6 research outputs found

    STRATEGI PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN PERMUKIMAN KUMUH Kasus Pemukiman Bantaran Sungai Bengawan Solo, Kelurahan Pucangsawit, Surakarta

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    Inhabitants of slum area is one of the community who re marginal economically, socialy and politicaly. Complexity of the marginality has many problems when it does not manage properly. This create endemic problems in the community. The community can participate in all development steps, if they have enough capacity. Capacity building of the community need sustainability effort according to existing condition. Existing conditions can be elaborated by map potency, problems for developing strategy of communit empowerment. This research has some goals. Firsly, to descripe economicly, social condition of slum area at bantaran sungai Bengawan Solo, secondly, to get some s rategies that important for agenda in planning of Surakartaā€™s development program.This research is explorative steps with meta analysis tehnic, for can be identified inhabitans of slum area, problems and needing of problems solving

    The Role of Discretion in Handling COVID-19

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    Indonesia is now experiencing national disaster called covid-19 or corona outbreak. This case will be a kind of history in the future to become a lesson for central or regional government in making public policy in emergency state. By facing the covid-19 outbreak, public officials must quickly resolve the problem. Discretion gives the opportunity for public officials to do free action to solve the urgent case. Public officials are given alternatives to reach the aim of public service by using discretion even though there is no regulation upon it. Moreover, we know that the implementation of discretion still remains several problems. This research used the literature study method with a qualitative research approach. It was based on several references in order to give the description of the discretion role in handling covid-19 outbreak. Theoretical reference in discussing discretion role was based on the study of journals, books, dan others. Being deeply studied, the discretion implementation of social distancing in big scale belongs to regulatory policy that needs social planning discretion. This type creates more different interests and contains a relatively high complexity. The result of study shows that the implementation of discretion is important because the main function of government is to serve the citizens in emergency state. Therefore, discretion becomes the effective and efficient choice. The integrity of discretion makers becomes one of the variable indicators in creating successful discretion. The government accountability needs to be explained to the society. Moreover, it can be studied more fairly

    Kontekstualisasi Model Sound Public Governance dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Penyelenggaraan Otonomi Daerah (Studi Kasus Kota Surakarta)

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tahun kedua dari penelitian yang mengangkat topik ā€œKontekstualisasi Model Sound Public Governance dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Penyelenggaraan Otonomi Daerah (Studi Kasus Kota Surakartaā€. Penelitian tahun pertama telah menghasilkan (1) model kontekstualisasi Sound Public Governance dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah; (2) buku materi best practice tata kelola kota yang berbasis public governance, sebagai buku bacaan pada diklat berjenjang atau diklat prajabatan PNS. Buku materi ini diserahkan kepada Badan Kepegawaian daerah Kota Surakarta dan Badiklat Provinsi Jawa Tengah.; (3) artikel yang diterbitkan pada Jurnal Nasional terakreditasi ā€œJurnal Sosial Politikā€ yang diterbitkan oleh FISIP Universitas Gadjah Mada; (4) Prosiding pada: (a) simposium nasional otonomi daerah kerjasama Dirjend Otonomi Daerah Kemendagri dan Universitas Tirtayasa Banten 24-26 Mei 2011; (b) Kongres Administrasi Negara ke IV di Makasar 7-8 Juli 2011. Pada tahun kedua ini, peneliti berusaha mendukung program Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi yaitu mengembangkan materi pengajaran berbasis hasil riset. Hasil penelitian tahun pertama menghasilkan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan kota, kepemimpinan daerah, dan relasi dengan warga kita (citizen) dalam hubungan komunikasi timbal balik dalam pembangunan kota. Prinsip-prinsip ini diintegrasikan ke dalam mata kuliah yang relevan, untuk jurusan Administrasi Negara, Komunikasi Masa, dan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Hasil tersebut memberi dasar untuk refleksi, sebagai bagian dari proses pembelajaran, dan memperluas pemahaman tentang public governance di kalangan generasi muda (mahasiswa) dan kaum akademisi, supaya dapar menguatkan implementasi kontekstual public governance. Isu-isu yang dikerangkakan secara umum dari penelitian tahun pertama: (1) Public Governance; (2) Komunikasi dalam Governance; (3). Governance dan Warga Negara Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif, karena bersifat menggali kebutuhan materi untuk menyusun buku referensi tentang governance dan menyamakan persepsi tentang komponen yang harus ditulis dalam bahan ajar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Teknik penggalian data melalui studi dokumen (silabus mata kuliah), studi pustaka (jurnal ilmiah dan buku text ilmiah) dan diskusi terfokus (dengan dosen pengampu mata kuliah terkait). Hasil penelitian tahun kedua adalah buku teks yang berjudul ā€œPUBLIC GOVERNANCE: Pemerintah dan Masyarakat Saling Menguatkan dalam Kepedulian dan Sinergitasā€. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian tahun kedua: (1) Praktik pengelolaan kota Surakarta (sebagai derah pengamatan penelitian) ternyata merefleksikan apa yang secara konseptual disebut sebagai public governance. Public governance adalah suatu konsep yang merepresentasikan kemampuan pemerintah membantu kemampuan warga masyarakatnya secara inklusif, tanpa diskriminasi, memenuhi kepuasan individual dan kemakmuran material; (2) Peran kepemimpinan menjadi isu kunci; untuk berkomunikasi secara politis dan manajerial dengan Satuan Kerja Perangkat daerah maupun dengan warga kota sehingga mampu menangkap public affairs dan public interest lebih tepat, demokratis, peduli, dan inklusif, sehingga mengkondisikan bertumbuhnya warga negara yang peduli; (3) Pertumbuhan warga negara yang peduli memerlukan sistem komunikasi dan informasi yang tanggap kebutuhan, transparan, cepat, dan mudah, antara pemerintah dan warga secara timbal balik

