll а, 29.4% and 32.3% in chlorophyll b and 26.4%% and 23.8% in them respectively, compared with the control. Furthermore, chromium and copper nanocarboxylates stimulated the content of carotenoids in the same plants, though it was less expressed than after adding germanium nanocarboxylate. The highest content of photosynthetic pigments in plants after the watering was resumed (phase of bean formation) was in cases of applying chromium and germanium nanocarboxylates. It was confirmed that the most efficient way to protect the pigment complex of soybean plants during drought was using chromium and germanium nanocarboxylates as components of inoculation suspension. The results we obtained indicate the possibility of applying chromium nanocarboxylate in the technology of cultivating soybean in the conditions of water deficiency as an effective way to improve biosynthesis of chlorophylls, as well as using germanium nanocarboxyllate as a component that provides a high level of activity of protective mechanisms of the pigment system of soybean, associated with resisting stress caused by water deficiency

    Hartman effect and spin precession in graphene

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    Spin precession has been used to measure the transmission time \tau over a distance L in a graphene sheet. Since conduction electrons in graphene have an energy-independent velocity v, one would expect \tau > L/v. Here we calculate that \tau < L/v at the Dirac point (= charge neutrality point) in a clean graphene sheet, and we interpret this result as a manifestation of the Hartman effect (apparent superluminality) known from optics.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; v2: added a section on the case of perpendicularly aligned magnetizations; v3: added a figur

    Quantum Abacus for counting and factorizing numbers

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    We generalize the binary quantum counting algorithm of Lesovik, Suslov, and Blatter [Phys. Rev. A 82, 012316 (2010)] to higher counting bases. The algorithm makes use of qubits, qutrits, and qudits to count numbers in a base 2, base 3, or base d representation. In operating the algorithm, the number n < N = d^K is read into a K-qudit register through its interaction with a stream of n particles passing in a nearby wire; this step corresponds to a quantum Fourier transformation from the Hilbert space of particles to the Hilbert space of qudit states. An inverse quantum Fourier transformation provides the number n in the base d representation; the inverse transformation is fully quantum at the level of individual qudits, while a simpler semi-classical version can be used on the level of qudit registers. Combining registers of qubits, qutrits, and qudits, where d is a prime number, with a simpler single-shot measurement allows to find the powers of 2, 3, and other primes d in the number n. We show, that the counting task naturally leads to the shift operation and an algorithm based on the quantum Fourier transformation. We discuss possible implementations of the algorithm using quantum spin-d systems, d-well systems, and their emulation with spin-1/2 or double-well systems. We establish the analogy between our counting algorithm and the phase estimation algorithm and make use of the latter's performance analysis in stabilizing our scheme. Applications embrace a quantum metrological scheme to measure a voltage (analog to digital converter) and a simple procedure to entangle multi-particle states.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    Limitations on the principle of stationary phase when it is applied to tunneling analysis

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    Using a recently developed procedure - multiple wave packet decomposition - here we study the phase time formulation for tunneling/reflecting particles colliding with a potential barrier. To partially overcome the analytical difficulties which frequently arise when the stationary phase method is employed for deriving phase (tunneling) time expressions, we present a theoretical exercise involving a symmetrical collision between two identical wave packets and an one-dimensional rectangular potential barrier. Summing the amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted waves - using a method we call multiple peak decomposition - is shown to allow reconstruction of the scattered wave packets in a way which allows the stationary phase principle to be recovered.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Еко-дизайн. Поєднання нових технологій та нетрадиційних художніх рішень

