45 research outputs found

    Research of Rational Concentration of Oilseed Crops Meals in the Sandy Dough Semi-finished Product

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    The work studies the rational concentration of meals of soya, sunflower and milk thistle in a sandy dough semi-product for improving healthy properties of ready products (biological value, stomach peristalsis, metabolism, saturation with vitamins and mineral substances). Analytic studies were conducted and advantages of using meals in dough products were determined. The chemical composition of meals was determined, and the optimal composition for satisfying the human need that is in ratio 3:4:3 was calculated. The quality of meals was estimated, and their organoleptic parameters were analyzed. The sensor analysis of sandy semi-products of oilseed crops meals was realized. It was established, that adding of the meal composition instead of flour in amount 20 % is an optimal solution for using in a sandy dough semi-product.There was established the influence of meals of oilseed crops on organoleptic parameters of developed sandy semi-products. Advantages and defects of using the aforesaid meals were established. Ways of improving the outlook and consistence of shortcakes were offered. Ways of further studies were established

    Metabolic syndrome components and vitamin D availability relationship in late postmenopausal women

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    BACKGROUND: The global prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is currently a real threat due to association with major chronic non-communicable diseases. Abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia contribute significantly to cardiometabolic risk in late postmenopausal women.AIM: to assess the frequency of deficiency and insufficiency of 25(OH)D in late postmenopausal residents of Yekaterinburg; to establish associations of 25(OH)D serum concentration with components of metabolic syndrome and severity of menopausal symptoms.MATERIALS AND METHODS: During the period from October 2018 to March 2020 145 independently living late postmenopausal residents of Yekaterinburg were enrolled in a cross-sectional study. The following scope of data regarding each of the subjects was collected: complaints and anamnesis, anthropometry, diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus, assessment of 25 (OH)D level by the ECLIA method, LDL-C, HDL-C levels, serum TG by the enzymatic colorimetric method, as well as the evaluation of the modified menopausal index.RESULTS: Adequate serum level of 25(OH)D was detected in 20.6% patients, insufficiency and deficiency were found in 33.1 and 46.2% cases, respectively. In patients with vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, the most frequent metabolic syndrome components were arterial hypertension (p=0.02; OR 3.5; CI 1.2–10.6) and abdominal obesity (p=0.03; OR 2.8; CI 1.1–7.2). Vitamin D deficient subjects had significantly lower serum HDL and increased TG levels (p=0.04), compared to the adequately provided 25(OH)D patients. Vitamin D levels were not associated with the severity of menopausal symptoms in late postmenopausal women. Regular daily intake of 400–2000 IU of colecalciferol contributed to higher serum 25(OH)D level.CONCLUSION: a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among postmenopausal women of Yekaterinburg was detected. Diagnosis and correction of vitamin D levels are necessary for timely reduction of cardiometabolic risk, primarily due to the potential pleiotropic effects of D-hormone on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism

    Association of haplotypes for SNPs in the LTR regions of bovine leukemia virus with hematological indices of cattle

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    Molecular typing of BLV samples isolated from Holsteinized Russian Black Pied cattle was carried out, and various cytofluorometric and morphological blood indices were examined. We performed the total count of white blood cells (WBC), lymphocyte (lymf), granulocyte (gran), monocyte (mon), red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HTC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), platelet count (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), and platelet crit count (PCT). The LTR-region of BLV was haplotyped. Only viruses of haplotypes I (0.33±0.03) and III (0.67±0.03) of the eight possible were detected. The ratio of hematologically sick, healthy, and suspected carriers of BLV of haplotypes I and II was comparable with the results of other researchers. The numbers of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets in the blood of carriers of haplotype III exceeded the corresponding parameters of cattle affected by the virus of haplotype I. It is interesting to note that the difference in the hemolytic status of animals was manifested not only by the concentration of leukocytes as direct immune agents but also by the count of erythrocytes and platelets, which are not directly involved in the immune response. The number of particles of haplotype III of the BLV circulating in the blood of infected individuals exceeded that of the carriers of haplotype I. In this connection, an assumption was made about the evolutionary advantage of the more virulent haplotype III. However, the results of our own research in conjunction with the data of other scientists indicate that the high virulence of individual virus strains is a consequence of the tendency to implement the maximum possible intensity of the synthesis of virus particles but not of the high damaging effect alone. It is shown that high lethality is evolutionarily disadvantageous for viruses, since the extinction of the carrier as a biological species is fraught with the disappearance of the virus itself

