25,132 research outputs found

    Michael Ryan: Research Profile and Outputs

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    The Effect of Slow Two‐Electron Transfers and Disproportionation on Cyclic Voltammograms

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    The EE mechanism (two‐electron transfer) for cyclic voltammetry was investigated in considerable detail along with the effect of disproportionation. The theory was developed for either the first or second electron transfer being slow while the other one was reversible. It was possible to develop generalized working curves for the height and shape of the wave regardless of the difference in Eo\u27s and the values of α and Ks. This theory was then applied to the analysis of the reduction of benzil in the presence of alkaline earth ions in dimethylformamide

    Slavery and identity in Mozarabic Toledo : 1201-1320

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    L'ocupació musulmana de Toledo va significar la coexistencia, en aquesta ciutat, de col·lectius que professaven religions diferents i entre els quals la tensió era freqüent: mossàrabs, jueus, castellans i colons francesos es convertiren en els grups dominants de la ciutat. Els musulmans de Toledo van haver d'escollir entre fugir, batejar-se o acabar com a captius o esclaus dels conqueridors

    Allocating Vote: Biosecurity - Towards an "Economics-Based" Approach for Setting Priorities for the Importation of Risk Goods

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    The New Zealand government (through its agency the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, MAF) seeks to mitigate the potential negative impacts of importation through requiring commodities that may pose a risk to New Zealand's primary production systems, human health, indigenous flora, fauna or biodiversity to have an import health standard. Given, potential import opportunities exist in a wide variety of commodities from many different countries, the demand for import health standards far outweighs MAF's available resources to develop them. Therefore MAF must have a framework that prioritises which import health standards will be developed. This paper briefly presents the framework MAF is currently using to undertake the prioritisation of import health standards and then discusses how the current framework could evolve to become more 'economics-based'.Prioritisation, Biosecurity, multiple criteria decision making, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy, International Relations/Trade,

    Monogenic Functions in Conformal Geometry

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    Monogenic functions are basic to Clifford analysis. On Euclidean space they are defined as smooth functions with values in the corresponding Clifford algebra satisfying a certain system of first order differential equations, usually referred to as the Dirac equation. There are two equally natural extensions of these equations to a Riemannian spin manifold only one of which is conformally invariant. We present a straightforward exposition.Comment: This is a contribution to the Proceedings of the 2007 Midwest Geometry Conference in honor of Thomas P. Branson, published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    The Electrochemical Oxidation of Organic Selenides and Selenoxides

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    The electrochemical oxidation of alkyl and aryl selenides was investigated in acetonitrile. The oxidation of diphenyl selenide and di(4‐methylphenyl) selenide led primarily to the formation of their respective selenoxides, which were identified by exhaustive coulometric oxidation and and analysis of the products. The selenoxide itself was not observed in the cyclic voltammetry of the selenide for two reasons: first, the protonation of the selenoxide by the acid formed from the reaction of water with the cation radical and second, the formation of a selenoxide hydrate. The formation of the hydrate with diphenyl selenoxide was verified by isolation of the dimethoxy derivative. In addition to the selenoxide, selenonium compounds, formed by the coupling of the oxidized material, were also observed. The alkyl selenides were generally oxidized at a lower potential than the aryl selenides. This trend is different from the sulfur analogues, where the aryl sulfides are easier to oxidize than their alkyl counterparts. As a result, the difference in their redox potentials is relatively small. These differences may occur because the oxidation of aryl sulfides is more likely to take place on the aromatic ring, which leads to a greater yield of the coupled products (about 100%) when compared to the selenide analogue

    In Animate Praise: The Heavenly Temple Liturgy of the Apocalypse and the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice

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    This article engages with contemporary research by drawing out evocative lines of continuity between the description of angelic praise in the heavenly realm in the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, and scenes of worship in the celestial temple in the Apocalypse (especially Rev 4-5). Three aspects will be picked-out for detailed scrutiny in this comparative analysis: ● The architecture and plan of the celestial temple ● The animate praise of the celestial architecture and furnishings ● The prominence of 'seven' as a structural principle The article concludes that the celestial temple liturgy of the Apocalypse shares a wealth of conceptual parallels with the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice as both texts visualise the heavenly realm as the interior of a celestial temple re-imagined as a living, animate structure of praise. The 'rhapsodic' meditation on the number seven in both texts suggests that the potential liturgical context of the Apocalypse's reception (Rev 1:10, Lord's Day), analogous to the Sabbath setting of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, may merit renewed investigation