3 research outputs found

    Strategy for Sustainable Development and Utilization of Sheep and Goat Resources in Serbia

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    The aims of this study were to determine the status of small ruminant production in Serbia and to provide projections for their sustainable use with optimal strategy of genetic improvement of sheep and goats in the future. For sustainable sheep and goat production, it is necessary to know a number of biological, technological, organizational and market factors. Number of sheep in Serbia during the past two decades fell by about 20%.  This  country grows more than 1.7 million sheep. In terms of breed structures, most of the populations are indigenous Pramenka sheep (80%), while the remaining 20% are Tsigai, Merinolandschaf, Ile de France, Pirot improved, Mis sheep, and other less important populations, as well as the crossbreed with foreign and domestic sheep. Interest of goat rearing is constantly increasing in last years for 20-30%.  In regard to the breed structure, the least represented are goats of Alpine breed – approx. 2- 3%, White Serbian goat - 15%, different types of crosses – approx. 35% same as goats of low land Balkan type, and approx. 12% of high land Balkan type. Strategy of sheep and goat breeding programs in Serbia is focused on the improvement of indigenous breeds, because they are less demanding, and most importantly, the input is lower and their products have higher quality. Keywords: sheep; goat; sustainable; resources; meat; mil


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    Qualitative traits are determined by one or more hereditary factors, and the influence of the environment on their variability is very small. In the case of traits whose hereditary basis is the result of the action of several genes, a qualitative form of inheritance also occurs. On that occasion, one or several genes appear with very clear effects, while the influence of other genes is insignificant. Breeding and selection of sheep depending on the nature of gene interaction, quantitative traits are inherited according to the type of additive, dominant and epistatic principles. Traditional methods of sheep breeding are increasingly complemented by modern selection methods-DNA analyses, in order to detect genes that influence the expression of certain production traits, or are located in the genome near the place responsible for a given trait. We will briefly discuss these problems

    On the origin of European sheep as revealed by the diversity of the Balkan breeds and by optimizing population-genetic analysis tools

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    Background: In the Neolithic, domestic sheep migrated into Europe and subsequently spread in westerly and northwesterly directions. Reconstruction of these migrations and subsequent genetic events requires a more detailed characterization of the current phylogeographic differentiation. Results: We collected 50 K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) profiles of Balkan sheep that are currently found near the major Neolithic point of entry into Europe, and combined these data with published genotypes from southwest-Asian, Mediterranean, central-European and north-European sheep and from Asian and European mouflons. We detected clines, ancestral components and admixture by using variants of common analysis tools: geography-informative supervised principal component analysis (PCA), breed-specific admixture analysis, across-breed f 4 profiles and phylogenetic analysis of regional pools of breeds. The regional Balkan sheep populations exhibit considerable genetic overlap, but are clearly distinct from the breeds in surrounding regions. The Asian mouflon did not influence the differentiation of the European domestic sheep and is only distantly related to present-day sheep, including those from Iran where the mouflons were sampled. We demonstrate the occurrence, from southeast to northwest Europe, of a continuously increasing ancestral component of up to 20% contributed by the European mouflon, which is assumed to descend from the original Neolithic domesticates. The overall patterns indicate that the Balkan region and Italy served as post-domestication migration hubs, from which wool sheep reached Spain and north Italy with subsequent migrations northwards. The documented dispersal of Tarentine wool sheep during the Roman period may have been part of this process. Our results also reproduce the documented 18th century admixture of Spanish Merino sheep into several central-European breeds. Conclusions: Our results contribute to a better understanding of the events that have created the present diversity pattern, which is relevant for the management of the genetic resources represented by the European sheep population