    Empowerment Program for A Poor Elderly Group in Boyolali, Indonesia

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    This study aimed to strengthen the participation of a poor elderly group in a community-based empowerment program at the PKH Elderly Garden located in Andong District, Boyolali Regency, Indonesia. Old age is the final stage of the human development cycle and is a natural and unavoidable process. Psychological, physical, social, and economic changes are experienced by the elderly. So far, there have not been many similar studies focusing on strengthening the participation of the elderly in the context of social change in development. Qualitative methods were used with a case study approach. The results demonstrated that social engagement was the most important social capital for optimizing roles, building trust, respecting differences, providing tolerance, and increasing self-confidence in empowering the elderly group. Participation of the elderly in the program could have a positive impact on their psychological, physical and socio-economic characteristics, through good communication, socialization, mobilization, and personal contribution. In addition, social assistants had an important role as enablers, facilitators, dynamists, mediators, and motivators. Keywords: elderly group, social engagement, community empowermen

    Community Marginalization as the Effect of Public Policy in Democratic Governance Era

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     Watu Ata natural reserve is a natural reserve located in Ngada of Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. Watu Ata natural reserve was established based on Ministry of Forestry’s Decree Number 432/Kpts-II/92. The policy impacts negatively on community marginalization, particularly the elimination of people from their previous cultivated land. This research aimed to analyze the community marginalization occurring as a result of the policy establishing Watu Ata forest area to be conservation area functioning as natural reserve. This research was conducted in two villages namely Inelika Village and Heawea Village. The research method employed was qualitative one with descriptive approach. The type of data used is primary and secondary data. Sampling technique employed was purposive sampling one. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and documentation. Technique of analyzing data used Miles and Huberman’s data analysis technique (data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification). The result of research showed that: 1) the form of marginalization the people felt surrounding Watu Ata natural reserve area was social exclusion from cultivated land. Social exclusion from cultivated land encountered by the people in Heawea and Inelika Villages impacts on other exclusion forms. 2) the attempt the people had taken to deal with marginalization was to establish an organization called PERMATA (Perhimpunan Masyarakat Watu Ata or Watu Ata People Association). The objective of getting fair distribution of forest resource and property certainty has not been achieved yet until today. In democratic governance era, government policy is ideally a dialogical product, government with community