1,238 research outputs found

    The Quiet-Sun Photosphere and Chromosphere

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    The overall structure and the fine structure of the solar photosphere outside active regions are largely understood, except possibly important roles of a turbulent near-surface dynamo at its bottom, internal gravity waves at its top, and small-scale vorticity. Classical 1D static radiation-escape modelling has been replaced by 3D time-dependent MHD simulations that come closer to reality. The solar chromosphere, in contrast, remains ill-understood although its pivotal role in coronal mass and energy loading makes it a principal research area. Its fine structure defines its overall structure, so that hard-to-observe and hard-to-model small-scale dynamical processes are the key to understanding. However, both chromospheric observation and chromospheric simulation presently mature towards the required sophistication. The open-field features seem of greater interest than the easier-to-see closed-field features.Comment: Accepted for special issue "Astrophysical Processes on the Sun" of Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, ed. C. Parnell. Note: clicking on the year in a citation opens the corresponding ADS abstract page in the browse

    Addendum: "The Dynamics of M15: Observations of the Velocity Dispersion Profile and Fokker-Planck Models" (ApJ, 481, 267 [1997])

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    It has recently come to our attention that there are axis scale errors in three of the figures of Dull et al. (1997, hereafter D97). D97 presented Fokker-Planck models for the collapsed-core globular cluster M15 that include a dense, centrally concentrated population of neutron stars and massive white dwarfs, but do not include a central black hole. In this Addendum, we present corrected versions of Figures 9, 10, and 12, and an expanded version of Figure 6. This latter figure, which shows the full run of the velocity dispersion profile, indicates that the D97 model predictions are in good agreement with the moderately rising HST-STIS velocity dispersion profile for M15 reported by Gerssen et al. (2002, astro-ph/0209315). Thus, a central black hole is not required to fit the new STIS velocity measurements, provided that there is a sufficient population of neutron stars and massive white dwarfs. This conclusion is consistent with the findings of Gerssen et al. (2002, astro-ph/0210158), based on a reapplication of their Jeans equation analysis using the corrected mass-to-light profile (Figure 12) for the D97 models.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Aperture Increase Options for the Dutch Open Telescope

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    This paper is an invitation to the international community to participate in the usage and a substantial upgrade of the Dutch Open Telescope on La Palma (DOT, \url{http://dot.astro.uu.nl}). We first give a brief overview of the approach, design, and current science capabilities of the DOT. The DOT database (\url{http://dotdb.phys.uu.nl/DOT}) now contains many tomographic image sequences with 0.2-0.3 arcsec resolution and up to multi-hour duration. You are welcome to pull them over for analysis. The main part of this contribution outlines DOT upgrade designs implementing larger aperture. The motivation for aperture increase is the recognition that optical solar physics needs the substantially larger telescope apertures that became useful with the advent of adaptive optics and viable through the DOT's open principle, both for photospheric polarimetry at high resolution and high sensitivity and for chromospheric fine-structure diagnosis at high cadence and full spectral sampling. Realization of an upgrade requires external partnership(s). This report about DOT upgrade options therefore serves also as initial documentation for potential partners.Comment: in press,"Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas" (Coimbra), ASP 368, 573 (2007

    Convective Dynamos and the Minimum X-ray Flux in Main Sequence Stars

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate whether a convective dynamo can account quantitatively for the observed lower limit of X-ray surface flux in solar-type main sequence stars. Our approach is to use 3D numerical simulations of a turbulent dynamo driven by convection to characterize the dynamic behavior, magnetic field strengths, and filling factors in a non-rotating stratified medium, and to predict these magnetic properties at the surface of cool stars. We use simple applications of stellar structure theory for the convective envelopes of main-sequence stars to scale our simulations to the outer layers of stars in the F0--M0 spectral range, which allows us to estimate the unsigned magnetic flux on the surface of non-rotating reference stars. With these estimates we use the recent results of \citet{Pevtsov03} to predict the level of X-ray emission from such a turbulent dynamo, and find that our results compare well with observed lower limits of surface X-ray flux. If we scale our predicted X-ray fluxes to \ion{Mg}{2} fluxes we also find good agreement with the observed lower limit of chromospheric emission in K dwarfs. This suggests that dynamo action from a convecting, non-rotating plasma is a viable alternative to acoustic heating models as an explanation for the basal emission level seen in chromospheric, transition region, and coronal diagnostics from late-type stars.Comment: ApJ, accepted, 30 pages with 7 figure

    On a mechanism for enhancing magnetic activity in tidally interacting binaries

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    We suggest a mechanism for enhancing magnetic activity in tidally interacting binaries. We suppose that the deviation of the primary star from spherical symmetry due to the tidal influence of the companion leads to stellar pulsation in its fundamental mode. It is shown that stellar radial pulsation amplifies torsional Alfv{\'e}n waves in a dipole-like magnetic field, buried in the interior, according to the recently proposed swing wave-wave interaction (Zaqarashvili 2001). Then amplified Alfv{\'e}n waves lead to the onset of large-scale torsional oscillations, and magnetic flux tubes arising towards the surface owing to magnetic buoyancy diffuse into the atmosphere producing enhanced chromospheric and coronal emission.Comment: Accepted in Ap