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    The article is devoted to synthesis of design and alternative power. The basic ways which allows giving decorative functions to devices of energy transformation by making their part of the art decision of interiors, exteriors and a landscape are described. In other way, involving alternative power in design area. Traditional and modern methods of alternative energy sources use are considered. The project of an unusual colour decision in water design which uses features of the physical phenomena of some chemical substances is presented, so the projects of the author developed with application of eko-technologies are shown.Данная статья посвящена синтезу дизайна и альтернативной энергетики. Описаны основные способы, позволяющие придавать декоративные характеристики устройствам преобразования энергии, делая их частью художественного решения интерьеров, экстерьеров и ландшафта. И наоборот, привлечение альтернативной энергетики в область дизайна. Рассмотрены традиционные методы использования возобновляемых источников, и их более современные модификации. Представлен проект необычного цветового решения в аквадизайне, который использует особенности физических явлений некоторых химических веществ, а также показаны проекты автора, разработанные с применением эко-технологий.Дана стаття присвячена синтезу дизайну та альтернативної енергетики. Описано основні способи, що дозволяють надавати декоративні функції пристроїв перетворення енергії , роблячи їх частиною художнього рішення інтер'єрів, екстер'єру і ландшафту. І навпаки, залучення альтернативної енергетики в область дизайну. Розглянуто традиційні методи використання поновлюваних джерел, і їх більш сучасні модифікації. Представлений проект незвичайного колірного рішення в аквадизайну , який використовує особливості фізичних явищ деяких хімічних речовин, а також показані проекти автора, розроблені із застосуванням еко - технологій

    Quantum divisibility test and its application in mesoscopic physics

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    We present a quantum algorithm to transform the cardinality of a set of charged particles flowing along a quantum wire into a binary number. The setup performing this task (for at most N particles) involves log_2 N quantum bits serving as counters and a sequential read out. Applications include a divisibility check to experimentally test the size of a finite train of particles in a quantum wire with a one-shot measurement and a scheme allowing to entangle multi-particle wave functions and generating Bell states, Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, or Dicke states in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    The influence of metal nanocarboxylates on the nitrogen-fixing activity of symbiotic soybean systems grown under field conditions

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    Background. Numerous scientific and industrial studies have proven the high effectiveness of using micronutrients in nanoscale form in agricultural crop cultivation technologies. Among them, special attention is drawn to soybeans, which hold a leading position in terms of sown areas among other leguminous crops in the country. They can provide up to 70 % of their own nitrogen needs through the fixation of its molecular form from the atmosphere in symbiosis with Bradyrhizobium japonicum nodulating bacteria. New methods of molecular biology, biotechnology, and genetic engineering, along with classical methods of microbiology, plant physiology, genetics, and agrochemistry, allow for addressing both fundamental questions regarding the characteristics of formation and functioning of legume-rhizobial systems, and practical approaches to correcting the interactions between symbiotic partners with the aim of creating highly effective symbioses. Therefore, research aimed at significant increasing the current level of biological nitrogen fixation and adapting symbiotic systems to negative environmental factors is currently relevant. The use of nanotechnology, in particular, the study of the effect of iron, germanium, and cobalt nanocarboxylates on the formation and functioning of the soybean-rhizobial symbiosis under field conditions in combination with seed inoculation with rhizobial bacteria may be promising. Materials and Methods. The objects of the investigation were symbiotic systems created with the participation of the Almaz variety of soybean and the Bradyrhizobium japonicum B1-20 rhizobacteria, and with the introduction of nanocarboxylates of iron (Fe), germanium (Ge) and cobalt (Co) into their cultivation medium. Physiological, microbiological, biochemical, and statistical research methods were used. Results. It was found that under field conditions, before the pod formation stage, the vegetative mass of soybean plants inoculated with rhizobial bacteria with the introduction of nanoparticles of carboxylates of iron, germanium, or cobalt into their cultivation medium was at the level of control plants or slightly exceeded them. It has been shown that under the effects of chelated micronutrients, the number of root nodules increased compared to control plants during the flowering and pod formation stages, and their mass was greater from the three trifoliate leaf stage, which ensured efficient functioning of the legume-rhizobial symbiosis. It has been noted that the used metal nanocarboxylates promote active functioning of the symbiotic apparatus in soybean plants, as an increase in nitrogen-fixing activity was observed at the stages of three trifoliate leaf development and flowering, ranging from 26–70 % depending on the microelement used. Conclusions. During field cultivation of soybeans, the effectiveness of pre-sowing seed inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum B1-20 rhizobia was demonstrated through the introduction of iron, germanium, or cobalt nanocarboxylates into their cultivation medium. This opens up opportunities for increasing the efficiency of symbiotic systems of soybeans

    Regulation of superoxide dismutase activity in soybean plants by inoculating seeds with rhizobia containing nanoparticles of metal carboxylates under conditions of different water supply

