17 research outputs found

    Observation Of A High-energy Cosmic-ray Family Caused By A Centauro-type Nuclear Interaction In The Joint Emulsion Chamber Experiment At The Pamirs

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    An exotic cosmic-ray family event is observed in the large emulsion chamber exposed by the joint at the Pamirs (4360 m above sea level). The family is composed of 120γ-ray-induced showers and 37 hadron-induced showers with individual visible energy exceeding 1 TeV. The decisive feature of the event is the hadron dominance: ΣEγ, ΣE(γ) h, 〈Eγ, 〈E(γ) h〉, 〈Eγ·Rγ〉 and 〈E(γ)·Rh〉 being 298 TeV, 476 TeV, 2.5 TeV, 12.9 TeV, 28.6 GeV m and 173 GeV m, respectively. Most probably the event is due to a Centauro interaction, which occured in the atmosphere at ∼700 m above the chamber. The event will constitute the second beautiful candidate for a Centauro observed at the Pamirs. © 1987.1901-2226233Bayburina, (1981) Nucl. Phys. B, 191, p. 1Lattes, Fujimoto, Hasegawa, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151(1984) Trudy FIAN, 154, p. 1Borisov, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 3. , TokyoRen, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 317. , La JollaYamashita, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 364. , La JollaTamada, (1977) Nuovo Cimento, 41 B, p. 245T. Shibata et al., to be publishedHillas, (1979) 16th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 13. , KyotoBattiston, Measurement of the proton-antiproton elastic and total cross section at a centre-of-mass energy of 540 GeV (1982) Physics Letters B, 117, p. 126UA5 Collab., G.J. Alner et al., preprint CERN-EP/85-62Taylor, (1976) Phys. Rev. D, 14, p. 1217Burnett, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 468. , Toky

    Nuclear Interactions Of Super High Energy Cosmic-rays Observed In Mountain Emulsion Chambers

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    Here we present a summary of joint discussions on the results of three mountain experiments with large-scale emulsion chambers, at Pamir, Mt. Fuji and Chacaltaya. Observations cover gamma quanta, hadrons and their clusters (called "families"). The following topics are covered, concerning the characteristics of nuclear interactions the energy region 1014-1016 eV: (i) rapid dissipation seen in atmospheric diffusion of high-energy cosmic-rays; (ii) multiplicity and Pt increase in produced pi-mesons in the fragmentation region; (iii) existence of large-Pt jets, (iv) extremely hadron-rich family of the Centauro type; (v) exotic phenomena in the extremely high energy region beyond 1016 eV. © 1981.1911125(1977) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60)(1973) 13th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 3, p. 2228(1975) 14th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., 7, p. 2365(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 334(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 344(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 6816th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf. (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 284(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 294(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 87(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 92(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 98(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 94(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 145(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 317(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 350(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 356(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 362Nikolsky, Proc. 9th Int. High-energy Symp. (1978) CSSR, 21. , ToborMiyake, (1978) Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on High-energy physics, p. 433Vernov, (1977) Physica, 3, p. 1601Khristiansen, (1978) JETP Lett., 28, p. 124(1973) 13th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 3, p. 2219Izv. Acad. Nauk USSR, ser Phys. (1974) Izv. Acad. Nauk USSR, ser Phys., 38, p. 918(1975) 14th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 2365(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 68Dunaevsky, Urysson, Emelyanov, Shorin, Tashimov, (1975) FIAN preprint no. 150Dunaevsky, Urysson, Emelyanov, Shorin, Tashinov, (1979) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60), p. 199Ivanenko, Kanevskya, Roganova, (1978) JETP Lett., 40, p. 704Ivanenko, Kanevsky, Roganova, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 101Ivanenko, Kanevsky, Roganova, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 198Wrotniak, (1977) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60), p. 165Krys, Tomaszevski, Wrotniak, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 182Krys, Tomaszevski, Wrotniak, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 186Fomin, Kempa, Khristiansen, Levina, Piotrowska, Wdowczyk, (1977) 15th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 248Fomin, Kempa, Khristiansen, Levina, Piotrowska, Wdowczyk, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 82Azimov, Mullazhanov, Yuldashbayev, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 262Azimov, Mullazhanov, Yuldashbayev, (1977) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60), p. 275Kasahara, Torri, Yuda, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 70Kasahara, Torii, Yuda, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 79Shibata, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 176H. Semba, T. Shibata and T. Tabuki, Suppl. Prog. Theor. Phys., to be publishedZhdanov, Roinishvilli, Smorodin, Tomaszevski, (1975) FIAN preprint no. 163Lattes, Fujimoto, Hasegawa, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 152Ellsworth, Gaisser, Yodh, (1981) Phys. Rev., 23 D, p. 764Baradzei, Smorodin, (1974) FIAN preprint nos. 103, 104Baradzei, Smorodin, (1977) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60), p. 51Zhdanov, (1980) FIAN preprint no. 140H. Semba, T. Shibata and T. Tabuki, Suppl. Prog. Theor. Phys., to be publishedShibata, (1980) Phys. Rev., 22 D, p. 100Slavatinsky, (1980) Proc. 7th European Symp. on Cosmic rays, , Leningrad, to be published(1979) AIP Conference Proc. no. 49, p. 145Azimov, Abduzhamilov, Chudakov, (1963) JETP (Sov. Phys.), 45, p. 40713th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf. (1973) 13th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 5, p. 326Acharya, Rao, Sivaprasad, Rao, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 289Ellsworth, Goodman, Yodh, Gaisser, Stanev, (1981) Phys. Rev., 23 D, p. 771Bariburina, Guseva, Denisova, (1980) Acta Univ. Lodz, 1, p. 9415th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf. (1977) 15th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 184(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 33

