1,315 research outputs found

    Ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of ATG12 regulates its proapoptotic activity

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    During macroautophagy, conjugation of ATG12 to ATG5 is essential for LC3 lipidation and autophagosome formation. Additionally, ATG12 has ATG5-independent functions in diverse processes including mitochondrial fusion and mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis. In this study, we investigated the regulation of free ATG12. In stark contrast to the stable ATG12–ATG5 conjugate, we find that free ATG12 is highly unstable and rapidly degraded in a proteasome-dependent manner. Surprisingly, ATG12, itself a ubiquitin-like protein, is directly ubiquitinated and this promotes its proteasomal degradation. As a functional consequence of its turnover, accumulation of free ATG12 contributes to proteasome inhibitor-mediated apoptosis, a finding that may be clinically important given the use of proteasome inhibitors as anticancer agents. Collectively, our results reveal a novel interconnection between autophagy, proteasome activity, and cell death mediated by the ubiquitin-like properties of ATG12

    Tracking Triploid Mortalities Of Eastern Oysters Crassostrea virginica In The Virginia Portion Of The Chesapeake Bay

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    Since 2012, aquacultured eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica have been reported by oyster farmers to display mortality approaching 30%, and in some cases 85%, in areas of the lower Chesapeake Bay, VA. Based on accounts from industry, this mortality has typically affected 1-y-old oysters between May and early July, and has tended to occur in triploid oysters, which represent the vast bulk of production in the area. During this period, samples submitted for pathology have not revealed the presence of major pathogens as a cause. In 2015, to gain deeper insight into this mortality and determine whether specific sites, ploidy condition, or genetic lines were affected, oyster seed commercially produced in early 2014 were obtained from four lines, one diploid (2N DEBY) and three triploid (3N DEBY, 3N hANA, and 3N Northern). These lines were deployed in July 2014 at aquaculture farms at five Chesapeake Bay locations: Locklies Creek and Milford Haven on the western shore, and Pungoteague Creek, Nassawadox Creek, and Cherrystone Creek on the Eastern Shore. During this study, mortality was observed to peak in June at most sites, reaching a mean mortality across all tested lines of 17.0% and a cumulative mortality for the study period of 32.0% at Nassawadox Creek, the site most severely affected by mortality that followed the expected early summer mortality pattern. Interval mortality at all sites decreased to under 5% after June, but cumulative levels for the study period reached from 8.8% to 18.6% even at the sites least affected by mortality. This represents a high level of mortality given the documented absence of material involvement by major oyster pathogens such as Hapolosporidium nelsoni and Perkinsus marinus. Infiltration of gill tissues by hemocytes, observed in up to 33% of individuals at Nassawadox Creek coincident with the increase in mortality, was the only pathology observed. Harmful algal blooms were not associated with the mortality, nor were abnormal temperatures or salinities. There was no clear relationship of mortality to oyster genetic heritage, although there was variability in susceptibility among oyster lines and interactions between lines and specific sites. At some locations and in comparison with diploids, triploid oysters appeared to be more susceptible to mortality. Mortality in triploids was coincident with the timing of peak gametogenic development in diploids. Given the lack of involvement by major pathogens and the possible association of mortality with oyster gametogenesis, future work should seek to better understand the suite of environmental stressors potentially impacting cultured oysters in these systems and their interactions with the physiology and energetics of these animals

    Pathways for nutrient loss to water with emphasis on phosphorus

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    Teagasc wishes to acknowledge the support of the Environmental Research Technological Development and Innovation (ERTDI) Programme under the Productive Sector Operational Programme which was financed by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2000-2006.End of project reportThe main objective of this project was to study phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural land under a range of conditions in Ireland, to quantify the main factors influencing losses and make recommendations on ways to reduce these losses. This report is a synthesis of the main conclusions and recommendations from the results of the studies. The final reports from the individual sub-projects in this project are available from the EPA (www.epa.ie).Environmental Protection Agenc