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    Soybean is one of the most profitable advanced crops in agricultural production in Ukraine and the world as a whole. Therefore, studies of means of regulation and increase in the adaptive capacity of soybeans in symbiosis with nodule bacteria under the action of unfavourable environmental factors are relevant and should be aimed at the use of complex bacterial compositions involving modern nanotechnological approaches. Nanocarboxylates of ferrum, molybdenum and germanium metals were used as components of rhizobia inoculation suspension for soybean seed treatment to study the effectiveness of their complex effect on the regulation of the activity of the key antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase in plants under drought. Various symbiotic systems were used, which included soybean plants and inoculation suspensions based on the active, virulent Tn5-mutant Bradyrhizobium japonicum B1-20 by adding nanoparticles of ferrum, germanium and molybdenum carboxylates to the culture medium in a ratio of 1: 1000. Citric acid was the chelator. A model drought lasting 14 days was created during the period of active fixation of atmospheric molecular nitrogen by root nodules of soybeans in the budding and flowering stages, by means of controlled watering of plants to 30% of the total moisture content. In the stage of bean formation, watering of plants was resumed to the optimal level – 60% of the total moisture content. The control was soybean plants, the seeds of which were inoculated with a suspension of rhizobia without the addition of chelated metals. The following research methods were used in the work – microbiological, physiological and biochemical. According to the results, it was found that when nanoparticles of carboxylates of ferrum, molybdenum and germanium were added to the inoculation suspension of rhizobia, there was an increase in superoxide dismutase activity in root nodules and a decrease in soybean leaves under optimal water supply conditions of plants. This indicates the initial changes in the activity of the antioxidant enzyme in these symbiotic systems, induced by the influence of chelated metals in combination with the rhizobia of the active Tn5-mutant B. japonicum B1-20. Prolonged drought induced an increase in the overall level of superoxide dismutase activity in soybean nodules and leaves, compared to plants grown under optimal watering conditions. The symbiotic system formed by soybeans and B. japonicum with molybdenum carboxylate nanoparticles was the most sensitive to long-term drought exposure, compared to two other soybean-rhizobial symbioses using ferrum and germanium nanocarboxylates. This was manifested in the unstable reaction of the enzyme to the action of drought – suppression or intensification of the level of its activity in the root nodules and leaves of soybeans inoculated with rhizobia containing molybdenum carboxylate nanoparticles. In symbiotic systems with the participation of germanium and ferrum nanocarboxylates, slight changes were revealed in superoxide dismutase activity in root nodules and leaves of plants during drought and restoration of enzyme activity to the level of plants with optimal watering after water stress. It is concluded that the addition to the culture medium of rhizobia Tn5-mutant B1-20 of nanocarboxylates of germanium or ferrum is an effective means of regulating the activity of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase in soybean root nodules and leaves, which can contribute to an increase in the protective properties and adaptation of plants to the action of dehydration

    Bohmian transmission and reflection dwell times without trajectory sampling

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    Within the framework of Bohmian mechanics dwell times find a straightforward formulation. The computation of associated probabilities and distributions however needs the explicit knowledge of a relevant sample of trajectories and therefore implies formidable numerical effort. Here a trajectory free formulation for the average transmission and reflection dwell times within static spatial intervals [a,b] is given for one-dimensional scattering problems. This formulation reduces the computation time to less than 5% of the computation time by means of trajectory sampling.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; v2: published version, significantly revised and shortened (former sections 2 and 3 omitted, appendix A added, simplified mathematics

    Passage-time distributions from a spin-boson detector model

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    The passage-time distribution for a spread-out quantum particle to traverse a specific region is calculated using a detailed quantum model for the detector involved. That model, developed and investigated in earlier works, is based on the detected particle's enhancement of the coupling between a collection of spins (in a metastable state) and their environment. We treat the continuum limit of the model, under the assumption of the Markov property, and calculate the particle state immediately after the first detection. An explicit example with 15 boson modes shows excellent agreement between the discrete model and the continuum limit. Analytical expressions for the passage-time distribution as well as numerical examples are presented. The precision of the measurement scheme is estimated and its optimization discussed. For slow particles, the precision goes like E3/4E^{-3/4}, which improves previous E1E^{-1} estimates, obtained with a quantum clock model.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; minor changes, references corrected; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.