    Polycode hypertext in polylingual discourse of intercultural communications

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    The article considers linguistic aspects of polycode hypertext functioning in a polylingual context investigating its potential in changing the value orientation of a mass recipient. Hypertext is regarded as a means of communication uniting multilingual streams of conceptual sense, which is represented by means of verbal and non-verbal codes as well as perceptive images of multi-level modalities. Resistance to hidden manipulative influence is an acute problem nowadays. Hypertext as an asymmetric and polymodal phenomenon is seen from the point of view of its functioning in a communicative reality. The psycholinguistic experimental study using the method of semantic differential shows the main trends of creolized hypertext development and perception. Pragmatic potential of different parameters of visual components for manipulation of the public conscience is identified. Polycode text usage changes categorial realia of communication through information perception management resulting in modification of recipients’ value orientation. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    Визуальная коммуникация в соотношении оффлайн и онлайн: специфика восприятия в современном социокультурном дискурсе

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    The article considers the issues concerning the functioning of visual images in mass communication. By means of instant offline / online switching the model of a new daily routine is set including a visual code influencing everyday life of a person. Visual images in a communicative message are often combined with a verbal text, forming creolized texts. The study was based on a popular science text using experimental (question-answering technique), comparative and statistical methods. The article presents the results of an experimental study identifying the impact of visual images of an illustration on the assimilation and memorization of verbal information. The influence of visual realistic representation of the main and peripheral information of the popular science text on its perception has been studied. The results suggest that in most cases the visual representation of information improves its perception and, although it does not guarantee a 100-cent gain in new knowledge, helps to get an idea of the content of the verbal text. It has been stated that figurative pictorial representation of information does not improve the perception and memorization of structural phenomena, for example, classification by various parameters.Статья посвящена проблеме функционирования визуальных образов в массовой коммуникации. Посредством моментальных переключений между оффлайн и онлайн задается модель новой повседневности, включающей в себя визуальный код, который настраивает человека ориентироваться в жизни в определенном ключе. Визуальные образы в коммуникативном сообщении часто соединяются с вербальным текстом, образуя креолизованные тексты. В статье представлены результаты эксперимента, проведенного с целью выявления воздействия визуальных образов иллюстрации на усвоение и запоминание вербальной информации. Изучалось влияние визуального реалистического представления основной и периферийной информации научно-популярного текста на его восприятие. Результаты позволяют сделать вывод о том, что в большинстве случаев визуальное образное представление информации улучшает ее восприятие и, хотя и не гарантирует 100-центного получения нового знания, помогает получить представление о содержании вербального текста. Установлено, что образное рисуночное представление информации не улучшает восприятие и запоминание структурных феноменов, например, классификации по различным параметрам


