18 research outputs found

    Citizenship Policies Between Nation-State Building and Globalisation: Attitudes of the Decision Makers in Estonia

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    In the  following article, we examine the positions of the decision makers of Estonia on multiple and European  citizenship.  The  Estonian  case  ofers  good  opportunities  to  discuss  the  structuring  of  the feld of citizenship in the context of a country that is building up a European style nation-state but that has  to  simultaneously adjust  to  the changes  in  statehood usually  characterised as globalisation and Europeanisation. The article  is based on a survey conducted  in 2003-2004  in eight countries: Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Portugal and United Kingdom. We will frst briefy characterise the  socio-historical context of Estonian citizenship policies,  then discuss the  results of  the empirical research, relate these to wider trends and draw some conclusions

    Citizenship Policies Between Nation-State Building and Globalisation: Attitudes of the Decision Makers in Estonia

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    "In the following article, we examine the positions of the decision makers of Estonia on multiple and European citizenship. The Estonian case offers good opportunities to discuss the structuring of the field of citizenship in the context of a country that is building up a European style nation-state but that has to simultaneously adjust to the changes in statehood usually characterised as globalisation and Europeanisation. The article is based on a survey conducted in 2003-2004 in eight countries: Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Portugal and United Kingdom. We will first briefly characterise the socio-historical context of Estonian citizenship policies, then discuss the results of the empirical research, relate these to wider trends and draw some conclusions." (author's abstract

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