    Analysis of risk factors for decreased calcidiol levels in late postmenopausal women: Results of a cross‑sectional study

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    The aim of the study was to assess the contribution of the most significant vitamin D deficiency risk factors to calcidiol supply in late postmenopausal Ekaterinburg residents.Цель исследования — оценка вклада наиболее значимых факторов риска дефицита витамина D в обеспеченность кальцидиолом женщин поздней постменопаузы, проживающих в Екатеринбурге

    Medicin, laws and rights

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    This article is about the relationships between doctor and patient. The number of doctors claims increase. This claims are about not good quality of medical care. Therefore doctors should know the law that protect rights of patients. The feature of relationships between obstetrician gynecologist and patient is responsibility for born and development of child. One the one hand the relationships between doctor and patient is regulated the Russian Federation Laws on the other ethics and deontology. The last played a key role in a good relationships between doctor and patient.В статье освещаются некоторые положения о взаимоотношениях врача и пациента. В последние годы наблюдается рост исков к врачам по поводу оказания некачественной медицинской помощи. Поэтому врачам необходимо знание законов, защищающих права пациентов. Особенность отношений акушера-гинеколога и пациентки определяется ответственностью за благополучное вынашивание беременности, за состояние внутриутробного развития плода и рождение здорового ребенка. С одной стороны, взаимоотношения врача и пациента регулируются законами РФ, с другой — соблюдением этики и деонтологии. Последнее играет существенную роль для благоприятных взаимоотношений врача и пациента

    Современные тенденции развития женской борьбы

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    The history of the development of women’s wrestling as an Olympic sport is considered in the article from the point of view of the statistical indicators dynamics (the period 1985–2021): changes in the number of participating countries in international competitions and the number of athletes declared from each participating country. The anylized competitions: the World Cup, the World Women’s Wrestling Championship and the Olympic Games. The purpose of the study is to assess the current state and development trends of women’s wrestling in the world. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature, statistical database processing United World Wrestling (UWW) – https://uww.org/. The indicators of the participating countries number in women’s wrestling international competitions and the number of athletes declared from each participating country were analyzed. The results obtained complement the theoretical section of the sports development history, the history of the Olympic Games and the wrwstling development history. Describing the current state of women’s wrestling, it can be noted that this type of wrestling is developing in 186 countries of the world, including Africa – 47, South and North America – 33, Asia – 40, Europe – 48 and Oceania – 18. The analysis revealed that the main trends in the development of women’s wrestling in the world are the following directions: 1) the development of women’s wrestling takes place within the sports wrestling development general history framework in the world, since women’s wrestling competitions follow the rules of freestyle wrestling; 2) the development of women’s wrestling as an independent sport (discipline) begins in the 1980s with the first international competitions and reaches its peak after being included in the program of the Olympic Games; 3) there is a high rate of the different countries women’s wrestling development (first of all, an increase in the number of participating countries and athletes participating in world championships, and secondly, an increase in the list of countries participating at least once in the Olympic Games); 4) the holding of the Olympic Games leads to a sharp increase in the number of countries, since a significant increase in the number of countries developing women’s wrestling was observed in 2008–2009 after being included in the program of the Olympic Games; 5) the achievement of the modern level of development of women’s wrestling became possible in 30 years, but women’s wrestling became the third female martial art (after judo and taekwondo) included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. Statistical analysis confirms the need to maintain the Olympic status for this sport for further positive dynamics in the development of women’s wrestlingИстория развития женской борьбы как олимпийского вида спорта рассмотрена с точки зрения динамики статистических показателей (период 1985–2021 гг.): изменения численности стран, участвующих в соревнованиях международного уровня, и количества спортсменов, заявленных от каждой страны-участницы. Проанализированы соревнования – Кубок мира, чемпионат мира по женской борьбе и Олимпийские игры. Цель исследования – оценить современные состояние и тенденции развития женской борьбы в мире. Проведен анализ научно-методической литературы, а также статистическая обработка базы данных United World Wrestling (UWW) – https://uww.org/. Рассмотрены показатели численности стран-участниц в соревнованиях международного уровня по женской борьбе и количества спортсменок, заявленных от каждой страны-участницы. Полученные результаты дополняют теоретический раздел истории развития спорта, истории проведения Олимпийских игр и истории развития спортивной борьбы. Характеризуя современное состояние женской борьбы, можно отметить, что этот вид развивается в 186 странах мира, среди которых страны Африки – 47, Южной и Северной Америки – 33, Азии – 40, Европы – 48 и Океании – 18. В ходе анализа выявлено, что основными тенденциями развития женской борьбы в мире можно назвать следующие: 1) развитие женской борьбы происходит в рамках общей истории развития спортивной борьбы в мире, так как соревнования здесь идут по правилам вольной борьбы; 2) женская борьба как самостоятельный вид спорта (дисциплины) начинается с 1980-х годов с проведения первых международных соревнований и достигает своего пика после включения в программу Олимпийских игр; 3) высокий темп развития женской борьбы отмечен в разных странах мира (в первую очередь по росту количества стран-участниц и спортсменок-участниц в чемпионатах мира, во вторую – по увеличению списка стран, хоть единожды участвовавших в Олимпийских играх); 4) проведение Олимпийских игр приводит к резкому увеличению количества участниц, так как значительный прирост числа стран, развивающих женскую борьбу, наблюдался в 2008–2009 гг. после включения в программу Олимпийских игр; 5) современный уровень развития женской борьбы достигнут за 30 лет, причем она стала третьим женским видом единоборств (после дзюдо и тхэквондо), включенным в программу летних Олимпийских игр. Статистический анализ подтверждает необходимость сохранять олимпийский статус этого вида спорта для дальнейшей положительной динамики в темпах развития женской борьб