    Assessment of smoking status based on cotinine levels in nasal lavage fluid

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    Cotinine is a principal metabolite of nicotine with a substantially longer half-life, and cotinine levels in saliva, urine or serum are widely used to validate self-reported smoking status. The nasal cavity and olfactory system are directly exposed to tobacco smoke in smokers and in non-smokers who live with or work around smokers. However, despite the potential for a direct impact of tobacco smoke on the nasal epithelium and olfactory neurons, no prior studies have assessed cotinine levels in nasal mucus. We sought to determine whether cotinine levels in nasal lavage fluid (NLF) would provide a reasonable estimate of smoke exposure. We assayed cotinine using a competitive immunoassay in NLF from 23 smokers, 10 non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke (ETS) and 60 non-smokers who did not report smoke exposure. NLF cotinine levels were significantly higher in smokers than in non-smokers, regardless of their exposure to ambient tobacco smoke. Cotinine levels in this small group of exposed non-smokers were not significantly different than those of non-exposed non-smokers. A cutoff of 1 ng/ml provided a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 99% for smoking status in this sample. Data were consistent with self-reported smoking status, and a cutoff of 1.0 ng/ml NLF cotinine may be used to classify smoking status. While saliva is the most easily obtained body fluid, NLF can be used to provide an objective and precise indication of smoking status and more directly reflects smoke exposure in the nasal and olfactory mucosa

    Positive Surgical Margins in the 10 Most Common Solid Cancers.

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    A positive surgical margin (PSM) following cancer resection oftentimes necessitates adjuvant treatments and carries significant financial and prognostic implications. We sought to compare PSM rates for the ten most common solid cancers in the United States, and to assess trends over time. Over 10 million patients were identified in the National Cancer Data Base from 1998-2012, and 6.5 million had surgical margin data. PSM rates were compared between two time periods, 1998-2002 and 2008-2012. PSM was positively correlated with tumor category and grade. Ovarian and prostate cancers had the highest PSM prevalence in women and men, respectively. The highest PSM rates for cancers affecting both genders were seen for oral cavity tumors. PSM rates for breast cancer and lung and bronchus cancer in both men and women declined over the study period. PSM increases were seen for bladder, colon and rectum, and kidney and renal pelvis cancers. This large-scale analysis appraises the magnitude of PSM in the United States in order to focus future efforts on improving oncologic surgical care with the goal of optimizing value and improving patient outcomes

    Discovery of Fur binding site clusters in Escherichia coli by information theory models

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    Fur is a DNA binding protein that represses bacterial iron uptake systems. Eleven footprinted Escherichia coli Fur binding sites were used to create an initial information theory model of Fur binding, which was then refined by adding 13 experimentally confirmed sites. When the refined model was scanned across all available footprinted sequences, sequence walkers, which are visual depictions of predicted binding sites, frequently appeared in clusters that fit the footprints (∼83% coverage). This indicated that the model can accurately predict Fur binding. Within the clusters, individual walkers were separated from their neighbors by exactly 3 or 6 bases, consistent with models in which Fur dimers bind on different faces of the DNA helix. When the E. coli genome was scanned, we found 363 unique clusters, which includes all known Fur-repressed genes that are involved in iron metabolism. In contrast, only a few of the known Fur-activated genes have predicted Fur binding sites at their promoters. These observations suggest that Fur is either a direct repressor or an indirect activator. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis Fur models are highly similar to the E. coli Fur model, suggesting that the Fur–DNA recognition mechanism may be conserved for even distantly related bacteria

