10 research outputs found

    Die italienische Okkupation Sloweniens, Dalmatiens, Montenegros und des Kosovo 1941 - 1943

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    1941 schlitterte Italien mit der Besetzung weiter Teile Jugoslawiens in einen Konflikt hinein, den es bis zu seiner Kapitulation 1943 weder zu gewinnen, noch zu kontrollieren vermochte. Die UmstĂ€nde, welche zu einem politischen und militĂ€rischen Desaster fĂŒr Italien am Balkan fĂŒhrten, sind komplex und auf verschiedene Faktoren zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Die verschiedenen Interessen der italienischen Machthaber am Balkan und in Rom fĂŒhrten in der gesamten Zeit der Okkupation zu widersprĂŒchlichen Äußerungen und Handlungen der einzelnen Akteure. In dieser Arbeit werden sowohl der militĂ€rische, als auch der politische Aspekt der italienischen Okkupation Sloweniens, Dalmatiens, Montenegros und des Kosovo behandelt und es wird auf verschiedenen Ebenen erklĂ€rt, warum die italienische Besatzung in diesen Gebiete in eine Katastrophe gemĂŒndet ist, welche zu einem großen Teil bis heute weder ĂŒberwunden noch aufgearbeitet werden konnte.When Italy occupied broad parts of Yugoslavia in 1941 it slid into a conflict that it could neither solve nor control until its surrender in 1943. The circumstances, which led to a political and military disaster for Italy on the Balkans, are complex and derive from various factors. During the entire occupation period various interests of the Italian ruling powers on the Balkans and in Rome led to contradictory utterances and operations by the individual actors. The current paper will deal with Italy’s occupation of Slovenia, Dalmatia, Montenegro and Kosovo with regard to military as well as political aspects. Furthermore, it will be illustrated on various layers why the Italian occupation in these regions resulted in a disaster which to a great extent could neither be reviewed nor overcome until today

    Die schwierige Versöhnung. Italien, Österreich und SĂŒdtirol im 20. Jahrhundert

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    Dieser Band ist das Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Historikern und wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in Österreich und Italien. Er umfasst zwei große Themenbereiche: die bilateralen Kontakte im 20. Jahrhundert zwischen den beiden NachbarlĂ€ndern sowie die Rolle der SĂŒdtirolfrage in diesem VerhĂ€ltnis. Im Dreieck Rom-Wien-Bozen werden die wichtigsten Schnittpunkte dieser fortwĂ€hrend aufrechterhaltenen Beziehung beleuchtet und zentrale Fragen der jĂŒngsten europĂ€ischen Geschichte untersucht: der Umgang mit nationalen Minderheiten, das Wirken autoritĂ€rer Regimes sowie die Demokratisierung und der Prozess der europĂ€ischen Integration. Ziel dieses Bandes ist es, den derzeitigen Forschungsstand abzubilden, mögliche neue Forschungsfelder zu eröffnen und dem historiografischen Dialog zwischen Rom und Wien neue Impulse zu verleihen

    A Forgotten Protagonist of European Communism: Franz Marek and the Transnational Communist Debate

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    This article provides an analysis of the relations and influences between a forgotten protagonist of transnational communism in the twentieth century, the Austrian Franz Marek, and the Italian Communist Party (PCI). By tracing these very relations, it is possible to understand the importance of transnational political and intellectual networks for the international communist movement. Focusing on the period ranging from 1945 to Marek’s death in 1979, the article interprets the importance of Marek as a Marxist intellectual and political figure in Europe. From his prominent role in the Austrian Communist Party, to his engagement in theoretical discussions, Marek’s life was that of a fervent Marxist. Whether as a political interlocutor or Marxist philosopher and theorist, in both cases the PCI was interested in the words of Franz Marek and fascinated by his theoretical thoughts. His studies of Gramsci were the proverbial cherry on the cake. Not only did he not become an outlaw when ousted from the Austrian Communist Party in 1970, the exchange continued to intensify, and he was involved to some extent in all theoretical discussions of the PCI, even though this posed a problem for many a brother party

    Persecution, Displacement, Internment: World War II and the «Axis» Powers in Slovenia (1941-1943)

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    This article will focus on population shifts, persecution and forced displacements in Slovenia between 1941 and 1943. It will therefore consider the period of Italian occupation and what these phenomena meant in the larger context of Italian occupation policies and the interactions with its allies in former Yugoslavia. By doing so, the article will add to our understanding of the war scenario in Slovenia and Yugoslavia and to our knowledge of relations between the «Axis» powers, as well as the interconnectedness of different policies during the war. This is a good example for the situation created in Yugoslavia during World War II, as it portrays on the one hand, policies implemented by Italy and Germany to achieve their respective goals of Italianization and Germanization of their occupation zones, and, on the other hand, what repercussions those policies had on a much wider territory, including Croatia and Serbia

    Comunismi di frontiera. L’Alto Adige e la Venezia Giulia in una prospettiva transnazionale

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    By comparing the consequences of post-war events on the communist world of the Julian March and South Tyrol, the essay illustrates the different perspectives of the communist parties involved in the cross-country region between Austria, Italy and Yugoslavia. At the heart of the analysis is the PCI’s strategy towards the two border regions. The Italian party sought to establish and legitimize itself as a political force in two regional scenarios. In the Julian March and Trieste, the obstacles presented to the PCI were manifold. This was due to the very dynamic foreign policy of the Government in Belgrade and its longa manus in the region, the Slovene CP, which intended to incorporate the entire Julian March into Socialist Yugoslavia. The situation in South Tyrol was very different: here, the PCI first chose a policy of strength, especially towards the initial antagonism of the Austrian CP

    Introduzione. Comunismi di frontiera. I partiti comunisti nell’area Alpe-Adria 1945-1955

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