    Social Network-Based Digital Stroke Prevention: Opportunities, Results and Prospects

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    Aim. To study the possibilities and limitations of the social network as a digital medical tool, which is aimed at improving programs for primary and secondary stroke prevention in young people.Material and methods. The study was carried out in the format of online training for volunteers. At the first stage of the work, the online school “Stroke in Young People” was announced in 8 medical blogs. As part of the school, a special account was created for readers (n=1354). At the second stage, 49 respondents (4% of men, whose average age was 24.4±5.2 years) were selected from 1354 listeners, who were surveyed on “Awareness of risk factors and stroke symptoms among users of social networks” before and after the online school.Results. The online school audience is predominantly female (91%), and 43% of readers were in the 25-34 age group. The total number of people who listened to and read the online school material is 8712 people. 17% worked in the healthcare system, and 22% of respondents had a history of stroke. 38 (78%) people of the 2nd stage among the respondents independently searched for information about stroke earlier, and 30 (61%) received this information passively from medical workers in 2020. Before the online school start, the majority of respondents (over 60%) were aware of 2 out of 7 stroke risk factors (dyslipidemia and arterial hypertension) and 3 out of 6 stroke signs (drooping of the face half, weakness in the limbs and difficulty speaking). Less than 40% of the participants considered the stroke risk factors for diabetes mellitus, other cardiovascular diseases (CVD), obesity, and alcohol use; less than 20% were aware of stroke symptoms such as impaired vision and coordination and very severe headache. After completing online learning, the greatest increase in knowledge was found among the following risk factors – smoking and other CVDs (p<0.05); stroke symptoms - headache and drooping of the face half (p<0.05).Conclusion. The online school aroused interest among healthcare workers and people without medical education, including those with stroke. Most of the respondents believed that they knew how to prevent a stroke (over 80%) and would be able to provide first aid to a person with a stroke (over 90%). At the same time, the awareness of risk factors and stroke symptoms was low prior to the start of learning, even though the study included healthcare workers and stroke survivors. Online learning has led to increased awareness of some risk factors and stroke symptoms. Social media can be one of the tools for medical prevention of stroke in young people, but program planning should take into account the way the material is presented and its readability

    Effectiveness of cholecalciferol supplementation in a postmenopausal women sampling

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    The aim of the study - to evaluate the efficacy of correction of 25(OH)D insufficiency and deficiency after 6 months of oral cholecalciferol supplementation in late postmenopausal womenЦель исследования - оценить эффективность коррекции недостаточности и дефицита уровня 25(OH)D через 6 месяцев перорального применения холекальциферола у женщин поздней постменопауз

    Clinical and functional characteristics and comorbidity in postmenopausal patients taking low doses of cholecalciferol

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    The aim of the study was to assess the low doses cholecalciferol supplementation impact on the 25 (OH) D status, clinical and functional status and comorbidity in late postmenopausal residents of Ekaterinburg.Цель исследования — оценить влияние терапии низкими дозами холекальциферола на статус 25(OH)D, клинико-функциональные особенности и коморбидность пациенток поздней постменопаузы, проживающих в г. Екатеринбург