238 research outputs found

    Transport of magnetoexcitons in single and coupled quantum wells

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    The transport relaxation time Ο„(P)\tau (P) and the mean free path of magnetoexcitons in single and coupled quantum wells are calculated (PP is the magnetic momentum of the magnetoexciton). We present the results for magnetoexciton scattering in a random field due to (i) quantum well width fluctuations, (ii) composite fluctuations and (iii) ionized impurities. The time Ο„(P)\tau(P) depends nonmonotonously on PP in the case (ii) and in the cases (i), (iii) for D/lD/l smaller than some critical value (DD is the interwell separation, l=ℏc/eHl=\sqrt{\hbar c/eH} is the magnetic length). For D/l≫1D/l\gg 1 the transport relaxation time increases monotonously with PP. The magnetoexciton mean free path Ξ»(P)\lambda (P) has a maximum at Pβ‰ 0P\ne 0 in the cases (i), (iii). It decreases with increasing D/lD/l. The mean free path calculated for the case (ii) may have two maxima. One of them disappears with the variation of the random fields parameters. The maximum of Ξ»(P)\lambda (P) increases with HH for types (i,iii) of scattering processes and decreases in the case (ii).Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures in EPS format; Physica Scripta (in print

    Differential Phosphorylation of Ribosomal Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana Plants during Day and Night

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    Protein synthesis in plants is characterized by increase in the translation rates for numerous proteins and central metabolic enzymes during the day phase of the photoperiod. The detailed molecular mechanisms of this diurnal regulation are unknown, while eukaryotic protein translation is mainly controlled at the level of ribosomal initiation complexes, which also involves multiple events of protein phosphorylation. We characterized the extent of protein phosphorylation in cytosolic ribosomes isolated from leaves of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana harvested during day or night. Proteomic analyses of preparations corresponding to both phases of the photoperiod detected phosphorylation at eight serine residues in the C-termini of six ribosomal proteins: S2-3, S6-1, S6-2, P0-2, P1 and L29-1. This included previously unknown phosphorylation of the 40S ribosomal protein S6 at Ser-231. Relative quantification of the phosphorylated peptides using stable isotope labeling and mass spectrometry revealed a 2.2 times increase in the day/night phosphorylation ratio at this site. Phosphorylation of the S6-1 and S6-2 variants of the same protein at Ser-240 increased by the factors of 4.2 and 1.8, respectively. The 1.6 increase in phosphorylation during the day was also found at Ser-58 of the 60S ribosomal protein L29-1. It is suggested that differential phosphorylation of the ribosomal proteins S6-1, S6-2 and L29-1 may contribute to modulation of the diurnal protein synthesis in plants

    Normal-Conducting Separation and Compensation Dipoles for the LHC Experimental Insertions

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    The experimental insertions of the LHC make use of normal-conducting magnets to provide for part of the beam separation and to compensate the effect of two large spectrometer dipoles. Three different types with respect to the length were designed and are based on the same type of lamination. The main type of magnet MBXW has a core length of 3.4 m while the MBXWT and MBXWS magnets are 1.5 m and 0.75 m long versions respectively. The magnet design was done in collaboration between CERN and BINP and the dipole magnets are produced by BINP. So far all three MBXWS magnets, all three MBXWT magnets and fifteen of twenty-nine MBXW magnets have been manufactured and delivered to CERN. The report presents the main design issues and results of the acceptance tests including mechanical, electrical and magnetic field measurements

    Fin development in a cartilaginous fish and the origin of vertebrate limbs

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    Recent fossil finds and experimental analysis of chick and mouse embryos highlighted the lateral fin fold theory, which suggests that two pairs of limbs in tetrapods evolved by subdivision of an elongated single fin1. Here we examine fin development in embryos of the primitive cartilaginous fish, Scyliorhinus canicula (dogfish) using scanning electron microscopy and investigate expression of genes known to be involved in limb positioning, identity and patterning in higher vertebrates. Although we did not detect lateral fin folds in dogfish embryos, Engrailed-1 expression suggests that the body is compartmentalized dorso-ventrally. Furthermore, specification of limb identity occurs through the Tbx4 and Tbx5 genes, as in higher vertebrates. In contrast, unlike higher vertebrates, we did not detect Shh transcripts in dogfish fin-buds, although dHand (a gene involved in establishing Shh) is expressed. In S. canicula, the main fin axis seems to lie parallel to the body axis. 'Freeing' fins from the body axis and establishing a separate 'limb' axis has been proposed to be a crucial step in evolution of tetrapod limbs2, 3. We suggest that Shh plays a critical role in this process