    Stellar Iron Abundances: non-LTE Effects

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    We report new statistical equilibrium calculations for Fe I and Fe II in the atmosphere of Late-Type stars. We used atomic models for Fe I and Fe II having respectively 256 and 190 levels, as well as 2117 and 3443 radiative transitions. Photoionization cross-sections are from the Iron Project. These atomic models were used to investigate non-LTE effects in iron abundances of Late-Type stars with different atmospheric parameters. We found that most Fe I lines in metal-poor stars are formed in conditions far from LTE. We derived metallicity corrections of about 0.3 dex with respect to LTE values, for the case of stars with [Fe/H] ~ -3.0. Fe II is found not to be affected by significant non-LTE effects. The main non-LTE effect invoked in the case of Fe I is overionization by ultraviolet radiation, thus classical ionization equilibrium is far to be satisfied. An important consequence is that surface gravities derived by LTE analysis are in error and should be corrected before final abundances corrections. This apparently solves the observed discrepancy between spectroscopic surface gravities derived by LTE analyses and those derived from Hipparcos parallaxes. A table of non-LTE [Fe/H] and log g values for a sample of metal-poor late-type stars is given.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, ApJ style, accepte

    The system parameters of DW Ursae Majoris

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    We present new constraints on the system parameters of the SW Sextantis star DW Ursae Majoris, based on ultraviolet (UV) eclipse observations with the Hubble Space Telescope. Our data were obtained during a low state of the system, in which the UV light was dominated by the hot white dwarf (WD) primary. Eclipse analysis, using the full Roche lobe geometry, allows us to set firm limits on the masses and radii of the system components and the distance between them: 0.67 \leq M_1/M_sun \leq 1.06, 0.008 \leq R_1/R_sun \leq 0.014, M_2/M_sun > 0.16, R_2/R_sun > 0.28 and a/R_sun > 1.05. For q = M_2/M_1 < 1.5 the inclination must satisfy i > 71 degrees. Using Smith & Dhillon's mass-period relation for CV secondaries, our estimates for the system parameters become M_1/M_sun = 0.77 \pm 0.07, R_1/R_sun = 0.012 \pm 0.001, M_2/M_sun = 0.30 \pm 0.10, R_2/R_sun = 0.34 \pm 0.04, q =0.39 \pm 0.12, i = 82 \pm 4 degrees and a/R_sun = 1.14 \pm 0.06. We have also estimated the spectral type of the secondary, M3.5 \pm 1.0, and distance to the system, d =930 \pm 160 pc, from time-resolved I- and K-band photometry. Finally, we have repeated Knigge et al.'s WD model atmosphere fit to the low-state UV spectrum of DW UMa in order to account for the higher surface gravity indicated by our eclipse analysis. In this way we obtained a second estimate for the distance, d = 590 \pm 100 pc, which allows us to obtain a second estimate for the spectral type of the secondary, M7 \pm 2.0. We conclude that the true value for the distance and spectral type will probably be in between the values obtained by the two methods.Comment: 23 pages including 5 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    HST Observations of Chromospheres in Metal Deficient Field Giants

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    HST high resolution spectra of metal-deficient field giants more than double the stars in previous studies, span about 3 magnitudes on the red giant branch, and sample an abundance range [Fe/H]= -1 to -3. These stars, in spite of their age and low metallicity, possess chromospheric fluxes of Mg II (2800 Angstrom) that are within a factor of 4 of Population I stars, and give signs of a dependence on the metal abundance at the lowest metallicities. The Mg II k-line widths depend on luminosity and correlate with metallicity. Line profile asymmetries reveal outflows that occur at lower luminosities (M_V = -0.8) than detected in Ca K and H-alpha lines in metal-poor giants, suggesting mass outflow occurs over a larger span of the red giant branch than previously thought, and confirming that the Mg II lines are good wind diagnostics. These results do not support a magnetically dominated chromosphere, but appear more consistent with some sort of hydrodynamic, or acoustic heating of the outer atmospheres.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures, 7 tables, and accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Irradiation of the secondary star in X-ray Nova Scorpii 1994 (=GRO J1655--40)

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    We have obtained intermediate resolution optical spectra of the black-hole candidate Nova Sco 1994 in June 1996, when the source was in an X-ray/optical active state (R~15.05). We measure the radial velocity curve of the secondary star and obtain a semi-amplitude of 279+/-10 km/s; a value which is 30 per cent larger than the value obtained when the source is in quiescence. Our large value for K_2 is consistent with 60 +9,-7 per cent of the secondary star's surface being heated; compared to 35 per cent, which is what one would expect if only the inner face of the secondary star were irradiated. Effects such as irradiation-induced flows on the secondary star may be important in explaining the observed large value for K_2.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRA