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    The priority role of modern information technologies in the field of teaching foreign languages with elements of distance learning based on the principles of individualized learning is considered. The relevance of the study is due to the acute demand for new approaches to the sources of self-development, characterized by a set of properties that allow continuous updating of knowledge. Students are becoming more aware of themselves as the subject of educational process. The concept of independent learning embraces various forms of material presentation, making e-learning not only mobile, but also adapted to the pace of everyday life. The student's involvement in the digital environment makes scientific research focus on the ability to work independently with a large amount of information, and, therefore, the subject of this study is independent work based on the principles of distance digital learning. The main objective is to summarize the methodology developed and tested by the authors in several Russian universities concerning the organization of students' independent work, which increases the regulation of self-education in the field of foreign languages. The methodological basis of the study was the works by A. McAuley, B. Stewart, G. Siemens, D. Cormier and others, devoted to the development of technological components of self-study training, which is provided by open interfaces, modularity, cloud storage of training materials. It is revealed that with the absolutization of information technology, there is a risk of succumbing to the illusion of smart intelligence as a decisive one. The assumption that if a person has access to technologies, he actively uses them, is not valid. The study has shown that a fairly large number of students of different ages are consciously not using distance technologies, being fully aware of their functions. The results of the study also show constantly changing multidimensional vision, the dominance of visualization. The conclusion is made about the emerging digital culture as a continuously moving space of visual flows, in which electronic courses significantly expand the teacher's opportunities, giving free rein to students in the creative implementation of selflearning methods

    Polycode hypertext in polylingual discourse of intercultural communications

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    The article considers linguistic aspects of polycode hypertext functioning in a polylingual context investigating its potential in changing the value orientation of a mass recipient. Hypertext is regarded as a means of communication uniting multilingual streams of conceptual sense, which is represented by means of verbal and non-verbal codes as well as perceptive images of multi-level modalities. Resistance to hidden manipulative influence is an acute problem nowadays. Hypertext as an asymmetric and polymodal phenomenon is seen from the point of view of its functioning in a communicative reality. The psycholinguistic experimental study using the method of semantic differential shows the main trends of creolized hypertext development and perception. Pragmatic potential of different parameters of visual components for manipulation of the public conscience is identified. Polycode text usage changes categorial realia of communication through information perception management resulting in modification of recipients’ value orientation. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    Development and validation of a multiplex UHPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of the investigational antibiotic against multi-resistant tuberculosis macozinone (PBTZ169) and five active metabolites in human plasma.

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    The emergence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains resistant to current first-line antibiotic regimens constitutes a major global health threat. New treatments against multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are thus eagerly needed in particular in countries with a high MDR-TB prevalence. In this context, macozinone (PBTZ169), a promising drug candidate with an unique mode of action and highly potent in vitro tuberculocidal properties against MDR Mycobacterium strains, has now reached the clinical phase and has been notably tested in healthy male volunteers in Switzerland. To that endeavor, a multiplex UHPLC-MS/MS method has been developed for the sensitive and accurate human plasma levels determination of PBTZ169 along with five metabolites retaining in vitro anti-TB activity. Plasma protein precipitation with methanol was carried out as a simplified sample clean-up procedure followed by direct injection of the undiluted supernatant for the bioanalysis of the six analytes within 5 min, using 1.8 μm reversed-phase chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry employing electrospray ionization in the positive mode. Stable isotopically-labelled PBTZ169 was used as internal standard (ISTD), while metabolites could be reliably quantified using two unlabeled chemical analogues selected as ISTD from a large in-house analogous compounds library. The overall methodology was fully validated according to current recommendations (FDA, EMEA) for bioanalytical methods, which include selectivity, carryover, qualitative and quantitative matrix effect, extraction recovery, process efficiency, trueness, precision, accuracy profiles, method and instrument detection limits, integrity to dilution, anticoagulant comparison and short- and long-term stabilities. Stability studies on the reduced metabolite H2-PBTZ169 have shown no significant impact on the actual PBTZ169 concentrations determined with the proposed assay. This simplified, rapid, sensitive and robust methodology has been applied to the bioanalysis of human plasma samples collected within the frame of a phase I clinical study in healthy volunteers receiving PBTZ169