    Fast, automated measurement of nematode swimming (thrashing) without morphometry

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    Background: The "thrashing assay", in which nematodes are placed in liquid and the frequency of lateral swimming ("thrashing") movements estimated, is a well-established method for measuring motility in the genetic model organism Caenorhabditis elegans as well as in parasitic nematodes. It is used as an index of the effects of drugs, chemicals or mutations on motility and has proved useful in identifying mutants affecting behaviour. However, the method is laborious, subject to experimenter error, and therefore does not permit high-throughput applications. Existing automation methods usually involve analysis of worm shape, but this is computationally demanding and error-prone. Here we present a novel, robust and rapid method of automatically counting the thrashing frequency of worms that avoids morphometry but nonetheless gives a direct measure of thrashing frequency. Our method uses principal components analysis to remove the background, followed by computation of a covariance matrix of the remaining image frames from which the interval between statistically-similar frames is estimated. Results: We tested the performance of our covariance method in measuring thrashing rates of worms using mutations that affect motility and found that it accurately substituted for laborious, manual measurements over a wide range of thrashing rates. The algorithm used also enabled us to determine a dose-dependent inhibition of thrashing frequency by the anthelmintic drug, levamisole, illustrating the suitability of the system for assaying the effects of drugs and chemicals on motility. Furthermore, the algorithm successfully measured the actions of levamisole on a parasitic nematode, Haemonchus contortus, which undergoes complex contorted shapes whilst swimming, without alterations in the code or of any parameters, indicating that it is applicable to different nematode species, including parasitic nematodes. Our method is capable of analyzing a 30 s movie in less than 30 s and can therefore be deployed in rapid screens. Conclusion: We demonstrate that a covariance-based method yields a fast, reliable, automated measurement of C. elegans motility which can replace the far more time-consuming, manual method. The absence of a morphometry step means that the method can be applied to any nematode that swims in liquid and, together with its speed, this simplicity lends itself to deployment in large-scale chemical and genetic screens. </p

    Transgenic Zebrafish Recapitulating tbx16 Gene Early Developmental Expression

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    We describe the creation of a transgenic zebrafish expressing GFP driven by a 7.5 kb promoter region of the tbx16 gene. This promoter segment is sufficient to recapitulate early embryonic expression of endogenous tbx16 in the presomitic mesoderm, the polster and, subsequently, in the hatching gland. Expression of GFP in the transgenic lines later in development diverges to some extent from endogenous tbx16 expression with the serendipitous result that one line expresses GFP specifically in commissural primary ascending (CoPA) interneurons of the developing spinal cord. Using this line we demonstrate that the gene mafba (valentino) is expressed in CoPA interneurons

    Functional Conservation of Cis-Regulatory Elements of Heat-Shock Genes over Long Evolutionary Distances

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    Transcriptional control of gene regulation is an intricate process that requires precise orchestration of a number of molecular components. Studying its evolution can serve as a useful model for understanding how complex molecular machines evolve. One way to investigate evolution of transcriptional regulation is to test the functions of cis-elements from one species in a distant relative. Previous results suggested that few, if any, tissue-specific promoters from Drosophila are faithfully expressed in C. elegans. Here we show that, in contrast, promoters of fly and human heat-shock genes are upregulated in C. elegans upon exposure to heat. Inducibility under conditions of heat shock may represent a relatively simple β€œon-off” response, whereas complex expression patterns require integration of multiple signals. Our results suggest that simpler aspects of regulatory logic may be retained over longer periods of evolutionary time, while more complex ones may be diverging more rapidly
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