2,262 research outputs found

    Il senso del lavoro e il suo contesto. Una rilettura di Bartleby lo scrivano di Hermann Melville.

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    Attraverso una rilettura critica del noto racconto di Herman Melville Bartleby lo scrivano, viene proposta una chiave di comprensione psico-antropologica delle condotte lavorative, delle relazioni nei contesti lavorativi e delle loro ricadute psicopatologi che. In particolare viene avanzata una lettura che connette i comportamenti e le relazioni lavorative quali esiti della difficoltĂ  dei singoli nella mentalizzazione dei modelli ideologico-culturali che li determinano in un dato momento storico. Viene criticata una lettura, tendenzialmente presente in psicologia clinica e in psicologia del lavoro, in chiave riduttivamente individualistica, la quale attribuisce al singolo presunti deficit psichici ricercando le cause, e gli antecedenti delle condotte disadattive delle formazioni psicopatologiche, nella sola storia personale e individuale dei soggetti

    The Interplay between PP2A and microRNAs in Leukemia

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    Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a serine/threonine phosphatase family whose members have been implicated in tumor suppression in many cancer models. In many cancers, loss of PP2A activity has been associated with tumorigenesis and drug resistance. Loss of PP2A results in failure to turn off survival signaling cascades that drive drug resistance such as those regulated by Protein Kinase B (AKT). PP2A is responsible for modulating function and controlling expression of tumor suppressors such as p53 and oncogenes such as BCL2 and MYC. Thus PP2A has diverse functions regulating cell survival. The importance of microRNAs (miRs) is emerging in cancer biology. A role for miR regulation of PP2A is not well understood however recent studies suggest a number of clinically significant miRs such as miR-155 and miR-19 may include PP2A targets. We have recently found that a PP2A B subunit (B55a) can regulate a number of miRs in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. The identification of a miR/PP2A axis represents a novel regulatory pathway in cellular homeostasis. The ability of miRs to suppress specific PP2A targets and for PP2A to control such miRs can add an extra level of control in signaling that could be used as a rheostat for many signaling cascades that maintain cellular homeostasis. As such, loss of PP2A or expression of miRs relevant for PP2A function could promote tumorigenesis or at least result in drug resisatnce. In this review, we will cover the current state of miR regulation of PP2A with a focus on leukemia. We will also briefly discuss what si known of PP2A regulation of miR expression

    Appellate Mediation - Settling the Last Frontier of ADR

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    This Article explores several pioneering efforts to settle the last frontier of alternative dispute resolution (ADR): the American appellate judicial process. It begins is Part II with a description of California\u27s historical flirtation with appellate mediation. The effort has blossomed into an enduring relationship producing several permanent, and mature, appellate mediation programs, including in the First District where the Author\u27s own court is located. Part II also discussed the programs implemented by these California sibs, not only to highlight their commonality, but also to illuminate differences. These similarities and differences become important when a critical gaze is cast at the performance results of these California appellate mediation programs. Part III looks at the most developed appellate mediation programs in other jurisdictions, including one in the federal court system. Part IV discusses the perceived advantages of the most important and common programmatic features. These include making participation in court-sponsored appellate mediation mandatory, diverting cases into mediation before briefing, using dedicated, experienced staff to manage the court\u27s program, relying on trained, experienced mediators, and using case selection criteria rather than relying on random case selections. The Article goes on intrepidly to offer conclusions about what types of appeals seem to settle most often, and why. Part IV concludes with a short discourse on the future of appellate mediation for the American system of appellate justice

    Newsman\u27s Immunity Statute--A Comparison of Legislative Intent to Statutory Form

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    The purpose of this Article will be to evaluate the need to protect the identity of sources of information from disclosure by extending the immunity statute to both newsmen and their sources. Also to be considered is the equally basic need to protect society from abuse of the immunity by unknown libelers and the infringements placed on the interests of justice by such an extension of the statute

    Distribuzione di S.coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) e T. truncatus (Montagu, 1821)nel Tirreno settentrionale: variabilitĂ  spazio-temporale e correlazione con i fattori ambientali

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    Il progetto di monitoraggio dei cetacei nel Tirreno settentrionale, nato nel febbraio 2008 dalla collaborazione dell’Università di Pisa con l’ISPRA, e altri Enti, ha permesso di ottenere indici di abbondanza delle diverse specie di cetacei presenti nell’area, di valutare la loro distribuzione e di monitorarne le variazioni durante tutto l’arco dell’anno, comparando il dato negli anni e in diverse aree. Il progetto prevede l’uso dei traghetti di linea della Corsica & Sardinia Ferries come piattaforma d'osservazione, da cui sono effettuati gli avvistamenti con il metodo del transetto lineare adattato su rotta fissa. Il lavoro di osservazione svolto in campo lungo la tratta Livorno-Bastia nel Tirreno settentrionale ha permesso di valutare la frequenza di avvistamento e la distribuzione delle diverse specie di cetacei nell’area indagata durante le tre annualità di monitoraggio complete (2008-2010); i risultati ottenuti forniscono un quadro di medio-lungo termine utile anche per un’analisi stagionale della presenza dei cetacei, per valutare migrazioni ed eventuali variazioni nella distribuzione spaziale. Dopo la rielaborazione dei dati ottenuti, si vuole correlare la presenza dei cetacei ai diversi fattori ambientali: fattori abiotici, come i parametri oceanografici (batimetria, pendenza, distanza dalla costa, temperatura dell'acqua, ecc.), fattori biotici, come la clorofilla, la fauna ittica o fattori antropici come il traffico navale.Dai risultati ottenuti nel corso degli anni le specie più abbondanti sono risultate la Stenella coeruleoalba e il Tursiops truncatus; l’obiettivo di questo lavoro è di analizzarne la distribuzione nel Tirreno settentrionale, correlando i dati ottenuti con il monitoraggio degli animali con i parametri fissi e variabili che ne possono influenzare la distribuzione e cercando di trarre conclusioni attendibili anche grazie al confronto con le altre specie presenti e in special modo con Balaenoptera physalus

    L’analisi delle simbolizzazioni affettive delle Aree Naturali Protette per un turismo responsabile. Il caso studio delle Riserva Naturale Orientata dello Zingaro.

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a research on responsible tourism in protected areas, through the case study of Zingaro Nature Reserve (Sicily). The main objectives of this study were to examine the so-called collusive processes elaborated by different stakeholder of natural protected area and to propose strategies and guidelines for intervention in the perspective of sustainable development and responsible use of the local tourist activities, based on the results. The methodology applied was Emotional Analysis of the Text (EAT) that allowed to investigate the emotional representations and the expectations of stakeholders, through the study of co-occurrances of the so-called dense words, using the statistical software for textual analysis T-LAB

    Chapter Assessment of the ecological status of Sicilian coastal waters according to a macroalgae based index (CARLIT)

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    In the frame of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC), a macroalgae based index (CARLIT) was applied along the Sicilian coastal water bodies (WBs) in order to assess for the first time their ecological status and collect accurate information on the distribution and abundance of shallow-water communities, especially of those most sensitive. The ecological quality ratio values, sensu WFD, showed “high”/“good” levels in all WBs with lushy forests of Cystoseira amentacea except two with “moderate” level due to the presence of stress-tolerant species related to local factors
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