    TRIO gene segregation in a family with cerebellar ataxia

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    Aim of the study: To report a family with a novel TRIO gene mutation associated withphenotype of cerebellar ataxia. Materials and methods: Seven family members of Caribbean descent were recruited through our ataxia research protocol; of the family members, the mother and all 3 children were found to be affected with severe young-onset and rapidly progressive truncal and appendicular ataxia leading to early disability. Array comparative genomic hybridization, mitochondrial DNA analysis, and whole-exome sequencing were performed on 3 of the family members (mother and 2 daughters). Results: While the maternal grandmother, great uncle and great aunt were unaffected, the mother and 3 children displayed cognitive dysfunction, severe ataxia, spasticity, and speech disturbances. Age of onset ranged between 3 and 17 years, with average current disease duration of 21 years. Whole-exome sequencing showed a variant p.A1214V in exon 22 of the TRIO gene in 3 of the family members. Array comparative genomic hybridization and mitochondrial DNA analysis were normal. The same variant was later discovered in all but one family member. Conclusions and clinical implications: The TRIO p.A1214V variant is associated with cerebellar ataxia in the studied family; it was present in all affected and unaffected family members. Phenotype is severe and broad. Anticipation seems to be present (based on 2 affected generations). It is warranted to screen additional familial early-onset and rapidly progressive ataxia cases for this genotype. TRIO gene mutations may well represent a novel spinocerebellar ataxia subtype

    Pulmonary Effects of Indoor- and Outdoor-Generated Particles in Children with Asthma

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    Most particulate matter (PM) health effects studies use outdoor (ambient) PM as a surrogate for personal exposure. However, people spend most of their time indoors exposed to a combination of indoor-generated particles and ambient particles that have infiltrated. Thus, it is important to investigate the differential health effects of indoor- and ambient-generated particles. We combined our recently adapted recursive model and a predictive model for estimating infiltration efficiency to separate personal exposure (E) to PM(2.5) (PM with aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 μm) into its indoor-generated (E(ig)) and ambient-generated (E(ag)) components for 19 children with asthma. We then compared E(ig) and E(ag) to changes in exhaled nitric oxide (eNO), a marker of airway inflammation. Based on the recursive model with a sample size of eight children, E(ag) was marginally associated with increases in eNO [5.6 ppb per 10-μg/m(3) increase in PM(2.5); 95% confidence interval (CI), −0.6 to 11.9; p = 0.08]. E(ig) was not associated with eNO (−0.19 ppb change per 10μg/m(3)). Our predictive model allowed us to estimate E(ag) and E(ig) for all 19 children. For those combined estimates, only E(ag) was significantly associated with an increase in eNO (E(ag): 5.0 ppb per 10-μg/m(3) increase in PM(2.5;) 95% CI, 0.3 to 9.7; p = 0.04; E(ig): 3.3 ppb per 10-μg/m(3) increase in PM(2.5); 95% CI, −1.1 to 7.7; p = 0.15). Effects were seen only in children who were not using corticosteroid therapy. We conclude that the ambient-generated component of PM(2.5) exposure is consistently associated with increases in eNO and the indoor-generated component is less strongly associated with eNO

    Putting the PASS in Class: Peer Mentors’ Identities in Science Workshops on Campus and Online

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    In this paper, we analyse the introduction of peer mentors into timetabled classes to understand how in-class mentoring supports students’ learning. The peer mentors in this study are high-achieving students who previously completed the same course and who were hired and trained to facilitate Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS). PASS gives students the opportunity to deepen their understanding through revision and active learning and are typically held outside of class time. In contrast, our trial embedded peer mentors into classes for a large (~250 students) first-year workshop-based course. We employed a participatory action research methodology to facilitate the peer mentors’ co-creation of the research process. Data sources include peer mentors’ journal entries, student cohort data, and a focus group with teaching staff. We found that during face-to-face workshops, peer mentors role-modelled ideal student behaviour (e.g., asking questions) rather than acting as additional teachers, and this helped students to better understand how to interact effectively in class. The identity of embedded peer mentors is neither that of teachers nor of students, and it instead spans aspects of both as described using a three-part schema comprising (i) identity, (ii) associated roles, and (iii) associated practices. As we moved classes online mid-semester in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, mentors’ identities remained stable, but mentors adjusted their associated roles and practices, including through the technical aspects of their engagement with students. This study highlights the benefits of embedding mentors in classrooms on campus and online