261 research outputs found

    Positive Feedback between Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plants Influences Plant Invasion Success and Resistance to Invasion

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    Negative or positive feedback between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and host plants can contribute to plant species interactions, but how this feedback affects plant invasion or resistance to invasion is not well known. Here we tested how alterations in AMF community induced by an invasive plant species generate feedback to the invasive plant itself and affect subsequent interactions between the invasive species and its native neighbors. We first examined the effects of the invasive forb Solidago canadensis L. on AMF communities comprising five different AMF species. We then examined the effects of the altered AMF community on mutualisms formed with the native legume forb species Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl. and on the interaction between the invasive and native plants. The host preferences of the five AMF were also assessed to test whether the AMF form preferred mutualistic relations with the invasive and/or the native species. We found that S. canadensis altered AMF spore composition by increasing one AMF species (Glomus geosporum) while reducing Glomus mosseae, which is the dominant species in the field. The host preference test showed that S. canadensis had promoted the abundance of AMF species (G. geosporum) that most promoted its own growth. As a consequence, the altered AMF community enhanced the competitiveness of invasive S. canadensis at the expense of K. striata. Our results demonstrate that the invasive S. canadensis alters soil AMF community composition because of fungal-host preference. This change in the composition of the AMF community generates positive feedback to the invasive S. canadensis itself and decreases AM associations with native K. striata, thereby making the native K. striata less dominant

    A New Species of the Genus Sinomicrurus Slowinski, Boundy and Lawson, 2001 (Squamata: Elapidae) from Hainan Province, China

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    A new species of the coral snake genus Sinomicrurus is described based on four specimens from southern Hainan Island (three specimens from Tianchi, Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, one specimen from Diaoluoshan National Nature Reserve), Hainan Province, China. Morphologically, the new species is rather similar to Sinomicrurus kelloggi. However, it is distinct from S. kelloggi by the pattern on the head, the head length, head length/width, the number of infralabial scales, number of bands on dorsal body, and number of blotches on the belly

    Orca: A Few-shot Benchmark for Chinese Conversational Machine Reading Comprehension

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    The conversational machine reading comprehension (CMRC) task aims to answer questions in conversations, which has been a hot research topic in recent years because of its wide applications. However, existing CMRC benchmarks in which each conversation is assigned a static passage are inconsistent with real scenarios. Thus, model's comprehension ability towards real scenarios are hard to evaluate reasonably. To this end, we propose the first Chinese CMRC benchmark Orca and further provide zero-shot/few-shot settings to evaluate model's generalization ability towards diverse domains. We collect 831 hot-topic driven conversations with 4,742 turns in total. Each turn of a conversation is assigned with a response-related passage, aiming to evaluate model's comprehension ability more reasonably. The topics of conversations are collected from social media platform and cover 33 domains, trying to be consistent with real scenarios. Importantly, answers in Orca are all well-annotated natural responses rather than the specific spans or short phrase in previous datasets. Besides, we implement three strong baselines to tackle the challenge in Orca. The results indicate the great challenge of our CMRC benchmark. Our datatset and checkpoints are available at https://github.com/nuochenpku/Orca.Comment: 14 page

    Construction of a camelid VHH yeast two-hybrid library and the selection of VHH against haemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein of the Newcastle disease virus

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    Humoral immune response after immunization. Sera from IIama was collected, two-fold diluted and tested by HI using LaSota as antigen. Figure S1 Amplification of VHH through a nested PCR. (A) First round PCR to separate VH from VHH. The upper 900 bp bands represent the VH-CH1-Hinge-CH2 of conventional Abs (lane 1–8). The lower 600 bp bands represent the VHH-Hinge-CH2 of HCAbs (lane 1–8). (B) VHH amplified through nested PCR using 600 bp fragment recovered from first round PCR as template (lane 1–4). M in A and B was the DL2000 DNA marker. C in A and B represent the negative control. Figure S2 PCR identification of inserted VHH. 47 clones were randomly picked to determine the library functional diversity by PCR using universal primers T7 and 3’AD (Table 1). Meanwhile, Sterile water was used as negative controls. 45 clones have amplified the 500 bp VHH fragments (lane 1–47), while negative templates control haven’t amplified any bands (lane C). M indicated the DL2000 DNA marker. Figure S3 Detection of library capacity and library titer. (A) 10-3 dilution plating of the transformed cells calculated a library capacity of 1.25 × 107 independent clones. (B) 10-5 dilution plating of the cultured library indicated a library titer of 3.45 × 108 cfu/mL. Figure S4 Deduced amino acid aligment of 10 random picked VHH. Deduced amino acid sequences were analyzed according to the Kabat numbering. Differences in the sequences are pinked, and the dash represent the missing sequences. Two hallmark Cys residues are labeled by the thick-line boxes. The four conservative hallmark residues of VHH in FR2 are labeled by the dotted line boxes. Figure S5 pGBKT7-HN bait plasmid construction. (A) PCR was carried out to amplify a truncate HN gene (without transmembrane region) from La Sota strain. M, 5000 DNA marker. 1, Truncate HN. C, Negative control. (B) A truncate HN was cloned into pGBKT7 through BamH I and Sal I. M, 5000 DNA marker. 1, Double restriction enzyme digestion of pGBKT7-HN. Figure S6 pHSIE-VHH plasmid construction. (A) 7 positive VHH fragment were amplified from recovered positive clones containing pGADT7-VHH by PCR. M, 5000 DNA marker. 1–7, VHH 1–7. C, Negative control. (B) Double restriction enzyme digestion of pHSIE-VHHs. M, 5000 DNA marker. 1–7, pHSIE-VHH 1–7. Figure S7 Western blot analysis of bait protein expression. 2 mL of Y2HGold(pGBKT7-HN) culture liquid was extracted using yeast protein extraction reagent (Takara). c-Myc tag monoclonal antibody (1:4000 dilution) was used as first antibody and HRP-labeled goat anti-mouse antibody (1:5000) was used as second antibody. The immunoreactive was visualized with cECL Plus Western blotting detection reagent (CWBIO). (DOC 1129 kb

    Parameter identification of PEMFC via feedforward neural network-pelican optimization algorithm

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    Parameter identification is a critical task in the research of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), which provides the basis for establishing an accurate and reliable PEMFC model. However, the nonlinear characteristics of PEMFC model as well as inevitable noise data and insufficient measurement data often overwhelm traditional optimization techniques. In particular, noise data and inadequate measurement data can introduce bias or lead to data loss. To address this problem, a novel hybrid optimization strategy is proposed. Firstly, a feedforward neural network (FNN) is employed to preprocess the measured data (i.e., reducing noise data and enriching measurement data). Furthermore, Gaussian noise and Rayleigh noise with three signal-to-noise ratio levels are introduced to simulate various disturbances of noise. Then, the pelican optimization algorithm (POA) is used to identify the parameters of PEMFC based on preprocessed data. Lastly, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy named FNN-POA is verified by comparing it with seven advanced competitive algorithms. Simulation results demonstrate that FNN-POA has higher robustness and optimization quality by comparing original data and preprocessed data. For instance, the root-mean-square error obtained by FNN-POA is reduced by 99.44% under medium temperature and medium pressure through noise reduction
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